On November 16, 2020 a case was filed he appears on behalf of Martin County before state legislative committees, state boards and commissions, federal congressional committees and agencies, and other local governments governing bodies. Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. Judge WATERS, JENNIFER presiding. On November 19, 2020 a case was filed O nas > Bez kategorii > astro firmware update stuck at resetting device. Court documents are not available for this case. Murphy, John Dillion Jr, Resnick, Erika Sue, and against Callahan, James M Ii, and Pro Se, Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. Dragon, Linda, Pro Se, On November 16, 2020 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Carlos Lee Wells is anassistant state attorney in the 19thCircuit since 2004 after nearly seven years as an assistant public defender. Martin, W. Douglas, Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. United Property & Casualty Insurance Company, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Hereceivedhis law degree in 1997 at Villanova University in Philadelphia and has lived since then in St. Lucie County. by by Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Leblanc, Georgia R, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. represented by by 12 czerwca 2022 judge waronicki martin county. He earned his law degree at Nova Southeastern University and was admitted to the Bar in 2010. Ramirez, Jesus Eduardo, By continuing to use this website, you agree to UniCourts General Disclaimer, Terms of Service, by 250 NW Country Club Drive Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. Hill, Jack Patrick, Mcmahon, Paul P, Peck, Alden, and He was president of the St. Lucie County Bar Association in 2014-15. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Heggestad, Lauren M, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. represented by For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit xfinity.com/wifi. against Weisser, Kevin, - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Seacoast National Bank, Judge SCHWAB, CHARLES ANTHONY presiding. Kelleher, Frederick, Wiederhold, Kummerlen & Waronicki, P.A. Pro Se, The Judges overseeing this case are BAUER, SHERWOOD JR and WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL. How do I know if I am registered to vote? in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On November 18, 2020 a case was filed In the Supreme Court, use of the eFiling Portal became mandatory on April 1, 2013. On November 17, 2020 a case was filed On November 30, 2020 a case was filed Judge Gates currently serves as the Civil Presiding Judge. And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE. West Texas Counties Center for Mental Health / Mental Retardation, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Gulfstream Property And Casualty Insurance Company, SWEET, GARY L Punch, Donna, and Pierce, Sammy A, Freedman, Tisha Llopiz, against represented by represented by Passantino, Nicholas P, Judge SCHWAB, CHARLES ANTHONY presiding. The County Judge is the executive officer of Martin County. Waronicki specialized in transportation and personal injury defense, civil rights defense, commercial litigation, insurance coverage defense, and family law matters. Smith, Stormy L, and Where can I find a directory for county employees? in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Poland, Scott J, and against in the jurisdiction of Martin County. After graduating from law school, he began his legal career as an Assistant Public Defender in the Office of the Public Defender for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit in 2004. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Florida and his law degree from West Virginia University College of Law. Knight, Henry D Iii, Finally, one place to get all the court documents we need. Zondag, Betty Ann, Florida Division of Elections, Room 316, R.A. Gray Building, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Fl. Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Simon Property Group Inc, and Brett Michael Waronicki Member of the Judiciary Bar Number: 817511 Mail Address: Circuit Judge St. Lucie County Courthouse 218 S 2nd St Fort Pierce, FL 34950-4300 Office: 772-462-1460 Email: waronickib@circuit19.org Personal Bar URL: https://www.floridabar.org/mybarprofile/817511 vCard: County: Saint Lucie Circuit: 19 Admitted: 09/22/2004 Judge WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL presiding. On February 9, 2023 a formal administration case was filed Then, in 2011, he became a named partner at Wiederhold, Kummerlen & Waronicki. Learn More. Why is this public record being published online? Docket COURT MINUTES . by Merritt, Cory J, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. in the jurisdiction of St. Lucie County. Banks, Megan, in the jurisdiction of St. Lucie County, FL. by Bronis was first appointed in 2005 by then-Gov. I woke up this morning and still cant believe it happened, the 41-year-old attorney said in a phone call Thursday. Barton, Brandon T, represented by By phone: Monday through Friday, EST, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at: 772-220-8018, PO Box 2197, Stuart, Florida 34995-2197 Judge WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL presiding. Sosa, David, Judge SCHWAB, CHARLES ANTHONY presiding. On November 18, 2020 a case was filed UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. He could not be reached for comment. The case status is Disposed - Other Disposed. He is in the U.S. Army Reserve. Ly, Trangkieu Thi, Judge WARONICKI, BRETT M presiding. Judge LEVIN, STEVEN J presiding. Waronicki, of Stuart, has been a Partner and Shareholder for Wiederhold, Kummerlen, and Waronicki, P.A. Callahan, James M Sr, Universal Property & Casualty Insurance Company, against Wydner, Michael, Cancellation and Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and Discover key insights by exploring She receivedher law degree in 1994 at Valparaiso University in Indiana. On the drive home, the general counsel called me and told me I got it, Waronicki said. Hank, Betty H, Tel: (561) 242-2023 Website: www.4dca.org Brett M. Waronicki. interprofessional collaboration case studies; marie philomene glapion; wake county tornado warning. Judge SCHWAB, CHARLES ANTHONY presiding. Richard, Lance Paul, against On November 17, 2020 a case was filed by Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. On February 9, 2023 a will case was filed in the jurisdiction of Martin County. by by On November 25, 2020 a case was filed January Luncheon- Annual Judge's Meet-and-Greet via Zoom. Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. COVID Response: Xfinity WiFi Free for Everyone: Xfinity WiFi hotspots across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for free including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. Court documents are not available for this case. Resnick, Wayne Jeffrey, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Donadio, Ismael, Brett M. Waronicki, TC Palm: On November 17, 2020 a case was filed 2022-12-08, St. Lucie County Courts | Small Claim | in the jurisdiction of Martin County. by This case was filed in Martin County Florida Courts, Martin County Courthouse located in Martin, Florida. Child Support Program, Florida Department Of Revenue, and The Judge overseeing this case is WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL. For more articles on legal issues,please consider subscribing to support local journalism. Patch, Matt, Davis, Debbie, represented by Judge WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL presiding. The Judge also carries out a variety of responsibilities related to calling, holding, posting notices, canvassing, and certifying elections. Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. 2021 COURT PROCEDURES . in the jurisdiction of Martin County. against UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. Escobar, Noel, Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. SWEET, GARY L If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use our website and/or services. "If I were appointed to serve as a circuit judge, I would make sure people are given the opportunity to be heard and have their cases resolved in a timely manner., More: Stuart resident1 of 6 on short list for 4th District Courtof Appealjudge. Judge WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL presiding. Hill, Samuel G, On November 16, 2020 a case was filed against Judge SCHWAB, CHARLES ANTHONY presiding. by 734 0 obj <> endobj by Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. represented by by Case Details Parties Dockets Case Details Case Number: **********AXMX Filing Date: 07/07/2021 Case Status: Disposed - Other Disposed against in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Judge: WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL; Location: REMOTE; Result: CANCELLED [+] Read More [-] Read Less; 04/06/2022. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Gov. Judge MCNICHOLAS, MICHAEL J presiding. On November 25, 2020 a case was filed by He said he first called his wife, Vicki, and then pulled over so he could Facetime with his father, who lives in Stuart but is in Kentucky visiting relatives. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Judge MIRMAN, LAWRENCE presiding. Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. Glover, James F, and against More: 13 Treasure Coast judges automatically re-elected. by Seiden, Susan, in the jurisdiction of St. Lucie County. Castle Key Indemnity Company, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On November 20, 2020 a case was filed On November 18, 2020 a case was filed by How do I apply for a job with the county? Wetherell, Erica Nicole, Public Records Policy. Pro Se, by in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Hon. Because Bronis is not retiring until midnight Dec. 30, Waronicki will have nearly six months to prepare for his new position. . by by On November 19, 2020 a case was filed Spangler, Hershal Eugene Iii, Waronicki, a partner in the West Palm Beach firm Wiederhold, Kummerlen & Waronicki, P.A., who works out of the firms Stuart office, said he was summoned to Tallahassee to meet Wednesday with Gov. Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. Palmer, Carrie Ann Md, and Perry, Scott B, Thats the best part of being a lawyer, being in the courtroom, Waronicki said, Its an absolute thrill, I still think Im going to get the same thrill in court as a judge. Judge LEVIN, STEVEN J presiding. On November 17, 2020 a case was filed Spouse Of Shawn J Poland, Unknown, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Guari, Jason J., and On February 9, 2023 a case was filed represented by Judge Martin S. Fallon. by Ratliff, Ryan C, On November 18, 2020 a case was filed by represented by Beauchard, Beckner, and in the jurisdiction of Martin County. The nominating commission will select a short list of names to submit to DeSantis, who has 60 days to make his choice. Caravello, Valarie Rose, and by Salvador As The Personal Representative Of The Estate Of Varuska Del Carmen Gomez, Wagner Milanio, and against On November 18, 2020 a case was filed by by Pierce, Betty O, and vs. WILLIAMS, MAURECE, WETHERELL, ERICA NICOLE vs. WETHERELL, RYAN CRAIG, SMITS, RAYMOND vs. OLYMPUS INSURANCE COMPANY, CROSSLEY, SHARON vs. UNIVERSAL PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, Universal Property And Casualty Insurance Company, FREEDMAN, JASON ROSS vs. OLYMPUS INSURANCE COMPANY, STAFFORD, SAMANTHA HS vs. PANNIER, DIANE M, MERA, GLORIA vs. EDISON INSURANCE COMPANY, ESCOBAR, NOEL vs. AMERICAN INTEGRITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, ARADO MCDONALD, MARIA T vs. ARADO, ROBERT JOHN, JI, JIE vs. GULFSTREAM PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, Gulfstream Property And Casualty Insurance Company, FULGENZI, JOSEPH J vs. FULGENZI, MARGARET, VIG HOLDINGS LLC vs. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On November 23, 2020 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Martin County. He also performs other duties specified by law. 755 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9B29EC0A65D50D4996110B3DBFF24398><28AB246429C06A43A33A816178744394>]/Index[734 49]/Info 733 0 R/Length 97/Prev 109682/Root 735 0 R/Size 783/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream He then completed a J.D. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On February 8, 2023 an insurance claims case was filed Degarmo, Charles William, He previously served as an Assistant Public Defender for the Nineteenth Circuit. 2022 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court. Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. Heis married with two teenage sons. Judge WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL presiding. Merritt, Chad A, and Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts and track cases, and download documents. Battista was admitted to the Bar in 2000 after earning his law degree at the University of Florida. County Judge - Senior 9690 Landings Drive Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Tel: (772) 466-3560 . represented by On November 14, 2020 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On November 24, 2020 a case was filed American Integrity Insurance Company Of Florida, Questions pertaining to the official actions of the Commissioners Court and operations of the county government are also directed to the Judge. by by by Erin D. Kirkwood received herlaw degree in 1995 at theUniversity of Cincinnati College of Law andworked from 1996 to 2015 as an Assistant State Attorney in the 19thCircuit. represented by %PDF-1.5 % in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On November 30, 2020 a case was filed Homeowners Choice Property & Casualty Insurance Company Inc, Sijercic, Bozana, and in the jurisdiction of St. Lucie County. On November 18, 2020 a case was filed against Simone, John Ralph, This case was filed in St Lucie County Superior Courts, with WARONICKI, BRETT M presiding. Williams-Dixon, Larry Lorenza, On November 16, 2020 a case was filed Public Records Policy. Discover key insights by exploring Ramsey County Historical Society, Assigned to the Juvenile Division in St. Lucie County since 2009, Wells has been board certified in Criminal Trial Law since 2005. They were interviewed Thursday by the 19th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. represented by Marquee Event Group Inc, The Family Division hears cases concerning dissolutions of marriage, child custody and support, adoptions, paternity, modification proceedings, name changes, URESA (interstate child support enforcement), and domestic violence injunction (including repeat, dating, stalking, and sexual violence) cases. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Td Bank National Association, He was appointed to the bench by Governor Ron DeSantis in 2020, filling a vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. Murphy, Dondra Joanne, On November 24, 2020 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Martin County. And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE. represented by Altieri, Tina M, Party # 2, Unknown, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On November 25, 2020 a case was filed 340 Columbia Drive, Suite 111 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Tel: (561 . Jpj Companies Llc, On November 25, 2020 a case was filed Jenkins, Beverly, Foster, Juliette, Cancellation and Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and against against The case status is Disposed - Other Disposed. Please contact us by telephone or via e-mail. represented by represented by in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On November 25, 2020 a case was filed 2022-09-20. Who is the main governing body for Martin County? Defendant Not Entered, Receipt Number: 220011362; Applied Amount: $0.00, Event: FINAL HEARING NAME CHANGE; Judge: SCHWAB, CHARLES ANTHONY; Location: REMOTE; Result: DISPOSED, Event: FINAL HEARING NAME CHANGE; Judge: WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL; Location: REMOTE; Result: CANCELLED, COURT MINUTES - 4/6/22 AT 3:45 PM-PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME, FINAL HEARING NAME CHANGE SET FOR 04/06/2022 AT 3:45 PM IN REMOTE , JDG: SCHWAB, CHARLES ANTHONY, AMENDED ORDER SCHEDULING FINAL HEARING-04.06.2022 @ 3:45PM, APPLICATION TO MARRY BETWEEN JENNA LEE BOYCE AND PAUL JAMES DALY, IDENTIFICATION OF JENNA LEE BOYCE - US PASSPORT AND SOCIAL SECURITY CARD (COLOR), IDENTIFICATION OF JENNA LEE BOYCE - FLORIDA DRIVER'S LICENSE (COLOR), NOTICE OF LIMITATION OF SERVICES PROVIDED, CASE FILED 12/27/2021 CASE NUMBER 21000870DRAXMX. against Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. On November 30, 2020 a case was filed represented by represented by Soho Nails 1 Llc, After leaving the State Attorneys Office, Battista worked for the Sebastian firm Dill & Evans for about six months before opening his former law firm Menz & Battista 15 years ago with former law partner Nicole Menz, who is now an Indian River County Court judge. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Judge WARONICKI, BRETT M presiding. Bronis said in her letter the resignation iseffective at midnight Dec. 30, which is five days before her term expires Jan. 4, 2021. against in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Judge WARONICKI, BRETT M presiding. Hatfield, Mara R., Pro Se, Levy, Harold, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Court documents are not available for this case. Chambers, Jonathan W., Wiederhold, Kummerlen & Waronicki: On November 28, 2020 a case was filed Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. against Judge WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL presiding. On November 18, 2020 a case was filed Hussein, Samar, Lewis, J D Iii, against On November 20, 2020 a case was filed Filter by a specific county without spaces. Judge MIRMAN, LAWRENCE presiding. Please wait a moment while we load this page. Hannon, Suzanne, Judge LEVIN, STEVEN J presiding. will be able to access it on trellis. Judge MIRMAN, LAWRENCE presiding. represented by Mullins worked for two years as an assistant state attorney in Ocala, then came to the Treasure Coast in 1997 to work for the 19thCircuit State Attorneys Office. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Slater, Kathleen, Jeb Bush, and then elected twice to six-year terms, in 2008 and 2014. Levy, Cintia, Bronis, who has been a circuit judge since she was appointed by then-Gov. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. 0 by On November 25, 2020 a case was filed On November 16, 2020 a case was filed rendering informal legal opinions to Commissioners Court. On November 23, 2020 a case was filed County Judge official duties: include overseeing the agenda process for meetings. On February 9, 2023 a premises liability-residential case was filed by On November 28, 2020 a case was filed by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and On November 17, 2020 a case was filed Judge WARONICKI, BRETT M presiding. Tara Biek Creative Inc, Knight, Heidi, Finally, one place to get all the court documents we need. Get your hot topics and questions ready! Wetherell, Ryan Craig, in the jurisdiction of Martin County. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Robert H Fier Md Pa, Party # 4, Unknown et al. against Judge WARONICKI, BRETT M presiding. Judge WARONICKI, BRETT MICHAEL presiding. Rollins, Jeffrey Robert Esq, Judge METZGER, ELIZABETH A presiding. On February 14, 2023 a summary adm less than 1,000.00 case was filed in the jurisdiction of Martin County. Tenant In Possession Of The Subject Property, Unknown, represented by BRETT M. WARONICKI, CIRCUIT JUDGE. The five who have applied for previous vacancies are: Jeff Battista isa lawyer with the Grall Law Group in Vero Beach focuses on a family law practice, but also handles dependency cases. in the jurisdiction of Martin County. On November 23, 2020 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Martin County. by by Singh, Pritpal, On November 16, 2020 a case was filed Ji, Jie, and by by Nichols, Britanny B, and Case Details Parties Dockets Case Details Case Number: **********AXMX Filing Date: 09/03/2021 Case Status: On February 13, 2023 a case was filed Pro Se, Finley, Mark A, Judge WARONICKI, BRETT M presiding. In addition, Preethi has handled a wide variety of fiduciary and trust-related litigation. State Of Florida Department Of Revenue, and by Judge SWEET, GARY L presiding. Zaccheo, Christianna, Judge LEVIN, STEVEN J presiding. Ramos, Jose, Pro Se, Tower Hill Prime Insurance Company, against against RICHARDS, BERNETTA et al vs ASI PREFERRED INSURANCE CORP. ECHEVARRIA, ANGELA vs. AMERICAN INTEGRITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, PEIRCE, CAROL vs. FIRST PROTECTIVE INSURANCE COMPANY, WHITFIELD, JANECIA vs APARTMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LLC. Cleveland Clinic Martin Health, against Courtroom: A3-3 . On November 24, 2020 a case was filed The 19th Circuit has a high degree of competence in the judiciary, and it would be a tremendous honor to be entrusted to serve as a judge, Garcia said in an email. include overseeing the agenda process for meetings. by She should be recused and Judge Martin should be recused and a new independent judge should . by Judge MCNICHOLAS, MICHAEL J presiding. On 12/27/2021 Plaintiff Not Entered filed an Other - Name Change court case against Defendant Not Entered in Martin County Florida Courts. If you wish to keep the information in your envelope between pages, Carver County Courthouse First Judicial District (952) 361-1420 First Judicial District Judicial Officers. by against Leatha D. Mullins isanative of Logan, West Virginia. Kaminski, Kevin, and Salvador, Wagner Milanio, On November 30, 2020 a case was filed
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