the blank empire was very populous, containing weegy

D. 442nd Regi to convert Armenian christians in the caucuses and many seemed to have embraced islam. Which empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time? troops overseas. The War Ends. To end its participation in World War I, Russia negotiated the ___ peace agreement. In Turksih history, what is Suleiman called because of his profound influence on the civil law. which of the following had already existed in africa before the portoguese arrived? he was unwilling to wait for his father to die, so he deposed him and confined him for years in a small cell. Where and when did the Battle of the Somme take place? WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. = 2 5/20 \text{Cash}\hspace{20pt}&\text{\$\hspace{7pt}8,060}\\ The Songhai Empire declined because (a) a Portuguese intervention (b) famine (c) conflicts between Muslims and animists (d) a series of weak leaders and civil wars, blank was a common export of latin america. The War Ends, Which of these are correct statements regarding the end of the war? D. Religious tolerance and anti-corruption efforts. C. Tuskegee Airmen. , t on the seas. Ottoman plans to recapture the area succeeded in uniting Russia, Persia, and the pope against the Turks. B. skepticism He wanted them to start businesses, make Istanbul prosperous, and transform it into a microcosm of the empire. . -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Unit Test Review, along a French river, after the Battle of Verdun, American business owners believed taking sides in World War I would D. Strict, Which of the following did the first Ming Emperor, Hongwu, introduce to China? D. Incompatible (They were opposite systems. At that point, India no longer had a state strong enough to impose order on the subcontinent or check the penetration of the Europeans. Great Britain, because they had the most warships to complement their small army. A belief system in which spirits inhabit physical objects, The adun koro, a ritual object created for festivals in Africa during the early modern period, shows the influence of __________ in art. craftdissembleincredulitybemusingguisedeceived. successors of both the Byzantine and Seljuk Turk emperors. By the mid-1800s the Mughal Empire had misplaced all of its territory to its competitors and to the British. How did Russia surprise Germany early in the war? B. Ismail keir starmer father owned factoryfarmington hills police. descendants of Turkish families that had formerly ruled parts of Anatolia and partly of people of varied ethnic origins who rose through the bureaucratic and military ranks, many beginning as the sultan's slaves. Unit Test Review, to enable the armed forces to have enough supplies, This shows a timeline from 1820-1920. What empire could compare to the Safavid empire? D. Advancements in navigation made it easier to transport goods What did the treaty of Paris of 1763 recognize? Aldous Huxleys essay Music at Night appears in the anthology Adventures in English Literature. Spell each of the following words/adding the suffix that is given, Example: pity + ful = pitiful\underline{\textit{pitiful}}pitiful. What does metallic mean? No kingdom or coalition of kingdoms could long resist Akbar's armies. Whereas the Ottoman sultans and Safavid shahs made extensive use of slaves acquired from non-Muslim lands for military and administrative positions, Akbar used the services of royal princes, nobles, and warrior-aristocrats. This one is wrong what did suleiman order lutfi pasa to do? 20/3 What did the European upper classes want? Helpful? C. The Byzantine Empire what language did Ackbar make the Mughal empire? Chinese porcelains and wallpaper. D. More agriculturally based. Which empire was very populous, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time? The Byzantine Emperor, Constantine IX, relied on what for defense? What most likely caused an increase in lost goods? A slave concubine could not expect to exert power the way a local or foreign noblewoman could. a map incorporating all Islamic knowledge that showed all the known world, He built an observatory at Istanbul. A. Italian aristocrats What did the British East India Company do to pay for these goods? Under Suleiman, what happened to the imperial palace? D. Technological - high levels of technology, allowing large empires to dominate, C. Diverse - multiple languages, religions, and forms of government. The absence of a hereditary nobility and private ownership of agricultural land. Extensive trade networks had already existed in Africa before the Portuguese arrived. C. It destabilized local, political, economic, and family structures in Africa. A(n) ___ is when one country increases its army because others did. 4. in constant contact with, American colonial voting and political participation was extremely restricted, and as such, directly reflected the English political heritage of North America's dominant colonial founders, Pontiac's Rebellion was significant for which of the following reasons, It represented an emergence of a unified Indian response to European encroachment on their lands, The press in colonial America flourished in the eighteenth century in part because Americans were among the most literate societies on earth, Identify the commonalities between "republicanism" and "liberalism. Which country suffered the most severe damage to its land and structures during WWI? He invited them to settle in his new capital, Agra, He captured much of Armenia, taking it from the Ottomans. Total War, by requiring colonies to participate Revise each of the following run-ons by using one of the methods you have learned. Mehmet transplanted inhabitants of other territories to the city, granting them tax remissions and possession of empty houses. Chemical weapons became deadly, as did other aspects of warfare. ", Correct answers: They helped make weapons and war materials. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like An unintended but very real consequence of the Great Awakening was that it reduced colonial impulses toward democracy in civic life, Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the political dynamic in the colonies, Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the slave economies of colonial North America and more. Who did the Ottomans take their name from? reservation system. B. animism. -the Safavid state utilized the skills of urban bureaucrats and made them an essential part of the civil machinery of government discrimination in the military. Competition with the Habsburgs and pirates for control of the Mediterranean led to what? f. A $300 cash payment for advertising expense was neither journalized nor posted. In the early 1900s, which leading European powers faced increased tensions because of nationalism? religious antagonism between the Sunni Ottomans and the Shi'a Persians, competition to expand at each other's expense in Mesopotamia, desire to control trade routes, and European alliances. How much overhead is allocated to the basic model? Total War, How did the sinking of the Lusitania affect wartime propaganda? Unrelated (They did not exist at the same time.) His non-Muslim subjects were not pleased with his religious zealotry, and his military campaigns were costly. D. work on farms and in factories during the war. -they extended their rule across North Africa to Tunisia and Algeria. A. It also sought to reform bureaucratic and financial corruption, such as foreign merchants' payment of bribes to avoid customs duties, imprisonment without trial, and promotion in the provincial administration because of favoritism rather than ability. B. pepper, sugar, and opium. \text{Accounts Receivable}&\text{8,700}\\ - use of the scientific methods D. 442nd Regi User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. Russia's withdrawal from the war allowed Germany to focus They played a central role in Ottoman military affairs in the sixteenth century, adapting easily to the use of firearms. the sultan's failure to marry. what language slowly became the lingua franca of the realm? Because succession to the throne was open to all the sultan's sons, fratricide often resulted upon his death, and the losers were blinded or executed. Even after the conquest . C. South India C. The NAACP and CORE organized hiring campaigns to help more What interest rate assumption have the defendants used in their offer (rounded to the nearest whole percent)? Question. What happened when Aurangzeb abolished all taxes? World War I Begins, 1st: Russia Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, Blood Withdrawal Policies and Procedures Modu. \end{matrix} HE adapted the Persian garden to the warmer southern climate. How did the Habsburg emperor respond to the alliance? Ruling house of the Turkish Empire that lasted from 1299 to 1922, An Arabic word originally used by the Seljuk Turks to mean authority or dominion; it was used by the ottomans to connote political and military supremacy, A process whereby the sultan's agents swept the provinces for christian youths to become slaves, Turkish for "recruits"; they formed the elite army corps, A woman who is a recognized spouse but of lower status than a wife, The dynasty that encompassed all of Persia and other regions; its state religion was Shi'ism, Nomadic Sufi Tribesmen who were loyal to and supportive of the early Safavid state, Religious scholars whom Sunnis trust to interpret the Qur'an and the Sunna, the deeds and sayings of Muhammad, A term meaning "Mongol," used to refer to the Muslim empire of India, although its founders were primarily Turks, Afghans, and Persians, A term first used by the British for their trading post at Surat that was later applied to all European walled settlements in India. margaritaville blender parts list; chicken suit; pickens county property tax online. What happened when Timur's descendant, BAbur, established the Mughal dynasty in India? And in 1774 it lost the lands on the northern bank of the Black sea to Russia. 0 Answers/Comments . The port of Goa on the west coast of India. 4th: Great Britain, The graphic organizer shows the balance of power created by the alliance system in Europe prior to World War I. \hspace{10pt}\text{Basic Model}&\text{40,000 DLHr}&\text{80,000 DLHr}&\text{120,000 DLHr}\\ Britain intercepted the Zimmerman Telegram. oppose racial discrimination and segregation. Navajo code talkers. The bracero program brought Mexican immigrants to the United States to: In the early 1800s, European countries competed for colonies in _____ . it led enemies to attack towns, cities, and factories to damage the war effort. Some Muslims, however, doubted whether janissary converts could be viewed as reliably Muslim. How did a growing sense of nationalism contribute to the decline of the Ottoman Empire? Akbar. Added 102 days ago|11/20/2022 5:05:38 AM. World War I Begins, after Germany invaded Belgium in order to attack France, At the start of the war, which countries were on the side of the Central Powers? In what practical way did war bonds benefit citizens who purchased them? Arrivinglatetotheinterviewmaycostyouthejob!\underline{\text{Arriving late to the interview may cost you the job! The native Indian troops who were trained as infantrymen. The Great War, In 1914, President Wilson signaled the United States' policy of isolationism by issuing a Declaration of ___ Americans fight racial discrimination in workplaces. He ordered Ltfi Paa (d. 1562), a poet and juridical scholar of slave origin, to draw up a new general code of laws that prescribed penalties for routine criminal acts such as robbery, adultery, and murder. What happened when a slave concubine got pregnant? he also founded the first medical school. C. Diverse - multiple languages, religions, and forms of government \end{array} increased the success of Allied bombing missions. [ alliances with France and German protestant princes. whose rule marked the decline of the Mughal empire? D. Spain maintained a much stronger rule over its colonies than England. His buildings expressed the discipline, power, and devotion to islam that characterized the ottoman empire under Suleiman. D. The Mughal Empire. What differentiates the Ottoman system from european feudalism? When he achieved his goal in 1526, he established the Mughal Empire. A. former colony. C. The NAACP and CORE organized hiring campaigns to help more what has been widely thought that a decline in the wealth and international importance of the Mughal empire could be attributed to? purchasing few or no new clothes, The total war effort endangered civilians because Women s rights. (CORE) help Black Americans at home during World War II? In each blank, insert the most appropriate word, We were so pleased with the service that we left a generous _________, Use the directions given in parentheses to write the sentence containing gerund phrases. The Portuguese What kept Mehmet II from entering Constantinople? \textbf{Trial Balance}\\ Aragon makes handheld calculators in two models-basic and professional-and wants to refine its costing system by allocating overhead using departmental rates. The War Ends, This chart shows Allied deaths from World War I. B. government A long period of peace in the late sixteenth century and again in the mid-eighteenth century, as well as a decline in the frequency of visits of the plague, led to a doubling of the population. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. Expert Answered. Conflict between the Ottomans and the Safavids was not an even match. This is directly from PF reading material. The purpose of the painting exercise istopaintoutsidethelines\underline{\text{is to paint outside the lines}}istopaintoutsidethelines. Russian and American Involvement in the War. He abolished the jizya, the poll tax on non-muslims that guranteed their protection. The dynasty that encompassed all of Persia and other regions; its state religion was Shi'ism. C. It destabilized local, political, economic, and family structures in Africa. Post author: Post published: junho 10, 2022 Post category: the gridlessness family Post comments: eyal lalo net worth eyal lalo net worth overseas. Because Isma'il claimed descent from a line of twelve infallible imams (leaders) beginning with Ali (Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law), he was officially regarded as their representative on earth. Unit Test Review, Allied: the United Kingdom; Central Powers: Germany, World War I lasted for ____ years. Mehmet's army carried boats over steep hills to come in behind the chains blocking the harbor and then bombarded the city from the rear. Which factor most affected the balance of power and led to the start of World War I? OC. Initially these men were Muslims from Central Asia, but to reduce their influence, Akbar vigorously recruited Persians and Hindus. When did Great Britain enter World War I? Meanwhile, the Marathas pressed steadily northward, constituting the gravest threat to Mughal authority. what happened under Ackbars hindu finance minister, Raja Todar mar? SUBMIT, Some Japanese Americans found opportunities in the military as part of the: Who ssupplied the material for production? This wartime poster shows Britain and the United States united. Americans fight racial discrimination in workplaces. Find an answer to your question what empire was very populace, containing more than all of Europe's population at the time. Alliance members signed treaties to defend each other in times of war. -the loyalty and military support of Turkish Sufis known as Qizilbash(KIH-zil-bahsh; a Turkish word meaning "redheads" that was applied to these people because of the red hats they wore) \hline \textbf{LOVE TO LEARN CHILD CARE}\\ Russia mobilized its forces, prompting Germany to declare a two-front war against Russia and France. short-term financing asset funding liability funding long-term financing Weegy: If a company secures a one-year bank loan it is considered Short term financing.User: A significant decrease in the money supply tends to Weegy: A significant . A. Check all that apply. The most important reason militarism contributed to growing tensions in Europe was because. The Ottoman Empire B. The birth of Akbars son inspired him to do what? cedar wood greenhouse; fnaf timeline 2020 in order; . (If possible) (b) How does her use of repetition suggest a growing emotional intensity? His military achievements, support for trade and commerce, and endowment of the arts. \text{Rent Expense}&\text{\underline{\hspace{25pt}400}}&\text{\underline{\hspace{40pt}}}\\ This propaganda poster is from World War I. {\textbf{Account Title}}&\textbf{Debit}&\textbf{Credit}\\ they took over Bombay. = 45/20 SUBMIT, The goal of the 1953 Termination Act was: The following data have been compiled: AssemblyPackagingDepartmentDepartmentTotalOverheadcosts$550,000$301,500$851,500Machinehours:BasicModel145,000MHr35,000MHr180,000MHrProfessionalModel355,000MHr120,000MHr475,000MHrDirectlaborhours:BasicModel40,000DLHr80,000DLHr120,000DLHrProfessionalModel317,500DLHr422,500DLHr740,000DLHr\begin{array}{llll} -when ferdinand and issabella of spain expelled the jews more of them went to turkey. Unit Test Review, accepting responsibility for the assassination A. replace U.S. soldiers in Europe during the war. Central Asia The NAACP and CORE organized labor unions to help Black He celebrated important Hindu festivals , such as Diwali, the festival of lights, and he wore his uncut hair in a turban. The spread of new crops such as coffee and sugar from the old world. the Ottomans captured Baghdad, and the treaty of Kasr-I-Shirim established a permanent border between the two powers. The major European provinces of Hungary and Translyvania, along with the tax revenues they provided. How was the war between the Ottomans and safavids get resolved? Red Cross. It provided new material for anti-German propaganda. In return, the Qizilbash supplied him with troops, that leadership among Muslims rightfully belonged to the Prophet Muhammad's descendants. B. compl World War I Begins. Penn Foster - Biology Lesson 5, Plant and Ani, Penn Foster - World History Lesson 2, Europe, Penn Foster - World History Lesson 4, An Age, Penn Foster - World History Lesson 5, Global, Penn Foster - World History Lesson 6, Contemp, Penn Foster - Biology Lesson 4, History and D, Penn Foster - Biology Lesson 3, Genetics and, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz, Principles of Anesthesia Test 2 (Ventilation. Germany sank merchant ships bringing supplies to the Allies, doubling the amount of lost goods in four months. defeat the Allies before reinforcements arrived. B. OverheadcostsMachinehours:BasicModelProfessionalModelDirectlaborhours:BasicModelProfessionalModelAssemblyDepartment$550,000145,000MHr355,000MHr40,000DLHr317,500DLHrPackagingDepartment$301,50035,000MHr120,000MHr80,000DLHr422,500DLHrTotal$851,500180,000MHr475,000MHr120,000DLHr740,000DLHr. What was another distinctive charateristic of the Ottomans? Underline nouns or pronouns that make up each one. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to the blank empire was very populous, containing more than all of europes population at the time? Weegy: If a company secures a one-year bank loan it is considered a current liability.User: If a company secures a one-year bank loan it is considered _____. the Ottomans gained control of shipping in the eastern Mediterranean, eliminated the Portuguese from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, and supported Andalusian and North African Muslims in their fight against the Christian reconquest of Muslim Spain. Weegy: The Catholic priests who spread the message of Christianity globally were called Jesuits. Who do Arab writers trace the origin of coffee drinking to? The Ottoman Empire Women and children often were employed as weavers, especially of the most expensive rugs, because of their? Provide responses to each of the following items. A. wealth How did the Shah secure the loyalty of the Quizilbash? Who went the furthest in promoting Muslim-Hindu accomadation? Russian and American Involvement in the War. The office of governer general be chosen from outside the company, and it made company directors subject to parliamentry supervision, Warren Hastings, Lord Charles Cornwallis, and the marquess Richard Wellelsy, He sought allies among indian princes, laid the foundations for the first Indian civil service, abolished tolls to facilitate internal trade, placed the salt and opium trades under government control and planned a codification of Muslim and Hindu laws.

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