The stylistic challenges facing the prospective translator of Nietzsche filled Peter Newmark with apprehension, but the present author adopts a more pragmatic position and concludes by speculating that the translator might represent the best approximation to Nietzsche's ideal reader. However Wissenschaft is not "wisdom" (wisdom = Weisheit ), but a propensity toward any rigorous practice of a poised, controlled, and disciplined quest for knowledge. For sex, not so much., Babys sind nun mal Alkoholkonsumverhinderungsmaschinen Carolin Kebekus, German comic, Translation: Babies are alcohol-abuse-prevention-devices., Ich habe ein einfaches Rezept, um fit zu bleiben. }("apstag", window, document, "script", "//"); If the bermensch acts to create new values within the moral vacuum of nihilism, there is nothing that this creative act would not justify. English Translation: All time that is not experienced with the heart is lost time. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. q("i", arguments) return cookiePair[1]; Brecht was a playwright born in 1898 who served his country in World War I but was forced to flee when the Nazis came to power. You chose Stalin's dictatorship. if (window.Mobvious === undefined) { g.parentNode.insertBefore(A, g) "Overhuman") is a concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. There is always some madness in love. Friedrich Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, written in the years 1883 to 1885, is a pretty unusual book in the history of Western philosophy.It isn't really a novel . [16][17] The Nazi notion of the master race also spawned the idea of "inferior humans" (Untermenschen) who should be dominated and enslaved; this term does not originate with Nietzsche, who was critical of both antisemitism and German nationalism. speak German, there are actually a lot of beautiful, profound, and sensible quotes about life that are in German. greatest German literary figures of the modern era. return true; Through realizing this new set of values, the bermensch is perfect because they have mastered all human obstacles. init: function() { Want a powerful new weapon in your German learning arsenal? gads.src = (useSSL ? - Live like, when you die, you will wish to have lived. Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes There is always some madness in love. Stanley Rosen, on the other hand, suggests that the doctrine of eternal return is an esoteric ruse meant to save the concept of the bermensch from the charge of Idealism. } Don't seek an easy life, seek strength. This quote from "Overhuman") is a concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different? if (a[a9]) return; zur genealogie der moral by nietzsche . apstag.init({ How they These first two quotes showcase Nietzsche's zeal for life, for cheer, for the ecstasy of artistic intoxication. Nietzsche Archives, Weimar, December 1905. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. session: { id: "654-1054837-6029735" }, The thought of Nietzsche had an important influence on anarchist authors. }); It does not occur to the shallow interpreters of that giant mind that this vision of the bermensch also called for a state of society which will not give birth to a race of weaklings and slaves. , Friedrich Nietzsche. Neither Nietzsche nor the phrase, @DavidVogt, oh, I missed this intention of you. This action nearly kills Zarathustra, for example, and most human beings cannot avoid other-worldliness because they really are sick, not because of any choice they made. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, To find everything profound that is an inconvenient trait. Friedrich Nietzsche's quote (October 15, 1844 - August 25, 1900) German philosopher, poet, cultural critic and classical philologist. The poem, An Sich or To Oneself was written back in 1641 but is still considered good advice for living today. We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. Friedrich Nietzsche. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("grsession", "osid.da96cc159b8dddeebb5e693230ccc984"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("signedin", "false"); The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome. All rights reserved. Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont. If, little man among millions, you were to shoulder the barest fraction of your responsibility, the world would be a very different place. gads.type = "text/javascript"; Whether youre looking to use quotes to help you learn German or you want some beautiful words to brighten up your day, youll find them right here. Bertolt Brecht is much in the same vein. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, I would not know what the spirit of a philosopher might wish more to be than a good dancer. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, For believe me: the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and greatest enjoyment is to live dangerously. You should try to find it, reading or listening to poetry and url = ""; When Zarathustra was thirty years old, he left his home and . Zarathustra contrasts the bermensch with the degenerate last man of egalitarian modernity, an alternative goal which humanity might set for itself. 101 Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes on Love, Truth, and Morality . stylesheet.type = "text/css"; The opposite is more of a challenge., Fast jede Frau wre gern treu. } gads.async = true; Murray Bookchin, in The Spanish Anarchists, describes prominent Catalan CNT member Salvador Segu as "an admirer of Nietzschean individualism, of the superhome to whom 'all is permitted'". If there is one quote in the list of most beautiful German quotes that is easily recognizable even to non-German speakers, it would probably be this quote from the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. //]]> He is fundamentally unsound., The real world is much smaller than the imaginary, If a man has character, he has also his typical experience, which always recurs., You desire to LIVE "according to Nature"? googletag.pubads().setTargeting("sid", "osid.da96cc159b8dddeebb5e693230ccc984"); Thus Spake Zarathustra, also translated as Thus Spoke Zarathustra, treatise by Friedrich Nietzsche, written in four parts and published in German between 1883 and 1885 as Also sprach Zarathustra. It is quoted or alluded to by many other works, with minor variants in wording: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. But there is also always some reason in madness. Wenn du erwachsen bist, musst du Bier trinken. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austrian-American actor / The Terminator, Translation: Milk is for babies. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein. Friedrich Nietzsche "In every real man, a child is hidden that wants to play." -Friedrich Nietzsche. You made Himmler your police chief and murdered your great friends. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. But is this really true? [23], Sunshine says that the "Spanish anarchists also mixed their class politics with Nietzschean inspiration." Although I'm not yet sure about the universe., Fr Fuball wrde ich einfach alles tun, fr Sex nicht ganz so viel. Sebastian Schweinsteiger, German football player, Translation: Id do anything for football. But there is also always some reason in madness. Please try again. English Translation: Anyone who holds on to the ability to see beauty never grows old. In his 1883 book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra ( German: Also sprach Zarathustra ), Nietzsche has his character Zarathustra posit the bermensch as a goal for humanity to set for itself. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Out of lifes school of war: What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. Here are some of their best thoughts. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad. Difficulties with estimation of epsilon-delta limit proof. throw new Error("could not load device-specific stylesheet : " + err.message); Bent is the path of eternity., What is good? The center is everywhere. Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond! //]]> Ende is a beloved writer of childrens fantasy fiction, his epic fantasy The Neverending Story wasnt just translated into English but also made into a series of Hollywood movies in the 80s and 90s. var useSSL = "https:" == document.location.protocol; This, little man, is what you have done with Christianity, with the doctrine of sovereign people, with socialism, with everything you touch. 'Do you feel responsible for all evil?' The made-up word "mehrwollhaben" seems to be a mistaken quote by the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre in his book After Virtue. English Translation: What doesnt kill me makes me stronger. There are actually a great number of creative people of German descent! Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes which are better known in youth to not to Regret in Old Age.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher, prose poet, cult. var gads = document.createElement("script"); Adults drink beer., Dumme Gedanken hat jeder, aber der Weise verschweigt sie. if (sourcesToHideBuyFeatures[i] == source) Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Dawn, God is dead. Friedrich Nietzsche, The lie is a condition of life. Friedrich Nietzsche, Der Fall Wagner, The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends. zur genealogie der moral german edition kindle . Quotes; Topics & Tags; Authors; Quote of the day; . Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. You had your choice between soaring to superhuman heights with Nietzsche and sinking into subhuman depths with Hitler. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, composer, and Latin and Greek scholar. It is difficult to find the man to whom you can be., Sei mir gegrt, mein Sauerkraut, holdselig sind deine Gerche. Heinrich Heine, German poet and essayist, Translation: Greetings my sauerkraut, sweet are your smells., Es ist ein Brauch von Alters her, wer Sorgen hat, hat auch Likr. Wilhelm Busch, German humorist, Translation: It is a tradition (or practice) from time immemorial, whoever has worries (or cares) has liquor., Wussten Sie schon, dass der Walfisch das kleinste lebende Sugetier sein knnte, wenn er nur nicht so gro wre? Loriot, Translation: Did you know that the whale could be the smallest living mammal if it were not so big?. [CDATA[ English Translation: Live like, when you die, you will wish to have lived. A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphismsin short, a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that this is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins., Everything goes, everything comes back; eternally rolls the wheel of being. Germany is home to many of the worlds great philosophers and thinkers. Given all the scientific discoveries Einstein either directly made or inspired, its not surprising that he approached everything with a healthy curiosity and an open mind. var sourcesToHideBuyFeatures = ["ebfg_gr", "ebfg_fb", "ebfg_fbm", "ebfg_tw", Aber ein bisschen frher, damit ich mehr davon habe. Marlene Dietrich, German actress, Translation: If I could live my life again Id make exactly the same mistakes. The bermensch lies in the future no historical figures have ever been bermenschen and so still represents a sort of eschatological redemption in some future time. Friedrich Nietzsche. Just a little earlier, so I have more of them., Jeder, der sich die Fhigkeit erhlt, Schnes zu erkennen, wird nie alt werden. Franz Kafka, Czech-Austrian novelist, Translation: Anyone who has the ability to see beautiful things will never grow old., Man muss sein Glck teilen, um es zu multiplizieren. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian writer, Translation: You have to share your luck to multiply it, Glcklich allein ist die Seele, die liebt. *Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and statesman, Translation: Happy alone is the soul that loves., Nicht alles, was zhlt, ist zhlbar, und nicht alles, was zhlbar ist, zhlt. Albert Einstein, German scientist, Translation: Not everything that counts is countable, and not everything that can be counted counts., Sage nicht alles, was du weit, aber wisse alles, was du sagst. Matthias Claudius, German poet and journalist, Translation: Dont say everything you know; but know everything you say., Je lter ich werde, desto intensiver lebe ich und desto mehr registriere ich, was ich erreicht habe. Steffi Graf, German tennis player, Translation: The older I get, the more intensely I live, and the more I realize what I have achieved., Schn ist eigentlich alles, was man mit Liebe betrachtet. Christian Morgenstern, German author and poet, Translation: Beautiful is everything one looks at with love., Tatsachen gibt es nicht, nur Interpretationen. Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, Translation: There are no facts, only interpretations.. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy often stresses the fact that one must be fearless, take risks, and face adversities to get . For Germans, local and national politics is something that everyone, even the ordinary German, should be aware of and capable of talking about even in casual conversation. Learning basic Portuguese sayings and greetings shouldn't be that hard. Search for other works by this author on: The Journal of Nietzsche Studies (2012) 43 (1): 5767. 1 Answer. It makes one strain ones eyes all the time, and in the end one finds more than one might have wished. You had the choice between Lenin's truly democratic constitution and Stalin's dictatorship. pubID: '3211', adServer: 'googletag', bidTimeout: 4e3, params: { aps_privacy: '1YN' } Whats the grammar of "For those whose stories they are"? Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra 1. It's a quote by Nietzsche [closed], We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? suggest that one must have the strength of the bermensch in order to will the eternal recurrence of the same; that is, only the bermensch will have the strength to fully accept all of his past life, including his failures and misdeeds, and to truly will their eternal return. Only that is yours., Der Langsamste, der sein Ziel nicht aus den Augen verliert, geht noch immer geschwinder, als jener, der ohne Ziel umherirrt. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, German poet, Translation: The slowest plodder who does not lose sight of his goal is still faster than the one who wanders without a goal., Man muss das Unmgliche versuchen, um das Mgliche zu erreichen. Hermann Hesse, German writer, Translation: You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible., Fr das Knnen gibt es nur einen Beweis: das Tun. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian writer, Translation: There is only one proof of skill: doing., *Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich strker. Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, Translation: What does not kill me makes me stronger., *Die Gewohnheit ist ein Seil. There is always some madness in love. [13] This is in part due to the fact that even the bermensch can appear like an other-worldly hope. is strictly defined as "the insatiable desire to have what rightfully belongs to others", suggesting what Ritenbaugh describes as "ruthless self-seeking and an arrogant assumption that others and things exist for one's own benefit". (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); We have art in order not to die of the truth. You murdered Wilson. In other words, quotes evoke emotion. Friedrich Nietzsche, The future influences the present just as much as the past. You dropped the theory of sexuality and chose his theory of cultural adaptation, which left you hanging in mid-air. Walter Kaufmann lambasted this translation in the 1950s for two reasons: first, the failure of the English prefix "super" to capture the nuance of the German ber (though in Latin, its meaning of "above" or "beyond" is closer to the German); and second, for promoting misidentification of Nietzsche's concept with the comic-book character Superman. Please check your email address / username and password and try again. Seize the moment. googletag.cmd.push(function() { Then look no further than these German motivational quotes! - Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher Translation: "There are no facts, only interpretations." Motivational German Quotes Looking for a kick-up-the-butt to get stuff done, and learn some wonderful new vocabulary? Many of the people behind the quotes on this list are worth looking into and Goeths works are highly recommended as he is one of the Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Schwierig ist es blo, den Mann zu finden, dem man treu sein kann. Marlene Dietrich, German actress, Translation: Almost every woman would like to be faithful. This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow. According to Rdiger Safranski, some commentators associate the bermensch with a program of eugenics. Quotes can make you laugh, cry, or think. With remarks like that you condemn yourself. What does "Gleich am Bahnsteig gegenber." var ue_sn = ""; node.parentNode.insertBefore(gads, node); Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Nietzsche died long before Hitler's reign, and it was partly Nietzsche's sister Elisabeth Frster-Nietzsche who manipulated her brother's words to accommodate the worldview of herself and her husband, Bernhard Frster, a prominent German nationalist and antisemite. You had your choice between Jesus and his majestic simplicity and Paul with his celibacy for priests and life-long compulsory marriage for yourself. Can someone help me, please? And granted that your imperative, "living according to Nature," means actually the same as "living according to life"how could you do DIFFERENTLY? (1961), page 44 English translation of Zarathustra's prologue; "I love those who do not first seek beyond the stars for reasons to go down and to be sacrifices: but who sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth may one day belong to the Superman", Nietzsche, F. (1885) p. 4, Original publication "Ich liebe die, welche nicht erst hinter den Sternen einen Grund suchen, unterzugehen und Opfer zu sein: sondern die sich der Erde opfern, dass die Erde einst des bermenschen werde. Concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, Death of God and the creation of new values, Re-embodiment of amoral aristocratic values, bermenschlich. While it is important to learn German words even slang and What a privilege! }()); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("surface", "mw"); Product reviews: Get our take on the resources for learning a language. if (isRetina) { Wir denken selten an das, was wir haben, aber immer an das, was uns fehlt. Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher, Translation: We rarely think of what we have but always what we lack., Wenn die Menschen nur ber das sprchen, was sie begreifen, dann wrde es sehr still auf der Welt sein. Albert Einstein, German scientist, Translation: If people only talked about things they understand, then it would be very quiet in the world., Man reist nicht, um anzukommen, sondern um zu reisen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and statesman, Translation: You do not travel to arrive, but to travel., *Gegen Angriffe kann man sich wehren, gegen Lob ist man machtlos. Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist, Translation: One can resist attack, but one is powerless against praise., Glck entsteht oft durch Aufmerksamkeit in kleinen Dingen, Unglck oft durch Vernachlssigung kleiner Dinge. Wilhelm Busch, German humorist, Translation: Happiness often comes from attention to small things, misfortune often from neglecting little things., Die groe Chance des lterwerdens ist, dass es einem Wurscht sein kann, was die Leute sagen Udo Jrgens, Austrian-Swiss composer, Translation: The best part of getting older, is that you dont have to care what people say, *Wenn ich mein Leben noch einmal leben knnte, wrde ich die gleichen Fehler machen. This site uses cookies. } You shouted Heil! The bermensch ( German pronunciation: [ybmn]; transl. }, When it comes to learning a foreign language, many people think that kids are better at language learning than adults. Nur er ist dein. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, German writer, Translation: Dont lose yourself in distant times! What is happiness? "In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." Friedrich Nietzsche tags: insanity , society 3187 likes Like "No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone." Friedrich Nietzsche 3108 likes Like And when you have an emotional connection to something, youre more likely to remember it. What does not kill me makes me stronger (German: Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich strker) is part of aphorism number 8 from the "Maxims and Arrows" section of Friedrich Nietzsche's Twilight of the Idols (1888). To liveis not that just endeavouring to be otherwise than this Nature? } else { ZARATHUSTRA'S DISCOURSES. "Without music, life would be a mistake." - Nietzsche - Quote - - Source: Twilight of the Idols. What is bad? [CDATA[ //
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