You will agree that gambling is nothing but a game of chance. And if you are married, you cant separate or divorce again. Child abuse never reported i rhat is crazy .swems care less about the kids .sad .cult more anything. Saying anything negative or inappropriate about the Jehovah witness is prohibited and as such, members must be like-minded and speak in agreement.. I love Lucky Charms. God gave man dominion over such creatures and allows him to use them for food, clothing, and so forth. Now let's examine some questions related to topics directly addressed in the Bible. What Happened in 1914 According to Jehovahs Witnesses? I chose to be a witness after studying a long time and gradually understanding the reasons to follow the bible and how it would benefit my life-yet it is NOT EASY and one cannot be brainwashed-they choose w/free will to adhere to anything they decide for themselves is bible truth that will benefit them and others. He does have a point about John 8:44, though. I never baptized. All theories taught as absolutes, unless the light gets brighter as it frequently dose anymore. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society produces religious literature primarily for use by Jehovah's Witnesses.The organization's international writing, artwork, translation, and printery workforce are all baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. In a nutshell, Jesus was a nice guy, but the god of the O.T. Twitter: @CitypeopleMagz, 141 Things JEHOVAH Witness Member Cant Do, African King Of Raggae Majek Fashek Dies, HRH Olugbo visits Jimoh Ibrahim, inspects ongoing, The Truth About The Rilvary Between OBEY&, Why The Ijesha People Are Called Osomaalo, Why Nigerians Cant Forget FELAs Mum In, Nigeria remains an attractive market for global, Top CBD Celebrity Users You Likely Havent, Enjoy Sports Online and Earn Money Doing, The Forex Market Vs Stocks/Shares Which, Ace Broadcaster, YEMI SONDE Opens Radio Station, How FRSC Invested In Human Capacity, ICT, HOW SIJIBOMI OGUNDELE (SUJIMOTO) RUNS HIS $400, NATIONAL WAVES Endorses Ned Nwoko For Delta. Jesus Christ is God's agent, through whom sinful humans can be reconciled to God. If a degree will help us make more money working less hours so we can have amoretti balanced life and time for spiritual growth, all the better. Jehovah's Witnesses' Rules - avoid Can I post a list of 101 Things Astrid Likes to Do When She is Bored? Unlike many other religions, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that death is not just the death of the physical body but also the death of the soul. Confirming . Leave the question to fester in their minds. Please check back in a few days. First I need to clarify a few things. Before listing out these things, it is very important we take a clue from the history and formation of the Jehovah witness sect. Members believe that, 3 years after 1914, Jesus came to "inspect and cleanse" the Watchtower Society, choosing it as the only organization . 4. Jehovah's Witnesses are organized hierarchically, [1] and are led by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses from the Watch Tower Society 's headquarters in Warwick, New York. 5 Is the world a pejorative term for Jehovahs Witnesses? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Abel was after all the inventor of killing, as he had mauled innocent sheep. Is Artificial Insemination Acceptable to God? They do not celebrate Christmas, birthdays or any other holidays. (61) Be gay or lesbian. 141 Things a Jehovah's Witness Can't Do. also known as my - reddit The job of a concordance is to tell where in the Bible each word is used, and how it is translated in each case. (3) Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. Celebrate New Year's Eve or . Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in sex before marriage - and dating isn't condoned unless they bring along a chaperone as well. The Holy Spirit is the name of God's active force in the world. The word parousia (presence) is Greek and it suggests that Jesus Christ would appear again with an invisible presence. Join support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Join or volunteer at any other charitable organization such as the Red Cross, the Lions Club, the Salvation Army, etc. If you can somehow get your friend out, do it. so that's your response? Here are the 140 things Jehovah Witnesses cant do: (1) Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. Having look at the history of Jehovah witness and what led to their controversial believe, we've compiled 25 things its believers are not allowed to do. Read or share any information that is critical of the group. 15. (139) Greet or talk with disfellowshipped persons (with some exceptions), (140) Associate with disfellowshipped persons except for immediate family living in the same house. Where an avid believer and follower of the Jehovah witness doctrine is erred and declared excommunicado, such person is said to be disfellowshipped. Wear pants to a meeting. Premise on this, all other JW believers must not associate with any disfellowshipped Jehovah member again. Miller was a Pastor and he prophesied that Christ will return in 1844. Betting and gambling are practice of the Satan. Why? (Red Flag) They and others have also changed the wordings of scriptures to fit their doctrines and ideology. Don't Allow The Witnesses To Bring Up Multiple Issues And Get You Sidetracked. This article will begin with a brief description of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses and will then recommend specific clinical strategies highlighting newer . They don't believe in military service, national anthems or voting. They dont believe in Jesus or preach from the new testament. Give it time. My brother lost his life to suicide because of their teachings of disfellowship and disassociation. However, we have good reasons to believe the body that died on the cross is the same body that rose three days later, leaving an empty tomb. EVERYTHING. The first murderer some might, if they realize that God never killed Adam and Eve, say was Cain, but I say it might have been God in the flood. Things Jehovah Witnesses Can't Do - Today we'll go through the majority of things a Jehovah Witness cannot do and why. Can Jehovah Witnesses Celebrate Mother'S Day? - Classified Mom Everything with them is mental and mind games but no one is going to physically hurt anyone. Yet, this is not what Jesus said in John 2:19-22. Now I always question when my wife will leave due to my inexperience and skepticism. You shall not lie, but you may refrain from telling the truth to those Jehovah's Witnesses deem do not deserve it. The Jehovahs Witness organization has produced its own bogus version of the Bible. JWs must speak in agreement and be like-minded. Monotheism was born with a God named Yahweh (Jehovah). YOU can study about him. They are so much about money. It is not the job of the concordance to judge whether a translation is correct or not. See Women Keep Silent 2. (3) Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. 2. The world that we all live in. A lot of this stuff on the list we experienced and more. the college thing was always like, go to a vocational school so you can spend you youth preaching. They believe that blood is sacrosanct and should not be donated for any reason. By that I mean the actions and message of Jesus dont seem to follow on from the books in the O.T., apart from the prophesy of a Messiah. The scribes and Pharisees were worshipping Jehovah, and Jesus literally told them that the god they serve was a liar from the beginning and a murderer. Can't be "Jehovah's Witnesses", for God already used it 20 chapters earlier. Using semen thats not the husbands is an offense equal to adultery. Jehovahs Witness women are not allowed to: Jehovahs Witnesses are directed that they will rely on Jehovah and not try to defend themselves. Witnesses hold a number of traditional Christian views but also many that are unique to them. Because Im not baptized, they are not required to shun me, but they have actually asked me numerous times why I have a problem with their religion. Claiming to be a continuation of a first-century Christian congregation, they cite the ancient faith's refusal to participate in war as one reason for their own refusal. They must be separate from the world Since jehovahs witnesses cannot celebrate holidays , like 4th of July, would it be permissible for them to take an empty hot dog or hamburger bun and fill it with the ass gravy of the governing body and eat that ? If you dont think their brainwashed, how are you viewed if you didnt get the Jab? Biblical Responses to Jehovah's Witnesses | The sect known today as the Jehovah's Witnesses started out in Pennsylvania in 1870 as a Bible class led by Charles Taze Russell. this wasn't a seculded congregation saying this. What are the Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs about Jesus' return in 1914? That's why blood transfusions aren't allowed. The New Testament is made up only of the books that the Catholic Church authorized. When Jesus did not return as he prophecied, the Adventists divided into several numbers of factions. Since 1976, practices have also been based on decisions made at closed meetings of the . Send Us News, Gist, more to | Apparently its a phenomenon the U.S . Updated on October 15, 2019. It should say, 'the Word was God-like or a god or a great prophet, a great angel, and then God used him for great things,'" you can know that's not true just because of John 1:3 . Jehovah's Witness historical worship of Jesus until 1954 - JWfacts Answer (1 of 8): Jehovah's Witnesses preach and offer to teach the bible to strangers. It is truly terrifying. 25 things Jehovah witnesses can't do | AtlanticRide This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They were viewed and worshipped as gods because of their superior technology and knowledge. Associate with a disfellowshipped or disassociated individual, whether they are family or not. As Jehovah's Witnesses the family has switched to methods such as letter writing to connect to others as knocking on doors is no longer an option during COVID-19 pandemic. Since the general assumption is that relationship changes people. Any of the cult members (myself included previously) will NEVER accept being misled and demonizing anyone who speaks out of the faith. In Exodus 34:6 Moses asked the same thing and God showed him an incredible thing. Clinical strategies in the medical care of Jehovah's Witnesses We worship the one true and Almighty God, the Creator, whose name is Jehovah. In the O..T. YHVH killed 2,476,633 people NOT including the FLOOD-where he CLAIMED to kill everything that draweth breath OR Sodom and Gomorrah. Death is the opposite of life. 1. In fact, they are very much pacifists. However, its against the doctrine of the Jehovah witness to worship Jesus as God. That poster is NOT a Biblical scholar, and has NOT read the Bible, and has NOT learned Hebrew. Where theres a separation or any form of unscriptural divorce from the believers of this religion, such action may lead to a disciplinary action. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. Dont use it, or you will die!. Its a taboo and all Jehovah witness followers are prohibited from having it on their body. Play the lottery, buy raffle tickets, play bingo or engage in any gambling. For Some Americans, Ukraine's Fight Feels Close to Home That will give them food for thought. In as much as you called yourself a true believer and follow of Jehovah witness, you cant disagree with other peoples doctrine. I was charitable and took his hovah as howah, but I felt I wanted to point that out as well. The OT is basically a copy of the Sumerian Tablets that were written thousands of years before the Hebrew Scriptures. What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe? - JW.ORG I have spoken to some who believe that the serpent in the garden actually represented the true God (Not Jehovah). Practice yoga or attend meditation classes. Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. No, they dont. You wont be able to speak with your friends and family. Hence, holding political office is another thing Jehovah witnesses are not allowed to do. Although Christianity frowns at taking cigarettes and tobacco in general, this prohibition is part of things Jehovah witness are not allowed to do. Own or carry any weapon or firearm for self-defense. 3.Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. (42) Go to the school prom or school dance. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Jesus is the creator! (7) Disagree with their organizations doctrines. Celebrate or take part in any so-called false religious holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. yes you pointed out the few like cereal, that i already said were inaccurate. The Jehovah's Witness organization denies that Jesus Christ is God. Jehovah's Witnesses take the resurrection of Jesus to be non-physical. Jehovahs Witnesses are given strict rules when it comes to dressing and grooming. i 100% agree. The title says it all. (2) Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovahs Witnesses. Disagree with their organizations doctrines. Five Scary Core Beliefs of the Jehovah's Witness - JW Answers The only explanation I can suggest is that the god of the O.T. Donating blood is against the tenants of JW. 10They Refuse To Go To War Or Bear Arms In Conflict When it comes to war, Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to bear arms or engage in war or conflict of any kindeven when refusing means imprisonment or execution. A woman should not pray in the presence of a baptized male JW. To them, condemnation leads to hatred and as such, you cant convince other people to join you if you blatantly disagree with their doctrines. THEY DONT READ THE BOOK let alone learn HEBREW LIKE I DID. Jehovah's Witnesses's practices are based on the biblical interpretations of Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916), founder (c. 1881) of the Bible Student movement, and of successive presidents of the Watch Tower Society, Joseph Franklin Rutherford (from 1917 to 1942) and Nathan Homer Knorr (from 1942 to 1977). Yet their God is guilty of committing, ordering and/or condoning all the above behaviors. Date anyone other than another Jehovahs Witness. Witnesses believe that they are living in . The rationale behind this is that they dont want the non-believers to expose their own (Jehovah witnesses) to things that are outside their religion. Jehovah's Witnesses often talk about John 1:1 and . Likewise, the bible does not instruct us on what we should do with our bodies after we die. We uphold the right of Jehovah's Witnesses to practice their religion and their beliefs and their ability to adhere to being apolitical and pacifist without fear, harassment, discrimination, or [] (122) Attempt to communicate with departed spirits. Blessings Phil! I knew all the people coming in and out with cakes and flowers; I had grown up with them for my entire childhood, and they were like a second family. 100 Questions Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Answer contains a collection of fascinating, intriguing and challenging questions about God, the Bible and the beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses. I know Jesus told us that he was like the Father, but he didnt act or speak like the god of the O.T. STRONG'S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE-HEBREW #1943 says HOVAH means DISASTER-RUIN and there is NO LETTER"J" in hebrew or Greek OR ENGLISH till 1541. Statement on Jehovah's Witnesses - United States Department of State Terri O'Sullivan left the religion 17 years ago, aged 21, and . Always motivated by fear or guilt, 2 of the most potent brainwashing mechanisms humanity ever used. What can Jehovah Witnesses not do list? - Sage-Answer Just as Jesus predicted, his 'presence' as heavenly King has been marked by dramatic world developmentswar, famine, earthquakes, pestilences. Dealing with the bullying at school that accompanied with being a Witness. 100 things jehovah's witnesses can't do - In the New World Translation, John 1:1 reads: "In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.". mega kek lol, keep coping #JWSweep c you on Armageddon loooollll, Yes heywood! That would rule out wearing clothing that exposes or accentuates Watchtower Study Article: Does Your Style of Dress Glorify God? The Jehovah's Witnesses will reply that it was a temporary body materialized so the apostles would believe that He was raised. but what about the other things i just pointed out? One important thing to remember is that marriage is a lifelong commitment. Its frustrating to feel like you want answers and they dont come. men can have beards, your kids can go to science camp for a week with worldly kids, go to the prom, be apart of girl scouts with other worldly kids? Jehovah's Witnesses, of course, aren't alone in discouraging bad language. 9. For the past 4 or 5 years they have been walking/running around the same block, with no deviation, often from morning until night. Celebrate Thanksgiving. 10 Things Jehovah's Witnesses Won't Tell You Before You Join Them Bible says MAN WILL FAIL YOU, BUT GOD WILL NEVER FAIL YOU!!! Biblically, while it is true that there is only one God ( Isa. I get ALL of that I really do, but they are right about Xmas being a pagan holiday. Four Dangers of the Jehovah's Witnesses - Witnesses in Transition Good for you that follow these rules voluntarily, but most do so in fear of shunning.
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