what cities are on the 33rd parallel

This is the, Oldest stock exchange in Germany, going back nearly 500 years. His grandson Husseins. The location for. Astrum Argentum (latin for Silver Star) an Order founded by Aleister Crowley. Rhodes home is now the official residence of the President of South Africa and in his will he left land known as Devils Peak to create the University of Cape Town. He never fought or ran guns for the Khmer Rouge that did not exist when, He was in asia. www.rockhounds.com/rockshop/gem_designs/alcyone1/ . The CIA was involved in mind control, Experiments. International in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. In we take a look at northern hemisphere, the alleged parallel makes its way through important US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, or the town of Roswell, an area which is popular for its history with UFO-related subjects. The esteemed reader is asked: Two brothers (one 3rd generation Skull&Bones) become Governors in two southern States (their roots are in the north) , send people to death row in record numbers and the death rows are in geographical alignment in the manner noted previously_- Is this coinicidence? well over 100, Million maybe approaching 200 million since China is still killing today. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. www.left.ru/inter/2005/narkobarons.phtml . www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur . www.voicesofpalestine.org/outrageous/organtraffic.asp . . Yet there is no, Investigation , no uproar, instead Stanley Tookie Williams is executed for a few murders, (with no minimizing the dead or their families- whatever happened -in any way). 2. THIS IS VERY HEGELIAN. __DEATH ROW IN SAN QUENTIN CALIFORNIA IS LOCATED AT, N. LATITUDE 37.5623 OR LIKELY EXACT FOR ALIGNMENT WITH, reputation for being one of the States most violent prisons. Located in Charleroi, Belgium. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. ).He is a proponent of a One World Government and has received awards for his work from the Scandal tarred United Nations for this. Claim this business (903) 449-8252. The leader of the Confederacy was a mason much like. Crawford , Texas has been described as a suburb of Waco. Please See: www.bobgeiger.blogspot.com/2005/06/youll-never-guess-which-states-did.html . Clearly, Uday and Qusay would be privy to numerous secrets, bank accounts, Intelligence information and leads that COULD have and many believe SHOULD have, It almost seemed as if the US Government wanted them dead for some reason that has. THE DEATH ROWS OF FLORIDA/TEXAS/LOUISIANA ARE ALIGNED -BESIDES EACH OTHER WITH THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA AND NEW ORLEANS-THUS THE LEVEE SABOTAGE AT NEW ORLEANS WAS A MASS, 1. NUKES WE ARE NOW PRETENDING TO TRY TO STOP THEM FROM GETTING! Cape Town, South Africa and Sydney in Australia also correspond to the mysteries. The latitude for TOC is N 33.128. At Caesarea Philippi, in the proximity of the 33rd Parallel, Jesus Christ predicted his own death.In addition to that, Jesus Christ was 33 years old at his death.The Amon (AMEN) is the numerical equivalent of 1+13+5+14=33.In the Book of Enoch,the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth, Mount Hermon, is also located on Parallel 33. ANALYSIS: The Iraq war may have been precipitated by the known return date of, Kukulkan or Jesus or a divine being foretold by the mayans. 5. The little White House in Warm Springs was given to FDR by Banker , Communist, And New World Order adherent George Foster Peabody. The Pretoria Central Execution Chamber saw THOUSANDS EXECUTED during its operational time frame. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. * Texas is the only State that flies its flag at equal height to the USA flag First among equals and first in execution. www.aysps.gsu.edu/events/2005/carter_young.htm Jimmy Carter signed the death penalty back into law AND GEORGIAs DEATH ROW IS THE MOST ALIGNED TO ABU GHRAIB. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. 7. www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1257.cfm Clinton Seeks out Voodoo Ritual to avoid Impeachment, Clinton and relationship with Cannibal sorcerer and former leader of Liberia that, Performed human sacrifices to stay in power (but apparently US Marines were stronger). The killer Tsafendas was tortured terribly during his time of confinement but never executed . Uday Hussein like his father was a TAURUS. THAT WAS STOPPED FROM BUILDING A SUPER PRISON FOR JUVENILES NEAR OAKLAND 33RD PARALLEL CALIFORNIA. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teutonic_Knights . It should be noted that Atlanta is on the 33rd Parallel as well as Tibet and that being, a warrior is what JWL set out to become. 2. 2. There appears to be organized serial killing , rape and organ extraction possibly occult. 5. Himmler organized the corps along the lines of the Jesuits. 3. He was a fellow occult lodge member with Aleister Crowley. The cult of the assassins, Was largely wiped out by the Mongols. 9. The important number 3. Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? Dr. Albert Goodyear from the University of South Carolina believes that humans were living on an alluvial terrace along the Savannah River 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. Criminal detention of ones own nations diplomats. The Aga Khan has ties to a swiss foundation with Neil Bush and the current Pope Benedict before he became Pope. Three died the day of the battle in Mosul. They committed ritual suicide. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. www.explorer.altopix.com/map/r61ct5/135/289/United_States/California/San_Quentin_Prison.htm?order=date . In fact , the entire war in Iraq and Afghanistan may be a means to secure sufficient, spiritual energy for Power. When he regained it he never, Commuted a single execution. The number 33 is seen in different areas of life: The human foot has 33 muscles. It can now be said that support of the death penalty is a litmus test for the Presidency and for Governorship at least in 33rd Parallel States. The cult was a blend of neo-nazism and knight templar ideology. UFO Lore and the 33 rd Parallel. www.tribuneindia.com/2005/20051121/main2.htm * Recent News* A Q Khan was IN, CIA PAY SINCE 1975 thus CIA employee is the worlds most dangerous man and, Responsible for terror states and so-called rogue regimes OBTAINING THE. f) Links between nazis and torture / child abuse as a ritual are not new and not limited to the german SS or secret police agencies of that regime. It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator and the Arctic Circle It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean. . 5. Not even the intervening degrees, 34 to 38, are given. www.mond.at/opus.dei/whatsnew.html . Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. This occurred in Pasadena California , Latitude N. 34.09 (just, above or at the 33rd parallel taking into account that the exact home this occurred in. The crater is 33 km. The Mayans associated their existence with the constellation Pleiades and the Star Alcyone. This strange-deaths connection connects three separate, Generations of the family. Elohimin Hebrew this means the gods. The 9 and 1. ALL OF THE SELLERS JPMC does not like what is being sold- it does not buy. The people are like sheep. Achmed Chalabi was employed by a contractor that was involved inpsychic warfare. www.chemtrailcentral.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001187.html . This cites links Masonic/New World Order activity. www.findyourfate.com/astrology/celebrity/Saddam.htm . www.zmag.org/zmag/articles/pettiferapril2000.htm . World history. EVERY COUNTRY THROUGH WHICH THE 33RD PARALLEL PASSES ALLOWS THE DEATH PENALTY AND THE TOP GOVERNMENTAL EXECUTIONERS CHINA, IRAN , UNITED STATES ARE INCLUDED: (* Only exception since 2000 is now tiny Bermuda), Around the world (Pls refer to map, globe or computer if needed). 2. The freemason symbol of an eye as capstone. THEIR gods DEMANDED THE BLOOD OF, MANY MANY CHILDREN.This is identical to what the Aztec priests told the, Conquistadors. Be getting orders to commit the savage crime from the beatles White Album. Required fields are marked *. It is believed that this parallel was specifically chosen for thekillingofKennedy. Thus Zionism / ritual murder allegations / 33rd parallel all coincide. SEE: The Arizona Connection: Illuminati Outpost on the 33rd Parallel Desert, www.scoreboard-canada.com/ . This is on the 33rd parallel, the home of the Mother Lodge of the World, Death, Row is directly on 33rd parallel and supposed/alleged site of human sacrifice regarding, THE BRUTAL CULTURE OF THE AZTECS AND MAYAS REACHED THE 33RD. 33rd parallel north There is a Green Dragon retreat center associated with. 4. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, the Pacific Ocean and South America . Japan, China and India are also at the forefront of the unethical organ transplant list. In the northern hemisphere, the parallel in question makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. Legalized death penalty whose face is on the Iraqi dinar became intertwined. The inventor of the death penalty likewise. e) Election in which Clinton won Presidency vs. Dole and Kemp; 1. www.thirdworldtraveller.com/Heroes/American_Rebels.html . Thus, Skull and Bones America connects to Lady Skull and Bones Mexico. The 33rd degree has long been associated with Freemasonry. This raises the possibility that a hereditary descendant of the Assassins could also be, A member of the Society of Skull and Bones. So do those who closely follow the script. Global organ harvesting network with illegal distribution centers in many places. & www.illuminati-news.com/art-and-mc/aquarian-conspiracy.htm . Pornography Industry (as it is called in these times) located primarily in the San. Unknown others are housed around the world , tortured and oftentimes killed . Australia's centre of population in June 2016 was approximately 35 kilometres (22 mi) east of the town of Ivanhoe in western New South Wales. www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1234280/posts . Certain areas. invented basketball. 3. And see photos in the previous abide miracles link. This could not have been done ignorantly, but on purpose. A man that ran for the Senate as an Irish Catholic war hero seared, By his experiences in Cambodia during Christmas who turns against the war, wins, Election and then votes to put US forces under the control of the UN and to increase. Both are Masons. The pyramid is located in Memphis TN. www.victorian.fortunecity.com/palette/187/crete.html#19 . TEXAS EXECUTIONS UNDER THE GEORGE W. BUSH ADMINISTRATION: International Outrage over Texecutioner Bush, www.ccadp.org/texecutioner-outrage.htm . www.skybooksusa.com/books.htm . c) Corroboration- General 33rd information-. Are different subsidiaries of the same evil corporate structure. The event that today remains synonymous with UFO and alien lore, the rumoured 1947 crash and retrieval of an extraterrestrial craft at Roswell . www.rrojasdatabank.org/crime2.htm . 9. ** MITHRAS WORSHIP ASSOCIATED WITH THE ANASAZI , *10. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. www.mega.nu/ampp/elkhorn/elkhorn.html#metatop .

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