windows containers without docker desktop

If you do not yet have a running WSL instance with a distro of your choice, the next step is to pick one from the Microsoft Store. Brilliant article - thanks for the thorough write up @bowmanjd! Exactly my thoughts, there's too much complexity here + there's more comprehensive guide on how to install docker in Linux on official docker website which takes half of this article. Lastly, if you are working behind a proxy and need access to a private container registry, and get an x.509 certificate error with docker login, grab the root certificate of the proxy from your browser (export as base-64) and drop it into the docker certs directory related to your private registry/etc/docker/certs.d/{private_reg_name}:{private_reg_port}/ca.crt (private_reg_port is optional if you're using a standard port). Just run linux native. Hello, there is a small error in regex provided to get the host's IP address; if the output of ifconfig eth0 returns this: it will match the line starting with "TX packets too". Do so from a WSL window. Hi Pawel, thank you for your feedback. Same results more or less. [sudo] password for jai: Here is what you can do to flag bowmanjd: bowmanjd consistently posts content that violates DEV Community's For me, using WSL isn't a choice against Linux, but a choice to use Linux everywhere. If, however, when you launch WSL, you are still root, then set your new user as the default. Thankfully, there are official guides for installing Docker on various Linux distributions. Two ways to obtain this access: In other words, unless you want to utilize sudo or root access every time, add your user to the Docker group, named docker: Then close that WSL window, and launch WSL again. In VSCode, I update my Docker:Host setting with tcp://localhost:2375 : Now I can know create a dedicated powershell script with the previous line : start_docker.ps1. 2.) Working with Windows Containers without Docker Desktop from PowerShell. My goal is to use the docker-cli in Windows (docker.exe), but using Linux containers, without the installation of Docker Desktop. You should see docker when you run the command groups to list group memberships." Get IP address in WSL2 My own .NET rest API runs as expected and so do other containers. I did. Through group membership, grant specific users privileged access to the Docker socket, Creates the shared docker directory for the socket and, For performance reasons, only bind mount from within the Linux filesystem. To do so, enter sudo visudo and add the following line (if your visudo uses vi or vim, then be sure to press "i" to begin editing, and hit ESC when done editing): Save and exit (":wq" if the editor is vi, or Ctrl-x if it is nano), and then you can test if sudo dockerd prompts for a password or not. Windows Containers requires Windows 10/11 Pro or Enterprise version 1607 or higher. My simple repo can have you up and running. Another option may eventually be Rancher Desktop if they add Windows support, but it is currently limited to Linux containers. This function can be placed in your Powershell profile, usually located at ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1. .NET runtime. Specifically, you use the the Containers extension of your Windows Admin Center instance to run the containers. Ip stuff port forwarding etc. If you open Services, you should now see the Docker Engine listed: It will start automatically on Windows boot. If you obtained your Linux distro from the Store, you can likely skip this step, as the default user is already set up. In parallel, in a windows terminal opened in my distro, I can check with top or htop if dockerd processes are running. Hi, ){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: The error is: failed to start daemon: pid file found, ensure docker is not running or delete /var/run/ Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? Docker Desktop displays the Docker Desktop - Access Denied error if a Windows user is not part of the docker-users group. If you dislike the Windows Store, there are other options. On the official Data Gateway documentation it says th. I also tried the itzg/minecraft-server with the proper tags. Another option may eventually be Rancher Desktop if they add Windows support, but it is currently limited to Linux containers. For peace of mind, you can double-check: something like sudo -k ls -a /root should still require a password, unless the password has been entered recently. Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgrade. Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was Sometimes you need this simple as that. You certainly already heard about the licensing changes for Docker Desktop. If you use Docker Desktop the daemon is actually running in Windows this is why it was working before. - It uses the same technology as Remote Desktop (think VNC), except it only does it for a single Window (and it's child windows). (, I currently start dockerd with "-H tcp://" and it does work, I can pull images, run containers, build images etc. Is it known that BQP is not contained within NP? Note that Docker Desktop is only free individuals or for small companies. Isn't the deamon running inside wsl in any case? Have you managed to mount volumes from windows to docker image running in WSL2 ? Constantly learning to develop software. Hi, I have exactly the same issue @bowmanjd can you share any hint about how to get Internet connection working on docker containers running on WSL2? ){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: I am trying to follow the above steps on Alpine and i am not able to figure out the equivalent for launching dockerd to get the ip address. The builder is the oldest and slowest, but gets the job done. Additionally, I found this to be helpful for configuring dockerd to start when opening a new terminal (if it hasn't already been started). on the top right of the section "Containers" and select "Edit settings", You'll get around 56 settings and you search for "Docker:Host" where you put the line "tcp://" where you can replace the highlighted ip address by the one you got before, Once done, you come back to the panel and you click on "refresh" icon (top right of each sections) and you would get information from your dockerd running in WSL2. WARN[2021-11-06T15:39:08.509171500+05:30] Binding to IP address without --tlsverify is insecure and gives root access on this machine to everyone who has access to your network. WSL 2 uses an actual Linux kernel that allows Linux containers. I honestly haven't tried this with older versions of Debian. Assuming that the dockerd start script detailed above is saved in a file in WSL as $HOME/bin/docker-service and is executable (try chmod a+x $HOME/bin/docker-service), then the following line in your Powershell profile will launch dockerd automatically: Not sure where your Powershell profile is located? Call me stupid, but I think, this was one of my many attempts to get this working. And sometimes its also fun to have a bit more insight on whats going on behind the scenes. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site. host="tcp://" For example, Windows 11 Home can use up to 128 GB (gigabytes) of RAM, while Windows 11 Pro supports a maximum of 2 TB ( terabytes) of RAM. I had in mind to make my existing toolchains still working (VSCode, Visual Studio). Updated April 10, 2022, with current Alpine instructions, Debian/Ubuntu package signing tweaks (no more apt-key), and better guidance for handling iptables in Debian. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Jonathan Bowman. /usr/sbin/iptables-apply. So I had to run wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2 (where my distribution was called "Ubuntu") and this converted the distro to WSL2. High School, The Internet, Mother Nature, and Life itself.. How can Docker Desktop mount Windows Volumes? c:\bin\docker -H tcp:// run --rm hello-world. With you every step of your journey. The next time you do docker login, the auth section of ~/.docker/config.json will be updated. Unflagging bowmanjd will restore default visibility to their posts. Let's take an easy example: i would like to run some networking tool that scans my machine . But if you want the convenience and utility of running docker in a Powershell window, I have a couple suggestions. So, the Windows deamon is part of the product "Docker Desktop" then? But let's continue magic ! Hey, great stuff! For this please install the Windows Store Version of WSL and afterwards enable systemd in the distro settings and reboot the WSL distro.. Now re-enter WSL to have systemd available and install Docker normally like explained in the docs. If you are getting started with Windows Container development, one option is to install Docker Desktop. WARN[2021-10-24T16:24:00.993150800+05:30] grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to {unix:///var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.sock 0 }. Something like this will work well if you do not already have that file, or a [user] section in it: However, if on a version of Windows before build 18980, then you will instead need to edit the registry to set a default user. I tried deleting pid file but i dont have permission for it i tried using sudo systemctl stop docker and then running it but error is still the same. I only have one entry if I look for iptables: $ ls /usr/sbin/iptable* You could also make a batch file with the appropriate command in it. Not so ideal for development with that heat on my hand . 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. So the reason I use Windows is because that's where the driver support is. Now it is possible to run Docker on Windows or MacOS. Previously with Docker Desktop we could run docker with -v %cd%/someFolder:/whatever or -v ./someFolder:/whatever, now we have to provide full path , like -v /mnt/c/full/local/path/to/someFolder:/whatever , which is user specific and will not run on team mate's computer Any thoughts how to overcome this ? I'm pretty sure using the nftable subsystem is eventually what is making things not work - if I could get iptables-legacy it might be different. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. It is all internet connectivity: I cannot ping but I can ping the docker host from a container. Windows Containers Is the underlining technology platform that allows us to run a Windows Container Instance which combines the usage of many Windows Server technology like Hyper-V, File Server, Networking, etc. The choices are running Ubuntu where upgrading every six months shatters your OS so badly you can't work for days or Arch where upgrades often break one of your printer/scanner/Bluetooth. I did "sudo apt-get install iptables" to be sure. Those are a bit hidden and not easy to find. Using apt install --reinstall iptables. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. Yeah, I have actually changed the instructions, removing the iptables:false, as using iptables-legacy seems like the right way to do it. It's a Web based docker ui. See more details about the Docker subscription model here. sudo dockerd. Install official Docker release sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli Add user to docker group sudo usermod -aG docker $USER "Then close that WSL window, and launch WSL again. Is your user a "sudoer"? Looks too much tricky for me. Exactly, this is very unfortunate but currently only linux has a standalone daemon, Windows and MacOS have to install Docker Desktop to get a native daemon. If you don't want to rely on a particular WSL shell script, you could implement a Powershell function to launch dockerd, such as this: This function takes one parameter: the distro name. My running container has the following DNS Servers configured: and 192.168..1. In a windows terminal running with administrator privileges, I set the Execution policy with : And every time I want to run dockerd, I launch the start_docker.ps1 script: And if you see API Listen on, Now, I want to use docker without -H parameter, for this, I add a new system environment variable called DOCKER_HOST set to tcp://localhost:2375. WARN[2021-11-06T15:39:10.292918800+05:30] You can override this by explicitly specifying '--tls=false' or '--tlsverify=false' host="tcp://" Now on to the Linux containers. For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse. Now I have started using docker desktop again. I have written about getting Podman to work on WSL 2. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? If and only if you opted to use the shared docker socket in /mnt/wsl/shared-docker as detailed above, first set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable: You should see the "Hello from Docker!" To see what group IDs are already assigned that are 1000 or above: Can't decide what number to use? Debian and Ubuntu will configure this automatically at first launch, as should Alpine if you installed it from the Store. Install Docker In PowerShell (run as Administrator) enter: Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force At the prompt, enter " Y " to confirm the installation of NuGet. error:failed to load listeners: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address I removed the Debian WSL for now. You are at the right place. I even removed and installed fresh wsl. Also please mark the answare as correct if it is working :). I would suggest trying to modifying your run command with those paths, so something like: Make sure you pay attention to the slashes: in WSL you need a foreward slash (/) whereas windows does not really care. I reused and I adapted it to make VisualCode working with dockerd under WSL2. For instance, VSCode supports docker in WSL 2. Trying to get started Add iptables false (as mentioned in the article). For that you need to execute the following PowerShell commands as admin: Docker then greets you with Hello from Docker!. This is a very useful tool, to say the least. Well, let's check. Let's first make a shared directory for the docker socket, and set permissions so that the docker group can write to it. Maybe some tooling you use can't handle Podman, or you just want to put WSL through its paces. Run Computer Management as an administrator and navigate to Local Users* and Groups > Groups > docker-users. I'm currently trying to understand how docker can help me in my daily work. Fight? So I wonder if Windows 10 wsl Debian changed - I can't use the update-alternatives --config iptables. On your Debian install, what is the result of dpkg -S /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy? So I added some sleuthing to the Dockerfile: FROM centos:7 RUN cat /etc/resolv.conf && ping -v -c2 host.docker.internal && ping -v -c2 && ping -v && ping -v RUN echo "timeout=30" >> /etc/yum.conf && cat /etc/yum.conf && yum -y install httpd. Now, how to run dockerd and docker without copy&paste IP address in command line nor VSCode. Before doing this, we will need two bits of information: the user id, and the name of the WSL distro. But with containers, it becomes easy to have different versions of the same application running side-by-side, without making a mess. If your username is missing from the group, take note of the group name (sudo or wheel) and add the user in question to that group: Finally, as root, make sure that the admin group (whether sudo or wheel) is enabled for sudo: If the line is there, but commented out with a #, then run visudo then make sure the line reads thus (use wheel or sudo as determined earlier): Once these steps are complete, test again with: If you are prompted for the password, then all is well. $ iptables --version 2) We also need containerd installed - I used the manual steps from here and that worked for me Those two steps joined the dots and now docker is running without docker desktop :). Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. There are 2 choices for the alternative iptables (providing /usr/sbin/iptables). Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Been waiting for years now. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Nicolas Louis. Dockerd does work. Here is the corrected version: ifconfig eth0 | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}\. Below one works fine in ubantu anyways, with the deadline for this looming ever closer, I suspect there are going to be a sudden stupendous influx of "Docker alternative" and "Docker without Docker Desktop" articles, debates, and so on.. not unlike this one. Hi, followed everything but on doing sudo dockered getting this error. With Docker Desktop's WSL 2 backend, Docker integrates with Windows in a fairly elegant way, and the docker client can be launched from either Powershell or Linux. (Will report back with results..). On Fedora, you will additionally need to passwd myusername and enter the password you want to use. If you only run one it doesn't hurt, but you could use Docker's default location, /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.sock. But in the end, turned out it was required. In PowerShell start an elevated shell with: Enable the elevated PowerShell to make changes in the prompt. With a Dockerfile containing only: I was getting yum errors not resolving the name of the mirror server: Determining fastest mirrors Probably not necessary, but on Ubuntu/Debian: Alpine (probably not necessary, but just in case): Alpine: Nothing needed. To configure dockeraccess module, open another elevated PowerShell: Enable the elevated PowerShell to make changes. Unflagging _nicolas_louis_ will restore default visibility to their posts. What does not work is binding or mounting volumes to local directories, which used to work, when Docker Desktop was installed. They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended. Startup is intentionally being slowed down to show this message host="tcp://" It requires a small proxy application to make it work though. However, due to both WSL and Docker complexities, a little tender loving care is required to get Docker up and running. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. I would prefer a prettier straight-foreward solution. Chris 192 Followers Follow More from Medium Tony DevOps in K8s K9s, Terminal Based UI to Manage Your Cluster Flavius Dinu WSL 1 was genius with running Linux on the Windows kernel, but of course lacked some of the features, such as containers. I have tried with multiple laptops (and multiple distros) and even with so many customisations, laptops keep heating up on idle. A hint: ever tried aria2 speeds up downloads. Get the IP address given with the line API listen and In another WSL terminal, you can test the following command : docker -H run --rm hello-world. With you every step of your journey. A little more suggestion about TCP access, as well. 0.0.1 |awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: If desired, you can configure it using Services to only start it manually. I've played around with setting DNS in the container explicitly using the /etc/docker/daemon.json with things like "dns": ["", ""], but if the container can't even get connectivity to these ips that's not going to work.. My Debian environment does not have any iptables configured. How to get a Docker container's IP address from the host, Docker: Copying files from Docker container to host. Step-1: Download the " Docker Desktop for Windows " exe file from here ( and run it to install. If using the script earlier to launch dockerd, then $DOCKER_HOST will be set, and future invocations of docker will not need an unwieldy -H unix:///mnt/wsl/shared-docker/docker.sock. May I suggest 36257. ){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v |awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: Does anybody has a equivalent command for Alpine? I've been reading both this and "Install Docker on Windows (WSL) without Docker Desktop". Start of the month i will write full article, for now this will have to do. From there you can simply use these paths as youve mentioned. I also tried another custom docker with a fresh VANILLA minecraft install. I know I did before, I'm not sure what I left out - but the iptables-legacy isn't set-able now. This is quick and easy but is not advised. I'm having same issue, using Debian 11 on WSL2. On Debian or Ubuntu, first temporarily set some OS-specific variables: Then, make sure that apt will trust the repo: ID will be either "ubuntu" or "debian", as appropriate, depending on what is in /etc/os-release. DEV Community 2016 - 2023. Microsoft is increasingly standardizing on its in-house CBL-Mariner Linux distribution. I ran Linux dual boot from 2000-2004 and then as a daily driver 2004-2017. In PowerShell use Scoop to install the Docker static binaries: We now need to enable and start the Docker Service in Windows. How do I get into a Docker container's shell? Success? Weird -- containerd is already installed on mine; I can update the instructions accordingly. dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy It can be any group ID that is not in use. If the /etc/docker directory does not exist yet, create it with sudo mkdir /etc/docker/ so it can contain the config file. I got this error, I solved it by running WSL itself with admin privileges when opening the WSL window to run sudo dockerd. Never miss out on developer content you need to maintain a healthy developer career. How is Docker different from a virtual machine? If you only plan on using one WSL distro, this next step isn't strictly necessary. WindowsDockerDev Container VS CodeRemote Development Windows. I have installed Rancher Desktop application on Windows 10 and set it to use docker as container runtime. I am receiving error at launch docker with. Thanks for this post, very useful previously. Success. If unsure of the name, simply run wsl -l -q from Powershell to see your list of WSL distributions. Installing Docker can be heavy-weight and add more than expected to your system. Thanks! The vague complaints of the Copilot plaintiffs are nothing compared to the damage to free software and human progress if they won. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. See details regarding the companion Github repo by scrolling to the bottom. Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 sports an actual Linux kernel, supporting real Linux containers and Docker. I even uninstalled and installed it back. from a Windows terminal, my environment contains DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// Made with love and Ruby on Rails. You should see docker when you run the command groups to list group memberships. Unless I missed a step above, when I got to "update-alternatives --config iptables" it's still broke on my system. Strange my Debian is so far behind. Is it all internet connectivity, or just DNS? Assuming you have Windows build 18980 or later: simply add a user section to /etc/wsl.conf. While you can create container images manually by running the docker commit command, adopting an automated image creation process has many benefits, including: Storing container images as code. If the result is "!" Thank you so much! But I was getting no rules generated by iptables-nft-save, and several rules generated by iptables-legacy-save, so I explicitly update-alternatives to iptables-legacy and rebooted (host and wsl2/debian). The Docker engine includes tools that automate container image creation. If this fails due to network connectivity, see below. If it returns "Yes, that ID is free" then you are good to go, with the following: Or, if groupmod is available (which it is on Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian, but not Alpine unless you sudo apk add shadow), this is safer: Once the group id has been changed, close the terminal window and re-launch your WSL distro. But yes, I used WSL2 enough that moved to a second PC with native Linux. Ubuntu works correctly, I think because they still use iptables and not the nftables in Debian that Docker apparently doesn't really understand unless you configure nftables just right. However I agree developing linux apps with docker on windows can be a pain I'd recommend just installing linux on a dedicated machine for that purpose if you can. How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates, Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines.

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