acceptable moisture levels in floor joists

guide-standards-tolerances.pdf. Most types of wood species will mold above 25% moisture content, including pine. He added that plastic sheet ground covering that his company laid over my crawl space had been moved in spots and that I no longer had full coverage. Because wood shrinks and warps as it dries, woodworkers want it to be pre-shrunk before they use it. I cant speak for the home inspector who has raised concerns, or what his experience level is, but I can assure you that the floor joists beneath this home are no different than 90% of the floor joists I have inspected over the past three decades. Thanks for the email. The manufacturer of the oil-based poly should have a specification on the maximum allowable moisture content of the wood. Thank you for your very informative knowledge about all of the items on this page. Hi, in MN where extreme temperatures are very hard on homes. Moisture content of 11.5% for the oak is a little high for furniture grade hardwoods. Thanks for the question. It gains or loses water moisture as the relative humidity (RH) of the surrounding air changes. If a wooden sample has moisture content range of 2-6% only and if it has moisture content of 9 or 10% then what does this mean?? Does that seem normal. Different wood? Whats the Difference Between a Home Inspection and an Engineering Inspection? Many timber-framed floor problems can be traced to moisture levels, excessive loads or borer. Wood exposed to air with a RH of about 90% will reach a Wood Moisture Content of about 20%. He, of course, said that type of product is insufficient. The rim joist and floor joist sit right on the block. I live on the fl coast so what should the moisture level be? A 212 joist of the same species and quality can span nearly 25'. Where are you located? Well, tile, bricks, and stones are known to have a low water-holding capacity and therefore should be dry. "R. For example, if you were to have an EMC of 14%, then you would measure the woods moisture content and make sure its at 14%. The water wasnt properly dried and organic growth was discovered by previous owner. We dont know if we still should be having a commercial drying process? I suspect the screws may be skewing the measurements. Prior to the flooring installation, make sure your subfloor has not experienced leaks or other water damage. I-joists are strong, lightweight, "I" shaped engineered wood structural members that meet demanding performance standards. I have removed the 1 3/4 edge and resawn to take out the splinter (1/4) re bicuited . Installers should also measure the moisture in wood subfloors and concrete slabs as they can also affect wood flooring. Elaine. This weight difference is then used to calculate the woods original moisture content. The failure in your case sounds as though the piece was exposed to a rapid loss of already low ambient moisture, causing the cracking in the piece. 16% - 20%- Readings in this range indicate a possible elevated level of wood moisture. Should I wait? Divide that difference by the sum of the on-center spacing of the floor joists: 118.5" / 16" = 7.40625. I was thinking 10% MC would be ok but after reading your article Im not sure. Set the meter to the species that makes up the bulk, in this case, the plywood. I dont know what type of floor you have, but if it gets wet enough, about 25% moisture content or higher, mold can grow. (He didnt cite a figure.) I have about 3,000 sqft on my first floor and this was relatively consistent throughout. Any moisture content measured higher than that might result in movement, such as warping and twisting, once it dries. %PDF-1.2 % 12.5% is gettin there but not quite to the 6-9% mentioned in the article. Its always a good idea to check with the manufacturer of the finish also. WMC of framing members in a crawl space will usually be lowest in late winter and highest in late summer. Higher values could mean a wet or saturated material. board. Here is a good source for mold and wood: Typical humidity levels inside a home is between 40 to 50%. The acceptable wood moisture content normally ranges from 6% to 8% for woodworkers who build cabinets, fine furniture, musical instruments, dishes, toys, decorative art, boat restoration, or various other wood products. It was such a good read. Were looking to replace the floor in an old (unheated) hay barn with treated tongue & Groove 26 flooring and need to know if the advertised 19% MC will be ok and not shrink too much. Softwoods typically have higher moisture content than hardwoods. Hello Folks, I am new to wood turning and do not have a ready supply of dry/seasoned (my wood is green) wood. Since Im drying them outside, being in AK I would like to work with them if possible before the long moist winter. You will however, need to become familiar with reading your local floor joist span tables for floor beams, floor joists, window and door lintels, ceiling joists, roof joists, roof rafters, and roof ridge beams, as well as the sizing and spacing of wood studs tables. Hello and thanks for writing in. There is over three foot of block above grade around the entire house. Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material,,,,,,, Restoration Expert Says Moisture Management Critical to Health of Any House or Building, Correct Moisture Content: Critical to Your Woodworking Projects, Mckinleyville Middle Schoolers Learning about Wood Moisture Content, Ambient Data Loggers: Peace of Mind in a Box for Wood Flooring Installers, 5 Things Not to Do When Measuring Moisture in Wood Flooring, Alabama Wood Crafters Share Wood Woes When Overlooking a Moisture Meter. They are putting desiccants in the container to absorb the moisture but we feel its going to be a long time enclosed in the container without any air circulation. Hi, we live in a coastal area, had a recent water leak, and a hard wood floor MC is measuring about 25% the water did not contact this area directly. Can I get a away with this? But when you touch the pins to the embedded screws, you get between 14 and 24 % in various areas of the board. Typically, allow about 3 weeks for hardwood to acclimate in the environment. hj0Ed=h].J-)_q},jR3$\ eH"wCk)E)J8 The acceptable moisture levels in basement walls and floors will depend on many factors. Furniture maker Lonnie Bird weighs in, I dont want the wood to shrink after I use it because the wood will warp or split.. Wood moisture content is always varying. When you do this, you not only ensure that the entire batch is okay on average, but youre also far likelier to catch boards that are statistical outliers and could cause problems. Or perhaps I should advise them to buy Wagner meters, for better accuracy ;-). In this case, what Built in # that I can use to measure flooring. (Itd effectively seal the cavity under the vanity, so once the trim is back on, i dont think itll dry out much more.) The air vents stay closed year round. You mentioned it was installed just 3 days after it was delivered. If an interior location has an average RH of 40-52%, wood placed there will have an average EMC of 8-9%. of water/day/1000 sq. A termite repair company (also licensed contractors) told me that I needed to replace the planks on my second story deck. The subfloor registered from 12% to 17% . There are areas where organic growth was very active to cause deep, black discolorization. As with plywood subfloors, if there is movement or squeaks, refasten the subfloor to the joists and set protruding fasteners into the subfloor. A consistent humidity level of 70 percent will require wood to be about 13 percent moisture content. As long as the moisture content does not exceed those readings you should be ok. Is your electrical outlet that is 3 inches above the floor inside the house? Using South Carolina Residential Construction Standards to Solve Problems, Website by Integritive Web Design :: Asheville, NC. If youre wondering how wood can have a 200% moisture content, heres how that works. These are typical readings for exterior wood. I am having a section of our 3.25 Maple hardwood floor replaced. It seems to me the supplier is drying the Teak to 14% because that is what is needed in Indonesia. Longer pins with insulated shafts are designed for the purpose. Any thoughts as to what the issue was with the first install so we dont have the same issue again next year after we go through a new install? As this moisture condenses on the floor system, it wets the wood. These home inspectors are insecure and inexperienced. The wood sample being tested is dried in a special oven or kiln and its weight periodically checked. Typical moisture content for furniture in a home is 6-9%. My main concern here is that the flooring didnt have enough time to acclimate to the surrounding conditions. The pins are pressed into the wood to obtain a reading. You may be picking up something behind the sheetrock. All that needs to be done at this home is to close-up the foundation vents during every air conditioning season and make sure the ground cover vapor barrier is spread completely over the underlying ground surface. Wood Moisture Content is the weight of water in a piece of wood expressed as a percentage of oven dry weight of wood. Cracks in Concrete Slabs: Should I Be Concerned? Please commenr? They many times cite the need for further evaluations by what they call other so called experts. This pinless meter is accurate, Ive got 2 other pin moisture meters and all 3 of them read within only 1-3% difference as checked on wood structures. One note is that we did have some fungus growth in our crawlspace during the construction phase prior to the crawlspace being sealed and had the contractor come and spray and clean the floor joists and subflooring where applicable. You should be able to specify a lower moisture content. Building Performance Series No. The joist span tables start with 26 lumber and it goes all the way up to 212. Squeaks from subfloors The floor installer is often the 'first cab off the rank' when there is a squeaking floor and the problem may the concrete was completely dry, no standing water. Brick Veneer Homes: Are They Really Worth the Headache? Too dry and you get chipping out of the wood. Wagner Meters has a couple of resources to help you determine the moisture content more suited to your outdoor environment. The thinner veneers wont have much bearing on the reading. Pinless moisture meters are even easier to use. Please dont pay for a Borate spray unless the buyer wants to pay for it. Wagner has a free app called WoodH2O to help you determine the proper moisture levels based on consistent humidity and temperature. Writing all the way from Australia, Steven. Hardwood flooring needs to acclimate at least 2 weeks, in service conditions, before it is installed. It is not uncommon for wood to expand or contract as much as a 1/8 per foot of width, so maintaining a stable environment is important. Unless something is so out of whack shimming in back of the sheetrock won't suffice it's OK here. )IS0i 1P *V? U? Understanding the effects moisture has on timber, as well as acceptable moisture levels in wood flooring, will keep your timber floor looking pristine throughout its lifetime. However, it We built our home from ground up and have a sealed crawl space dehumidifiers, etc In January of 2019, we had our builder and hardwood floor contractor come out because our hardwoods were starting to separate a lot. The next question is almost the same as before, if we have various kinds of wood, such as March wood, mango wood, pine. It is best to obtain a wood moisture content that will match the environment. Poor Drainage: A Foundation Problem Waiting to Happen, A Trade Secret: Bucks Vinyl Siding Test, Foundation Repair Salesman: Licensed to Kill, Dear God, Martha, Our House is Breaking in Two!. If the MC of plywood is above 20%, can it be redried in a kiln or would that harm the glue? The plumber said that the floor has an elevated moisture reading and took a photo showing the 99.9% (maximum reading) on the meter while the meter was on the floor. Moisture contents in wood floor joists in houses with moisture problems are exceeding the 20% maximum level for air dried lumber. i dont understand how the bottom beam looks like swiss cheese from all the holes ive drilled and has had a commercial blower on it for days yet the number is still high despite there being no visible water to keep the wood wet. Hello Larry I am from Bangladesh. This summer I milled several 1.25 boards from a fir log that had been cut around 10 years ago. I suspect the moisture was the culprit? Logs, siding, shiplap, and T&G must be kiln-dried to stop the wood from shrinking or pulling apart. /U (li7":-JOBHO,9UY) /P 65492 >> endobj 14 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 15 0 R /Fit ] >> endobj 27 0 obj << /S 45 /T 91 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 28 0 R >> stream From a strictly static MC%, 16-20% MC for long duration is going to promote mold growth. Sometimes moving the air around is enough to remove moisture and dry surfaces. ft., based on a standard AStM F-1869 (Calcium Chloride) test, or 80% rh, based on AStM F-2170. Utilize the chart on following page to record the environmental readings at the time of installation. When it hits the cooler air of the crawl space, it increases the relative humidity by about 2% per degree! They many times cite the need for further evaluations by what they call other so called experts. That is way beyond fibre-saturation. 1. The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) has a chart that indicates the moisture content of wood at any given combination of temperature and humidity.

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