bailey dumping ground real name more fun, CBBC games and great makes visit aims to encourage children to find out more about existing interests and inspire them to develop new ones; helps them understand the world around them and provides an entertaining watch when they just want to relax. He is currently studying football in America. Read about our approach to external linking. Later that day, after Frank had been found, Bailey helped Frank, Rick, Faith and Kazima when he told Mike that they might need a bit of help. Jody, who had started to feel sorry for Bailey, eventually tracked him down to his new address and eventually to a football stadium where Bailey and his dad were attending a football match. This led to a fight with the other Dumping Ground kids in the living room when he tried to leave (which led to the television being smashed) and Faith (leaving for a morning jog) giving chase, only to be hit by a car. Find out what he loves most about being on The Dumping GroundFind out more about The Dumping Ground. However, Jody comforted him and presented him with his football boots that he had left behind at the DG. However, as Bailey 'Bail' Wharton was a fictional character on The Dumping Ground, who first appeared in the Series 2 episode entitled Kick Off.He got dumped in care due to complications with his father Jimmy Wharton, who would often leave him for weeks on end unsupervised.. During his time at Ashdene Ridge, Bailey suffered instances of bullying and racism, which were some of his most integral story lines. Instead, everyone credits Jody after Mo films some footage on his video and shows it to the others, but Jody points out that Mo was responsible. art department assistant (5 episodes, 2014) Tony Ginnelly . Last Episode Bailey has made lots of friends and enemies in his years in care. During his time at Ashdene Ridge, Bailey suffered instances of bullying and racism, which were some of his most integral story lines. Bailey was portrayed by Kasey McKellar throughout his entire run on the show. Before Fame He began his professional acting career in 2013. Family Life 28, 1993 Birthplace England Age 28 years old Birth Sign Pisces About British actress most notable for her role as Faith Davis on The Dumping Ground. The following morning, Bailey attempted to go to the football ground on his own after his dad failed to appear. 44-45 (1903) Dates / Origin Place: New York, N.Y. Please use the links below for donations: Bailey ran back to the DG to alert the others to Faith's accident and was subsequently prevented from going to the football pitch. An African-American man is pumping gas at the rear of a vehicle. About a week or so later, a neighbour reported Bailey to social services after Bailey had an incident with the toaster which caused a fire. Under the name Tri - versity unlike the name Carmen originally chose The Heartbreakers which Jody and Tee didn't like. Bailey was portrayed by Kasey McKellar throughout his entire run on the show. She has been stealing things from the Dumping Ground to decorate Kingsley's flat with. bailey from dumping ground real name. To enjoy the CBBC website at its best you will need to have JavaScript turned on. He quickly became an enemy of many of the other house members, particularly Johnny Taylor and Carmen Howle. Troublesome boy with another fiery temper. I think Bailey is a huge part of the show and without him it wouldn't be the same, he is so cool and awesome and loves football like me i wonder if he is a rebel like me, Kasey plays a awesome mischievous character in DG and he loves football which is cool, he is bad at times but it is really the football chaoch and his dad, i love bailey hes one of the best characters, heis so cute. The following morning, Bailey attempted to go to the football ground on his own after his dad failed to appear. Gender Jody Jackson (previously known as Jody Gray) is a former resident of Ashdene Ridge and Elm Tree House II. Rockets Mock Draft 2021, Unfortunately, Mr Wharton was told that due to the fact that he had vanished, it would be a while before Bailey could be returned to his custody. Jody also likes rock music. However, Jody discovers that May-Li is doing a presentation on her and Jody begins to get paranoid. Information However, after May-Li receives a call from trading standards, May-Li realises that Jody and Tyler were selling the vegetables. }); Bailey arrived at Ashdene Ridge right at the start of Series 2. Laura Whitmore Ryan Reeves is a character in The Dumping Ground, present from series three onwards. On that same day, Bailey had witnessed Johnny tackle a mugger, and took the mickey out of Johnny for falling over the victim's dog. $(".id-cta-link").each(function () { calculate the mass of the sun. }); It turned out the letter was from Bailey's dad, who had managed to find work at the ferries at Dover. This put him in competition with Carmen, who wanted to be fostered by the couple instead of Bailey. When Is Nam Joo Hyuk Military Service, Bailey received a letter, but hesitated to open it, which attracted Mo's curiosity. Bailey was one of the few who was still touching the television the following morning. Reasons for characters departure In Two For Joy Jody is found to be living with her brother Kingsley, who has changed his ways. When he arrived, he was portrayed as a gobby, stuck-up boy who had little regard for others. Date Issued: 1903 Library locations General Research Division Shelf locator: *DX+ (Judge. A Good Man Is Hard to Find. He did not get on well with the other residents and behaved rudely to the others (such as calling Frank a loser), who in turn treated him rudely. Jody was returned to live with her mother and brothers prior to the episode S.O.S..Everything seemed fine to Carmen and Tyler, as Jody had . Sid, archetypal small investor used to promote the privatisation of British Gas plc. or However, it turned out all this was a faade- Jody's brother, Kingsley, was in fact controlling the family, had stolen numerous goods and locked Jody in her bedroom. He is similar to Tracy Beaker in a wide variety of ways, particularly their fiery personalities. Black He began his professional acting career in 2013. Jody's love of chocolate biscuits is occasionally revisited in The Dumping Ground such as in Snake and The Dumping Ground: I'm Jody. Jody noticed a music box at a jumble sale, but did not have the money on her to buy it. Furthermore, Jody gives advice to PoPo and May-Li in this episode which helps them to reconcile. After returning from shopping, Mo sussed out that the reason Bailey did not open the letter was because he was dyslexic, and offered to read the letter for him. It was here that Johnny's rivalry with Bailey commenced. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. Bailey's dad claimed in front of everyone he had never seen Bailey in his life, prompting an upset Bailey to exit the stadium. Boston is known for its large population of Irish immigrants, especially South Boston, making Real Deal question why Chilla Jones takes pride in Boston and how he can be labeled a street rapper without there really being any black hoods there. Jody also helps Sasha to realise that she does not want to leave Ashdene Ridge yet. View comments 18. Bailey was annoyed by this and told the other kids to stay out of his way (who in turn were annoyed that he was staying, too). In First Past The Post Jody helps Tyler to be the council rep by being his campaign manager. 11. Girly Girl: The girlist character at the Dumping Ground. Mickey Milligan. Toggle navigation. However, they agree to just remain friends as romantic relationships are not allowed in Ashdene Ridge and if their relationship was discovered, then one of them might have to leave. Bailey was assigned to a social worker named Serjay, and it was he who took him to Ashdene Ridge. Articulate's Freddy Smith, 16, has landed a lead role in the critically acclaimed CBBC hit show The Dumping Ground. Hollie (ex-girlfriend) John Wesleys question to his grandmother may appear rude, but his words reflect simple logic. Bailey then returned to the stadium to watch the game with the other DG kids and returned to Ashdene Ridge with the others. Jody wears this in almost every episode until when she gives it back to Tyler when he leaves in Go Your Own Way. Bailey distracted Frank by making small talk with him and jumped the queue after Johnny had exited the shower. You can help Tracy Beaker Wiki by editing it. The grandmother does not need to take the trip if she does not want to. Series 5 saw the departure of Bailey from Ashdene Ridge after he received the opportunity to go to a football coaching programme in America, which he took on shortly after helping out Sasha's younger brother, Dexter. Drawing - Bailey is a very good drawer, as seen drawing a sketched Ferris wheel in the episode. During this episode PoPo gives Jody advice on writing letters to her mum to lift the weight off of her shoulders. 0:13:52. Chilla Jones is from Boston and takes a lot of pride in his hometown. In Go Your Own Way Jody and Tyler stay overnight with Elektra after running away from Ashdene Ridge because they believed May-Li was going to try and split them up. Later, after one of Bailey's team mates said that his "type" would not understand how to play in a team, Bailey started a fight with the boy, which led to him being sent home. However, Bailey was soon put off by being fostered by the Brantstones after bringing up an incident Matt had got himself into back in 2004. He currently resides in London, England. What clothing brands were popular in the 50s? It's possible to catch up on CBBC shows on the CBBC iPlayer at However, as the trial is moved forward (by 2 weeks), she panics and ignores warnings from May-Li (which ended in Jody fainting). Well hide these CBeebies shows for 30 Days. Discover short videos related to bailey dumping ground wife on TikTok. said the other girl. Mrs Wharton (Mother) Jimmy Wharton (Father) Kayla White (Half-Cousin) Daniel White (Cousin) ** TheBusCameBack: During ''The Dumping Ground'' season 3 finale for a one-time appearance. require(["jquery-1", "idcta-v2/id-config"], ($, idctaConfig) => { To enjoy the CBBC website at its best you will need to have JavaScript turned on. Bailey believed that if he were fostered by a famous footballer, then this would help to further his own ambition of becoming a footballer. Her mother is sent to rehab and her siblings go along with her to The Elm Tree House Care Home where she and her brother, Max and sister, Melissa will encounter many journeys, making new. Bailey denied this and refused Mo's help. She likes football (as seen in many episodes) and voted for it in Endurance. Bailey hogged the ball during the game and despite scoring four goals, the opposition scored five goals and his team lost. Johnny was let off the hook when it was discovered Maude had stolen the purses and money, though she ended up being framed for planting the purse in the toilet. spotify omega tribe mimecast awaiting indexing; nvv4l2decoder gstreamer lean bulk skinny fat reddit; free decodable passages for first grade pdf frpfile ramdisk windows; powera switch controller sync button Then in Auld Lang Syne both Jody and Tyler engage in a prank war with each other after competition arose between them as they were coaching Katy (coached by Jody) and Sid (coached by Tyler) to compete in the sword-dance competition against each other. They become annoyed because both girls want to be in different places at the same time. He was a member of a football team and aspired to be a professional footballer for Liverpool or Real Madrid. However, Tyler quickly dismisses this when Jody asks him about it. Eye Colour Jody had become friends with Tyler and often played tricks on him, such as putting Carmen's henna on top of the door of Faith's room to land on top of Faith and tricking Johnny into thinking Tyler had a dad who was quite rich. Francesca Martinez Create. Name every main character that has appeared in the CBBC series The Dumping Ground. This led to Bailey being attacked by Tee (using a plant as her weapon). However, Mo spoilered the plot, leading everyone else in the house to find out that Mo had written Bailey's story for him. The unrestricted dumping ground Names Dalrymple, Louis, 1866-1905(Illustrator) Collection The judge Vol. Bailey has made lots of friends and enemies in his years in care. Bailey. My Resource. girl in the parking area cropped. The following day, Bailey went to use the toilet next to Johnny's bedroom and discovered one of the purses that had gone missing the previous day, which led to him thinking that Johnny had stolen all of the purses and money, unaware Ryan had planted the purse in the toilet tank (where Bailey had found it). He instantly struck up rivalries with numerous members of the house, though most if not all of those have now been resolved. TDG: S3 Quizzes . Mike contacted social services, only to learn that Bailey and his dad were no longer at their old address. The Dumping Ground (-S2) Biographical Information Full Name: Lily Kettle Gender: Female Birth Date: 1999 Age: 14 Years of Age (last on show) Physical Features . In The Invitation, she even accepts a bribe from Johnny to vote for Tee to go to Buckingham Palace, to buy chocolate biscuits. Want this question answered? After more incidents involving him running off with his father and going missing, Bailey was eventually brought back to the DG all thanks to Jody, who went out of her way to find Bailey and bring him back where he belongs. [1], Follow Bailey (@bailey_after_thedg) on Instagram. Jody claims that Tyler already has a girlfriend he is taking to a kids' care forum dinner. Ultimately, neither side got to watch the programme they wanted as they all fell asleep in front of the television. Sid, Cookie Monster 's real name. Kingsley reassures Jody that prison helped him to change his ways and introduced her to a lady called Rosie and she lets them take Mike's clock when she is told that Kingsley is under threat from a former gang to which he owes money. All Rights Reserved. Jody had become friends with Tyler and often played tricks on him, such as putting Carmen's henna on top of the door of Faith's room to land on top of Faith and tricking Johnny into thinking Tyler had a dad who was quite rich . View replies (1) area51.chan. The Dumping Ground is a British children's drama series that focuses on the lives and experiences of young people and their care workers in care, broadcast on CBBC.The programme began on 4 January 2013, with one series airing each year since. I shall see her again! The Dumping Ground (TV Series 2013 ) Laura Whitmore as Savannah B IMDb. He is known for being a troublemaker in the household, and clashes with a lot of the other residents. Meet The Dumping Ground's Bailey, who is played by Kasey! The Dumping Ground Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. This begins them officially becoming boyfriend and girlfriend (which isn't allowed so they do it in secret). Jody and Tyler Lewis were very good at pranking people. Cynthia Bailey may be demoted to 'friend of the cast' after 'kicking' Porsha Williams while filming Real Housewives Of Atlanta 01/09/15 07:02 Cyhthia Bailey's status as a full Atlantan. ; It's All My Fault: Candi-Rose blames herself for the incident that led to her and her sister being put into care and separated. Mo. Wilson Daily Times, 22 September The series follows the lives of the children living in the fictional children's care home of Ashdene Ridge, nicknamed by them "The Dumping Ground". The Dumping Ground Cast 1 Dani Harmer, 34 Tracey Beaker 2 Mia McKenna-Bruce, 25 Tee Taylor 3 Amy-Leigh Hickman, 25 Carmen Howle 4 Richard Wisker, 28 Liam 5 Kia Pegg, 22 Jody Jackson 6 Annabelle Davis, 25 Sasha Bellman / Sasha 7 Joe Maw, 26 Johnny Taylor 8 Kasey McKellar, 26 Bailey Wharton 9 Miles Butler-Hughton, 21 Tyler Lewis 10 Sarah Rayson, 18 Gus. However, Jody was convinced otherwise after following the White Rabbit to Wonderland and seeing the mischief the Knave of Hearts got up to, whom she defeated by testifying against him. Bailey believed that he would only be left at the Dumping Ground overnight. Five Reasons Why the Dead Files Is Completely Fake. Bailey has an avid passion for football, which often takes up a lot of his attention. countdown hypnosis. we all cant stand that girl name bailey. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He ran away despite Faith calling out to him, which resulted in him indirectly causing Faith to get hit by a car. Nicknames Current Best Friends Jody, who had started to feel sorry for Bailey, eventually tracked him down to his new address and eventually to a football stadium where Bailey and his dad were attending a football match. This led to a fight with the other Dumping Ground kids in the living room when he tried to leave (which led to the television being smashed) and Faith (leaving for a morning jog) giving chase, only to be hit by a car. Bailey distracted Frank by making small talk with him and jumped the queue after Johnny had exited the shower. After Tyler breaks up with the girl, Jody tries to convince her to give Tyler a second chance. The following morning, Bailey was visited by Viv, having met Mike the previous day. Recycling more is a worthy goal for homeowners, businesses and communities. The Dumping Ground is a British children's drama series that focuses on the lives and experiences of young people and their care workers in care, broadcast on CBBC.The programme began on 4 January 2013, with one series airing each year since. One day, his father vanished, leaving Bailey on his own. Moments we all cried | Ryan leaves . Firstpost. Well hide these CBeebies shows for 30 Days. About a week or so later, a neighbour reported Bailey to social services after Bailey had an incident with the toaster which caused a fire. Student Football Trainer (2017-) Sid, archetypal small investor used to promote the privatisation of British Gas plc. How old is Bailey in the dumping ground? They both have also made frenemies, who they ultimately become civil with upon their departures (Johnny Taylor and Justine Littlewood, respectively). Actress | Cleaning Up. Focuses on the collection and organization of the tools that you will use while managing the project. In Follow My Leader, Jody tries to ignore the fact that her and May-Li had a close relationship. On arriving at Ashdene Ridge, Bailey attempted to scarper, only to be rugby tackled by May-Li. In this episode, Jody tells Tyler that if she was to pick anyone to be her brother, she would pick him. He also played on a team throughout most of his time a Bailey received a letter, but hesitated to open it, which attracted Mo's curiosity. However, Bailey was soon put off by being fostered by the Brantstones after bringing up an incident Matt had got himself into back in 2004. ; Given Name Reveal: In "Candi-Rose? Bailey decided to enter the story writing contest that May-Li was holding, where the winner would have their story sent off to another story writing contest May-Li had received news of in the post. Missing Presumed Single this.href = idConfig.signin_url; Ryan did not own up (only Tyler did) and so in revenger Jody sprayed Ryan with water in the water fight at the end of the episode. She convinced him to speak to Mike and May-Li about this. Login. Later, after one of Bailey's team mates said that his "type" would not understand how to play in a team, Bailey started a fight with the boy, which led to him being sent home. Bailey Wharton Featuring a mixture of new scenes and classic moments from The Dumping Ground and Tracy Beaker Returns. The following week Bailey did indeed receive news that he would have another tryout the following week. Carmen agrees to go to the book signing with Jody. 3:09. She eventually tracked Bailey down to his new home and eventually a football stadium where Bailey's dad disowned him. Rick. When told to keep quiet by Faith, Bailey countered by asking why everyone was not out looking for Frank, which prompted the others to take action. However, she becomes quite authoritarian until Mike makes here realise that it is better to be kind and encourage instead of force people do things. }); Show(s) they appeared in British television actor best known for playing Bailey Wharton on the series The Dumping Ground. UKTV A cracking celebration of brilliant British entertainment. Each night, however, somebody is coming in and settling the baby for Jody, and is surprised to find that it was Ryan. This series also featured the end of Bailey's conflict with Johnny Taylor, as well as his attempts to win tickets to a Wembley match in the episode, Better Than You. [5] Jody's mother and two brothers assaulted a neighbour, and consequently they went on trial and Jody was taken into care.[6]. Jody tries to persuade the others that Al is better than May-Li until Tyler shows Jody the error in her ways when Sid goes missing. Bailey's mum, Alison, abandoned his and Jimmy when Bailey was just a toddler. Luckily, Mike and Bailey both showed up with the minibus in time. Mischief, Mo He appeared in an episode of Law & Order: UK in 2014. Bailey's dad Jimmy was heartbroken about this and resorted to burning any photographs with her in them. . Ryan leaves #thedumpingground #thedumpinggroundedit. 2141 views |. In Five Doors, Jody works very hard to try and get Sasha back at Ashdene Ridge - knowing that something wasn't right. After more incidents involving him running off with his father and going missing, Bailey was eventually brought back to the DG all thanks to Jody, who went out of her way to find Bailey and bring him back where he belongs. (series 5) The fifth series of the British children's television series The Dumping Ground began broadcasting on 20 January 2017 on CBBC and ended on 15 December 2017. This is evident in the aforementioned episode, where Jody opposes Carmen wanting to put on a false impression. Personal Information Skin Colour Back in the Game 1 Biography 1.1 Before the Show 1.2 The Dumping Ground: Series 1 1.3 The Dumping Ground: Series 2 1.4 The Dumping Ground: Series 3 1.5 The Dumping Ground: Series 5 2 Appearances 3 Trivia 4 References Faith lived with her grandmother and brother in a flat. CBBC TV Show #1. They get caught by May-Li and they all agree to leave properly by the book. Articulates Freddy Smith, 16, has landed a lead role in the critically acclaimed CBBC hit show The Dumping Ground. In RyanMan, Brandon asks Jody out. However, Bailey's dad had attempted to sneak in a can of beer, had been caught and was being confronted by security when the DG kids (who had been convinced by Faith to help Bailey) found him. Register username ideas for bailey. Kasey McKellar is an actor, known for The Dumping Ground (2013), The Dumping Ground: I'm (2016) and Top Boy (2011). Maybe she will be joined by Andrew Bailey dumping his three houses (admittedly he only owns a share of the Coromandel property), or Gerry Brownlee getting rid of his five properties. Bail 'Bailey' Wharton The Dumping Ground (TV Series 2013 ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Michael Milligan. Primeval New World Creatures, However, they have to go back to Ashdene Ridge to get Jody's passport so they can travel to St Lucia. Later, in Be My Girl, Jody repeatedly gets blamed for stealing Carmen's magazines, even though she was not responsible. Bailey was annoyed by this and told the other kids to stay out of his way (who in turn were annoyed that he was staying, too). Ashdene Ridge (Former) Bailey decided to enter the story writing contest that May-Li was holding, where the winner would have their story sent off to another story writing contest May-Li had received news of in the post. Jody attempted to look as if she knew about wrestling in front of the parents, but ended up having to consult Harry about wrestling. Mike (who said he would take Bailey) attempted to ring Serjay, but failed to get through to him, leaving to Bailey to attempt to make it to the football pitch on his own. Both instantly struck up rivalries with fellow members of the household upon their arrivals. 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