Adjust the thrust jets, hose float, or add weights to the hose to alter the cleaners pattern or direction. Hi Ethel; it sounds like an air leak, which could be coming from splits or holes in the vac hose, or it may be coming from in front of the pump (pump lid, pipe coming into pump, pump drain plug, or suction valves skim/md). department of energy. Make sure motor is connected correctly for applied voltage. It had not been working well so I did a rebuild kit and also replaced the back-up valve. When you restrict the intake lines, that causes small air leaks to open up into larger air leaks, with the increase in vacuum pressure. Now somebody (either basket or filter) isnt doing their job! Need help troubleshooting what is wrong with your sump pump? We have a Polaris 825 and one of the trac belts keeps coming off. Like any part of your pool equipment arsenal, pool cleaners malfunction from time to time. Pressure side cleaner wheels can be shaft driven, belt driven, or chain driven. Another possible option is if your particular pool cleaner has a ladder guard or deflector that can be installed (on the cleaner), to keep it from passing under the step. Now, it is flashing red and will not turn on. Hi Glenn, good question, and the adjustment is at the wall fitting. Try a sand filter cleaner, to be sure that greasy or scaly deposits are not contributing to the issue. Leaves, rocks, or other rubbish in the baskets will reduce your pumps water flow and slow down the suction side cleaner. It is also possible that the tail orifice is clogged, if you find it intact and on the tail. pump regulatory changes . Air leaks in the hose or connections often cause air bubbles at the return line. Probably just need to add or replace a few hose floats for this issue. A speedy suction side cleaner will zip past dirt and debris, leaving behind a dirty pool. I brought it to a local dealer who put the power supply and robot unit on a tester and they both came back fine. Or if chlorine tablets are used in the skimmer basket would weaken the plastic over time. Worn footpads or seals can also reduce cleaner speed and cause it to stick to the pool floor. Offering the ultimate customized cleaning solution with SMART Cycle functionality that learns your pool, the VRX iQ+ calculates the most . When you notice your pressure pool cleaner not moving the first thing to do is to check the booster pump. kd did. I just got a Goplus Automatic Cleaner for my inground pool. You can plug something else into the outlet to check that it is live, like a hair dryer, or phone charger. Sand looks normal in the filter. This operation will necessitate the use of your pump. The wall connector still has the little tab on the lid of the hole cover that grips the hose, but clearly its not good enough to keep the hose in place. The Baracuda G4 is built on Baracuda's long history as a global leader in automatic pool cleaning technology. If it is loose, remove the lid and check the integrity of the O-ring that seals the lid. It will not climb the walls in the deep end. If its not climbing the walls like it used to, its probably also going slower. How can I get it to cover the entire pool? Search hose adapters on, or go here: Make an informed and confident decision when you buy your hot tub. Depending on which cleaner you have, there may be other methods as well, consult your cleaners owners manual, the troubleshooting section in the final pages. I Just purchased a Jacuzzi Compass Automatic Pool Cleaner. Works perfectly fine on the skimmer. Even if you clean the filter, a test you can do is if you have a sand or DE filter, you can put the valve on recirculate and run the system. Turn the unit off. Jacuzzi Repair 1. I have a Polaris 180. Part number 896584000-280 is the number for the float. my polaris 360 floats. Most suction side cleaners have a device in the skimmer that allows you to control the water flow. If it can perform these steps, try it in the pool again. Backwashing helps, but never as good as it used to go all the time. The more i turn my 3 way diverter valve to vac position the more i get air and my pool vac wont move. I cleaned the filter adjusted the jet direction and restarted the thing a number of times, still no dice. Also could be loose rollers or belts, slipping when it needs traction. Hi Deb, it depends on what model you have I would search online for the owners manual, and then go to the troubleshooting section in the last pages, and look for your symptom. Also, did you cut the hoses to fit the pool, shortening each in equal lengths? Or a new pool cleaning machine? A clogged basket or dirty filter are the two main causes for a sluggish suction side cleaner. Check the owner's manual and the appropriate diagrams . They also can be, Pool Filter Parts Pictorial In our final pool parts pictorial, we look closely at the most common parts sold for today's pool, One of my favorite pool filters out there is a vertical grid DE filter, made by Purex for Anthony Pools. If it starts, cleaner starts moving around . If the pressure cleaner gets stuck on the stairs, adjust the thrust jet to create a new cleaning pattern. This all starting happening after I cleaned my filter. Inspect your cleaner hose, each section for holes, and be sure they all fit tightly together. Or the filter canister is full, or the tires or brush is worn. Check your return line eyeball fittings, aiming them down towards the floor is usually best. We put it in and it will go to the other side of the pool on its own but when it get there it just starts. It can also be a tangled power cord. If equipped, verify your backup valve is working. With the booster pump running, grab the pool cleaner hose, and slowly pull the cleaner toward you, inspecting the hose for leaks as you pull it out of the water. Solution: When you will face this trouble, open up the cleaner, and check out the internal tubing, whether it is connected properly or not. This is usually a problem of loose drive tracks, loose drive belts, or missing small parts that keep tension on the belts and tracks. A clogged basket or dirty filter are the two main causes for a sluggish suction side cleaner. INYO Products has an extensive library of owner's manuals and technical documents for your pool and spa equipment. A lazy sweeping motion is best, not whipping around like crazy. We bought a new shark. Hoses and cables. Hot Tub Classic parts Spa 2-Pump Topside Control Panel Compatible with Most Jacuzzi Spas J-300 LED Series 2007-2012 2600-328. 1)Shaft Seal. Pool gets lots of grass, but it should be working great with all these adjustments. Setting up the vacuum is a simple matter of attaching suction hoses into the pool's pump system and turning the pool pump on. Hi Mitch, that could be dirty filters, weighing down the cleaner, or perhaps the impeller on top is not spinning correctly. Hi Laurence, yes a real pain when they climb too much! Check your owners manual for specific adjustments for your particular pressure pool cleaner. what can i do to get it to clean the rest of my pool. Follow the robotic pool cleaner troubleshooting tips below to solve any issues. Details. #2. Soak your filters in chemical cleaner every time you drain and refill your hot tub to extend their life and loosen any stubborn particulates. Its sole purpose is to operate the impeller. My sharkvac is getting high ventered on the pump water intake drain on the bottom of the pool. Check the belts (380 model). Put it back in the pool and its still doing the same thing. It's powerful, balanced, and doesn't have any hammering noises (common in other suction-side pool cleaners) for quiet operation. With over 10 years experience in replacing covers for all Jacuzzi models, we are sure to have yours on file. If your pool cleaner is beyond repair and its time for a new one, check out our selection of over 100 pool cleaners, in stock and ready to ship! Pressure-side cleaners need about 27 - 30 psi to function properly. I have a Leslie Merlin pool cleaner. Waterlogged hose floats should be replaced, and hose swivels should rotate freely. Hi Marla, the Compass cleaner is made by Jacuzzi, and I dont see any retailers carrying parts for it yet. "@type": "BlogPosting", IN THE LAST COUPLE MONTHS IT HAS STARTED SUCKING THE TAIL PIECE INTO THE MACHINE. If higher, adjust the flow regulator, to open it more, which will reduce the cleaner speed and climbing. We have an index rob vacumn and all hoses are leaking at fittings. Filter is completely cleaned, (basket, cartridge filter, its all cleaned and not clogged). 116 hires on Thumbtack. Hi Juanita, it probably holds in there fine when the suction is ON, but if the pump shuts off or the suction line valve is closed, it can come undone. Full Description. If your pool cleaner gets stuck on the main drain cover because its raised above the floor, install a, Flooded Inground Pool: 10-Steps to Recovery. Purchase a new hose if your current one is too short for your pool. Visit our pool cleaner parts department for any spares you need, or for more ideas to keep your pool cleaner from getting stuck. I have suction in all of the hoses. 02 Why does my pump run continuously? "@type": "Organization", Some wall connections with o-rings may need lube, to make them lock into place easily. The repair was done quickly and effectively, and the technician took the time to explain what was . Many cleaners allow you to adjust the distance between the wheels, to make adjustments to the tightness of the drive track. Older styles also had ball bearings that went missing, or the internal spring may be faulty. I am looking for advice how to change its pattern, like moving wight on the hose changing hose length by adding or removing one section what is the best way? Hi Lloyd, Im not sure if the Sharkvac wheels are adjustable, I think not, but unsure. See if the wheels have an adjustable axle, which is loosened and after moving the wheel, retightened, to make the track more snug. "thumbnailUrl": "", You may need to just replace a few hose floats, to keep it up. Hi Mike, the pump has to work harder to pull from the bottom of the pool, but if the pump flow and filter pressure is the same, it sounds like a suction loss, perhaps a hole in the hose or loose hose connections? I would suspect the top wheel on the P825, but not sure. A Polaris tail sweep attachment can also be used, it wont spray out of water, only when under water. Not sure how or when, but every day when I go out there it is out of the plug in. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Durable Automatic Pool Cleaner Cover Waterproof Black Robotic Pool Cleaner Cover at the best online prices at eBay! Thanks. "datePublished": "5/22/2012", Anthony Apollo VA-52 DE Pool Filter Repairs,,,, Most of the time, your pool cleaner just needs a few tweaks here or there, or some pool cleaner parts, and its off and running again. "image": { Perhaps they are both slacking off! Cleaners Salt & Swim Troubleshooting Assistant. I have a Kreepy Krauly that is kreeping slowly. As a last resort, place a small boulder in the area, or shorten the pool cleaner hose. You can also open other suction lines, like the main drain, to reduce the flow of water entering the cleaner. Zodiac Pool Cleaners Brochure. Hi Richard, Thanks. The team was professional, knowledgeable, and efficient from start to finish. Water pressure seems fine. Serving Novato and the Surrounding Area. Suction side pool cleaners typically are not designed to clean pool features (waterfalls, steps, or ladders). The impeller fan should spin for 10-15 seconds (youll hear a soft, high-pitched whine), and the tracks should move forward, then reverse and go backward. What is the solution?? Im a pool cleaner. Put the pliers thru the opening of the connector, then open the pliers, then turn (CCW) with the pliers. { Pool Heater Repair: My Pool Heater wont Start! Ushering in the next evolution of intelligent robotic pool cleaners, the Polaris VRX iQ+ provides strategic cleaning for a brilliantly clean pool you can clearly see. the pump motor provides vacuum and suction, the drive motor turns the pulley that pulls the belts and drive tracks around the tubes, and creates the movement. If either one is clogged with leaves and other debris, clean them out to increase water flow. Cords can be shortened and reattached, or you can buy a replacement cord if that is the issue. "width": "611", It has a second purpose of continuing to create some skimmer suction, but without a basket, whats the point. Don't forget to rinse them after. Pool Cleaners, Pool & Hot Tub Service. What is best way to prevent it claiming the walls or not going to the top. To clarify, the first hose section that connects to the wall fitting If your pump is too large, you could drill small holes in the solid part of the fitting, to pull water in at that point, to create a bypass or alternate suction intake, however be careful that this does not create a suction entrapment hazard, drilling many small holes all around the fitting, is probably safer than one large hole in the side. Visit our pool cleaner parts department for all the parts mentioned above. Summit Aquatics in Blue Springs, MO. IS THERE SOMETHING I NEED TO DO? If missing, that is the problem and if you can find it, you may be able to re-use it, otherwise youll need a new tail assembly. Hi, That said, watch out for tiny particles making their way inside the cleaner through the filter as well. Solution You'll need to determine exactly what the problem is by examining a few things closely. Hi Regina, the cleaner does not know if the pool is clean or not, they arent that smart It could be in the wrong cleaning mode. Or perhaps the hose is not completely full of water before you connect it into the skimmer. If it's a problem with the heating element, a technician will have to inspect it to determine if the heater can be salvaged. My suction pool cleaner works fine except it runs over some areas a lot more than others and completely ignores one corner. If you hear clicking or popping, there may be something restricting the movement. "height": "219", Hi Dan, I would suspect an air leak in the system, either in the vacuum hose, or in the pipe coming into the pump, or around the pump lid. I have a Polaris Racer and theres nothing coming from the thrust jet. It could be bypassing too much water, and setting the springs onto the higher numbers, will reduce bypass and pull more flow from the Compass cleaner head. Find the air leak, and solve the problem. The Best Suction-Side Pool Cleaner Our Top Pick Kreepy Krauly Suction-Side Automatic Inground Pool Cleaner $329.48 It connects directly to your pool filter system and includes 32 ft. of hose. sanitization. "caption": "In The Swim Blog" Pool Equipment; Saunas; Hi Tammy, from the Aquabot AquaJet Owners Manual: Take a garden hose with high pressure, spray into the Valve Housing at each Valve Port opening. So, just plug it into the back hole (deck side), and adjust the other valves until it cleans properly. When a pool cleaner does not climb the walls, there is a problem with the cleaning pattern or cleaner speed. Build a pool or buy a house with a pool and need help? The power supply should have an indicator light showing that power is being received. It keeps running into the hose which is on the bottom of the pool and getting stuck. What can I do to make it stay on the floor longer and actually clean the bottom of my pool? I'm interested too-we received this Compass cleaner (free with purchase of pool heater) and haven't been able to get it to work correctly. There are three main types of pool cleaners: suction side, pressure side, and robotic. Other polaris hose tangling problems can occur from bad hose swivels, not swiveling well, or from a hose that is too long for the pool should reach the furthest corner of the pool, plus 3-5 ft. SAND BACK TO POOL. A last resort may be to replace some hose sections. Learn More Pisces Pool Service Oahu. Hi Jody, first make sure that the kreepy is receiving enough water suction (power), see if you can increase suction (by cleaning filter or pump basket or possibly impeller, or closing other suction lines). 5. Pressure side cleaners operate on the pressure side of the filter pump, which pushes water into the cleaners booster pump. They are mainly used if the pump is just way too powerful, and opening other valves (main drain or other skimmers) is still not enough, to keep kreepy from sticking to the pool floor. You can use shaving cream around suspected air leaks, as an aid to help locate an air leak. Check the power supply fuse, and inspect floating cord closely those are the usual suspects. If the water flow through pump is always tedious to obtain at start-up after cleaning the lint basket, then an examination of the system to establish a reason and correct the cause is recommended. At this point, check the drive motor itself, to verify connections are tight. Hold your cleaner just below the pool surface with pump running. Our associates around the globe are passionate about serving our guests and driving exceptional results, and thrive in a culture where everyone is . see this video on how to do the out of water self test. Gold Supporter. Start at the motor, holding the unit upside down and look for the T pin on the motor and see if it is moving or turning. Here's some pics of the equipment. 04 Why is my pump noisy? If the RPM is much higher, there is too much water flow/pressure going to the cleaner. My water bill recently doubled last month, so Im wondering if perhaps that has something to do with it. Check the inline strainer at the wall for debris that could be slowing the water pressure to the cleaner. Another possibility is that not all wheels are being powered. Why isnt my robot cleaner cleaning the algae in my pool i have shocked my pool several and the stuff falls to the bottom Of my pool but my robot wont pick it up. Choose your model and in only a few easy steps, order your brand new cover now! But when I hold it slightly above the floor the wheels turn the amount of revolutions I would expect. I have cleaned it and checked all connections. (2021) Jacuzzi Swim Spa Owner's Manual. Worn footpads or seals can also reduce cleaner speed and cause it to stick to the pool floor. Pool Lube on the o-ring can also be helpful, sometimes necessary, to get the fitting turned in all the way. As they say The problem lies where the power dies, so if not at the outlet, then we cast suspicion onto the electric plug/cord, the power supply box and FUSE, and the cleaner floating power cord, plug end, and cleaner end attachment. Closed. For suction cleaners, closing other valves while using the cleaner and keeping the basket clean can improve speed. It could also be a damaged wall fitting connector, item D-29, but usually itts the UWF. But you may not even need to use the regulator. Marin Pool Service 101 Pool Cleaners, Pool & Hot Tub Service Serving Novato and the Surrounding Area Closed Request a Quote Bay Area Spas 63 Pool & Hot Tub Service Serving Oakland and the Surrounding Area Closed Request a Quote Clear & Clean Spa Service & Repair 51 Pool & Hot Tub Service Serving San Francisco and the Surrounding Area Closed The default setting is 11 oclock, but placing it at 1 oclock will give the cleaner an opposite cleaning pattern. Now, i should say that if you are using a pump and filter system that is too large for the cleaner (it is meant to work with the 1500gph to 3500 gph Intex filter systems, then that could be the problem. 05 heres the owners manual: Hi, that could be low suction from a not very powerful pump, or other pipes also open like other skimmers or main drain, or loss of suction at hose connections between cleaner and skimmer. It wont clean the 3ft section and the stairs. Each product has been expertly engineered and crafted with pool owners in mind. Polaris Pool Cleaners Brochure. Dolphin nautilus plus. You should be able to fix most issues on your own. Follow the pressure side pool cleaner troubleshooting tips below to solve any issues. I have a kreepy krauly and I am closing my pool. If they are gasketed, with an o-ring, Teflon lubricant can be used (or Silicone, actually better) to help seal up the oring or gasket. }, If held out of the water while running with the bag removed, throat, tail and thrust jets should all spray 15-20 feet. We offer swimming pool artificial rock staining and recoloring, acid wash, tile repair, deckoseal and mastic. If the hot tub's control panel, it could be faulty . J-500 COLLECTION. "publisher": { The free chlorine level is too low. Pressure coming out of the filter back into the pool is solid and is the same whether the cleaner is running or not. It is designed to direct the water stream. This happens to polaris and letro cleaners too some times, the sweep tail can get sucked up into the throat and into the bag. 6. All Rights Reserved. It is like it is not plugged in at all. "url": "", For other cleaners, check the owners manual for adjustments that can be made to hose floats and head floats and jets to produce less wall climbing (usually people want more!). learn more pumps. In such cases, redirecting the eyeball fittings or nozzle can fix the problem. Also you can check the wheel RPMs to be sure that it is 11-14 RPM. Its vinyl pool. This. Hi maria, sounds like a puncture or split in the hose, or a loose hose connection sucking air. It runs slow on filter mode (sand filter) but it runs properly while backwashing or running water to waste. It seems to be repeating the same pattern in the pool when cleaning, ignoring the deep end and the shallow end? When cleaning swimming pools, use chlorine-compatible cleaners. If so, there must be an obstruction or air leak in the hose, or around the pump, like a loose pump lid, or loose pipe coming into pump, or missing pump lid o-ring. Pressure gauge installed without sealant or teflon tape. TROUBLESHOOTING SAND FILTERS: Inspect. Sand too small; recommend .40mm to .50 mm size, FILTER WILL NOT KEEP WATER CLEAN. Health Benefits Buying Guide Get Hot Tub Pricing Cost of Ownership Guide Promotions & Financing Free Hot Tub Brochure Hot Tub Installation Guide SmartTub System Image Gallery. Hi, likely need a few new floats. Utilizing patented technology. If there is no electricity, check for a blown fuse or breaker problem. 2 reviews of Budget Pool & Spa Tech "I recently had a hot tub repair done by Budget Pool and Spa Tech, and I couldn't be happier with their service. POOL CLEANER INFORMATION. Step 3 MEASURE SUPPLY VOLTAGE - Use a multimeter to measure the voltage to the motor. Another option is to use a skim vac plate (made to fit your skimmer) with a 90 elbow on top, so that your skimmer basket catches the debris, not the pump basket. "caption": "In The Swim Blog" Ive been having an issue with my vacuum tangling around the bottom of the a-frame stairs in my above ground pool. If your pool cleaner gets stuck on the main drain cover because its raised above the floor, install a Unibridgeto keep your cleaner from getting stuck on raised floor fittings. $49900$624.98. Hi Emily, I would say you should inspect the drive belts and be sure they are intact and taut, about 1/2 deflection when you push down on the large belt with your finger, is normal.
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