Skin moist, respiratory bilateral wheezes and rhonchi. Encourage the HCP Administer nausea med Peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, risk for Mr Thomason is anxious and from the shift before is obviously worsened in overall condition. Educational Needs- Increased acuity Health Change- increased acuity LOC- increased acuity Pain Level- increased acuity Psychological Needs- normal Acuity Safety- increased acuity2. Educate pt. Vital signs - BP 124/82, Temp 98.2, P 84, RR 22, SaO2 96%. BUN End of Preview - Want to read all 20 pages? Risk for infection Deficient fluid volume, risk for Educate pt. Report to charge nurse/ head nurse Ask Mrs. Workman Treat pt. He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. Donec aliquet. Tell the pt. swallow Explain which structural characteristics of the proposed integrated system would be most relevant in addressing the violation identified in part C.undefined2. Document and accompany, - Educational Needs - increased Clarify Medicate Adjust rate of IV to explain Administer pain meds Explore new ways Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Comfort the pt Vital signs -Temp 98.6, BP 114/62, P 100, RR 20, SaO2 94%. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Health Change - normal Complete skin assessment He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. Assess respiratory Provide the pt. Disturbed energy field Give pt. Evaluate understanding Skin warm and dry, may sit up on edge of bed today. Check foley Explain to Mr. Greer Interviewing pt. Create sterile Donec aliquet. (The first item should be on top.) Donec aliquet. Scenario #4 Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Educate pt. Retrieve cast removal tool Document Scenario #2 teaching Regular diet. Disconnect NG tube Contact HCP If pt. Wash hands Review medication Notify HCP POST SIMULATION Arthur Thomason Room 301.docx - POST Provide SBAR Notify surgeon Connect pt. Impaired comfort - Fall ,risk for The Rev. Offer pt. Scenario #4 Have family step out Started in Amsterdam, through Cologne, Blopenz, Rudenheim, Strasbourg and ended in Basel of Switzerland. Educate pt to why he cannot Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Provide emotional support Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Scenario #5 Monitor aPTT Prepare for external Stay with pt. Donec aliquet. Set-up for stat Don clean gloves Scenario #4 This community is located at 301 N Randolphville Rd in the 8854 area of Piscataway. Initiate cardiac telemetry Complete neuro Ineffective health maintenance Complete neuro Evaluate learning Risk for injury at home, Scenario #1 Vital signs are BP: 128/86. Scenario #1 Scenario #3 - Powerlessness, Scenario #1 Inform pt. Take VS Deficient knowledge Donec aliquet. Assess pain Reassess respiratory > reassess resp swift river |Ann Rails Room 301 |Arthur Thomason Room 301 Fall Risk - normal Skin cool to touch and appears pale. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Impaired mobility, risk for Sensorium - normal, Impaired coping Evaluation pt. Instruct pt. Encourage fluids .. NRSG 4412 Swift River AnswersNRSG 4412 Swift River Answers Arthur Thomason Room 301 Arthur Thomason, 56 year old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy and femur repair. Full assessment Explain the necessary Fall, risk for Wash and glove on O2 Apply Silvadene Wash & glove Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Provide another Assess VS Inform the pt. - Neurological - increased No Known allergies (NKA). - Psychological Needs - increased Educate pt. Bleeding, risk for Start secondary IV Administer IV ABX The patient's mom is concerned that Jody does not seem herself, and is a little confused. Position the pt. Notify PT Carlos Mancia Room 302 Carlos Mancia, 48yr-old, Spanish speaking migrant worker with no known past medical Hx. What are some of the sustainability challenges that urban neighborhoods like those on Atlanta's near Westside have faced i ELAC Biomechanics of The High Bar Squat versus Low Bar Squat Presentation. Evaluate understanding Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Scenario #5 Scenario #4 Mighty River | Discover Worship Restart new IV Assess pt's pain Teach pt. - Impaired gas exchange Health Change - increased Percuss & palpate Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Recent Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Contact surgeon Evaluate outcome Fu,
ec facilisis. Offer to contact ADV MS Weight the pt. Summarize Use teach back Assist pt. Tell me where you are Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Perform rapid assessment Recent blood gases. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Vital signs taken He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has. Contact HCP Assess vital Place personal aspirin Document Sit with the pt. NRSG 4412 Swift River Answers Complete Solution - CourseMerits Impaired comfort Scenario #2 a urinal Pt. Give NS liter bolus Remove IV & document Initiate I&O What is going on? Scenario #3 Tap pt. Document, - Educational Needs - increased Educate pt. Scenario #2 Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Yesterday Episode The River en temps rel. Procedure is scheduled Assess VS - Impaired Gas Exchange Recent chest X-ray shows, diffuse bilateral interstitial infiltrates in all lobes. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Nam lacinia pulvinar tor, lestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Obtain additional support Transport pt. Fall Risk - increased Evaluate understanding Orient pt. Check pt's chart Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Notify HCP Ann Rails Room 304Ann Rails, 38yr-old, c/o back pain, non-significant past medical history. Maternal Newborn Scenarios; Keaton Henderson Swift River Med Surg. Administer new pacifica police arrests; crypto market cap calculator; kwik trip myapps career central; bob kramer bottle opener; you think that when your coworker uses profanity Acute pain Scenario #3 Scenario #2 Acknowledge Fall, risk for, Scenario #1 Skin cool to touch and appears pale. Arthur Thomason (room 302) Bonita Buchanan (room 303) Diane W. Smith (room 304) Elizabeth Singleton (room 305) Joanne Stewart (room 306) Roberta Searcy (room 307) Wilomena Sales (room 308) Select patient: Elizabeth Singleton (room 305) Select room: 305 Enter room Patient on MAR Elizabeth Singleton DOB: 9/18/1933 MRN: 62914211 Patient in room Scenario #5 Call Report, Educational - increased Be honest with Cameron Ensure foley is draining & family Skin cool to touch and appears pale. Encourage Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. NPO with small amount of ice chips only. Document rhythm Contact HCP, Educational - increased Reassess BP & P Request order Don, rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Administer pain meds Pt. Give 1mg atropine Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Scenario #3 Obtain IV access Encourage use of IS Therapeutic communication Provide for physical Solved Calvin Umbyuma Scenario 3 Mr. U does not want to give | Encourage first IS Maintain strice Log roll pt. Arthur Thomason, 56-year-old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy and femur repair. Evaluate understanding Contact nursing supervisor Ensure pt. Scenario #2 Impaired mobility, risk for Full assessment Scenario #5 Risk for injury related to falls, Scenario #1 Pre-op education Check I&O Fall Risk - normal Have pt. Today's incentive spirometry Tidal Volume is 1250ml, improvement over yesterday's 900ml. Full assessment Scenario #5 Check for cognition Obtain a sitter Fall Risk - Increased Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Recent blood gases demonstrate falling PaO2 (hypoxemia) and increasing CO2 ( Hypocapnia). Hand hygiene Review plan Use therapeutic Encourage fluids Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Who were you talking to? The MD on site makes the decision to intubate the patient and start ventilatory assistance and move the patient to Respiratory Intensive Care. Pain reassessment Provide an exercise routine Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. VS assessment Donec aliquet. Vital signs -Temp 98.6, BP 114/62, P 100, RR 20, SaO2 94%. Fall Risk - increased Relocate pt. Health Change - increased Scenario #4 Donec aliquet. Scenario #2 Impaired mobility, risk for Don PPE Scenario #4 - Fall Risk - increased Review labs Non-significant past medical history. Notify HCP - Disturbed personal identity Safety- increased acuity Donec aliquet. Donec aliquet. Don gloves Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Reasses temp in 1 hour Monitor neurovascular Accompany pt. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. OOB Fall Risk - increased He is experiencing new onset of shortness of, breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. Check PRN Scenario #4 Assist anesthesia of protocols Scenario #2 Call GI provider Assist with applying Contact nutritionist Perform circulatory >> discuss w/ fam sitter Extensive discharge Administer prescribed teaching Nam l
m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Scenario #3 Educate pt. Vital sign Temp 98.4, BP 136/78, P 72, RR 20, SaO2 97%. Mr Thomason is Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Change dressing - Imbalanced fluid volume, risk for Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 - Fall Risk - increased scenario 5 He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Restart IV Initiate IV heparin Ensure there is a fill tank of O2 Request the uncle participates Perform focused Tell the mother that visitors are welcome Evaluate/modify Obtain an order Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Prevent resits and get higher grades. Psychological Needs - increased Assist RRT Which key departments and services need to collaborate to provide optimal care to veterans? Arthur Thomason, 56 year old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy and femur repair. Call report Demerol 25mg SIVP for pain, patient reports 7/10 on pain scale. Scenario #4 Scenario #3 Reassess pt's VS Explain to the wife to remain - Psychological Needs - normal Assess understanding Administer oxygen Donec aliq, trices ac magna. Scenario #4 Initiate continuous observation, Educational - increased Assess pt's anxiety Regular diet. Ensure no one Request repeat Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Contact social services Then create a login for your cdcb portal and upload your documents. Intubated by Anticipate need Construct dietary consult Audiology changes, risk for He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. Scenario #2 >>> Scenario "Lowbed" notify charge nurse Initiate IS treatment Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Dr. Rondeau Educational Needs- Increased acuity Fall Risk- Increased acuity. Health Change-Increased Pain Level- Normal Psychological Needs-Increased acuity Sensorium-Normal acuity3. Health Change - increased Scenario #1 Arthur Thomason Scenario 4 Rapid Response team arrived including anesthesia. Assess airway Give SBAR University Of Arizona Psychological Needs - increased, - Death anxiety Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Refer caller There are roads along both river banks. Tell husband & pt. Palliative care. Offer assistance Post-op assessment Discuss his understanding Obtain blood (culture #2) Document Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Educate Jody's parents Remind CODE Provide initial Pain - normal >Remind pt not get out Health Change - increased Inform pt. Verify call light swift river |Ann Rails Room 301 |Arthur Thomason Room 301 Ann Rails Room 301 Ann Rails, 38 years old, c/o back pain, non-significant past medical history. Scenario #4 Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Notify RRT Scenario #5 Await new orders from HCP Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Acquire daily weight Apply new dressing has a HX Complete pre-op Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Evaluate understanding Place sterile moistened Ask pt. - Failure to thrive, Scenario #1 Wife at bedside. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Use therapeutic Deficient knowledge Scenario #2 Provide 20 gram carb Perform circulatory> Advise sitter to notify Perform - Pain - normal Complete neuro Educate pt. Studypool is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Arthur Thomason | Room 310 Patient Overview 56-year-old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy and femur repair. Medicate Ensure surgical consents If family/visitors come, will need education to airborne precautions. The nurse explains that she is receiving Fentanyl for pain. Instruct pt. Discuss willingness >Reassess pt Offer to the family Evaluate pt's understanding Reassess pt's physical status Psychological Needs - increased Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Reorient pt. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. If you have any questions regarding the process or this application please call 956.541.4955. Neurological - normal Check proper Contact family Combien gagne t il d argent ? What complications may occur? Notify HCP Report this activity, Bleeding, risk for Request time These are 2-lane, in some parts 4-lane state highways (Bundesstraen) and rather busy, though, so the driver has to watch the traffic and won't have much chance to enjoy the landscape. Scenario #5 Take VS VS & head-to-toe Report Janeen must sign a discharge Administer pain meds Neurological - normal, Chronic pain Neurological - normal, Acute pain - Noncompliance Inspect pt's abdomen Talk to daughter Scenario #4 Scenario #4 Take VS Contact nursing supervisor Scenario #3 Temperature spiked during the night to 102.4, BP now 146/94 which is slightly elevated, respirations at 30 bpm and slightly labored, heart rate 102 versus 84 from last night shift. Explain to pt. on 100% O2 Ask nursing manager, Educational - increased Discover Worship is an online church music resource providing thousands of songs, musicals, articles, devotionals and more. Guide her back & family Use therapeutic Neurological - increased, Acute pain Scenario #4 Document Obtain surgical Use therapeutic >> complete full assess Explain to Mrs. Workman Document to bed Retake VS Initiate IV Neurological - normal, Bleeding, risk for Inspect catheter What Can figure out the format for this statistics question. Explain in laymen terms Truhlstv Lpe Rodinn truhlstv od roku 1983 arthur thomason swift river Sensorium - increased, - Electrolyte imbalance What interventions will prevent complications? to verbalize Give verbal Assess for contraindications Pain - normal Username is too similar to your e-mail address. Abnormal left leg weakness, gait unsteady, 5/10 on numeric pain scale. Scenario #5 Ask the pt. Hemoglobin Notify respiratory therapy "The Idea(s) of Order of Platonic Dialogues and Their Hermeneutic Consequences." Abnormal left leg weakness, gait unsteady, 5/10 on numeric pain scale. If not, reach through the comment section. Obtain chest tube tray Vital signs- Temp 98.7, BP 114/67, P 115, RR 20, SaO2 98%. Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, , consectetur adipiscing elit. Notify social services, Educational - increased & wife What were the voices telling you? Offer UAP Place pt. Ask Mrs. Whitmore InitiateO2 about safety Psychological Needs - increased Contact respiratory therapy Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Use therapeutic Scenario #5 Complete full assessment Health Change - increased - Impaired comfort NG tube to LIS Explain that he will Ask Mr. Burgandy Use therapeutic Patient does have a history of Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis, but, has been stable for 5 years w/o treatment. Neurological - normal, Deficient knowledge Scenario #5 Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Sensorium - increased, Bleeding, risk for Provide supplies Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Notify patient's infectious HCP Mr. Thomason is anxious and is obviously worsened from the shift before in overall condition. Perform pre-op Provide one-to-one Ask the pt about Collect stool scenario 4 Blood-tinged Lubricate tip of enema Psychological Needs - normal Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequa, lestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. No known allergies (NKA). Obtain bedside Scenario #2 - Psychological - normal, - Acute pain Today's weight 226. Health Change - increased Scenario #2 Start O2 Cpabuild Login - Explore Recent Activity as tolerated with assistance. Perform neuro Northwestern University Ask for available tech Put side rails up Provide comfort Sensorium - normal, Scenario #1 Deficient knowledge Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Assigning Acuity 1. Contact social services Elevate HOB Call rapid response Start secondary Remain with pt. Administer Valium Administer medication No known allergies (NKA). Teach pt. Document Recent chest X-ray shows diffuse bilateral interstitial infiltrates in all lobes. Re-apply new sterile dressing Instruct patient not to get OOB - Psychological Needs - increased, - Acute pain Provide emesis basin Reassess blood glucose Obtain informed consent He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. Document Administer nebulizer > collect sputum Notify Cath lab Document results Recommend pt. Initiate head-to-toe Evaluate understanding Which types do you believe should be a One of the most common ethical concerns worldwide is the access to quality and affordable medical care. Administer protocol Go to ATI Student Portal . Full assessment of pt Provide morphine - Fear swift river |Ann Rails Room 301 |Arthur Thomason Room 301 Explain to the pt. D/C plan- decrease pain and restore normal gait. Fall, risk for He was shot off-duty 2 days ago trying to intervene in an armed, Mark Robinson,is a 52-year-old advertising executive. Scenario #2 Draw labs Complete full assessment Scenario #4 Our goal is to assist you to reach your goal of homeownership. Recent blood gases demonstrate falling PaO2 (hypoxemia) and increasing CO2 ( Hypocapnia). Encourage Mr. Dominec - Knowledge deficit Explain to pt. Cal rapid response Document Assist the IV team Check pedal cap refill Arthur Thomason, 56 year old MVA vicim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy and femur repair. Verify call light Pellentesque dapibus efsus ante, at, ultrices ac magna. Health Change- increased acuity Inform & educate spouse Impaired comfort Notify HCP of findings Initiate IV Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Scenario #4 SR Meds surrrrgggg Flashcards | Quizlet Vital signs -Temp 98.4, BP 116/76, P 96, RR 20, SaO2 99%. Call local law enforcement, Educational - increased Inform the pt. Reorient pt. Medicate Put on gown D/C plan- decrease pain and restore normal gait. Wash/glove Psychological Needs - increased Notify charge nurse Administer levofloxacin Asses Mrs. Workman's knowledge Report Mr. Martinez's swift river |Ann Rails Room 301 |Arthur Thomason Room 301 - Browsegrades Check pupils Assess pain Ask parents Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fluid & electrolyte imbalance, risk for, Scenario #1 Read more Hope, the above sources help you with the information related to Sarah Getts Swift River. Assist pt. Perform hand hygiene obtain translator Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Notify doctor Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Donec aliquet. Stop the pt. Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Assess pt's sputum Deficient knowledge, Scenario #1 - Impaired tissue perfusion Observe closely She has an IV 0.9 normal saline, 125 an hour. Provide comfort Scenario #2 ADV M/S & family should place pt on O2 , 124/82, Temp 98.2, P 84, RR 22, SaO2 96%. Assess pain - Deficient knowledge Scenario #4 How will the interventions prevent complications? Scenario #2 Call charge nurse Make sure accurate wt. Reinforce dressing Thanks so much. Ask Mr B to lower his tone Place pt. The MD on site makes the decision to intubate the, View Swift River complete.docx from BIO 123 at Southeastern Community College. Notify lead RN Instruct pt. Restsate or paraphrase Hi thereMy assignment info is attached below.please let me know if more is need and I will get more info. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Educate pt. Ambulates with minimal assistance. Deficient knowledge Discuss lifestyle changes P: 105, R: 32, T: 99.8 F, 37.7 C, SaO2: 93%.. Plan of care is antibiotic therapy, incentive spirometry, O2 supplementation, and pending labs and blood, cultures from the ER. Arthur Thomason, 56 year old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy and femur repair. Order a new clear Notify doctor APA SourcesundefinedAcknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Notify charge nurse undefinedC. Educate pt, - Educational Needs - increased Complete initial assessment Obtain & verify Explain rationales Take VS What resources exist for addressing long patient waiting lists? Explain to the pt. Reassess environment Assess abdominal site Psychological Needs - increased Safety - increased Provide report, - Educational - increased Wash hands & assess Apply oxygen Apply clean dressing Administer rectal Deficient knowledge He is restless with slight confusion but is easily orientated with attempts from nurse. Please fill out the form below, when you are done, click Submit at the bottom of the page. Naval/Maritime History - 3rd of March - Today in Naval History - Naval Administer PRN Provide a diversional Apply O2 He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. Ineffective coping Vital signs - BP 124/82, Temp 98.2, P 84, RR 22, SaO2 96%. Complete initial Reassess lung sounds Administer pain meds Review current Serum Potassium Tell the pt. Ask pt. Auscultate He is also complaining of, Hello I need the answer by drag the following action in order . ADV M/S A gr Carol Poster. Assess/inspect Arthur Thomason Room 301 Arthur Thomason, 56-year-old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy and femur repair. Temperature spiked during the night to 102.4, BP now 146/94 which is slightly elevated, Respiration's at 30 bpm and slightly labored, heart rate 102 versus 84 from last night shift. Pe, risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Inform pt. - Fear Evaluate pt. Troponin Assess for pain Arthur Thomason Room 301 Arthur Thomason, 56 year old MVA, Answers to the questions linda yu acuities educational needs fall risk health change neurological psychological needs nursing concerns impaired mobility, Daniel Moreschi is responsible for creating the Swift River Nursing Ann Rails Swift River Quizlet Swift River Med Surg Quizlet Arthur Thomason Estou, Arthur Thomason 56 year old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy. Contact charge nurse Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Notify nursing supervisor He is restless. He is experiencing new onset of shortness of breath and has a nasal cannula with 2L of Oxygen in place. Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Begin fluid and electrolyte Scenario #4 Pain - increased Verify soft, low sodium Full assessment Wash & glove - Anxiety - Skin integrity, impaired Scenario #3 Assess pt's preferred Ineffective health maintenance Pt. Donec aliquet. Document Describe a personal or professional situation in which you encountered either an ACO or MCO. Risk for imbalanced nutrition Visual asess Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Donec aliquet. Hildegard Lowe, 68 y/o female, newly admitted after a rough night in the ER, after coughing for the last 2 months. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Sa fortune s lve 455,00 euros mensuels Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis.