sun sextile south node transit

Transiting North and South Node will tell you where your soul wants you to focus now, but not necessarily where you should focus long term. Its passage through the Nodes seems to change the color, the harmony of the world (major-minor). Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. right now i have the transit south node conjunct my natal mercury and transit mercury transiting my natal north node. Aries and Libra are on an axis and will always be exactly opposite each other, as will Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius, and Pisces and Virgo and theyre respective house combinations (1 and 7, 2 and 8, 3 and 9, 4 and 10, 5 and 11, and 6 and 12) . Your Earth sign shows how you felt as a child, but these are usually negative feelings, so you want to move towards the Sun sign qualities. You naturally know what feels right for you at a core level. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. Ultimately, Sun square North Node means that a transformation of your ego and your life goals is necessary. From a pragmatic, modern astrology position, no of course the SN doesn't destroy your sun. You may want to fall back into the mold from your childhood or go along with other peoples opinions, but you need to push in order to break out, even if it feels uncomfortable. Sun opposition North Node is all about dealing with the duality of the signs and finding the best qualities to express from each sign. and trine his DC in 9 Cancer. The tail the dragon loosens the ground-layer up, and sweeps it up into the air that being our thoughts, experiences, and emotional tint upon reality. This contact is a powerful one. Saturn is our skeletal structure and Jupiter rules the hips. This is when you feel friction. Take a quick look right now, if you dont already know, and see where the South Node is currently transiting for you. You love something, your good at something and it is very easy to fall into habits and skills developed in your previous incarnation. If you arent making any progress elsewhere, could it really hurt? This was helpful to me..still learning! The best way to do this is to suspend your judgments in order to do soul work. If youre able to work towards identity and soul growth with Sun conjunct North Node, then you can be quite successful in life. This is because your North Node is conjunct your Earth sign with this placement. At the moment when both the Sun and the Moon are connected in the sky with any Node, an eclipse occurs, a spectacular celestial phenomenon. That promises to be a colorful week. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sabrina Monarch and Monarch Astrology. Through your South Node sextile Sun synastry aspect, you show each other the mystical side of existence. thank you. Learn to find the commonalities in your placements. These are just some ideas: I absolutely believe in something. Sun Transits The Sun transits conjunct natal Moon Transiting Sun to Natal Moon Aspects Sun conjunct Moon With medical advice you need to be extremely proficient and very careful about what you say. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! You are strongly connected to your past. The sextile still requires work, and here it is easier for a person to understand his mistake. Lunar Nodes offer an interesting perspective on a chart's inner workings and a person's destiny. To start: the South Node of the Moon is also known as the tail of the dragon, to which the North Node is the head. Somehow overnight the world has become like the Great Mother that is the sign of Cancer, where the North Node has been transiting for the past year and a half. If you have the Sun square North Node aspect, you also have the Sun square South Node aspect, making this placement especially difficult. With Composite Sun square or opposite Composite Jupiter, this isn't necessarily negative since Jupiter is a happy planet, and you can still get along well and enjoy . You're likely a relationship-type person and attract them on a regular basis. This makes it easy for you to work on both your soul growth and developing your sense of self without conflict. What sign is it in? With Sun opposition North Node, you tend to feel that you need to choose between your sense of self/identity and you souls purpose in this lifetime. With Sun Conjunct North Node in your chart you have the ability to give to others and help those less fortunate than yourself. A contact transit to the vertex, a conjunction, or to its opposite point, the anti-vertex, is the key that opens this gate. Like any other planet, the Sun in astrology has its positive and negative qualities. Thank you for the new insights. Dont forget that you can have many sides to your personality! Wherever they are during that 18 month time period you can either see things work really well as you develop something new through the North Node, or things can get stuck and stagnant if you try to push through with the South Node, which we often do! They blend the ego based, personal drive of the solar part of a person with the emotional, changeable, intuitive lunar functions. Your confidence will be magnified with this aspect, at least on the outside. Solar Cancers are quite secretive and deeply immersed in the inner world of people, they are focused on family values and tied to their own corner (piece of land, homeland, home). This transit can reveal embedded or historic patterns within the Soul which are ready to be karmically burnt off at this time. The sun in Cancer is under the influence of the Moon, which gives solar energy, in fact, melancholy and sensitivity to the energy of other people, which is not characteristic of it. Work on consciously using your ego and your will for soul growth. When your Sun is conjunct your partner's North Node, one of the major themes of your relationship is developing each other's talents and strengths. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. The North Node of the Moon, both in the natal horoscope and in its transit provides a positive influx of energy and power. What house is it moving through? Thank you Osamenor for your insights. The Sun's transits to planets and points in the natal chart are relatively brief influences, lasting approximately a day. Thank you waybread! (function(){ Although Sun conjunct South Node/Sun opposition North Node is a difficult placement, you can learn quite a lot by dealing with the opposition head-on. South Node Sextile Sun, South Node Sextile Sun Synastry South Node Sextile Sun This transit will arouse sentiments of obsession and possessiveness in you. This is precisely their concept of ambition. Find things that feel your ego in a healthy way. Unfortunately, your Earth sign is conjunct your North Node with this placement, making the North Node feel even scarier. Although this aspect was set in motion during a past life, you may have experienced some of these feelings in your childhood, too. Its also important with Sun conjunct North Node that you learn toexpress your truest self fully, regardless of what others think. I've just gone though a professional defeat. I wonder if I should try getting onto my soapbox again? In fact, I find that signs which sit exactly opposite from each other always have some things in common, too. "The best things in life are free. March 23, 2022. What house? As a general observation, the soul seeks growth. In predictive astrology, you may want to stick with Mean Lilith in transit because it can . Everything you said above is true, apart from the motorcycle cliff jumping (but insert similar)so uncanny. Look at the house the South Node sits in to gather information about the people and events that surrounded the situation and the outer influences, and then the sign it is in to colour your affliction or more personnel attachment to it in your past life. Sun Sextile South Node Trine North Node I wouldn't hesitate to say that in a previous life you found situations regarding the house the South node sitting in fun, creative or stimulating and were attached to it by the way of the sign the South Node also sits in. Transiting Pluto. That doesnt mean you should completely neglect where you have grown before though, as that would also do you a disservice. Whoever disagrees with me is a fool or an enemy this is the principle of such a person. Most people with Sun opposition North Node tend to ignore the North Node in favor of the Sun. Now, opposite of that, where is transiting North Node? = '100%'; Lunar Nodes are the intersection points of the Moons orbit and the plane of the ecliptic. With this reading you receive. Sun in Aquarius The sign of the expulsion of the Sun (that is, the sign where the solar characteristics are least pronounced) is Aquarius. Doctors we consult are the 7th house and the specialists are the 10th house. In your previous incarnation it appears that you may have been at the centre of attention, possibly a public figure and more than likely one of authority, maybe you were just a father of many children, maybe you were a judge nothing is certain but either way more than one person was either forced to follow you or simply admired and looked up to you in some way. Are there any planets its hitting? Thank you waybread for sharing your insights! Along with Eclipses, Pluto transits are the best way to understand the major changes going on in your life. This means that you must use the qualities of your Sun sign to push towards your North Node. In the natal chart, the South Node represents a past self and the qualities that youre evolving away from, while the North Node is the point that shows how the soulwants to grow. (Sun conjunct South Node opposes North Node). Dont let your ego overshadow your spiritual quest here, or it will be much harder to learn about the inner you. At the moment when both the Sun and the Moon are connected in the sky with any Node, an eclipse occurs, a spectacular celestial phenomenon. 13 Aries. Thank you Winter Spirit! Have you tried investing in this area of your life yet? Without the lens of karma, these situations are more likely to be taken literally or personally, and reinforced, which is part of the samsara that karma relates to. In the sign of Aries, the Sun is in exaltation, here its qualities are manifested more sharply than in a lion (in a lion the luminary is more harmonious). Yes, I must reflect my sisters and brothers approbation of this article wherein I also found fresh relevancy, utility, and accord with my own experience. We just have to access the discernment to watch these things burn off, and to not tangle ourselves up in the clouds as to perpetuate them. So my path in this life is similar to previous lifetimes? Relationship Astrology. I never want to travel but enjoy myself once I arrived. The sign of the Suns fall is the opposite sign of Aries on the zodiacal axis, the sign of Libra. (Different ego incarnations support different Soul paths.) Actually, most of the life of many solar Virgins consists of this. When the Sun and the Moon are connected to any of the Nodes, a solar eclipse (new moon at the Node), and with a transit opposition of the Sun and the Moon (full moon) on the axis of the Nodes, a lunar eclipse. It doesnt have to cause you any heartache, but sometimes thats what you need to wake you up to something bigger. They mark where the eclipses are going to happen throughout the year. It has no problem with you using the gifts from before, but to focus on the same thing life after life after life would get pretty redundant and stagnating and when this happens, you will often find that your soul makes it really hard for you to advance forward. North Node Synastry Aspects. Blessings to all, in all seriousness and respectespecially the author and those of good report and heart above. You tend to know what you think about everything, but this is usually how youre working to discover your truest inner self. Oh, and Mars (10th) conjunct natal Mars in the 3rd. The meaning of the term is literally "a turning point." Think of it as a point that everything else revolves around, or simply as a sensitive spot that can be rubbed either sweetly or a little raw by contact with any planet or asteroid and take on the influence of that planet. The 6th house denotes our diet and nutrition, digestion, in particular and general health and hygiene matters. to jump towards, take in, and and reach the N.N, isn't there? It is probably much more important to you to follow your own path, even if it includes poverty, than to be ambitious, succeed, become wealthy. Then, leave me a comment telling me about your experiences with transiting North or South Node, or even Natal North and South Node! Moon conjunct north node/south node/juno/vertex Venus conjunct/opposite/trine mars (especially if the venus is the person with more feminine . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When karma comes up for review, such as when the South Node sweeps it up, we can renew our lease on the karma by believing in it and snowballing new choices and circumstances its way. The answers to your evolution in this lifetime will come from the position of the north Node and the things associated with the house it is in and the way your attach to it with the sign it also sits in, activating this will involve you needing to be enthusiastic against your natural nature being creative and stimulating the awkward and unknown areas involved with the house the Sun sits in and the way your attached to it in the view of the sign the sun is in, thats the key to your spiritual evolution in this lifetime. Your Earth sign sits opposite your Sun (in every birth chart) and represents that qualities that the Sun is trying to push away from. It is associated with spontaneity and health. if(ffid == 2){ Thank you so much for your reply Frisianangel! Is it surprising that in this way they often achieve a lot, be it an administrative position or a solid bank account? Follow this link for directions on how to post a chart: I was going to post the instructions for posting your chart, then saw Bina beat me to it. You need to learn that if something isactually true for you and not a manifestation of ego, then it cant be wrong. Once you hit that point, its smooth sailing ahead. I absolutely believe in something. He has learned to be successful. You must change and evolve from who you were in childhood in order to find out who you arenow. If the Sun has positive aspects, then the individual easily realizes his creative abilities, quickly asserts himself, all kinds of achievements are easily given to him. The transiting South Node, by house or by conjunction, reveals the area(s) in which the dragons tail is sweeping up karmic debris. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording session to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. What does this area of your life mean for you? Here the Sun gives great vitality and the ability to survive under any conditions thanks to patience and calmness. Circumstances during this transit will affect your future. Aspects / Astrology. A lot of Capricorns are ready to go to hardships and limitations to achieve their goals, to which they go slowly and systematically, sometimes even all their lives. Since in your case the squaring planet is also the ruler of your north node, the message that you need to incorporate this is emphasized. Sun Sextile South Node Synastry The South Node's Sextile The Sun is one of the most romantic aspects of synastry. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), sign up for my mailing list to stay in touch, receive my weekly forecasts, and to be notified about courses I teach, Mars square the Nodes: Astrology of 8/11 8/17, Venus in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus: Astrology of 2/17 2/23, Full Moon in Taurus: Astrology of 10/28 11/3, Time for Leveling Up: Astrology of 4/10 4/16, The Mind Is A Kind of Theatre Mercury Retrograde Re-view, Astrology of 12/6 - 12/12: Strategic Pause. For those who are familiar with their natal chart, you can observe things being swept up around the area of your chart that the South Node is transiting (or the planet it is transiting by conjunction). It doesnt want you to dive full force into something its already strengthened, developed, and learned while leaving the other side of things completely imbalanced and underdeveloped. To do this, first, remember that it moves backward! I know something is there, but I'm not religious, or would call myself spiritual. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. You may actually be good at what your SN represents, yet there's no personal growth for you there, so if you dwell in it too much, you're apt to stagnate. The challenge of this transit is to be able to see through the debris, and the cloud cover they may create to tint our reality at any given time. If you dont deal with any residual pain from the father figure, then you will run into this issue over and over, so its much better to face this pain and work through it. There were undoubtedly negative issues surrounding that South Node position rather than positive ones so in this lifetime the key is to take that same situation and replace the South Node situation with the highest vibrational situations surrounding the position on the North Nodes house and attach yourself in the way associated with the sign that North Node also sits in. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Wow, I'm so impressed. As you let go of power and influence, as you take a more hidden role you will begin to excel and your evolution in this lifetime takes place involving people and situation that are influenced by the house where the north Node sits, it will also be coloured by your personal connections associated with the sign the north Node sits in as well. The sun in Capricorn reminds us of the planet Saturn restrained, harsh and even ascetic. Moon transits can be felt strongly at the emotional level but only last for a few hours. Sun conjunct North Node can sometimes indicate that you had issues with your father figure as a child. Your soul wants you to grow and together you have set up lessons, obstacles, or guidance in your life so that when you do fall into old patterning, you can be directed back on track. The Sun conjunct south node natal aspect often makes it hard to move forward. It is very sweet to see this feature in synastry between a couple because it shows they are helping each other down the same spiritual path. How would this effect the purely personal beliefs and faith in one's self (Sun trine UR;T-square SU-JU-NE), yet which others may not share because they are made from a different mould with a different perspective of life? As the transiting South Node has been approaching my natal Saturn at the time of getting the inspiration to write this, this phenomenon of intense self-judgement has appeared for me that is almost crippling it is way out of alignment with my normal character of late. They say that they have the sunlight hidden inside. When your Sun sign aspects your Nodes in the natal chart, this shows to what extent your ego, will, or sense of identity is aligned with your purpose. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. The North Node describes the processes of growth, progress, development, evolution (light, top, major), and the South Node of descent, involution, degradation and stagnation (darkness, bottom, minor). I cant really view the nodes of the Moon in isolation to me they are always connected to Pluto, the Soul. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate.

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