uptogether application

", "These programs create stability for families, which allows them to plan for the future and pursue better employment opportunities,"Amber Wallin, executive director ofNew Mexico Voices for Children, said in the release. PDF Updated - COVID-19 Resources - Bernalillo County <> The program is subsidized by theU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Those interested in receiving assistance through the program should visit: https://www.cincy-caa.org/what-we-do/supportive-services/caa-home-relief.html to find out if they are qualified or call (513) 569-1840 option 4 to get in touch with a customer service representative who will walk you through the application process. Customers can access PromisePay to enrollby mobile phone or computer. Worth searching around in your area if you need the help - I'd google "uptogether fund + county / area". To schedule a demonstration of how this process can work for your organization, contact us today. [CDATA[// >