biden approval rating rasmussen

Some readers wonderhow we come up with our job approval ratings for the presidentsince they often dont show as dramatic a change as some other pollsters do. That's according to the usually moderate Rasmussen . Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is among Republicans who have expressed concern that federal agents deliberately encouraged illegal and violent conduct on Jan?. And when asked who they . Likewise, majorities of every group 61% of whites, 62% of black voters and 64% of other minorities think it is at least somewhat likely that undercover government agents helped provoke the Capitol riot. Since May, it has hovered at levels around 36 percent. Never before has his overall rating shifted that much in a matter of weeks. (In the video, Mr Adams says he has been identifying as black for years now because he likes to be on the winning team.). Trump was eight points ahead of Biden at the beginning of their respective second year in office, and remained in the high 40s or low 50s to June 6, 2018, whereas Biden has been bottoming out in the high 30s, only once rising to a peak approval of 46 percent on Feb. 22. On January 8, the poll aggregate put gave Biden's an approval rating of 43.5 percent, vs. 51 percent who disapproved. Results are also compiled on a full-week basis and crosstabs forfull-week resultsare available forPlatinum Members. Polling dates. Thursday, January 12, 2023. Of course, what preserving democracy means to a Democrat and Trump-supporting Republican could be quite different things. In July, just 11% said they strongly approved of the job he was doing. Rasmussen now shows Trump's approval as 42% and disapproval at 55% Your browser does not support the

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