In other words, theres no such thing as recreational smoking. The moment you take your first puff, youre already at risk of developing one of the most unhealthy habits known today. After just the second dose of nicotine, neuroscientists discovered that the number of nicotine receptors in the brain skyrockets. 18 Powerful Prayers for Your Husband and Your Marriage This means doing your best to stay healthy, and that includes not smoking. 7 7) Powerful Prayer for My Husband to Stop . 6 6) Prayer to Tear Down the Affair with The Other Woman. Without nicotine, they may not know how to navigate their challenges by themselves. The devil uses something like that to change a man towards their family. Amen. Keep our hearts sensitive to You and each other, and move us to the work of reconciliation quickly. It doesn't benefit me financially, physically, emotionally or spiritually so I pray that You hear my cry and deliver me from this unhealthy addiction. Smoking is a dangerous and bad habit that is harmful to the smoker but physically and spiritually. Show us the way to keep You in the center of our relationship so we can honor Your name with a kind and loving marriage. May God stop this divorce and let us be a happy family full of love. However, if the man should show some laxity in his position as head of the family, it is in the hands of the woman to stand in the gap in prayers for the man of the house. Father Lord, you said in your word that children are the heritage of God, Lord I pray that you will rescue my son from the demon of smoking in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, this struggle is not mine alone anymore, I can no longer fight this alone, I pray that you will help me, I pray that at the end, I will have reason to thank the Lord over the life of my husband. Aside the physical condition the smoker goes through, it makes him loose the sense of spirituality because once you are unclean, you cant hear from above or will the holy spirit dwell in you. Some drivers behind this addiction include: One study found that it only takes a few cigarettes to become addicted, and this can happen within a few days. Powerful Monday Prayers to Kick Off Your Week, 42 Powerful Scriptures to Pray for Healing, 24 Powerful Praise and Worship Scriptures. Im losing my husband to [name it anger, lack of trust, alcohol/drugs, his job, another woman, a hobby, etc]. For instance, you may worry youre putting your child at risk for developing a smoking addiction when he or she is older. Bring him home to me every time he leaves. Please guard his heart and mind, Jesus. Praying for your husband will build your own faith and draw you closer to God. Father in Heaven, I pray that you will have an encounter with my son today. The chapter describes many attributes of a good wife, but it is summed up perfectly in Proverbs 31:12 NIV: She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. Combine all of these elements, and it becomes clear why kicking the habit can feel so insurmountable. What I have noticed is that many of those male children that indulged in smoking started doing it all of a sudden. I ask this in the name of Jesus. This is one reason you cant just will or purely pray your way to quit. I pray that by your mercies you will take away the pleasure that my husband gets from smoking weeds, marijuana, or cigarettes in the name of Jesus. Shirley Alarie is an author, book coach, and Christian book reviewer at Finding God Among us, who combines her love of God, reading, and writing. Learn how your comment data is processed. That is why it is important for parents to pray for their children especially when they are still little and vulnerable. Lord, I know that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and do not want this habit to be a master over my body and my will, but rather I want You alone to have first place in my life and within my body. Proverbs 22:29 CSB, Father, I praise You for my husband, Your unique creation. I pray that you will change his tongue and you will invest your spirit into him today. Help me be the best wife I can be to acknowledge his worth and not take his everyday sacrifices and hard work for granted. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. We can pray for God to intervene. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 6. Prayer to Resist Temptation to Keep Smoking Lord God, I have been clean from smoking for five days now and the urge to pick up the habit again is so very strong. I prophesy that your husband and smoking are separated in the name of Jesus. Help me become the loving wife Im called to be and open his heart to find the love he once had for me. 50+ Prayers To Quit Smoking - BeHappyHuman Enlighten the eyes of his understanding, so that he can remember and recognize his responsibility to his family. I pray that you will help change him in the name of Jesus. Working out also helps you release those pent-up emotions you have been holding inside for so long, which can also contribute to your cravings. Give him the strength and courage to stand tall and firm during the terrible and tragic times. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I break every stronghold of smoking upon my life, I shall no longer smoke, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. My children, Jesus gave His life for you; when He was on earth, He did many works of love and . Many women are familiar with the Proverbs 31 guide for being Godly wives. Father, engrave my husband to listen to Godly advice from wise people including mine to stop smoking, in the name of Jesus. Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to ye obey; whether sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness Romans 6:16. Read further. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Pray for your husband's heart, soul and mind. Thank you for praying for me. Prayers for Quitting Smoking - Knowing Jesus Father, make your grace sufficient for my husband, that your power rests upon him and cause him to defile the spirit of smoking and stop it, in the name of Jesus. Today we will be dealing with a prayer for the husband to stop smoking. Father, let every agent of the devil seeking to destroy the glorious destiny of my husband through chronic smoking die by fire, in the name of Jesus. I know that with You all things are possible. 6 Prayers For My Husband To Stop Drinking And Smoking Lord, I know that I am not condemned because of my smoking, nevertheless it is a habit that I truly want to break and have come to You to pray that You would give me Your grace and strength to help in this time of my need.Lord, Your Word says that I can do all things through Christ Who gives me the strength, and I pray that You would indeed give me the strength to completely stop smoking and also to remove the desire that I have to light up. . We declare in the name of Jesus that our enemy, the devil, has no right to interfere in the sacred building of our relationship because You live in us and You are greater than the one who roams around looking for victims to destroy. MATTHEW 18:20 KJV "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." God is good! (Romans 12:2), Father, help my husband to trust in You with all his heart, not depending on his own understanding, but acknowledging You in all his ways, so he knows what direction our family should take. Smoking is perpetrated in a persons life by unclean spirits, they cause one to feel the hunger and taste for it and goes to any length to get it. But, Lord, sometimes I wonder if he thinks the same things about me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Smoking addiction can be so powerful, it forces you to ignore how smoking slowly destroys your body. That is why the husband needs a praying wife, asking God to help the husband not to make mistakes or indulge in habits that can cause great problems for the family. Smoking is a terrible habit and really harmful to the human health especially when it becomes an addiction, it may be quite hard to stop thereby doing more danger to the human organs, especially the lungs, liver, blood vessels and kidney. Therapy can help you understand those changes better so you know how to manage your stress levels without relying on cigarettes as your crutch. Younger people also have fewer coping strategies when faced with tough situations, like cravings or stress. How to Pray to Quit Smoking: Breaking Addiction with Prayer And Other release. Your mind and body will go through some changes when you quit, especially if you have been smoking for years or even decades. Soledad. In many faiths and religions, your prayers are supposed to be for the betterment of yourself as well as others. The prayer of a wife has a great effect on the husband, so the wife ought to pray. Pray for your husband to be strong during the storms he faces. to give me. 5 5) Prayer to End My Husband's Affair. Sometimes our Christian journey takes a back seat to career, raising children, or other worldly goals. Jeremiah 17:14 CSB, Lord, You are gracious and merciful, yet You are all-powerful and understanding. Amen. My husband Hasn't been drinking and smoking for the past three years and is currently drinking and smoking. a desire to know You more, and to draw ever closer to You in the days that lie ahead , Lord, I believe that You are willing and able Despite the health institution warning that smokers are expected to die young, it is still a thing of amazement to me that many young men are still caught in the book of smoking. I ask all this in Your holy name. You are so faithful to answer when we call, and right now I just place my marriage at Your feet. And with that responsibility comes obstacles and stress. If youre a smoker whos also spiritual, you may wonder if you should pray to quit smoking. Ephesians 6:6 CSB, Father, in a day when the world speaks with complete corruption, keep my husbands words pure before You. Please have mercy on him and inspire him to quit smoking for the sake of his family and his health. I arise out of smoking and every bad habit and I shine in the light of Christ in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree that nothing and no one shall be able to separate me from the love of Christ, in Jesus Name, I am more than a conqueror through Christ, and I conquer you spirit of smoking and every bad habit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every voice of condemnation and guilt, I command you to be silenced by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every evil personality monitoring my life and progress, I command you to catch fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I frustrate every demonic counsel and lie of the devil that says I will not survive without smoking, it shall not stand neither shall it come to pass, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree that my place in Christ is far above principalities and powers including you demon behind smoking, I am far above you all, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I escape every trap of liver disease and death, I shall live to testify of the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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