destiny 2 best stats for titan pve

While Hallowfire Heart is still a solid Exotic, the Phoenix Cradle legs or Loreley Splendor Helm are better. The Bastion Aspect gives an enhanced Overshield to any nearby allies when you use your Super or Barricade. Stay on the offensive, and youll smash through most activities with this build like a bolt from the blue. One thing that does carry over between the game modes is the importance of certain stats. This guide will show you the optimal setup for your ideal build. Thermite Grenades are great for clearing out fodder enemies, but you can use any grenade you like. You can swap out Seeking Wells for Elemental Ordnance if you want more Elemental Wells, and you can swap Well of Life for Font of Might for more weapon damage. Staying alive and keeping your team on their feet need not be mutually exclusive. Aspects for this build include Roaring Flames and Sol Invictus. Fragments are standard for a Void build. Its exotic perk Vengeance grants you an over-shield for defeating an opposing guardian. To learn more about our methodology, head to the bottom of the article. Destiny 2 is an online multiplayer first-person shooter game that is available on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. You also have a good defensive melee attack and grenades. Note: White represents Witch Queen Exotic, teal . Priority Stats: Player's PvE preference. We're using the same subclass configuration as our Shaxx's Disciple build. Loreley Splendor gives you Restoration whenever you cast your Barricade or take critical damage. Using the power of Heart of Inmost Light and Combat Style mods, you can create a Titan that has short ability cooldowns, inflicts volatile from everything they do, has multiple ways to instantly heal, all while working with every weapon loadout you can think of. Picking up an elemental well that matches your subclass energy type grants a temporary bonus to weapon damage of that same elemental type. Goal of the Build: This build is all about creating a mobile healing station for both you and nearby allies. This build uses Thermite Grenades, Throwing Hammer, Rally Barricade, and the Hammer of Sol Super. Glacier grenades and Howl of the Storm are great choices to help gain map control too. With your newfound stacks, Tarrabah's default mode will melt through enemies like they're nothing. Whether you're into any of the revamped 3.0 Subclasses or are still into Stasis, these builds have you covered. Melee again to land, causing all Scorched targets to Ignite. Explosive Wellmaker triggers off Ignites, grenade multikills, and Consecration multikills, stacking with Melee Wellmaker. New Weapons; . This is one of the easiest and most straightforward builds for Titan. Mandatory gear: This build focuses on ability uptime, and hence no weapons are mandatory. The gameplay loop is simple: Use both the Hoarfrost-Z and the glacier grenade to create a mass of stasis crystals. Defeating a jolted target creates an Ionic Trace. Doom Fang Pauldrons also buff your sentinel shield. Storm Grenades are absurdly good with this build, dealing as much damage as most DPS Supers in a single cast. Mandatory gear: Wormgod Caress is the only hard requirement here. PvE Players 1.7M. Mick Fraser Mick is an aficionado of shooters and RPGs,as you can tell from his guides on things like the best Destiny 2 armor. My squad' Titans usually run maxed out Resilience, and their secondary stat is usually preference. Your email address will not be published. Titans have struggled to keep up with the other classes, and Dunemarchers help to close that gap. Goal of the Build: The goal of this build is to get as many Supers as possible by using the Doom Fang Pauldron and Void 3.0. We prefer using the melee as a tool for applying pressure on Shotgun and Fusion rushers, proccing Radiant while Scorching all enemies in front of you. When your grenade energy is fully expended, you gain grenade energy. Paired with their great Aspects, you can drastically improve your neutral game and have some devastating abilities to counter Supers and CQC players. Its exotic perk, Cauterizing Flame, creates a sunspot upon barricade cast or when you are critically wounded. Spawn a Sunspot by defeating targets with Solar abilities or those that are Scorched. Loreley Splendor is perfect for the Crucible, giving you x2 Restoration for a few seconds when you reach critical health or cast your Barricade. This shard grants melee energy when picked up by you or your allies. Best Titan Builds for Gambit. The new thruster class ability adds a new level of movement to the class which has previously lacked behind the other classes. 70 resilience is a good benchmark because it brings your barricade down to a 25 second cooldown. This is great for quickly healing or weakening any Shotgun or Fusion Rifle users right on you. Weapons with Headstone work well with this build, taking full advantage of the Aspects and Fragments that you'll be using. 5. Now that you know what to look for, you need to figure out how to get your hands on it. Spam abilities to your heart's content, throw constant grenades, all while having virtually infinite HP. Beyond that, use any mods that you like or are meta for the given season. Tweaks to Stasis Aspects and Fragments in the 30th Anniversary Pack have made the Behemoth a joy to play in PvE. If you use Exotics like Heart of Inmost Light or . Reduces melee cooldown when using your class ability. The Titan in particular needs the right mixture of Aspects, Gear, and Abilities to withstand constant incoming damage while dishing out a decent amount back. - Ashen Wake Titan Build. And mod your armor to improve stats. The playstyle of this build revolves around the Heart of Inmost Light and maintaining high ability uptime. Kitchen-Potatoes 1 yr. ago. Should your allies have a similar setup, you'll become Charged with Light whenever they do. Aspects include Controlled Demolition and Offensive Bulwark. Titans are the heavyset heroes of the Destiny 2 world. Ember of the Empyrean allows you to maintain this restoration buff by chaining solar weapon kills to refresh the duration. Fragments such as Spark of Magnitude and Spark of Feedback enhance Arc titans ability to be a menace in close range. Shards will lower your grenade cooldown when breaking crystals, something you're always doing. This video will cover the entire process and explain a huge amount of information to you in the process. Support Titan builds typically revolve around placing the Ward of Dawn Super. Wave frame grenade launchers fit this task perfectly, but primary weapons with access to area-of-effect perks such as Voltshot or Incandescent work extremely well. Kinetic - Heritage. Titan mains that don't want to rely on gimmicks in PvP can't go wrong with this build. It also charges faster than Fists of Havoc. Recovery replaces Resilience as the most important stat. These Destiny 2 Void Titan builds take advantage of Aspects and Fragments, which grant players extreme character customisation flexibility. This Combat Style setup seems somewhat strange, but this is arguably the best Combat Style configuration for raw ability uptime. Having an overshield will help reduce your grenade cooldowns and give you an edge in 1v1 Primary duels. Tarrabah is highly underrated by the community and is downright overpowered with these boots. Throwing Hammer is a great pick for triggering Ember of Torches while dealing solid damage, although you can swap to Hammer Strike if you prefer. Finally, we use Thundercrash to shut down other Supers and to get easy multikills. Double Bomber is also great. The Helm of Saint-14 will improve your Ward of Dawn, while the One-Eyed Mask, Dunemarchers or Mask of the Quiet One are decent generic pieces. Kinetic weapons deal more damage to Stasis crystals and frozen targets. Using and striking enemies with your Throwing Hammer combined with the Impact Induction mod also helps shorten your grenade cooldown, which allows you to spam it after a few hits. Threaded Spike is the only melee option. Super: Ward of Dawn. Unfortunately, shatter kills don't count as grenade final blows for the purposes of Ashes to Assets or similar mods. Knockout gives you a means of restoring your HP, and Touch of Thunder makes your Storm Grenades roam around the battlefield, drastically improving their overall DPS. It is worth saving your weakening grenade and shield bash for when you encounter a more difficult opponent such as a champion or mini-boss. Since these boots work with any subclass, you can use any subclass that suits your playstyle. Beyond that, we use Well of Restoration twice to gain a ton of ability energy whenever we grab a shard. Other fragments such as Echo of Dilation strengthen the neutral game of this class. Stacks up to 3 times. Today we break down stats in Destiny 2 and tell you which ones are best for your class! We've updated all of our build guides with new formatting to be easier to follow and more closely reflect the mod overhaul that's coming with Lightfall. One of Destiny's most iconic subclasses, Sentinel has only gotten stronger since the release of Void 3.0. Enemies in front of you are Scorched. If you don't have Tarrabah, Igneous Hammer is a fantastic option that can active Burning Steps' damage perk. Roaring Flames is an Aspect that increases Solar damage. Storm Grenades count as explosive damage, so they can spawn Solar Wells. Use any weapon you like. Void buffs last longer, including your overshield. This build takes the defensive nature of the Behemoth to the extreme, utilizing Witch Queen's Hoarfrost-Z Exotic, Whisper of Rime, and Whisper of Chains Fragments to give yourself an immense amount of health. Fragments: Echo of Expulsion, Echo of . The aspects and fragments that are usually chosen in PvE also work well inside the crucible. Check out the breakdown below for the best stats to use for a Titan character in Destiny 2. Bottom Tree Sunbreaker might be the best Titan subclass and in this video . Destiny 2 Stats! This allows you to tailor your weapon choice to best fit the activity you are completing, such as weapons that have season champion mods. Monte Carlo, Traveler's Chosen, and One-Two Punch Shotguns have some clear synergy with this build, but none of those weapons are necessary. With Loreley Splendor, you are invincible in just about every activity in Destiny 2. Doing so will reward you with stronger abilities and very short cooldowns. The power is definitely there, it just didn't come as clearly as that of Void 3.0. Aspects are what you'd expect from a Sentinel build, utilizing Offensive Bulwark and Bastion to maximize your overshield uptime. Similar to the previous PvP build, this configuration gives you a massive +20 boost to your Mobility and Strength while granting a small damage buff upon grabbing an Orb of Power. You should always aim to get 100 Recovery or as close as possible. Hammer of Sol is great for killing adds and heavily damaging majors, all while spawning a copious number of Sunspots. - Cuirass of the Falling Star Titan Build. Here are our picks for the best Destiny 2 Titan builds that you can use to dominate both PvP and PvE events during Season of the Seraph. He's also a huge fan of Soulslikes and Metroidvania, because sometimes he likes to suffer for his passions. This completely flips an engagement into your team's favor, a situation where enemies typically rush you. Blistering is incredibly strong, granting a massive chunk of grenade energy when your Ignites kill something. Use Glacier Grenades. Striker (Arc) is a great choice here. Stats to Focus on For The Best Titan Builds in Destiny 2. Lightning Grenades are also an option if you don't like Storm Grenades. Torches gives you access to Radiant, something you can extend with Ember of Solace. Grenade: Axion Bolt (Tracking to take down or finish low HP enemies) Aspect #1: Offensive Bulwark. The extra source of instant restoration makes it very strong for 1v1 situations as opposing guardians have to hit additional shots in order to take you down. Slide and melee to consume your melee charge, launching yourself into the air. Since Consecration Ignites targets, your Consecration kills give grenade energy. But in our Destiny 2 Titan Build guide, well show you that, just like the Hunters and Warlocks, theres more to Titans than just hulking out. Shattering a Stasis crystal temporarily boosts your grenade recharge rate. With massive build changes right around the corner, now is the perfect time to experiment with your Titan and create some truly amazing builds for PvE and PvP. Destiny 2. Hit your melee input again to slam towards the ground, Igniting anything that was Scorched for massive damage. Defeating Scorched targets grants melee energy. It is important to note that while light level is important, it is not the sole stat to focus on for gear. Each defeated enemy consumes one stack of Charged with Light. Some great Titan Exotics include Dunemarchers, One-Eyed Mask, Heart of Inmost Light, and Peacekeepers (only if you're using an SMG). The Phoenix Cradles exotic perk Beacons of Empowerment, significantly buffs the sunspots created by Sol Invictus. Sometimes you just want to break things, and this build is perfect for that. Consecration is the star of the show, allowing you to uppercut your foes with your melee mid-slide. Or perhaps returning after a long time? Personal favorite of Deltia. Using your Throwing Hammer or grenade will spawn two Elemental Wells. NOW READ: Destiny 2 Best Warlock Build for Lightfall Best PvE and PvP Builds. Equip powerful Solar Exotic weapons like Sunshot or Jotunn, or Legendaries with the new Incandescent perk, to apply Scorch to enemies. Void Titan shines the most in smaller game modes such as Elimination, Competitive, and Trials. Whisper of Chains is a great choice as the extra resistance it provides can affect the optimal TTK of certain weapons used by your opponents. Hoarfrost-Z was the last piece Behemoths needed to fulfill their fantasy as a walking fortress of shattering carnage. If you prefer Fists of Havoc, Eternal Warrior is your best friend. The aspects are more tailored to PVE however arent awful in PVP. Additionally, we've updated most of our DIM Links and overhauled our PvE Volatile Light build to take full advantage of Repulsor Brace and Controlled Demolition, leading to a fantastic add-clearing build that will make Gyrfalcon Hunters jealous. This is a simple PvP build that uses the Striker subclass, Charged with Light mods, and good neutral game Exotics to give you powerful abilities and great weapon feedback. When your melee energy is fully expended, you gain melee energy. Power - The Lament. We'll be using Elemental Shards to proc Font of Might, seeing as we spawn so many of them. Shattering a Stasis crystal creates a Stasis shard. While you have an overshield, your grenades regenerate much faster, and your melee abilities have increased range and damage. We'll cover Aspects and Fragments in the next section. The Path of Burning Steps is required for this build. The strengths of the Stasis Titan are similar in PvE and PvP: Area denial and control. Use weapons that deal Solar damage. Use your solar abilities/weapons to create sunspots and move from sunspot to sunspot to have a constant source of Restoration. Sentinel (Void) is great for PvP. We then use Offensive Bulwark to greatly buff our melee damage and grenade cooldowns while we have an overshield, something we gain from Repulsor Brace and Shield Throw. The only hard requirement is the Heart of Inmost Light Titan exotic. Destiny 2 Lightfall Key takeaways. The sunspots last twice as long, and your fireteam members can now gain buffs when passing through them. Defeating targets with your grenade grants your Void weapons Volatile Rounds. Stats: Your priorities for this build will be to max out Resilience, Recovery, and Discipline for maximum durability and quick . Gear stats in Destiny 2 are fairly straightforward, simply aim for the best possible peak in certain stats. Mandatory gear: This build is all about the Lorely Splendor exotic helm, and hence this exotic piece is a must-have. What are the best PVE builds for this tough-as-nails class in Bungie's game? Every ability in your kit can generate Stasis Shards with this setup, granting HP and even overshields when grabbed. Just about every ability will generate Stasis Shards or crystals, pairing nicely with this build's Aspects and Fragments. Best Titan Build Destiny 2: PVE Build Guide [2023] Titan builds are in the meta in Destiny 2 this season. We recommend Momentum Transfer to quickly get Consecration up if you miss the uppercut and/or slam. Few arguments for Titan superiority are stronger than a well-equipped Sunbreaker. On top of that, it also provides an aura after you revive/get revived that grants you and nearby allies an overshield. Rally Barricade has the lowest cooldown, meaning you can trigger Loreley Splendor's Exotic perk more often. Void 3.0s Fragments are super useful for this build. This guide will give you two powerful Arc 3.0 builds in Destiny 2. For the moment, at least, the best stats to make use of for Titans are the same in PvE and PvP. In this article, I'll be going over a quick summary of the Best Ten Titan PvE Builds in Destiny 2 right now, before Beyond Light drops. Magnitude makes your Storm Grenades last longer, increasing their overall damage output. Casting your Super grants an overshield to nearby allies. Recovery is the best stat in the game regardless of class, as it's an even increase across the board. My resilience is only 10, though, as for some reason I am always unlucky with armour stat rolls. This increases both the damage and the regeneration of your abilities. With the Roaring Flames buff, your abilities will hit much harder and enable your punches you spawn Elemental Wells. Unlike hunters who need to make use of mobility, Titans do not need this and as a result, can make use of having recovery and resilience to make your character far more durable and able to take on enemies with minimal downtime to recover. More importantly, reviving a downed teammate or being revived yourself will effectively turn you into a mobile Well of Radiance, granting everyone a massive overshield for a few seconds. While you don't need Sol Invictus for Loreley to work, the extra Sunspot generation makes it a lot easier to stay alive. Ions will cause Storm Grenade kills to spawn Ionic Traces, granting ability energy when grabbed. This allows you to get the Restoration buff which regenerates your health and shields over time. Strand Titan's wields new Darkness power, a subclass that visually appears as green energy. Defeating scorched targets grants melee energy. Well be dealing with some endgame mods and items, but well try to avoid any super-rare drops. Solar kills have a chance of granting this buff as well. Fragments assist with buff and ability uptime. Alternatively, Synthoceps are the go-to Exotic for Titans who just want to punch holes in the world. This cannot be stopped by damage and only runs out when the buff itself runs out. If you need to get in touch for any reason, please use one of the links below. But no matter what class you choose in the game, you will still need to have an ideal build in order to make it work. Since Destiny 2 is a role-playing game, there are some stats associated with each and every class. Thanks to Season of the Splicer's Path of Burning Steps Exotic, Titans can counter Stasis while empowering their weapons with a massive damage buff. These builds are typically focused around PvE, but not this one. The Titan is an essential class in every fireteam in Destiny 2 . I've yet to see a high-mobility Titan. Combined with one of the best supers for elimination modes, Ward of Dawn, Void Titan has one of the best kits in the game. Loreley Splendor causes your Barricades to spawn a Sunspot, and taking critical damage will automatically spawn a Sunspot atop your current position. Whilst its effect is very niche, Roaring Flames can lead to some unexpected one-hit kills if enough kills are chained together. If you don't have a Repulsor Brace weapon yet, get this season's Veles-X Pusle Rifle[]. Healing Grenade gives you another means of healing if your Barricade is recharging, and Hammer Strike is easier to use in PvP than Throwing Hammer. It gives you an extra ranged attack for when youre hunkered behind cover. The fifth mod is up to you, although consider using another charge-generating mod like Quick Charge or Charge Harvester. Ember of Empyrean lets you extend the Restoration buff by killing enemies, and Singeing makes it so you can cast your Barricade far more often whenever you use your grenade. Fragments grant you infinite ability uptime. You also have a passive +20 boost to Mobility and Strength. Subclass: Sunbreaker - Hammer of Sol. Fragments that buff this, such as Ember of Solace, can be great to choose and build around. Controlled Demolition infuses your abilities with Volatile, even letting your Volatile explosions spread the debuff to nearby foes. Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability. Grenade: Incendiary grenade or Healing grenade. Shield Bash is a great movement and offensive tool, while your Barricade now grants overshields to yourself and allies. With constant Sunspots and Ignite kills, your Titan will have infinite abilities, healing, and Radiant in Destiny 2's hardest content. Feedback makes melee trading a thing of the past, allowing you to one-tap someone with Knockout and this Fragment active. Network N Media earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs. We recommend your Primary be Kinetic to make breaking Stasis crystals a little easier (see the next section). For the vast majority of titan players who do not have highly specific, tailored builds, the stats below will be perfect to use in PvP and PvE. Calling on fire and rage to reduce their enemies to smouldering ashes, theyre a menace in the field. The armor was added way back in 2018 during the Forsaken expansion and generally wasn't very popular, but its place in Destiny 2's PvE metagame soared in 2022 after The Witch Queen DLC overhauled . Now that Bungie has developed the Arc 3.0 and Solar 3.0 . Fragments allow you to keep Loreley's Exotic perk active at all times. Its built around powering your melee, charging your enemies, and bringing the thunder when its time. Loreley Splendor and 100 Resilience allow you to become a proper tank in Destiny 2, capable of absorbing dozens of projectiles a second without so much as breaking your shields. To acquire all of the Arc 3.0 Aspects . The crystals not only serve as a source of ability regeneration and resistance but can also be used to block sight lines or cut down longer lanes. Featuring abilities that help them soak up more damage than usual, players that pick this class often play as Tanks when in fireteams. This loop of constant overshield helps you regen your other abilities faster and help keep the melee chain going. Use an explosive weapon in your loadout to easily break Stasis crystals. Touch of Thunder makes your Storm Grenades miniature Squall tornados, tracking targets while releasing lightning bolts that deal great damage. While not an enormous increase, it can be used to change the optimal TTKs of certain weapons and allows you to engage at longer ranges than normal, sometimes catching your opponents off guard. Sunbreaker's Consecration Aspect can be paired with Synthoceps for massive damage, capable of one-shotting entire hordes of enemies in Master-tier content. One-Two Punch shotguns are heavily recommended. Vortex Grenades do everything in this build, clumping up targets while dealing great DPS. For a more thorough breakdown, check our Shaxx's Disciple build. Spark of Feedback is useful when youre in the thick of it, increasing your melee damage when youre hit by enemy melee. With a build focused around Overshield, Ward of Dawn, and popping your Rally Barricade in a pinch, this set-up is ideal for bunkering down in Control, Trials of Osiris, or Gambit. . Also, any weapon that benefits from (or enhances) your melee are a good fit. Here are two possible PvE builds for Titans in the new Void 3.0 update in "Destiny 2." Jokerzh8u 3 yr. ago. Primary stat: Discipline. Healing grenades are a game changer and are often picked over an offensive grenade due to their potency. Searing makes Scorched targets give melee energy when slain, including Consecration, Sunspot, and grenade kills. Barricades are key to getting your grenade back quickly, so Utility Kickstart is a great pick. Thus, here are . Mandatory gear: Doom Fang Pauldron is the only requirement for this build. However, the two Fragments that players need to make sure they have selected are Ember of Solace and the Ember of Torches. Synthoceps grant a 200% melee damage buff for ten seconds whenever you become surrounded. 3. Grants class ability energy when you cause damage with a grenade. Heart of Inmost Light is absurdly good with Void 3.0. The best build for your Titan to take advantage of the Arc 3.0 changes and get the most out of your abilities in Destiny 2. Hunter can max all 3 stats ( Titan - strength+ something. The final Fragment slot is up to you. Ability: Towering Barricade. Some things (such as two-shot kills with Thorn) depend on the enemy's Resilience stat, so having around Tier 6 or 7 is always useful. You can infuse items to increase light level, so you should always focus on stats first. Diamond Lance is a fun Aspect that lets your team jump in on the freezing and shattering mayhem you'll be causing. Unlike Warlock rifts, it is possible to have several sunspots at once. Burning Maul deals good damage with Roaring Flames, but feel free to use Hammer of Sol. Reduces grenade cooldown when using your class ability. Wormgod Caress adds to this chain by significantly increasing the melee damage dealt with each kill. Finally, we use Ember of Char to have Consecration's Ignites spread Scorch. This Titan Stasis build is highly offensive, designed to create and exploit Stasis Shards while keeping your melee charged up. Network N earns commission from qualifying purchases via Microsoft and other programs. Destiny 2 Lightfall review - far from the beginning of the end, Destiny 2 exploit lets you yeet a boss in Spire of the Watcher dungeon, Star Wars' Cad Bane becomes a guardian with Destiny 2 dungeon armour, Destiny 2 Lightfall exotic Final Warning is already a menace in PvP, Destiny 2 Lightfall lore hints at a return to Titan next season, Here's when the Destiny 2 servers come back online for Lightfall. Traveler's Chosen can match your Void element after you throw a grenade, and it is a fantastic close-range weapon for shutting down aggressive players. He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant. You'll also have access to Seismic Strike and Thruster for excellent movement. Weapons with Wellspring or other ability-generating effects are great here. Become a walking whirlwind of explosions with this Sentinel build. Collecting a Stasis shard grants a small amount of overshield, which falls off after 10 seconds. Starvation gives you a source of Devour, and Instability gives you Volatile Rounds on occasion. It also grants you a faster barricade, wich is always helpful. On top of this, Hands-on and Momentum Transfer will keep your resources flowing, while Invigoration, Outreach and Distribution will create a comfortable loop of recharging energy. The best armor mods for this particular Titan Solar 3.0 build will focus on creating many elemental wells, regenerating Super and Class Ability energy, and self-healing. For the best Destiny 2Titan build for PvE activities in Season of the Seraph, try this Rage of Apollo Solar build. Enemies will have difficulty piercing your overshield, Stasis crystals, and your Titan Barricades. Monte Carlo, Traveler's Chosen, and weapons with Demolitionist are good options. This build turns the Behemoth into the crystal-slinging juggernaut that it was destined to be. Titans don't have to use either Dunemarchers or One-Eyed Mask to have great neutral benefits anymore. Gear stats in Destiny 2 are fairly straightforward, simply aim for the best possible peak in certain stats. Solar 3.0 Titan Builds for PVP and PVE. These can also be used to help close the gap or provide some respite from your opponents. Each gear piece can recieve an additional 10 (tops) with mod usage. When Heart of Inmost Light is combined with storm grenades and the required aspects/fragments, you can achieve a 100% uptime on your grenade. We'll only be using Grenade Kickstart to shorten our grenade cooldown even more. This is an incredibly potent build for ad clear thanks to the added Scorch potency from Ember of Ashes and Ember of Char. Impact Induction should help with recharging your grenade faster. No other build in Destiny 2 can throw so many grenades and have access to this degree of agility. There are now more ways to build an offensive tank or defensive bulwark than ever before.

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