transmutation kundalini

P.112 Philip St. Romain, Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality. 0000006414 00000 n George Gurdjieff on Kundalini and Transmutation FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT: DIVINE LOVE AND THE TRANSMUTATION By Ron Macfarlane Mint - $77.21. "Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses, alter protein shame and function, and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, nerve growth and function." While there is also an increase in endorphins and NO which reduces smooth muscle contraction, thus causing the smooth muscles in the arteries to dilate, increasing blood flow. and Gary Selden. Stick your tongue to the roof of the mouth. Its manifestations should be . 0 However, instead of an invasion by a foreign pathogen or noxious substance, the body is simply dissolving and rebuilding a new or more refined version of the self. Sexual transmutation is taking the sexual energy that's building inside you and channeling it into something else. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature. 87 0 obj <> endobj For those interested in Hindu based history, Knowledge on Sacred Hindu belief systems, a beginning guide to yoga, Hindu Deities, Sexual Alchemy, etc. With entrainment the heart and brain oscillating together. "The intelligence of the heart is the intelligence of the Universe to hold itself in unison." This contact activates the lymphocytes, which can then attack the foreign invaders. Tingling/throbbing in left foot and leg is one of the main signs that kundalini is active. In the practice of Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, there are innumerable sets of specialized yogic exercises combining posture and movement with many powerful breathing techniques and certain body locks that together create an expanding a contracting and vibratory pressure on various areas of the body, that saturated with blood and vitalized by the air bring about a charging and purification of the nerves, glands and organs. Jung intuited this nondual Pleroma to be a collective transpersonal reservoir, an ocean of collective unconscious. Pt. Transmutation (2018) - IMDb Zigzag or double helix of energy up the spine. Kundalini and The Princess of swords of the thoth tarot. Andrew \u0026 Clelia *******************************************************~DISCLAIMER~Remember that Yoga is a spiritual practice with the primary intention of expanding consciousness and experiencing liberation. [1] If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. Some of waves that affect life include, light, sound, radio, microwave, extremely low frequency waves, gravity waves, scalar and cosmic rays. 2 Transmutation By: George W. Carey Audiobook Animation #Transmutation #Kundalini - YouTube #Kundalini #Transmutation By: George W. Carey Audiobook Animation ~ Read along. Close your eyes and observe the sensation of your breath (how the air feels, what it does to your body). These changes are a matter of sensory experience. Let both thighs be together. Old Testament represents YHWH (Age of Aries). The spleen receives blood from an artery off of the aorta. Transmutation - SivaSakti Following this cortisol release and immune activation occur. That is around moving water, in forests, in the country, the mountains and in sunlight. Candali or Gtummo: Safe Kundalini Awakening for Rapid Empowerment When I was a younger man, before I found out about Gnosis, I had an experience dealing with a nasty boss. Pulsating sensation in the sacrum. . The release of histamine in the brain and the consequent improvement of blood supply is probably one of the main reasons for the increased sensory and extrasensory perception during kundalini. To fulfill their many functions macrophages in their activated state are able to produce more than one hundred different substances. First, it's important to understand what "transmutation" actually means. Initially, the consciousness or conscious energy of most people is bound within the nerves, cells and atoms of the body, based on a combination of the latent tendencies we were born with and the many "takes" or impressions we've made that imprint themselves throughout the body's systems, such that we have the tendencies towards certain relative views of who we think we are our identity, and behavior patterns that repeat themselves throughout our lives in every emerging situation. Prana flow in the central nervous system. Here is a list of common Kundalini awakening symptoms and manifestations: Spiritual: Blissful experiences of Oneness and seeing the divine in everything (can be a glimpse or last for months). endstream endobj 102 0 obj<>/Size 87/Type/XRef>>stream 0000002154 00000 n #cocon #mtamorphose Courage, force & confiance - en nous, en . Although increased histamine is probably common throughout an awakening, and if there was also an extreme threat to life then a greater amount of histamine might be released; creating the bloody sweat of Jesus. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination . 2 0 obj #chakra racine quilibr #sige de la kundalini #cerveau reptilien #besoins fondamentaux #scurit . Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. But it is pretty obvious that if the ego and its tension holding patterns has been overruled by a deeper consciousness, then those tension patterns would unravel. The more coherent the field the more potent the information exchange." Channels open, pranic pressure builds evenly throughout the body field. Sexual Transmutation: How To Transmute Sexual Energy | mindbodygreen Now releasing the breath put the left hand under the shoulder of the right hand and right hand under the shoulder of the left hand. The macrophage is the evolutionary oldest and most competent immune cell. "We're working with many different bodies," she explains, from the physical to the emotional, and so on. You begin to sense yourself as being truly present and here, hearing and sensing from the perspective of a ground or screen of light upon and within which everything appears no longer just reactive. This immune system trafficking follows the cortisol cycle. We know something is going on in the subatomic/atomic realms and at the cellular level but we don't yet know what this alchemy is. The world can seem highly lucid, vivid, and alive. 0000001760 00000 n Sexual transmutation can be incredibly powerful when done right, but Roxo does note that we live in a sexually wounded culture, and trauma ought to be addressed first. The dream of our waking life and the awakeness of our dream life are revealed. m0} g# ClN ^I0i,PdfZ"0;DScnPK [0fp0S. All rights reserved. Since during peak kundalini awakening the body is digesting itself to provide the energy for transformation and to rebuild the organismthere is energy available for the transmutation of elements. Yellow Book - The Divine Mother, Kundalini, and Sexual Yoga. Normal level nervous system operation and gastrointestinal tract digestion would not provide either the quantity or quality of energy needed for this process. I was able to distinguish the connection to immune activation only because my metamorphic cycles have drastically waned so did not confuse the digestive-immune response with the metamorphic-immune response. It's not. For those interested in Egyptian Deities, Ancient Egyptian Roots, Root Spirituality, Foundations for Modern Beliefs, and more. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. 108, Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Secret Teachings of Plants, the Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature; ~ I recommend the 2nd Volume more than the first. Involuntary laughing or crying, deep sighs. Since the heart's entrainment of the brain gives us the widest range of consciousness, sensitivity and health it is obviously "supposed" to be the dominant oscillator. Below are recommended books, sites, and resources that I would recommend for those looking to dive deeper into their personal development of spirituality. "The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field of the body, and this field becomes more coherent as consciousness shifts from the brain to the heart. Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that involves exploring your personal identity. General hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system stimulates The yogic practices that awaken the kundalini can suddenly raise it at any time, uncontrolled. Once the body is charges the various centers begin to vibrate with a higher frequency, like the tightening of the drum or strings on a guitar, violin, or harp, and one begins to have a direct experience of the reverberation of chants and mantras that make up the many kundalini kriyas, and meditations, and with that, the awareness dawns of inner sound and light. Sex Energy Transmutation and the Secrets of Inner Alchemy Considered female, this invisible energy is often symbolically represented as a serpent, a goddess, an ocean or a spiral. Sexual transmutation is the alchemical practice of channeling and directing your sexual energy into a 'higher' purpose. The heart sense works by aesthesis, or by "breathing in." avec qui nous aimons! Clarity of being, purity of heart, without cause or condition, independent of time, a single abiding force of intelligence draws the mind inward into single pervasiveness, and in the process dissolves the mind's identity to thoughts and impressions. Joseph Chilton Pearce in Biology of Transformation p.57, mentions that inserting a single ion into such a vortex will create a powerful electromagnetic field. 43:13 - Healing & Protection From The Serpent. How is sexual transmutation and kundalini connected? Can anybody Kundalini rests with any living or inanimate object as a Power, supporting its life and organization. The process of transmutation This is the process of assimilatiof new spiritual on and integration energies. EMF's induce cell differentiation and morphogenesis. The more this occurs the more the heightened spin and vibration is stabilized thus we achieve stages, rather than passing states. During kundalini the blood and cerebrospinal fluid are laden with extra ions, thus these ions in the flow of blood would increase the EMF of the heart and blood vessels. During times of intense kundalini heat, when emotions are being eliminated through tears, it is possible that blood vessels near the surface of the skin and in the tear ducts would rupture, reddening the sweat and tears. "You'll let that physical energy build up," clairvoyant intuitive Catharine Allan notes, "and you purposely don't release it in that sexual way." How to belly-breathe for sexual and emotional transformation Sit down in a chair, a pillow or on the floor with your spine upright, put your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards. Books, Teachers Training Manual, Sitemaps, Kenny Velez/Guru Kar Singh Memorial Scholarship Fund, Elzbieta (Ela) Geske Memorial Scholarship Fund. And for anyone looking to make fitness gains, yes, you can channel your sexual energy into something more athletic or physical. -oJYWMw_w_~Nq^ZBLe@>\&*",bD?7}k{]!W g;P !oX+:Y?-q8, The cells are activated, grow, carry out their function and die-off. rUwqD(jvU(7.=qEWQC|`p>mh$z(ls;';A8O|l,bwBG$&l``d5UP[4:fb$:m!f They can lead to a problem called kundalini syndrome in which all your energy gets blocked up, you have alternating hot and cold chills, your body forcibly contracts your body into painful asanas, and a whole list of other problems. During a kundalini awakening the symptathetic nervous system and adrenals are perpetually activated during the peak phase. Macrophages can live up to 2-3 years and it is probably due to this that the main awakening phase also corresponds to this duration. "Macrophages, certain cells of the immune system, produce nitric oxide in order to kill invading bacteria. Sexual Transmutation(NoFap): How to Transmute Sexual Energy - The Soul Jam Transmutation & Expansion | Kundalini Yoga - YouTube Suggested keywords Search Subscribe RSS Feed Subscribe to this site with an RSS Feed Reader . Kundalini - Yoga, Meditation, Spirit and Experience - The Mystica However when the brain becomes the dominant organ and the heart is entrained to the brain, the heart begins to lose its coherence. Pleasant Jnana Kendra above, boundless energy below; Near the Centre of Power is 'Kundalini' located, Also called Teloleshya or Tejas-tan. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. Hydrogens - cosmic scale. The spleen blood vessels are also lined with macrophages that swallow and digest debris in the blood such as worn out red blood cells and platelets. One can see how collagenic catabolic enzymes could increase the permeability of the capillaries such that red blood corpuscles could squeeze through the capillary walls surrounding the sweat glands. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Kundalini and the 6th Sense - Sex Transmutation and Internal Alchemy: 11/22/17: 3: Transmuting the harm that is done to us is true spiritual alchemy: 11/14/14: 4: Mental Alchemy, Chaos Magick, Subatomic Transmutation and responsibility: 06/17/20: 5: Alchemy transmutation of elements:how to turn hydrogen into helium and lead into gold:) 11/13/17: 6 The Divine Mother is that creative force or intelligence in nature that gives life to everything. You can experiment with this theory of metamorphic catabolic breakdown by macrophages by eating something noxious to the body like processed cheese or processed meats which will activate the immune system. The cells are activated, grow, carry out their function and die-off. ", Roxo adds if you haven't meditated for very long or aren't involved in other spiritual practices and rituals, you might find difficulty trying to transmute your sexual energy. Get in tune with yourself. These phagocytic cells are activated and mobilized by T-cells to the site of infection where they kill invading organisms. Romain sites Stephana Quinzani and St. Catherine of Siena as examples of body elongation. A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy, Creative In order for the practice of transmutation to have positive results, it is necessary to have a strong foundation. We know that each element has a certain atomic number so transmutation involves the change . The EMF or nadi egg comprises the sum total of the body's energy generation and conductivity. 0000007272 00000 n Various immune cells cycle in and out of the spleen and bone marrow for special conditioning and possible nourishment and instruction. Authentic growth, growth through cycles, using potions to heal, the Dark Goddess, deep magic, alchemy, transmutation, kundalini (serpent's power) and Shakti. 39:48 - Why Snakes Are Sometimes Depicted As Evil. No matter where one journeys away from ones Heart-eye, all roads lead back to itusually found again on ones death bed. The divine elements of sacred geometry display the geometric patterns of cellular mitosis that help us biologically comprehend the origin of human life. The meta-activation of the sympathetic nervous system of course would profoundly facilitate changes in the immune system and endocrine system. If you eat enough of the immune activator, within an hour you will notice* that a small left-brain-freeze (with numbness in the left eye-socket and forehead) will occur as the immune system activates to deal with the offending substances. I disagree. The Incredible Power of "Transmutation" on the Spiritual Path Macrophage means "big eater." Part of the sexual energy is transformed to a higher form of pranic energy to be used for spiritual, intelligent and creative functions. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. A person without awakened kundalini might not be sensitive to the percipience of immune activation or left-brain freeze.). "This is the normal and natural way to use the energy of si 12. [Live] How to Transmute Sexual Energy Using Kundalini and - YouTube They clear abnormal cells and cellular debris and remove aged dead cells. Free shipping for many products! As one begins to practice Kundalini yoga, the progress towards this realization is steady, continuous, relentless. <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The following is her three-step process for doing so: When you feel you've harnessed your sexual energy and you're ready to channel it, dive immediately into the area of your life you want to focus that energy on.

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