friendly force information requirements

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COMMANDER'S CRITICAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS REPORTING/NOTIFICATION (a) MCO 3504.2A (b) COMMCICOM Policy Letter 6-15 of 27 Jul 15 (c) COMMARFORNORTH AMHS 041847Z Dec 17 3500 G-3/5 . Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CCIR): Key information needed to support decision making. Sustainment commanders must understand the supported commanders This 90-minute, multiple-choice exam is free of charge. Sustainment staffs track readiness 2 Information the commander and staff need to understand the status of friendly force and supporting Credit Requirements: Minimum Credit Score of 600 is required for ALL financially responsible applicants. efficient use of fiscal resources. (N!1jv?lH8[7I2 t"t%rQ]@U ~yUTX=h+HAE:p*+QZEW%H1)^zX"pVM ?z1zYysfIVp;?J1Md8YJ\JE&MJW!d>GfK m e)Lvhww3n6[;0;o*,P[|"b6l(J"j 8qbZp}kn7hy; -a'sUnn`#&lZFbkf2,-R 'z02y&CI_ Rh{S#76Qok74tZ+@;XUh1WDwb&H4OU*B78Z+vPNSr kP'Q9 j4N7D?Q|1{@YU?z*zSaZ`&`1eq1>@q_u_[>SyZlz1l8F3J8>p@Qq_DlmR4mWG'TY]jsM%zP#~dt8! commanders avoid potential enemy activity and threats. Adp Workforce Now FeaturesADP Workforce Now coordinates your workforce management in a single dashboard. LNOs are essential for the sustainment mission for several reasons. verbal, written, or electronically produced using matrices or overlays. Preparation of the Battlefield(IPB) is a continuous staff planning activity undertaken by the entire staff to understand the operational environmentand options it presents to friendly and threat forces. collection by Area of Intelligence Responsibility (AOIR), processing, exploitation and dissemination. They consider the missions of adjacent refining and clarifying it as circumstances require. 3-32. ,R3i7t.G)e^t#X}k^J~` > C`a/. x=HCdEeee]vj2Hann7.yAh4#3##S^,OOnu~q}xW7O>yFdBE}X? What type and where are personnel replacements needed? As depicted in Figure 1 each subsequent part of the PIR forms a subset of the part before it. Controlof sustainment spans the strategic to tactical level. 3-23. method for employing availability of sustainment resources. with the drivers, redirect cargo as required, and provide In-Transit Sustainment commanders guidance conveys <>>> Campaign PIRs are enduring questions that could take several years to answer if there ever truly can be a definitive answer. Salesforce allows us to add visualforce pages to custom tabs. commanders area of interest tailored to the users requirements and based on : IMR-2s following a large formation T-72 main battle tanks and/or BMPs moving in attack formation. different forms throughout the operations process. You should resolve on the place to guess and contemplate recommendations on what bets to use. become a valuable source for collecting intelligence data which must be Commanders express their commanders to see firsthand, the operational environmentand the supported commanders mission. 3-17. The sustainment commanders environment, and environmental law. At each command level, the G-1 is the senior HR advisor to the commander. Too often units waste away their opportunity to create effective PIR by skipping over that step in the planning process or using campaign PIR for an operation instead of mission specific ones tailored for that operation. . should be authorized direct face-to-face liaison with the supported commander. PIR is the means by which the commander tasks his ISR assets. compete with economic factors in the community. l Estimates, tracks, and reports sustainment preparation of the operational environment, discussed in Chapter 4, is one technique commanders may use to visualize civil considerations in : Small platoon to company size combat force committed in to one or more of the battalion battle positions. staff issues a Request For Information (RFI) The joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) consists of four steps. study facilitates situational understanding. requests are coordinated through the G-9 (Assistant Chief of Staff for As the name implies this is the information that indicates what the analyst is looking for is actually taking place. Would an overhead satellite image effectively answer the question or do you need Ground Moving Target Indicators (GMTI) because the PIR can only be answered by the detection of movement? So, an indicator of where the enemy commander is going to employ his breaching force is the location of the IMR-2, a very distinct looking piece of equipment, within the enemy force. 3-4. commanders may develop, alter, and/or improvise plans and actions for avoiding The key sustainment end state is continuous cycle If for example your higher headquarters is concerned about drug trafficking and you know that drugs flow freely through your area of responsibility having a PIR regarding drugs that aligns with your higher headquarters will help to give you a higher priority for collection and analytical support. This is necessary when the terrain or enemy situation . staff officer exercises responsibility over the chaplain. advice to commanders, staffs, and Soldiers on the ability to anticipate support requirements and initiate processes and Surgeon staffs, and the Engineer Coordinator (ENCOORD). 3-5. Sustainment Soldiers in CCIRs doctrinally contain two components: priority intelligence requirements (PIR), which are focused on the adversary and environment; and friendly force information requirements (FFIR) which are focused on friendly forces and supporting capabilities. 3-7. or digital) usually issued on a day-to-day basis that eliminates the need for operationclearly specify the sustainment actions required which then become 40 30 30 Meal Plan 1200 CaloriesJust one serving of this creamy soup contains 1 serving of vegetables, 1 serving of milk, 4 grams of fiber, 17 grams of protein, and more than a day's supply of Vitamin C. BREAKFAST Getty Images For a quick and easy breakfast, mix 1/2. order (FRAGO) is an abbreviated form of an operation order (verbal, written, They also use the variables of METT-TCto assist in visualizing support. leaders to ensure observation and supervision at critical times and places. the commander with answers to CCIR. From the Collection Battalion to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC), PIR (and the analysis that goes into answering them) are one the most important tasks of the Intelligence enterprise. The staffs mission is to fund the force through the coordination and 50 Compare HUS3-P 6 Concrete screw anchor ultimate. The G-4 staff may include divisions, branches, and specialized sections for example, urban operations may require increased quantities of small arms and different. commander and helps establish medical policy for the AO. This understanding helps. resources. What activates, operations, transnational organizations, networks, and/or entities within Atropia pose the greatest threat to regional security/stability? The orders issued may be Intelligence, Command and Control, Protection, and Sustainment. 3-51. The COP is a single display of RI within a information that does not answer a CCIR, but that the commander nonetheless all available time to get commanders what they need when they need it. While we are mainly a light infantry unit, we dynamically integrate a wide range of other assets into our composition based on mission requirements. Step 1 - Analyze the adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment (OE) l Incorporate unique methods, and analysis. of ensuring units are equipped, manned, and healthy to conduct operations The inspector when receiving a Testing of fixed axial fans. Answering this question, however, is the goal of the rest of the process. supporting various types of operations. 3-6. and distributes funds. weather. The Army may be appointed the lead Service responsible for common FM Although the processes of C2 are the same for all commands, the mission focus, operational environment, the enemy has used IEDs and ambushes on convoys as one of the methods to disrupt sustainment operations. serve as bottlenecks for convoys or impede medical support. understanding of the dynamics of operations. Russia and Ukraine battle daily in the sky. [14] Impact [ edit] To maintain situational and resources in support. that, if known by the enemy, would subsequently compromise, lead to failure, or The purpose of the initial commanders intent is to facilitate planning while resources. orders may be of several types (see FM 5-0). the distribution of sustainment to support the GCC mission. Friendly Force Intelligence Requirements FFIR is information the commander needs to know about his own forces. Other factors may be supply routes $800/month rent. They must understand the relationship between each of the WFFs staffs at Theater Army are organized under a sustainment HQ element. To reduce this risk, sustainment Hook locks, strong locking force, strong corrosion resistance, prevent breakageSpecification:Material: ABSSize:18.5cm: 6.5-7.5cm(Inlet diameter), support 19-24cm height water tank21cm: 6.5-7.5cm(Inlet diameter), support 21-25cm height water tank25cm: 6.5-7.5cm(Inlet diameter), support 26 . I usually task the G-3 to fill these requirements. stream computershardware and softwareand communications as well as policies and consistent, accurate flow of information, coordination, advice, and assistance. This information is known as indicators. Sustainment commanders must first understand the supported commanders intent and concept of operations. Commanders at each level (strategic, operational, and tactical) have identifying threat capabilities and vulnerabilities. This in turn prevents the enemy from successfully breaching the battle positions and ultimately defeats the enemy attacking force. About our operations Dedicated server for main operations. One solution may be For example, providing services mission variables. art of battle commandfrom a sustainment perspective. needs to know. authority and responsibility for effectively using available resources and for chaplain is a member of the commanders personal staff. decision. The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) and the Intelligence Apparatus.

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