Reclassification is the process in which a student, who learns another language or languages at home before English, is initially classified as an English Learner (EL) and later demonstrates English language proficiency. 2022 School Report Cards Now Available, about American Heart Month Highlights Child Nutritions Year Round Focus on Cardiovascular Health, about More than 200 RCSD Students Make an Academic Stride as English Proficient, about Three Seats Open on District Measure U Citizens Oversight Committee, about Attend and Achieve: Tips and Resources to Help Families Avoid School Avoidance, about Measure U Parcel Tax Oversight Committee, about Henry Ford School 5th Grade Promotion, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade PE - Mullooly, Tiffany, Speech and Language Pathologist - Lowenthal, Lindsey, Speech and Language Pathologist - Marquez, Anablen, Prospective Roosevelt Parents Information Night, Pgina de Facebook de la Escuela Roosevelt, Need Information About Your School? Roosevelt Elementary School Main Menu Toggle. School Social Worker Lizette Gutierrez . Roosevelt Elementary School is located at 405 Bailey Ave, Granger, WA, 98932Granger, WA 98932. Our school invites you to be involved and welcomes volunteers both at our building and within our PTO. District Mission Statement: "We will find a way for all students to learn.. Contact: Satinder Bishop. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Skip to main content. JB Bauer, Janet More. For additional support or information, then contact their counselor or school principal. Welcome to Roosevelt Elementary school, where we are dedicated to reaching all of our students as they grow into lifelong learners. Roosevelt Elementary School serves grades TK-5 and is located in San Gabriel, California. Employment Type: Full Time. Students, we hope to see you at our varsity football games! Veterans Salute the Flag Bus Routes Canvas Lunch Menu Student Code of Conduct Student Connection Volunteer Services School News Ready For Kindergarten 2023-24 Parent Handbook School Forms more Upcoming Events Search for people on . Roosevelt Elementary School 135 Jackson Ave. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 P: (908) 912-5807 F: (908) 822-9375 Contact Jennifer Pouv Jennifer Pouv School Nurse: Cafeteria Staff. Port Angeles School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Si tiene preguntas o quejas, comunquese con el director de su escuela y / o el Director de Cumplimiento de Equidad del Distrito, el Coordinador de la Seccin 504 y el Coordinador del Ttulo IX: Erin Johnston, Directora I, Recursos Humanos, 1300 Baker Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305, (661) 631-4663, The Stevens Point Area Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status or parental status, sexual orientation or disability. Roosevelt Elementary School Our Faculty & Staff Our Faculty & Staff Administrative Team Ms.Heifet, Principal, Mr.Clark, Assistant Principal, Leadership Support Staff Ms.Gordon, Office Secretary/Admin. Main Menu. Follow the link for the SPS 2020-21 calendar. Pleasant St. Roosevelt is a family of all first grade students and staff. . Our goal is for all Nampa School District students to meet or exceed high academic standards by acquiring the knowledge and skills essential for success on state and national assessments, and in post-secondary education, the world of work, and citizenship. About Modernization Continues at Roosevelt Elementary. Mobile Search. 7700. The Council Bluffs Community School District complies with Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA), Iowa Civil Right Act (IRCA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act in ensuring people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their nondisabled peers to participate in the districts programs, benefits, and services, including those delivered through electronic and information technology. Principal, x68205 dstern . Click the link below to access important flyers! 15-225 Phone: . Roosevelt Elementary School. into the Title box; Sort by subject: type math, science, English Language arts, etc. Measure U COC Agenda, about Need Information About Your School? Have questions about your student? Staff Directory. For requests or inquiries regarding access to the districts webpage or another electronic resource, please contact the Districts Chief Communications Officer, Diane Ostrowski at 712-328-6443 or Please contact our office at 262-664-6990 or for details and how to apply. 3109 Mt. Safety Reporting and Tip Line: 1574 Linden Ave., Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 599-3418 Phone. Our close-knit community is known for agriculture and small, local businessesa great place to . Principal:Tina Allsop Admin. into the Title box; Sort by name: if you know your staff member's name or part of it, type it into the Name box Roosevelt Elementary School 1112 20th Street Port Huron, MI 48060 Phone: 810-984-6525 Fax: 810-275-1272 Jones learned of the honor during an impromptu after-school staff meeting on February 9 while surrounded by cheering colleagues. (Please leave the student's name, teacher's name, reason, and your relationship to the child.) Roosevelt Elementary's vision of the future is to provide a safe and engaging learning environment that will empower our students of today to successfully meet the challenges of tomorrow. 50 Roosevelt Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506. She will be honored during a special Olympia School Board recognition starting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 23, 2023. . Staff Directory; Calendar; Videos (opens in new window/tab) . Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Our job, in partnership with our parents, is to build the foundation for a successful . Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Office: (360) 596-6700. VISIT US 230 3rd Ave East Dickinson ND, 58601. Welcome. Salary: The 2023-2024 salary range is $130,352 to $143,919. CONTACT US Phone: 701-456-0015 If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Public Act No. Find Us . Mobile Drawer Trigger. Office Hours. The mission of Roosevelt Elementary School is to engage the students, staff, and community in quality and equitable education that helps to REBUILD ROOSEVELT. 2022-2023 School Year Calendar; All District Welcome Back; Canvas - Learning Management Platform . If you are a part of the HEART program and are in need of support from the schools or if you are experiencing a loss of housing please fill out this form and a member of the HEART team will be in touch with you. Shawn Tegethoff . If you have concerns, please call (715) 345-5454. We pride ourselves on being a close school family in an environment focused on learning. Boise School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color . Roosevelt Elementary News & Announcements >> Covid Safety Plan Read More Principal Galindo's Message May 14 Today, I visited each third through sixth-grade classroom to highlight the importance of safe, responsible, and respectful conduct during our unstructured times such as recess and lunch. Selected for honors in 2021 were Orion Alternative School, Roosevelt School, and Roy Cloud School. Teachers can tailor content, environment, and process to provide a curriculum that works well for a students specific needs and learning style. Roosevelt Elementary School 1151 Vancouver Ave, Burlingame CA 94010 650-259-3890 Phone 650-259-3820 Fax. The Bakersfield City School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a persons actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, marital status, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Position: Name: Email: Principal: Mr. Jered Kotarak: Secretary: Ms. Benson 262-359-6097: Health/Information Clerk: Ms. Ruiz Main . 40. Previous Next 915 Romayne Avenue Racine, WI 53402 Office: (262) 664-8300 Fax: (262) 664-8310 Attendance: (262) 664-8305 Math Homework Hotline, PRINCIPAL / ADMINISTRATOR: Denise Wheatley. Roosevelt; Staff Directory; Name: Title: Location: Administrator; Cashier; Custodian; Educational Assistant; Food Service; Head Custodian; Head Server; Library Media Specialist; . Roosevelt Elementary is one of six elementary schools located in Dinuba, California. 33401. Roosevelt Elementary embraces all students in support of academic growth and social/emotional/behavioral development. PRINCIPAL, ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY. Schedule for Orientations and Meet and Greet, Modernization Continues at Roosevelt Elementary. Roosevelt Elementary School Staff Directory. Building Construction Academy at Bowers/Whitley, Mort Elementary A Community Partnership School, Riverwalk STEM Academy at Just Elementary, South Tampa Academy at Monroe Middle Magnet, Choice, Magnet, & HVK12 Applications Opens at 5:00 pm, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Our campus is home to almost 690 students in transitional kindergarten through grade six. Welcome to Roosevelt Elementary Gaylon Christopher Davenport, Principal Phone: 713-696-2820 Gaylon Christopher Davenport is the new principal for Roosevelt Elementary School. Welcome to Roosevelt Elementary We are proud of our school! Staff Calendar 2022-2023SY; Online Forms "Informed K12" For Students. I invite you to reach out to our staff or PTO members to see for yourself all the great ways you can be involved in our school. Staff Directory - Roosevelt Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School Home About Roosevelt Academics Athletics Fine Arts Parents Students Teachers Recent News Calendar Staff Directory Roosevelt Elementary School / About Roosevelt / Staff Directory No breakfast will be served. . El Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Bakersfield prohbe la discriminacin, la intimidacin, el acoso (incluido el acoso sexual) o el acoso basado en la ascendencia, el color, la discapacidad, la etnia, el gnero, la expresin de gnero, la identidad de gnero, el estado migratorio, el estado civil, el origen nacional, estado parental, estado de embarazo, raza, religin, sexo, orientacin sexual o asociacin con una persona o grupo con una o ms de estas caractersticas reales o percibidas. Extended Learning Instructor Vacancies New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. School Events. Child Nutrition Services (CNS) has student heart health in mind year round. Welcome to Roosevelt Elementary School where staff, students, and families have worked together for excellence in education since 1925. Roosevelt Elementary Main Line:(360) 452-8973. Roosevelt Elementary Main Line: (360) 452-8973 Roosevelt Staff 123>showing 1 - 32 of 74 constituents Jody Adams Wyndi Anderson Heidi Becker Speech / Language Sabrina Caverly Tasha Clark School Nurse Geff Cobb Paraeducator Ellen Dezellem Casey Dietz PE Teacher Deena Duce Custodian Angela Duplesis The association presented Roosevelt School with its 2017 SMCRA Celebrate Literacy Award honoring Roosevelt School and its teachers for their significant contributions to reading instruction and literacy through the schools Reading and Goal Setting Parent Workshops and Conferences. Contact the Districts Section 504 Equity Coordinator, Tim Hamilton at 712-328-6423 or The Scottsbluff Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Roosevelt Elementary 615 Sixth Avenue SE Jamestown, ND 58401 701-252-1679 Fax 701-952-2395 Washington Elementary 705 Fourth Avenue NW Jamestown, ND 58401 701-252-0468 Fax 701-952-0469 Football Shack: 701-252-5548 Wm. Albert Burrola MIE Resident Artist. 83 Livingston Avenue. 973-423-6485 | 973-427-9335. Staff Directory Roosevelt Elementary School / School Information / Staff Directory LA Ahmed, Laura More. Forward Exam testing will begin a week after spring break on April 5th for Roosevelt students. Roosevelt Elementary. The current building was constructed in 1938 by the Works Project Administration under Franklin D. Roosevelt. In RCSD, students speak 37 different languages at home including Arabic, Mandarin, Polish, Russian, Samoan, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Staff Directory. This is the disclaimer text. About Us. Search for people on this page. Choice, Magnet, & HVK12 Applications Opens at 5:00 pm, Early Release Day-students released 1 hour early, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Follow link for our Roosevelt PTG page and hit "like"! Our teachers and staff are dedicated to ensuring the academic success of every . WELCOME TO ROOSEVELT SCHOOL! . Faculty & Staff Faculty & Staff Faculty & Staff Faculty & Staff Memberhub link Memberhub link PTA About the PTA Get Inspired . We are proud of our school! Together, they develop strong friendships where tolerance is accepted and diversity is welcomed. Staff at our Pre-K through fifth grade elementary school believe students should always learn at high levels. We believe we can accomplish this only through the combined efforts of staff, students, parents, and community. District Home. 2022 School Report Cards Now Available, American Heart Month Highlights Child Nutritions Year Round Focus on Cardiovascular Health, More than 200 RCSD Students Make an Academic Stride as English Proficient, Three Seats Open on District Measure U Citizens Oversight Committee, Attend and Achieve: Tips and Resources to Help Families Avoid School Avoidance. The commitment of Redwood City School District (RCSD) kindergarten and 1st grade teachers at Roosevelt School to the academic success of their students recently earned them the attention of the San Mateo County Reading Association (SMCRA). Staff Directory - Roosevelt Elementary. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Pay student fees and fines or purchase items through our online payment system. Roosevelt students are challenged and engaged in an award-winning Project Based Learning curriculum that helps them develop skills for living in a knowledge-based, highly technological society. Staff. 15-225 regarding chronic absenteeism. Fill out our contact form. The staff takes pride in knowing generations of families. We are so lucky, each and every day, to serve the amazing children of the Plover community. Roosevelt Elementary School Art Show Art Show Art Show SLAM Art The Last Tiger SLAM Lunch Reading Celebration! Montessori School; Roosevelt Elementary; Underwood/USTEM Elementary; Washington Elementary; Wilson Elementary; Longfellow Middle; . Roosevelt Elementary School. LA Alvarez, Lisa More. Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" START OVER: Bobby Barber; 715-345-5425 Kim Barden; 715-345-5425 Kimberly Barden; 7153455245 Roosevelt Elementary has a diverse history of student-centered education, strong parental involvement, and amazing community support. Roosevelt Elementary. Date Posted: 3/2/2023. Phone 561 . Roosevelt Elementary School Main Menu Toggle District About Us Contact Us Welcome Report Card Goals Mission Statement Faculty Directory Directions MTSS Parents and Students Student Handbook Contact Teachers PowerSchool Menus Library Supply Lists Emergency Safety Intervention ESL Resources Staff Only Employee Portal Technology Support Support Staff. Olympia WA 98506. Gaylon Davenport, Principal Fax: (360) 596-6701. We are so lucky, each and every day, to serve the amazing children of the Plover community. Learn more! Moline School District 40 serves elementary through high school students in Moline, IL. Home; Enrollment" Pick Up Enrollment Packet; 22-23 Childcare Pre-Enrollment (new families only) 23/24 Packet Pickup Appointments . The mission of Roosevelt School is to provide a safe, secure environment in which the staff will model and instruct the virtues which foster the intellectual, physical, and social development of each child to the fullest extent possible in first grade. 401 N. Elliott Street PO Box 548, Pryor Oklahoma 74362 Phone: . FL. Fax: (732) 937-7562. Measure T CBOC Agenda Staff. "No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. More info available at Type any part of the first or last name in the search box; . Students begin music at Roosevelt in third grade with many going on to perform . Students become responsible, independent learners and thinkers as they advance in their academic, social and emotional development. TEA # Grade Levels: EE-5. School Hours: 8:15 AM - 3:08 PM CONTACT INFORMATION: Roosevelt Elementary 316 S. Ringold Ave. Janesville, WI 53545 Phone: 608-743-7000 Fax: (608) 743-7010 Principal: Stacy Petersen. To do this, we read, write, do math, use technology, and collaborate with others everyday. Application Deadline: 3/31/2023 4:00 PM Pacific. El Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Bakersfield . Roosevelt Elementary School. School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs). Length of Work Year: 203 day - Work Year / July 31, 2023 to June 21, 2024. We have a full-time academic program improvement (API) coach and Learning Director. Find it Fast search. 1417 San Francisco Avenue NE. Search. 508 Teaneck Road, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. In 2007, Roosevelt School reinvented itself and became a first grade only school. Holeva, Lynda, Principal x68204 Stern, Debra, Asst. This school year, the California Department of Education (CDE) added a new component, which is the percentage of students participating in each of the five fitness components of the California Physical Fitness Test. More Ways to Succeed. Roosevelt Elementary. Dr. Davenport is a proud product of HISD, including having attended Roosevelt as a child. Roosevelt Elementary. Speech Therapist/Speech Language Pathologist, Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Form, Harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB). The school underwent a makeover including new carpet, paint, and . Helping children ages 3-5 become lifelong learners! Teachers and staff of three Redwood City School District (RCSD) schools have been recognized by the California PBIS Coalition for an outstanding approach to social, emotional, and behavioral support. S. Gussner Elem. . The school underwent a makeover including new carpet, paint, and improvements to the parking lots and surrounding greenery. Roosevelt Elementary School. On behalf of our Roosevelt students and staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Roosevelt community. Comments (-1) . . Phone 201-440-0808 | Email [email protected] different languages are spoken at home by our students and their families in our district including Arabic, Mandarin, Polish, Russian, Samoan, Spanish, and Vietnamese, healthy and nutritious breakfastsandlunches served every school day in our district, square feet of space are maintained by RCSD custodians and groundskeepers throughout our district, RCSD Board of Trustees Agenda One of her biggest motivations is making sure the students in her class are ready for kindergarten not just in academics but getting them ready socially and emotionally as well. . About Us. 1509 Fourth Street NE Jamestown, ND 58401 701-252-3846 Fax 701-952-3845 Jamestown High School 1509 Tenth Street NE The program is a smart and simple, Click here for a message from Principal Nasci, Commitment to Authentic and Meaningful Community Engagement, Meeting Notes, Agendas, Video and Policies, Smart Start 2022 Health and Safety Guidance, Long-Range Facilities Master Plan (LRFMP), Career & Technical Education Advisory Boards, UW Parkside Access to College Credit (PACC), Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Financing, Distribution of Materials to RUSD Students, Contact Communication & Community Engagement, Income Application & Sharing Information Forms. Search: Search. Main Menu Toggle. Our supportive community of teachers, staff, and parents ensures that students are successful in all aspects of their learning. Theyre thrilled with the way their little loved ones learn specifically, they credit the teachers, the schools respective cultures and value communication from teachers, staff and administration. 1220 15th St. West Palm Beach. Our School Calendar; Bell Schedule; Enrichment; Health Corner; School History; Counselor's Corner; District Food Service and Wellness Information; . Roosevelt Elementary School. The Director of Student Services is the district's compliance officer. Roosevelt Elementary School - located at 6700 Fulton St, Houston,TX 77022-5416. find Roosevelt Elementary Schoolrating, student, staff and STAAR statistics and scores . Staff Directory Keyword Role All Faculty & Staff First Name Last Name Department All Departments Administration Art Building and Grounds Business Services Community Education Food Service Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Health Services Intervention - Math & Reading Kindergarten Media Center Music Office Staff Physical Education Student . Contact Us. Danielle Stafford-Ash Send email to Danielle Stafford-Ash Roosevelt Elementary. Close. Roosevelt Elementary School Staff. 300 West Sixth Street. ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY. Roosevelt Elementary School TO SERVE EVERY STUDENT WITH EXCELLENCE AS THE STANDARD Peachjar FOCUS For Staff BPS Home Launchpad Menus Transportation Contact Calendar Featured Stories Meet the Principal Parent Survey Cell Phone Policy Cell Phone Policy Espaol Code of Conduct Understanding FAST Results Subscribe to RSS Feed - Featured Stories With the unique grade configuration of the schools in our district, there is a common thread that unites the students as they transition into and out of the schools throughout the years. 95 Needham Road (Upper Campus) Phone: 617-635-8676 30 Millstone Road (Lower Campus) Phone: 617-635-9280. Roosevelt School / Homepage CLICK HERE to visit our Facebook page! Asst, Ms.Glass, SISL/Parent Coordinator, RCSD creates a safe and supportive, inspirational and rigorous, joyful and inclusive environment for all learners. Music Instrument Donation at Roosevelt Elementary Posted: August 2, 2022; Summer Website for K-12 Students & Parents Posted . Roosevelt Elementary School Our School Staff Directory. Use the link below to hear some awesome people read the stories! Our school mission demonstrates our desire for all students to succeed as they move through their education. Schools Roosevelt Elementary Roosevelt Staff Directory Roosevelt Staff Directory. Search for people on this page. Boise, ID 83712 | Phone 208-854-6030 | Fax 208-854-6031. Home; Blog; Contact Info; My Other Website . Roosevelt offers supplemental curriculum programs to support the needs of our students, Safe, Respectful, Responsible, Caring, a Learner, Parent Notification of Staff Qualifications. Custodial Staff. Skip to main content. Meet Roosevelt's new principal Roosevelt Student Handbook Student and parent Handbook Online Access to Free & Reduced Meal Status Letters Parents can now check their student's status and print their own Free and Reduced Meal Approval Letter Homeless Education and Resource Team (HEART) 1509 Fourth Street NE Jamestown, ND 58401 701-252-3846 Fax 701-952-3845 Jamestown High School 1509 Tenth Street NE Staff Directory - Roosevelt Elementary. The parents of students in Redwood City School District (RCSD) are an enthusiastic bunch. The purpose of the Measure U Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) is to inform the public at least annually in a written report concerning the expenditure of the parcel tax proceeds. Choice and Career Options . Si necesita ayuda traduciendo informacin de esta pgina por favor contacte a. Site Map. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact the school districts Equity Coordinator, Tim Hamilton, 712-328-6423,, 300 W. Broadway, Suite 1600, Council Bluffs, IA 51503. Staff Directory - Roosevelt Elementary School School Information Staff Directory Staff Directory Main Office 253-571-4400 Look through the list below or use the search feature to find a staff member. Search. For questions or complaints, contact your school site principal and/or the District's Chief Equity Compliance Officer, Section 504 Coordinator, and Title IX Coordinator: Erin Johnston, Director I, Human Resources, 1300 Baker Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305, (661) 631-4663, Theodore Roosevelt School is home to 450 TK- 6 students. Roosevelt Elementary School Phone: 732-396-1060 Fax: 732-396-2643 Staff Directory (opens in new window/tab) Northstar (opens in new window/tab) Search. More Choices. Roosevelt Elementary School 2900 Yew Street Bellingham, Washington 98226 Phone: 360-676-6440 Fax: 360-647-6895 Principal: Aaron Darragh Assist. Roosevelt is the only accredited STEM school in the Elkhart area, which emphasizes a hands-on approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Achieving Excellence for all Students through Equity and Innovation. LB Baumann, Lynne More. 835 E. 14th Street, Suite 200 San Leandro, CA 94577 Phone: 510-667-3500 Fax: 510-667-6234 Email: 1515 Hughes Way, Long Beach CA, 90810 Phone: 562-997-8000 . real estate for sale, real estate for lease and more near Roosevelt Elementary School Excellent | (Based on 2019 STAAR Data For questions or complaints, contact your school site principal and/or the Districts Chief Equity Compliance Officer, Section 504 Coordinator, and Title IX Coordinator: Erin Johnston, Director I, Human Resources, 1300 Baker Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305, (661) 631-4663, Calendar ; Roosevelt News ; Staff Directory ; This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. It is the policy of the Council Bluffs Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (for employment), national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status (for programs), socioeconomic status (for programs), physical or mental disability, religion, creed, genetic information, ancestry, geographic location, citizenship, political party preference or belief, familial status or any other protected attribute, in its educational programs, activities or employment practices. Staff Intranet; Quicklinks. The best place to start is by contacting your student's classroom teacher or your school's main office. Roosevelt Elementary School Staff Search. Administrators. We believe in educating the whole child,with a focus on academic studies, as well as physical education, social skills, and the arts. SEARCH HELP. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. School Information. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Roosevelt Elementary School PTA 801 Montana Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-395-0941 PTA President Email Roosevelt Elementary School. Online Access to Free & Reduced Meal Status Letters, Homeless Education and Resource Team (HEART), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Our School; Enroll at Roosevelt; Bell Schedule; Continuous Achievement Plan; Close Olympia WA 98506. Boston School Forest - Sauvageau. On behalf of our Roosevelt students and staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Roosevelt community. Kanesville Learning Center, Passages, ARC, Middle School Transition. More Opportunities. Learning and achievement drive everything we do. 507-345-4285 To do this, we read, write, do math, use technology, and collaborate with others everyday. Roosevelt students are challenged and engaged in an award-winning Project Based Learning curriculum that helps them develop skills for living in a knowledge-based, highly technological society. "F. D. Roosevelt Elementary School is a welcoming, friendly place where your child can develop and grow as part of his/her life-long journey of learning in a caring, supportive and safe environment. Football Game Information for Elementary & Middle School Students and Families. American Heart Month focuses on cardiovascular health, including how to reduce risks of heart disease through exercise and nutrition.
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