As there are many steps involved in the editorial process, this may in some cases take longer than you had anticipated. The original authors are given 10 days to respond. . This status will remain until an Editor takes an action in the system to change the status, usually inviting reviewers. The Alan Turing Institute, London, England, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, Springer Nature, 4 Crinan Street, London, UK, You can also search for this author in Decision sent to author NZip for reviewers To place the results below within the right context, we point out that this study suffered from a key limitation, namely that we did not have an independent measure of quality for the manuscript or a controlled experiment in which the same manuscript is reviewed under both peer review models. In your 'Author Main Menu' manuscripts appear in different folders as they pass through phases in the editorial process: The submission is waiting for you to complete the submission (or revision) process. Authors might choose SBPR when submitting their best work as they are proud of it and may opt for DBPR for work of lower quality, or, the opposite could be true, that is, authors might prefer to submit their best work as DBPR to give it a fairer chance against implicit bias. Finally, we investigated the uptake of the peer review models by country of the corresponding author for the entire portfolio, using data on all of the 106,373 manuscripts. We first analysed the demographics of corresponding authors that choose DBPR by journal group, gender, country, and institution group. You can see an example in the article above. 1991;81(5):104167. Table11 displays the accept rate by review type defined as the number of accepted papers over the total number of accepted or rejected papers. Brief definitions for each of the metrics used to measure the influence of our journals are included below the journal metrics. Because we were unable to independently measure the quality of the manuscripts, this quality-dependent selection, if present, remains undetermined in our study. At this point the status of your article will change to 'Completed' and no further modifications can be made in Editorial Manager. Posted by May 21, 2022 upphittade katter vstervik on jag har avslutat min anstllning autosvar engelska May 21, 2022 upphittade katter vstervik on jag har avslutat min anstllning autosvar engelska Abstract: The abstract not exceeding 150 words and preferably in . We investigated any potential differences in uptake depending on the journal tier. Based on the Nature Photonics Review Speed Feedback System, it takes authors 11.4 days to get the first editorial decision. This might be the result of editor bias towards the review model, of the fact that female authors select their best papers to be DBPR to increase their chances of being accepted, or both. If you choose to opt in, your article will undergo some basic quality controlchecks before being sent to theIn Reviewplatform. Goldin C, Rouse C. Orchestrating impartiality: the impact of blind auditions on female musicians. Concerning the institutions, we defined four categories according to their THE ranks and used these as a proxy for prestige: category 1 includes institutions with THE rank between 1 and 10 (corresponding to 7167 manuscripts, 6% of all manuscripts), category 2 is for THE ranks between 11 and 100 (25,345 manuscripts, 20% of all manuscripts), category 3 for THE ranks above 100 (38,772 manuscripts, 30% of all manuscripts), and category 4 for non-ranked institutions (57,170 manuscripts, or 45% of all manuscripts). Since the models showed a bad fit to the data according to accepted diagnostics criteria, further interpretation of the models is not warranted. All papers submitted from January 2016 qualify for this scheme. These reviewers then need sufficient time to conduct a thorough review on your manuscript. As described above, Nature Portfolio has produced the 2-year Median in the table below. Similar results are achieved if simpler logistic regression models are considered, such as review type modelled on journal tier and institution and review type modelled on journal tier only. Papers from more prestigious institutions are more likely to be sent to review than papers from less prestigious institutions, regardless of review type. botln botkyrka kommun. The corresponding author does not need to be the first author . 2006;295(14):167580. EDR is employed by Macmillan Publishers Ltd, which publishes the Nature-branded journals. In order to see whether the final decision outcome could be accurately predicted based on author and journal characteristics, we attempted to fit logistic regression models to the data. The journal Immediacy Index indicates how quickly articles in a journal are cited. A test for equality of proportions for groups 1 and 2 for SBPR papers returned a significant difference (2=331.62, df=1, p value <0.001); the same test for group 2 and group 3 for SBPR papers also returned a significant difference (2=464.86, df=1, p value <0.001). Hope everybody's doing well. How masked is the masked peer review of abstracts submitted to international medical conferences? California Privacy Statement, . It is calculated by multiplying the Eigenfactor Score by 0.01 and dividing by the number of articles in the journal, normalized as a fraction of all articles in all publications. However, we did not find a combination of predictors that led to a model with a good fit to the data. Therefore, in the DBPR case, we can conclude that there is a significant difference between the OTR rate of papers by male corresponding authors and the OTR rate of papers by female corresponding authors. 1 Answer to this question. An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript together with a 'Journal Publishing Agreement' form or a link to the online version of this agreement. Am Econ Rev. eLife. To ascertain whether indeed any referee bias is present, we studied the acceptance rate by gender and review type. 0000009854 00000 n We tested the null hypothesis that the populations (institution groups 1, 2, and 3) have the same proportion of accepted manuscripts for SBPR manuscripts with a test for equality of proportions (proportion of accepted manuscripts 0.49 for group 1, 0.44 for group 2, and 0.41 for group 3). Our commitment to early sharing and transparency in peer review inspires us to think about how to help our authors in new ways. Authors will get real time updates on their manuscripts progress through peer review in the private author dashboard. The submission process has completed with either an Accept or Reject decision. This process left 13,542 manuscripts without a normalised name; for the rest of the manuscripts, normalised institution names and countries were found, which resulted in 5029 unique institution names. All coauthors must agree to post a preprint and participate inIn Review. Nevertheless, the available data allowed us to draw conclusions on the uptake of the review models, as we detail below. Especially the status 'Under review' encompasses many steps; while it may appear your manuscript is not progressing through the editorial process, a lot of activities may be happening during this part of the review process. Decisions are to be made by consensus. If your manuscript is sent to reviewers, please share with the community how many days the evaluated process took by editor's office (not include the evaluated process of reviewers). How does the Article Transfer Service work for authors? Peer review times vary per journal. 0000003952 00000 n This first-of-its-kindoption, called In Review, brought to you by our partners at Research Square, makes it easy to share a preprint of your manuscript on the Research Square platform andgives you real time updates onyour manuscripts progress through peer review. If you have no email from the journal and have already checked the spam folder of your mailbox, you may check if the submission . Each indicates a particular phase of the review process that usually happens in a certain order, however an individual submission can skip a phase, or return back to an earlier phase, depending on Editor actions. Search. Corrected proofs returned by author 5. There is a small but significant association between institution group and acceptance (Pearsons chi-square test results: 2=49.651, df=3, p value <0.001, Cramers V=0.049). Nature CommunicationsNatureNature CommunicationsPeer-review Nature Communicationstransparent peer-reviewget Nature Communicationsget50% Nature Communicaitons So, in October 2018, we added a new . Posted by May 21, 2022 upphittade katter vstervik on jag har avslutat min anstllning autosvar engelska May 21, 2022 upphittade katter vstervik on jag har avslutat min anstllning autosvar engelska This first-of-its-kind option, called In Review, brought to you by our partners at Research Square, makes it easy . In order to see if institutional prestige played a role in the choice of review type by authors, we analysed the uptake by institution group for the entire portfolio. There, it will become a permanent part of the scholarly recordthat means that your manuscript will permanently remain publicly available, regardless of whether the journal you submitted it to accepts it or not. In the out-to-review analysis, we observed a significant difference between the OTR rate of papers by male and female corresponding authors of DBPR papers. 3. level 1. 2006;6:12747. Reviews for "Nature Communications" - Page 1 - SciRev 0000005880 00000 n Finally, editors need to assess these reviews and formulate a decision. However, we did not achieve a good fit, as per the binned plot of residuals against expected values, and the C-index (used to assess the discriminatory ability of standard logistic models) is 0.68, so well below the threshold of 0.8 for good fit. Tregenza T. Gender bias in the refereeing process? While these shortcomings of the data are beyond our control, we have made it clear in the Results section when and why we have excluded a subset of the dataset in each aspect of the analysis. The author can request that the deadline be extended by writing to the editor in advance. 0000006171 00000 n This page provides information on peer review performance and citation metrics for Nature Communications. We employed hypothesis testing techniques to test various hypotheses against the data. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the five previous years. These records are excluded from the analysis, resulting in a dataset of 128,454 records, of which 20,406 (16%) were submitted to Nature, 65,234 (51%) to the 23 sister journals, and 42,814 (33%) to Nature Communications. Based on these results, we cannot conclude whether the referees are biased towards gender. 0000011085 00000 n the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Thus, our unit of analysis is identified by three elements: the manuscript, the corresponding author, and the journal. We observed a trend in which the OTR rate for both DBPR and SBPR papers decreases as the prestige of the institution groups decreases, and we tested for the significance of this. Corresponding author defined. And here is a list of journals currently onIn Review. On this page you will find a suite of citation-based metrics for Nature Communications which provides an overview of this journal. 1 Answer to this question. Editorial contacts can be found by clicking on the "Help & support" button under the "For Authors" section of the journal's homepage as listed on SpringerLink Nature Portfolio Journals If you have previously submitted a paper to a Nature Portfolio journal and would like an update on the status of your submission, please login to the manuscript . Brown RJC. and JavaScript. In Review | SpringerNature | Authors | Springer Nature Am J Roentgenol. Manuscript Submission Guidelines: Natural Product Communications: SAGE This resulted in 17,379 (14%) instances of manuscripts whose corresponding author was female, 83,830 (65%) manuscripts with male corresponding author, and 27,245 (21%) manuscripts with gender NA. Post Decision Manuscripts Decision summarynature. Find submission status of your article / manuscript - Nature Support Decision Sent to Author 2020-07-09 08:38:16 Decision Pending 2020-06-29 08:28:42 Under Review 2020-06-25 09:38:03 Under Editorial Consideration 2020-06-23 10:09:56 Manuscript Submission 2020-04-09 14:44:05 Stage Start Date Manuscript Ready for Publication 2020-07-16 10:45:24 . A useful set of articles providing general advice about writing and submitting scientific papers can Manuscript # . GRID - Global Research Identifier Database. We found that 10 countries contributed to 80% of all submissions, and thus, we grouped all other countries under the category Others. This result does not change significantly if we focus on the three institution groups we defined (high-, medium-, and low-prestige), thus excluding the fourth group for which no THE rank was found (Pearsons chi-square test results: 2=49.405, df=2, p value <0.001, Cramers V=0.064), which means that authors from less prestigious institutions tend to be rejected more than authors from more prestigious institutions, regardless of review type. This study provides insight on authors behaviour when submitting to high-impact journals. Uses field-specific PhD-qualified editors, editing to quality standards set by Nature Research. . 2000;90(4):71541. We did not find a significant association between OTR and gender (Pearsons chi-square test results: 2=0.015641, df=1, p value=0.9005). Papers. Does "Decision Sent to Author " before the peer review stage - reddit Submission to first editorial decision - 8, Submission to first post-review decision - 46. 8. "This is an extension of the wisdom-of-crowds theory that allows us to relax the assumption that being in big groups is always the best way to make a . Cite this article. The study was designed to analyse the manuscripts submitted to Nature-branded journals publishing primary research between March 2015 (when the Nature-branded primary research journals introduced DBPR as an opt-in service) and February 2017. If the article is published, the preprint is updated with a link to the version of record. Comment on/see emerging science in full HTMLin both phone and desktop-friendly sizes, Find new discoveries with fully-indexed search, Gain insight into the peer review pipeline at participating journals, Authors original submitted version and all versions are released in real time as peer review progresses. Decision Summary. If an author believes the decision regarding their manuscript was affected by a publication ethics breach, . 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We also found that manuscripts from female authors or authors from less prestigious institutions are accepted with a lower rate than those from male authors or more prestigious institutions, respectively.
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