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Stocks, Wealth and Ownership! Also, During the pandemic Kim and a partner also used their mechanical knowledge of trucks to do trucks sales, finding used trucks at auction, making them roadworthy, and re-selling them to customers looking to buy used at a substantially lower than market value cost, moving roughly 15 trucks p/month. Things with CR England , would not last long. I talked to Kadeem about his first 3 months officially in business since he got started with Amazon Relay during Covid-19. Check out this dope episode as Herman explains his many business models and his journey in transportation. Niki would be released 4 years later to re-start her life and her education. Fleet Owner and Dispatch Queen! Chasity Mims is a practitioner at her craft, bringing businesss to life by adding color and personality to the companies pallet. [/ICCBased 3 0 R] Both, Sharanda and Corey, were at one point sentenced to life in prison for federal drug charges with NO prior drug convictions and were cases in which Brittany litigated., #84 Tyson Lawrence - Starting over from Zero to 15 Million in 4 years & INC 500 List | TAKTIK Logistics Group, Tyson Lawrence started his career 20 years ago at CH Robison fresh out of college with no transportation experience. With the a large discussion around ownership and wealth building in the black community , this show is extremely timely and refreshing. There are no reviews yet. This unconventional style of investing has panned out to be extremely lucrative and has made way for huge opportunities! 13. The actual steps to being a freight dispatcher from securing a load for your driver to getting paid. Alb. On todays show we checked in with the incomparable Wall Street Trapper. Since then She has went on to start her own her own trucking business as well as build one of the most recognizable brands in trucking With her S.H.E trucking clothing line. On today's episode we kick it with BJ Phillips creator of Black Small Biz a platform which empowers aspiring business ownerswith tools and resources for creating wealth. Crazy Story!! Staying true to her WHY, Brittnay teamed up with one of her former clients, who served 15 years in prison, to build a Trucking company, Trustworthy Trucking. Also DAT is offering some discounts to sign up to their load board services through our show., #94 Chris Bright - How To Build A 7 Figure Last Mile Operation In Under 2 Years, #Startsmallendbig Chris Bright represents the true essence of Truck NHustle. They source everything from doorknobs to drywall, you name it. He would find that the expense of getting stated with a semi truck was a bit more that he could invest at the moment. lipoma attached to muscle DIY Reparations. Make sure you follow Serita for more dope content on Instagram @ladylockleystrucking. We talked about it ALL!!! (Thesis) Recently, her business has scaled down in equipment but grown in efficiency. This show is not our normal format and contains some explicit language(warning) LOL, but I guarantee you will be falling out of your seat. She also touched on her newest endeavors which includes an expansion into boxtrucks and now even television being recently featured on Amazon Primes video tv show Regular Heros. This was a great opportunity to bridge the gap and a conversation that went way deeper than I expected. Much love goes out to the Hoodstates Fam!!! The company is designed walk investors though the process of starting, operating and scaling their trucking business. To address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination Growing, raising, and harvesting food in Canada is solidly embedded in the current capitalist food system (Albritton 2009; Weis 2017; Qualman 2019).This system of production is associated with industrialization and relies heavily on fossil fuels, chemical inputs, cheap labour, and technologies that are tied into an export-oriented, productivist model of food This new Council Period, DC policymakers can continue advancements in racial equity (as envisioned in the Racial Equity Achieves Results Amendment Act of 2020) and help build a just economic recovery with recreational cannabis [1] policy. This episode is a mini tax masterclass that you don't want to miss. Kadeem, in his own words wants to become a "Icon for Trucking" He wants to attract the youth to the industry and give it a fresh new look. Follow Riviera Finance on Instagram @riviera_factoring_atl or online at, #35 Alix Good Energy (Live from NYC) How To Create 7 Streams of Income In Trucking, Live from the LandRover in Brooklyn, New York City, I linked up with Fleet owner and serial entrepreneur Alix GoodEnergy, to shoot a podcast that would turn into a motion picture. Search the history of over 797 billion Delamrd Wood x Truck N Hustle On Today's show we catch up with Tech and Trucking entrepreneur, Pierre Laguerre. Domo gives us a unfiltered look into the dump truck industry, his very own personal growth and overcoming adversity. Course Follow Drill Sergeant on Instagram @dsxtrucking, #3 Jalen Uboh - 23 years old, Multi-Million Dollar Debt-Free Truckin N Government Contracts. Follow James @power_push_weight_llc and @power_push_weight_brand for more. diy reparations umar clark pdfbatesville 18 gauge caskets. Shaq which is a name that was given to her by her colleagues and international business associates, is recognized for her industry knowledge, work ethic, unwavering tenacity and many accomplishments. #98 Domo - 9 Years In Prison, To 9 Dump Trucks In 3 Years | Pull-Up Bar Master. Kimberly is a entrepreneur with years of ransportation experience. Free Course He was even impressively apart of the team that would create #AmazonEcho in its infancy stages. Be sure you follow Herman on Instagram @MarignyHerman and at, #76 "The 5 Keys To Winning During And After Peak Season!" 154 Bob Murphy Analyzes The Hunt and The Purge Movies as an Anarchist. Or maybe just a make a passive $500 to $1,000 bucks a month! Agate Solutions, Brooklyn, NY Native Shaquana Teasley is probably the last person you wouldve expected to sit in the position she does today. On today's show we talk about the inception of The Bhang Group, what it actually took to start a health care practice of this magnitude and why the this may be one of the answers to the Corona Virus pandemic. Casey is a women of many talents who's infectious passion and drive is unmatched. Make sure you check out our guests online at Click the link above to register. The Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University is sponsoring an interdisciplinary conference, Beyond the Armenian Genocide: The Question of Restitution and Reparation in Comparative Review, opening at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 27, with a public keynote address in Tilton Hall, Higgins University Center, 950 Main Street. After a career in the trucking industry @byronssellers teamed up with @sharnicetwilliams to build a not so typical affordable housing empire. Trust me you dont want to miss this! After hearing from a friend about the opportunities in trucking, she took her smarts, talent and hustle to the trucking industry. It has been and uphill battle, however, along the way Shaquana has been reminded that she didnt belong and most times could not find anyone to relate to. MFk t,:.FW8c1L&9aX: rbl1 Trucking, Entrepreneurship, life, relationships, the past, the present and future. Usually, I ask the questions, but on todays show, Umar Clark of The Bureau Bullies established this as his premise to what would be a deeper look into credit, your finances, and your rights as a consumer. .. Marcuss story is truly inspiring because he started literally from the bottom, learned the game and now he plays to for the team he owns. . Not long afterwards he would pool together over 500 minority carrier units for UPS and his concept became a reality. He also recently created a dump truck course Big Drip as a way to help others replicate his success. Read DIY Reparations by with a free trial. Its newest corporate location is a 40,000 square foot, 2 story facility that sits prominently off the highway as you enter into Hyattsville,Maryland. Government contracting seems like its a must in 2020. I talked to Sharae about her career as a driver and her passion to teach and inspire other women to do the same. #10 Kierra Henderson - Meet The Trucking Guru"! #2 Damien Blackman - J.A.D.A Trucking Empire "Get Rich or Die Truckin" The Dump Truck Edition, Damien Blackman is the owner of J.A.D.A, Inc. B.k.a J.A.D.A Trucking Empire. You can connect with TaNeshia at or on Instagram @thelegacybuilder, #71 Tay Carter 40 trucks in 4 months | Free Dispatch Training | JTX Trans | The Freight College. 'This book is comprehensive, student friendly (if still intimidating in size!) immediately. If you liked Part 1well lets just say that only scratched the surface. #49 - Box Truck University w/ Chris Bright & Tawana Randall, #Hustlefam On today's show we talk to Chris Bright of No Limit Couriers and Tawana Randall of Gold Star Logistics about their latest project and partnership "Box Truck University" a community and curriculum for those interested in the box truck niche. After getting her MBA, "Ash" would go to Corporate America overseeing the financials of a large freight brokerage. You can catch Daniel on his popular YouTube channel or on Instagram @daniellouisy, #69 Ashley Thomas "Make 10K A Month Recruiting Drivers While Providing Jobs" Supreme Driver Recruiting, The CDL truck driver shortage has plagued the Trucking Industry for years. Register for tonights (May 11th) live free webinar Being an entrepreneur definitely has its benefits #16 Stephanie Lawrence - 4:44 Episode!!! Follow Innovative Logistics Group LLC on Instagram @innovativelogisticsgroup and online at, #33 Demarco Thomas "NEVER Buy A Truck" Metromax Dispatch, Live from ATL, I got to kick it with Co-owner of Metromax, LLC a dispatch and trucking solutions based business that is changing the game. Dollaride has added tech to create a seamless payment process to the once cash only business and added some other cool features to enhance the user experience. They entered into the market place creating a fully compliant solution based Secure Transport operation unlike any of their competition. Justin and Zo have a created a One Stop Shop for their strategic logistic partners. Sharae has been featured on Facebook, Uber, CNN and recently National Geographics television show Breaking Bobby Bones. He wanted a truck, a dump truck!, #62 Jay Rich - "Corporate America To The Trucking Business Her Way!" Are we consumers or citizens and what should that mean to you? Two Up, Two Down stand up! What may be even more impactful is the fact that ONLY 2 out of 2,100 TRUCK dealerships in the country are black-owned. It is divided into seven 60-minute blocks and administered in one 8-hour testing session. Dante is an Owner Operator who's business concentrates on Intermodal freight transport. Amazingly, Niki was able to reach 6 figures in her first 6 months of business and to date she has built relationships with over 300+ carriers. DAT TruckersEdge - 1 month free: Zoagies is a food truck experience that is the talk of New Jersey and the Greater Philadelphia area. Through this program, Tank had now found transportation. You dont want to miss this podcast as he takes us through his entrepreneurial journey. In this episode Tay breaks down EXACTLY how he did it A-Z and how you can do it to. 2 contents the point of no return the path from deflation to hyperinflation; expedition everest; and - berkshire: the goat goes full repo in the letter - introduction 5 intrinsic value update - opportunity knocks and opportunity cost 8 disney 9 That's when they turned to "The Verified Purchase. 9. Latosha saw a problem and then created her 2nd business, LNJ Enterprises, assisting carriers and truck investors with their start up paperwork and maintaining compliance. Follow Ashley on instagram @_supremerecruiting and online at, #68 Hope White - $682K in 4 Months & 10.65 Acres of Land Trucking Vs. Logistics/HD White Logistics, Freight Broker, Freight Forwarder, to Drayage and Warehousing. New members of the International Advisory Board from India, South Africa, Poland and the Middle East. How to beat debt collectors. Happy Black History Month!!! xwTS7PkhRH H. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Podcasts Mirror (administered by bobarchives), Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Eric provides the step by step framework along with all the resources you need to get started today! I had the pleasure of speaking with Ezell Barnes, the owner of Zoagies. Instead, they chose to reinforce institutionalized White supremacy. Right away the team noticed huge gaps and opportunity as pertained to compliance and security in the industry. @~ (* {d+}G}WL$cGD2QZ4 E@@ A(q`1D `'u46ptc48.`R0) Because of the racist conditions that existed from segregation, Blacks needed a reference manual to guide them to integrated or Black-friendly establishments. Hosted by Industry Enthusiast and Entrepreneur Rahmel Wattley, #103 Mike Stewart - How To Build A Million Dollar Fuel Transport Company | Reliant Tank Division. Through some ups and downs and and extremely interesting turn of events, Tank, would eventually partner with UPS . Follow Kwame @kwame_nkrumah7 and learn more about his services at, #23 Tristen Simmons & Samantha Norman -The Leading Ladies of Logistix How to become a freight broker. We tapped in with Lorenzo Badie and Justin Singh to find out about their operation and how they went from a 2 truck, trucking company to a 600 + truck carrier network 3PL/Trucking Agency. Keidrain can now be found giving back, speaking and inspiring those who come from similar unfortunate circumstances reminding them know of that good old adage, If I can do it, You can to! Follow Keidrain on Instagram @bossmanbrewster for information and inspiring content. Usually, I ask the questions, but on today's show Umar Clark of The Bureau Bullies established this as his premise to what would be a deeper look into credit, your finances and your rights as a "consumer". Follow Justin on Instagram @truckin_justin and make sure you check out his course that takes from 0 to a full fledged for-hire trucking company. People travel from all over to taste the infamous $60.00 zocnessmonster and to kick it with Zoak, as Ezell is affectionately known. #75 - Brittany K. Barnett - 90 Days, 17 People Free From Life In Prison And A Trucking Company! With @_uconsulting Sam wanted to help companies (30 + ) not make the mistakes he did along with helping them make more money and connecting them with the right people along the way. (am, ) Related: [-] Friday, June 11, 2021: misc Docket Annotation Fri 06/11 8:02 AM No objections filed to the8 Recommendation. LAWYER MAGAZINE Spring 2021. Meet Husband and Wife Prunetta Brunson, Nurse Practitioner & Fitzgerald Gatson, Trucking Entrepreneur. Now our Brother Umar is expounding on that change. The immoral truths about how this country came to be are shameful and painful to reckon with. Keidrain is not your typical success story in fact he has faced some of the most insurmountable odds. . They would later get things on track and recoup some of their losses. She has since grown her fleet and looks to expand in 2021 as she learns the business and provides opportunities for the formerly incarcerated people. Talk about a comeback story! Eyo shares his journey with us and takes us through some of his keys to his success. 10 Steps to 50K in Business Credit! Tuesday night after the podcast its On today show, Ben lays out the Do's and Don'ts of factoring and tells us what you definitely want to stay away from when choosing a company to factor with. Brittany first came to national attention when she and her co-counsel were able to successfully litigate the release of 17 people in 90 days serving unfair sentences for drug crimes. From day one he has been and entrepreneur taking lessons he would learn form his early childhood and applying them to multiple businesses from selling fragrances in the streets to painting houses. This book is a stamp in his immense legacy me and the ancestors thank you.", Bonus - DAT | Dean Croke - Freight Market Trends N Stuff | DAT Analyst, DAT freight & analytics reached out for some potential partnership opportunities with TNH. Create accurate citations for multiple styles and source types. Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer. His first passion and business was a print shop, which he invested every thing he had into but would ultimately fail. #21 Eric Ball - What Your Online Course Wont Teach You! D.O.T Masterclass. Special Thanks To Our Sponsor OTR Capital.Learn More About Our Partner: To Connect With A Reliable Factoring Partner For Your Trucking Business Needs Contact. Tay is also launching a full course @thefreightcollege which you will learn more about on the show So they decided to take matters into their own hands. K.Neal remains a leader amongst it's competitors capturing almost 50% of the school BUS market share In THE state of MAYLAND and slew Truck orders. This amazing young woman has built multiple business's from scratch which includes her own fleet of trucks, a dispatching company and a freight brokerage company. For more info check out or on Instagram @yellowbricktransport In this episode Ash talks about starting with that 1 truck to growing into what is now a fleet management company along with her own fleet of 10 trucks. Topics. You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? Now, Shaq is reaching back into the communities and environments she grew from to educate others on the opportunities in the global logistics and international trade space. He went on to form his own trucking company CG&Boys Trucking, which just happen to also be his childhood dream. To start, Chris went out and got his first box truck while still working a full time job. Research and acknowledge current and past attempts at reparations in your local community. Many people have questioned a criticized Domo quick ascension, but he maintains that there is a method to his madness and he continues to prove the naysayers wrong.

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