The four characters were survivors of the murderous Indian residential schools of Canada and lived in the poverty-stricken downtown east side of Vancouver. Leading that opposition are the succeeding generations of the Maquinna clan, the hereditary Ahousaht war-chiefs who must battle not only smallpox-bearing missionaries, gunships and loggers but their own fellow chiefs who seek to accommodateto and accept the white invaders. Many of these men have also been identified by a former Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) operative as participants in the murderousPiggys Palacetorture and snuff-film ring, including two politicians who now serve in the Canadian Senate: former Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell and aboriginal puppet leader Patrick Brazeau. They have also lived in Orange, TX and Arlington, TX. Between 2006 and 2012, seven key eyewitnesses and prominent indigenous activists of the ITCCS network in Vancouver and Winnipeg were murdered at the hands of this Directive: Harriett Nahanee, JohnnyBingoDawson, Ricky Lavallee, Harry Wilson, William Combes, Edna Phillips and Chief Louis Daniels. And order Kevins other recent books as follows: Canadas Most Censored Story and the man who brought it to light, Incontrovertible proof that Canada and its churches deliberately exterminated tens of thousands of children under the guise of education. They were all organizers with the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), a forerunner to the ITCCS, and led or participated in protests and non-violent occupations of these churches. This genocide has accounted for the massive de-population of more than 95% of the original native nations, predominantly on Canadas west coast: a killing-off of between one and two million people since 1850. Eyewitness to killings and rapes at Anglican Alert Bay residential school. Despite the phasing out of Indian residential schools after 1972, this genocidal plan intensified at the hands of different branches of the Canadian government and agencies like Catholic-run adoption and foster care agencies. Important Announcement on Operation Atonement AND Now Available! William is related to William E Coombs and Willie E Coombs as well as 2 additional people. Under the law, the concealment of a crime is as indictable as the original crime itself. We believe this is to ensure that the final destruction of indigenous peoples and their land base will proceed with maximum profit to the corporate and governmental interests behind that destruction. Hydro to secure their land. The so-calledNinth Circle, a Catholic sacrificial cult formed in the 17thcentury by the Jesuits and still in operation under the directives of the highest level of the Vatican, functioned in the Canadian residential schools from their inception. A similar Catholic-Anglican collusion occurred in the Mohawk Anglican school in Brantford, Ontario and its sister facility, the St. George school in Lytton, B.C. While the general aim of this genocide was the elimination of all non-Christian native peoples, itsassociated purpose was the extirpation of traditional indigenous kinship networks and the matriarchal clan mother system of authority that ensured indigenous control of lands and resources. See Former national aboriginal official Matthew Coon Come states Back in residential school days, our elders remember being used as guinea pigs by having vaccines tested on them when they were children without their permission or their familys permission. However, these practices are not a thing of the past. As a state-led campaign, this culmination of the Canadian genocide has judicial sanction, as is evident in not only the refusal of anyCrowncourt to prosecute any person or agency for genocidal acts, but by the active victimization by the same courts of anyone who exposes these crimes. Life. Chiefs and Councils were notified by Indian agents and the federal government as early as 1922 that their own children could avoid confinement in the Kamloops school if they rounded up the other tribal children and brought them to the school and tracked down runaways. (Anthropology), University of British Columbia (UBC), 1983; M.A. These deadly practices were applied to all children in the Kamloops residential schools as a matter of policy, even the collaborators. In short, there is no avenue for relief or justice for survivors of this genocide within Canada or in the agencies of the United Nations, which have turned their back on the reality of this ongoing crime by Christian and Corporate Canada. The ITCCS presented copies of its report today to UN and EU officials as well as to diplomatic representatives of twelve nations, including Russia, China and the United States. From its inception as an Oblate Catholic mission in 1890, the Kamloops residential school was an especially notorious Special Treatment center designed to inflict particularly cruel and severe punishment, experimentation and torture on native children who resisted or ran away more than once. William was the sole survivor of a group of three aboriginal boys who claim to have witnessed the abduction of ten children during a royal visit to the Kamloops residential school in mid October, 1964, when both the Queen and Prince Philip were in Canada. 1. And on the other end you have. The recent history of this campaign is found Kamloops school Principals managed this aboriginal slave trade and personally profited from it, with the knowledge and collusion of Indian Agents and their bosses in Ottawa. BUT Are we actually against War? 5. In September, 2010 Elizabeth Windsor signed the Holyrood Agreement with Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict, laying out the terms for the reincorporation of the Church of England into the Church of Rome. A particular focus of these grisly experiments at the Kamloops school was the testing of experimental vaccines on native children. See this site. These assassinations have claimed seven aboriginal activists with the ITCCS in Vancouver and Winnipeg, as well as native protestors across Canada. This Cabinet Directive was never revoked, and has caused the death of at least seven native activists who have been assassinated by RCMP operatives since 1998, including members of the ITCCS network. Aboriginal Residential School Survivor Says The Queen of England Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 15. Virtually all of these individuals are practicing members of the Anglican, Catholic or United Church that ran the residential school death camps. With this in hand, media outlets will have to evolve. But he fixed me so I could never have a kid.. I can say accurately that half of them fail to survive to take advantage of the education we offer. (1949). And that battle is far from over. The Chretien terror plan authorized the use ofblack opsmethods of illegal monitoring, smears, disruptions and violence against Annett and these targeted groups, including the elimination of individuals who held knowledge or evidence of genocidal acts by Canadian church and state employees. Kevin Annett,Ricky Lavallee,Ritual Murder of Children,Ritual Rape and Torture of Children,Roman Catholic Church,Satanic Ritual Torture,Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses,The International Common Law Court of Justice,Torture,Twelve Mile Club,United Church of Canada,United States of America,vancouver club,Vatican,William Combes, This Sunday November 12, 2017 on Here We Stand, at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT First eyewitness to a residential school murder to go public; Co-founder with Kevin Annett of the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), Vancouver; led occupations of the Catholic, Anglican and United churches shortly before her death. If you have information for the Grand Jury and would like to participate, write to. William Combes, died of lethal injection, St. Pauls Catholic hospital, Vancouver, February 26, 2011; Genocide survivor. (4), This Directive by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Jean Chretien was launched barely one week before the opening of the first independent inquiry into residential school crimes in Canada: the United Nations- affiliated IHRAAM Tribunal held in Vancouver. The most recent and blatant coverup was the governments misnamed Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) established by the very Church-State parties responsible for the crime. 11. The expulsion of all remaining traditional native tribes from their west coast lands assumed greater urgency as the twentieth century closed and the world demand for hydro-electricity, timber, minerals and other British Columbia (B.C.) Sexual abuse at heart of pain - The Globe and Mail In this light, the present secret disinterring by the state-funded Tkemlups Band Council of the remains of children at the former Kamloops residential school is a deliberate destruction of a crime scene and an obstruction of justice. Use these slogans on your placards and leaflets, and demand that parishioners not fund their child killing church: The Dead Children Do Not Rest while their Killers remain at large You cannot heal or reconcile Genocide! Of the thirty nine Kamloops survivors interviewed by our investigators, all of them described undergoing the following tortures while interred as young as five years old at the Kamloops school: a) routine rape and beatings with leather straps, clubs, metal rods and whips, b) denial of regular meals and proper food, c) unheated, dirty and unventilated dormitories, d) being locked in closets or a special underground prison for days without food, e) exposure to those with tuberculosis in their dorms and cafeteria, f) no regular medical care, g) constant death of children around them, h) immediate punishment for speaking their language including from beatings, imprisonment, denial of food, and tortures like having needles shoved through their tongues, penises and hands, and i) regular forced labor. This December 24 is the 70th anniversary of Caldwells murder of Maisie Shaw: the first of many such crimes to be made public by our twenty year long campaign to expose and prosecute genocide by church and state in Canada. This book describes the genocide of the Ahousaht indigenous people by the United Church and its business and government partners. William Coombes was an inmate of the school at the time. Before the mandatory brain-deadness of the Christmas season descends on everyone, here are some important reminders to keep tucked away: Posted in9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Child Trafficking,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,common law,common law court of justice,covenanters,Crown of England,Genocide,Genocide in Canada,Historical Background,ITCCS,Johnny Bingo Dawson,Kevin Annett,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Ninth Circle,Papal Deception,police state,Pope Benedict,Pope Francis the First,Press TV,Prime Minister Harper,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Republic of Kanata,Rev. But it also elevates us beyond the mundane facts of oppression to the higher purpose given to any truth teller. List Price:$15.006 x 9(15.24 x 22.86 cm)Black & White on White paper232 pagesISBN-13:978-1983790843(CreateSpace-Assigned)ISBN-10:1983790842, BISAC:History / Canada / GeneralOrder your copy today more this Sunday January 21 on Kevins blog radio program Here We Stand, 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT inTruth and Reconciliation Commission,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Child Trafficking,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,common law,Crown of England,environment,Ethnic Cleansing,gary patterson,Genocide in Canada,here we stand,Historical Background,ITCCS,Johnny Bingo Dawson,Jorge Bergoglio,Joseph Ratzinger,Kevin Annett,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Media,nanaimo indian hospital,Ninth Circle,Ottawa,Pope Benedict,Pope Francis the First,Prime Minister Harper,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,RCMP,Republic of Kanata,Rev. Melisa Adams @MelisaAdams777 . We must also acknowledge the seven aboriginal members of the ITCCS who have died at the hands of the police and others in the course of publicly surfacing this enormous crime and confronting the churches responsible: Chief Louis Daniels, Edna Philips, Harriett Nahanee, Harry Wilson, Johnny Bingo Dawson, William Combes and Ricky Lavallee. See and .Posted inTruth and Reconciliation Commission,9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,civil rights,common law,common law court of justice,Crown of England,England,Genocide in Canada,here we stand,ITCCS,Johnny Bingo Dawson,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Media,nanaimo indian hospital,Ninth Circle,Ottawa,Prime Minister Harper,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Reality Checks,Rev. It is clear that this latest stage-managedInquiry is a further enactment of the Chretien Plan to eliminate all witnesses and evidence to CanadasFinal Solutionof its indigenous population that began in 1910. *Source of quotes and statistics:Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada A Counter Report to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2016) See But even if we were not so utterly compromised we could not stop any war, because it is always too distant a crime. They have also lived in Prospect Harbor, ME and Franklin, ME. William Coombes Profiles | Facebook Wed wonder how many kids got thrown into that incinerator., (*Note: This Creek was the same location where on October 10, 1964 William Combes observed Queen Elizabeth leave with the ten Kamloops school children who were never seen again.). He died a couple of months later after going public with his experience in Kamloops. Quis nostrud exercitation . The TRC was modeled on a standard black-ops misdirection campaign to create a false narrative on a crime by burying evidence, silencing witnesses, discrediting truth tellers and exonerating the guilty. As a plan of deliberate church-sponsored genocide it has been modeled on and tied to similar Crimes by the Vatican against non-Catholic peoples across the world. Commencing on the third anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Kanata, the Grand Jury is formed as an alternative to the Canadian governments farcical cover-up called the Missing Womens Inquiry. The best result we found for your search is William E Coombs age 70s in Birch Harbor, ME. Linda Coombs - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages Liz knew all about William, since he was there the day that she and her creepy hubby Philip absconded with ten never-to-be-seen-again aboriginal children from the Kamloops residential school on October 10, 1964. 3. Facebook gives people the power. and in Vancouvers downtown east side. William Coombes Obituary - Southport, NC - Dignity Memorial Kamloops Indian Residential School Survivor On The Queen's Alleged If we were, we would be refusing to pay our taxes and with our bodies we would be blockading the armyrecruitmentoffices and impeding the arms and uranium shipped overseas to exterminate other people, and we would be telling every soldier in the world to disobey their orders to kill. In conjunction with these grisly experiments and cult ritual killings, an extensive child trafficking network operated out of the Kamloops center, as in many other Indian residential schools. The National Defense Research Board in Ottawa and the National Defense Medical Center in Toronto conducted experiments on generations of children at the Kamloops school, often with fatal results.
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