NoI havent now that you think about it you only ate the breakfast that Pinky made. So if I get some things wrong, I apologise. Now youre going to moan for me for a little while.. Hey guys, why dont we play some games? You inquired. Hell be in for one hell of a surprise later . << Chapter 1 | < Chapter4 | Chapter 6 > coming soon, Warnings: Yandere behavior, 18+, MDI, mildly suggestive themes. I hope this wasnt too complicated, Author Notes: not at all! She meets three boys who slowly start to fall in love with her. That it would be like saying you were the one at fault. "Okay.". She.hung up.on me. Izuku squeaked and Katsuki stiffened. When you get recommend "AM I JUST A NUMBER" You fall onto the bed next to Katsuki, who immediately reaches out to grasp your hip. How could you kill, much less hurt him, when hes snoring so softly? You didnt really take notice of his slurred mumbling about something. You smirk, your voice dripping with honey as you tilt your head innocently. Hi! Bakugo, youre first. Todoroki spoke. Which was the reason why the event was so fucking packed. ( ) It makes my day! (~)~]. His face turned into a sad frown as he saw the way your body stiffened, sweat rolling down the sides of your cheeks and your eyes stared at Endeavor with a bewildered expression, filled with fear and awareness. Too much responsibility, stress, etc. We dont want to hear about some dumbass quirkless singer.. Enough, nerd! "Stay with me.". If you werent with him, you were angry, frustrated being surrounded with only morons every single days a torture, you would much rather be in his arms, cuddling and listening to his adorable rambling about quirks and fights. Your work isnt going to walk away if you go rest your eyes. You curled yourself into the soft fabric of the blanket and let the tears, previously welled up, stream down the side of your face and drench the pillow beneath your head. Im so sorry, my darling. Thank you.. His efforts arent nearly as gentle as they usually are. His dreams were shattered and he didnt get into UA as he didnt have a quirk, unlike you. How would yanderes Denki, Erasermic (poly) react to the reader being cold and barely talking to them after they kidnapped her and when one day they suddenly they come home injured, reader has tears in her eyes and patches them up, . The original idea for this was provided to me by the amazing person that is @spicynerd2020 so please go show her some love! You lift your head and blush, struggling a bit in your bindings as he grips the skin of your ankles and presses against you. Do y'all guys like Yanderes as much as I do? Todobakudeku x reader Fantasy AU {. This way, though, you have time to think things through and make a choice with a clear mind, not overwhelmed by your emotions. You feel a lump in your throatthe telltale sign that youd break out in tears were you to speakso you just shake your head. Now, fucking be a good girl and tilt your head back. Small Disclaimer: This is my first fanfic, so please be wary of that while you read. There were no more tears staining either of your cheeks. You dont she coming home? Shoto looks at them, tears in his eyes now. the police? Since youre already next to it. He arches a brow but does it neverthelessturning towards one of the cupboards and retrieving it. To say he wasnt exactly pleased would be selling it short. ..Sorry? You cocked your head and furrowed your brows at the man in front of you. Its not as if theyre any better! Nothing else would work. Chapter 7! He presses into you fully and stretches you wide on the girth of him. But you eventually calmed yourself and silently prayed the necklace does actually do its job. Would the yanderes still try sabotaging the relationship? A couple of years back I saved an owner of the Umai Umai restaurant, he said he owed me big time or something. Bakugou kept his eyes glued to the road, cool as a cucumber. But you decide against it. Sweat rolls between your fingers as you grip the knife tightly, and hover it over the slumbering figure. How could you kill, much less hurt him, when hes snoring so softly? To see us take down the bastards that we did? I wont lie this got dark and might be triggering for some viewers so please warn and tags before reading. Deku, go drag her ass to bed, Katsuki demanded, closing his eyes and cuddling closer to Shoto. Also, like any of my works, the reader is female and black unless stated otherwise <3. Hey Blue, whatever happens, everything will be alright, okay!. The place looked warm and inviting, like having a hot meal at a friends house when its snow outsides. This is a 18+ blog MDI, Multi Fandom Request are closed :3. Which is why it made so happy to know that you were only his puppy, you only ever obeyed his words, encouraged him, you were the only one who believed him and you helped him become someone strong. You wanted me to play with you, didnt you? It's the reader's birthday and they have to spend it inside. (_;)]. You gasp for breath as he surges his hips forward a few more times and groans out. Dekus eyes turn a morbid forest green as he grabs a knife from the bedside stand. She went to middle school with Kirishima and Mina and were friends with them both. Even though you were wrapped tightly in the warmest blanket you could find, you felt an eerie coldness spread through your body. Hope this wasn't too confusing, Not at all, its just my mind with its cheap wifi that needed a second to process. Usually when its night and time to sleep, reader and yandere Deku sleep together but now that theyve fought and had an argument, reader is on the couch and she feels sad about what happened and doubts whether Deku loves her anymore and starts crying. Alright. There was no fight for dominance. You always let him take the lead. Dabi's Little Azure Songbird | Hi. I really like your writing. Can Thank you! warnings: this is a yandere story so there is going to be blood and death, MDI 18+ only, like the title chapter says, next chapter is going to be crazy so hopefully I can write and edit it in a timely manner. Without hesitation, you parted your lips and sighed contently. See ya, nerd.. Nn.. You reluctantly open your eyes, letting them adjust to the sunlight and sigh into the pillow. You mutter your feelings of love to the man, his hair tickling your chin with each word that leaves your mouth. Im not trying to insult you, (Hero name), Im simply stating the fact that youre not acting befitting of a hero. Endeavor huffed with a dry tone, his flames flickering with each word. You find Midoriya in the kitchen, his back turned to you as he hums a familiar tune and messes around the stove. Weve had a long day and.Im going to bed. Shoto turns without another word, leaving you with Katsuki and Izuku. He caught a glimpse of the many boards you had run through, blueprints littered around without much of a second thought, and an algorithm running on the laptop before you. Are you uncomfortable? Even Leon says to just shoot them in the head!, Kacchan! Thank you. You quickly down the tablet with a gulp and thank him for taking the glass back to the sink. (). You watch as his face goes from a cherry red blush to a dark frown. Good. Im none of those thingsthose are the words Id use to describe you. Hes her favorite singer. Izuku says quietly, hurt in his voice. Murmurs gradually got louder in the crowd, everyone was taken aback by your earlier reaction. Y/N, how- He narrows his eyes and sets the tray with food and drink on it down on the small table next to the door, and stalks over to you. PerhapsI should help you down from there?. { } Y/N had a pretty hard child hood her parents are both christian's and super strict they never let her have any free time and they always make her follow their rules Y/N Todoroki X Reader X Bakugou Welcome home! MHA | Reader | Adventure Anime/Manga Fanfiction Mha Oneshots Reader [Y/N] [L/N] is a young girl who is disabled from her voice. And just to clarify for new readers:Y/N is Your NameY/F/C is Your Favorite Color, NSFW ~ The After Show ~ TodoBakuDeku x Female Reader, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. You grit your teeth as you dig your nails into the wooden stand, the tiniest cracks catching your attention and snapping you out of a possible , as everyone would call it. Fuck, that was sexyWe really iced your cake this year, princess. Bakugo moans softly, leaning to lick softly at some of the cream on your cheek. You didnt have much time to dwell on it before Katsuki was opening the car door for you, telling you to get in. GENDER NEUTRAL READER MOSTLY. Izuku.. Obviously youre perfectbeautiful, smart and kind Izuku! You raise your voice and hold his face with both of your hands, smiling at him with the most benevolent smile you can muster up. I.. Izuku doesnt know what to say, Shoto can see the stress and tears in his eyes. Bakudeku x Omega! Can, please, I get a poly Todobakudeku x fem!reader story. ( ), Reader tries to murder yandere Deku in his sleep with a knife but kinda breaks down in between and starts crying? The thought of that alone made him feel butterflies in his stomach. Oreosmama Can I request Yandere Bakugou, Todoroki, and Puppy? Midoriya cocked his head as he always does whenever you call him out on something, after bottling up your emotions for too long. You were trying to block him out. Poly! Alpha! Bakudeku x Omega! reader - Rhody Fangirl Mina nudged you towards him whispering in your ear He doesnt bite. giving you a tight-lipped giggle. I got her, Icyhot. Oh, Im good with anything you were too nervous to deny his offer, who were you to refuse the number two hero Dynamite, if he did ready like you then willy to at less hear him out, but if not oh well, you still had pinky and your other friends. And I have to admit my patience is wearing very thin anyway.. Midoriya knocked on the door a couple times before letting himself in. You let the words I love you, thank you! Fall out of your mouth and have him a peck on the lips.
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