teletubbies us version wiki

Teletubbies Everywhere - Balloon Umbrella (Taiwan): Tinky Winky and Po Learn About 'Big and Small' With 2 Different Sized Umbrellas, Balloon Umbrella TV segment (Dipsy gets picked), Walking Around The Home Dome From 2 Different Directions and Tumbling Over segment (From My Home is a Boat episode), Jabadao TV segment (Dipsy is chosen and it plays twice), The Stamping and Stepping Dance (extended version) (Grand Old Duke of York variant), A Voice Trumpet Makes The Sound Of a Grasshopper segment (From Grasshoppers episode), The Dizzy Dance (extended version) (Jabadao variant), A Voice Trumpet Plays a Bass Solo segment (From Double Bass episode), Tinky Winky Out For a Walk segment (From Naughty Hat episode), Jabadao TV segment (Dipsy is chosen and it plays once), Standing At 3 Different Areas Around Teletubbyland segment (From Giraffes episode), The Animal Parade (no elephant trumpet sound) (Mandir Temple variant), Laa-Laa was the Missing Teletubby (Tinky Winky was in the UK episodeT, Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po Count To 4, The Teletubbies Demonstrate Fast and Slow, Too Fast Po! Teletubbies : Netflix va lancer le reebot de la srie pour enfants et (US Original PBS Version) Laa-Laa is the Missing Teletubby. segment (From "Painting with Hands and Feet"), Painting with Hands and Feet TV segment (Po is chosen and it plays once), Special Pink Tubby Custard Cloud segment (From Swimming with Stephanie), Very Proud Crown TV segment (Laa-Laa is chosen and it plays once), In, Out, Up, Down, Round the Corner, and Along the Top segment (From Herding Sheep), Laa-Laa and Po Give Each Other Big Hugs segment (From Hair Braiding), Looking for Rabbits TV segment (Po is chosen and it plays once), Four Happy Teletubbies segment (From Making Lanterns), Laa-Laa is the Missing Teletubby (also in the UK episode), Doing Some Different Activities segment (From Making a Den episode), A Pumpkin Head Appears in Teletubbyland segment (From Pumpkin Face episode), The Follow The Leader Dance (Dance With the Teletubbies variant), Teletubbies Play Ring a Round the Roses (From Ten Little Men Finger Play episode), Children Playing a Copying Game TV segment (Po is chosen and it plays once), Tinky Winky and Po Follow Each Other (From Mary Had a Little Lamb episode), Teletubbies Walk Around Some Hills (From Mary Had a Little Lamb), Baby Elephant TV segment (Laa-Laa is chosen and it plays once), The Teletubbies Listen To a Voice Trumpet Barking (From Dog Kennel), Puppies TV segment (Tinky Winky is chosen and it plays once), The Animal Parade (with elephant trumpet sound) (Giraffes variant), A Friendly Puppy Appears in Teletubbyland segment (From Our Dog Alice), Musical Tubby Custard segment (From Caf Eggs episode), Ballet TV segment (US exclusive) (Po is chosen and it plays once), A Pair Of Mittens Appear in Teletubbyland segment (From Handy Hands episode), Musical Noo-Noo segment (From My Violin episode), A Harp Appears in Teletubbyland segment (From Harp episode), A Puddle Appears in Teletubbyland (From Water episode), Noo-Noo Tidies Up Tubby Toast (From Colors: Blue episode), Painting Easter Eggs TV segment (Laa-Laa is chosen and it plays once), Stealing Tubby Custard (From Finding Chocolate Eggs), Trikes TV segment (Po is chosen and it plays once), Laa-Laa Plays Indoors and the Other Teletubbies Play Outdoors (From Welly Walk), Playing with Dough TV segment (Dipsy is chosen and it plays once), The Round & Round Dance (shortened version) (Strawberry Picking variant), The Noo-Noo Tidies Up 5 Tubby Custard Splats, Noisy Noo-Noo segment (From Making Salad), Mud Hole TV segment (Dipsy is chosen and it plays once), The Teletubbies Fall Down In Single File Line (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Rumble Tumble Fun episode), Spray Paint Mural TV segment (Po is chosen and it plays once), A Butterfly Appears in Teletubbyland (From Tweet Tweet), Tubby Custard Slip segment (From Ice Skating), Tram TV segment (Po is chosen and it plays once), Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Po Search For Laa-Laa (From Cuddles' Gets Lost episode), What Ever Happened To Dipsy's Hat? Teletubbies | PBS Kids Sprout TV Wiki | Fandom Teletubbies Everywhere - Indian Dance (India): Indian Dance TV segment (Laa-Laa gets picked), A Day For Dancing segment (From Ballet Rhymes episode), Dancing Around The Control Panel segment (From Carousel UK episode), The Happy Dance (My Home is a Boat variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance). segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Naughty Bee episode), What Ever Happened To Dipsy's Hat? Then, they bump tummies and bottoms before falling over. la fin des annes 1990, une srie tlvise pour enfants est ne qui montrait Teletubbies: What's That? Potato Head - Madame Didi (Rugrats) Bullseye - Rocket (Little Einsteins) Barrel of Monkeys as himself Lotso-Huggin' Bear - Vector (Despicable Me) (US Version) Brendan Barney 150K subscribers Subscribe 990 1.5M views 7 years ago This is the US Version of Teletubbies What's That? Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Teletubbies - Rolling (Episode) (US Version) - YouTube segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Numbers 2 (Version 1) UK episode), The Tip Toe Dance (extended version) (Rolling variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), Po Makes Tubby Custard segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Drawing Cacti episode), The Magic Tree (Drawing Cacti variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has The Magic House in the UK episode), The Falling Down Dance (Spray Paint Mural variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), 4 Teletubby Conga Line segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Snails UK episode), Numbers 4 TV segment (Laa-Laa is chosen instead of Tinky Winky), The Magic House (Bottom Right Window Sketch) (Delilah Packing variant) (Version 1 of the UK doesn't have that magical event), The Magic Tree (Walking in the Woods variant) (Version 1 of the UK doesn't have that magical event), The Three Ships (Caf Chocolate variant) (Version 1 of the UK doesn't have that magical event), The Magic House (Bottom Right Window Sketch) (Wrapping variant) (Version 1 of the UK doesn't have that magical event), Dipsy was the Missing Teletubby (Laa-Laa was in the UK episode), A Little Lamb Appears in Teletubbyland segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Making Fantastic Animals episode), The Noo-Noo Racing a Couple Of Laps Indoors segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Penguins episode), Dipsy Making Some Sheep Noises At The Control Panel segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Lambs episode), The Animal Parade (with elephant trumpet sound) (Making Flowers variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event), The Bumping Dance (shortened version) (Making Music variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), Laa-Laa was the Missing Teletubby (Dipsy was in the UK episode), The Up and Down Dance (extended version) (Painting Easter Eggs variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po See a White Puffy Cloud segment, The Up and Down Dance (extended version) (Painting Easter Eggs variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance but it has The Splashing Dance in the UK episode), Po Plays With An Umbrella segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Naughty Cloud episode), 2 Voice Trumpets Singing The Nursery Rhyme 'Isty Bitsy Spider' segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Spiders episode), The Splashing Dance (Playing in the Rain variant), The Three Ships (Digging in the Sand for Crabs variant), The Noo-Noo Tidies Up Laa-Laa's Ball segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Picking and Sorting episode), Tubby Toast Accident segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Feeding the Chickens UK episode), The Running Away Dance (extended version) (Numbers 1 (V1) variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), The Happy Dance (Looking for Rabbits variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), The Teletubbies Eat Their Tubby Toast Very Quickly segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Good Morning episode), The Teletubbies Steal Each Others' Tubby Custard Bowls segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Finding Chocolate Eggs UK episode), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (1 time) (Pancakes variant), The Noo-Noo Catches Laa-Laa's Ball segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Rolling UK episode), The Magic Tree (Mark and Zoe Cooking variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event), Po Sings 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Lighthouse episode), Where is Everything? 9:00 AM Curious George. Po wakes up to wash herself with her Tubby Sponge. A carpet appears from far away. Rhys Frake-Waterfield - Wikipedia Teletubbies Everywhere - Drumming (Taiwan): A Drum Appears in Teletubbyland segment (From The Grand Old Duke of York episode), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (2 times) (Jumping variant), The Rocking Dance (extended version) (Bird Bath variant), The Magic House (Top Left Window Sketch) (The Grand Old Duke of York variant), The Rocking Dance (shortened version) (Hanging Out The Washing variant), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (1 time) (Clogs variant), The Tip Toe Dance (1st shortened version) (Larette Tap Dancing variant). segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Bubbles UK episode), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (1 time) (Larette Tap Dancing variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has Little Bo Peep in the UK episode), Dipsy, Tinky Winky, and Laa-Laa Riding On Po's Scooter segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Trikes episode), The Animal Parade (no elephant trumpet sound) (Cows and Calves variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has Little Bo Peep in the UK episode), Laa-Laa Out For a Walk segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Numbers 10 UK episode), Po Steals Laa-Laa's Ball segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Naughty Horse Returns episode), The Magic Tree (Ten Little Men Finger Play variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has Little Bo Peep in the UK episode), Laa-Laa and Po Playing Short and Long segment, Laa-Laa and Po Running In and Out The Front Entrance segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Action Story episode), A Traffic Light appears in Teletubbyland segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Urban Walk episode), The Rocking Dance (shortened version) (Hanging Out the Washing variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), The Animal Parade (no elephant trumpet sound) (Rollerblading variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event), Tinky Winky Pretends To Be a Fish segment, Jumping into the Tubbytronic Superdome segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Paddling By the Sea episode), The Skipping Dance (extended version) (African Dance variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), The Teletubbies See a Rainbow segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Pavement Artist episode), The Animal Parade (with elephant trumpet sound) (Giraffes variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has The Three Ships in the UK episode), Po and Laa-Laa Act Out 'Pat-a-Cake' segment, The Teletubbies Pretending To Be Robots segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Clockwork episode), The Three Ships (Ball Games with Debbie variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event), The Animal Parade (with elephant trumpet sound) (Asian Storyteller variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event), Playing a Standing Up and Sitting Down Game segment, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po Chasing Tinky Winky segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Jigsaw: Rabbit episode), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (1 time) (Larette Tap Dancing variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has The Magic Tree in the UK episode), Trying To Get The Tubby Custard Machine Working segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Strawberry Picking episode), The Animal Parade (with elephant trumpet sound) (Asian Storyteller variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has The Magic Tree in the UK episode), The Tip Toe Dance (shortened version) (Statues variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), The Magic Tree (Walking in the Woods variant), Po Gives Tinky Winky and Dipsy Big Hugs segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Cable Car UK episode), Dipsy Trying To Catch Laa-Laa's Ball segment, Laa-Laa, Dipsy and Tinky Winky Looking For Po segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Action Story episode), Tubby Bye Bye (??? It was then re-released on DVD along with Here come the Teletubbies in 2000. Teletubbies - The Album - Wikipedia Netflix rescues classic 90s children's programming, The Teletubbies.The platform The album's single "Teletubbies Say 'Eh-oh!'" was a number-one hit album in the UK Singles Chart in December 1997 and reached number 13 in the Dutch Singles Chart in late 1998.Teletubbies - The Cast contains the characters of: List of Teletubbies Videos (UK and US Releases) segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Naughty Hat episode), A Voice Trumpet Reciting The Nursery Rhyme 'Doctor Foster' segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Water episode), Playing An In and Out Game With a Rain Cloud segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in How Things Swim episode), The Three Ships (Making Bread variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event), Musical Noo-Noo segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in My Violin episode), Who Spilled the Tubby Custard? Teletubbies Everywhere - Picking Mandarins (Spain): Tinky Winky Learns About The Color Orange, Picking Mandarins TV segment (Laa-Laa gets picked), The Noo-Noo Tidies Up Dipsy's Hat segment (From Rosie's Hairdo episode), Afro-Caribbean Vegetables TV segment (Tinky Winky is chosen and it plays twice), Making Tubby Custard and Falling Down From The Table segment (From Making Salad UK episode), The Bumping Dance (shortened version) (Decorating Boxes variant), The Noo-Noo Tidies Up Dipsy's Hat At The Control Panel segment (From Colours - Black episode). was the boo shouter) (Po was in the UK episode), Tinky Winky Steals Laa-Laa's Ball segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Cricket episode), Playing a Hello and Goodbye Game segment (From Chameleon UK episode), Joining in the Band TV segment (US exclusive) (Tinky Winky is chosen and it plays twice), Po Singing a Special Song segment (From Maori Singing episode), The Tip Toe Dance (shortened version) (Little Baby (PBS Original Version) variant), Tubby Bye Bye (Tinky Winky is the boo shouter), The Magic House (Bottom Right Window Sketch) (Wrapping variant), Four Happy Teletubbies segment (From Gospel Singing episode), Po Drinking Her Tubby Custard At The Table segment (From Violin (Spain) episode), Laa-Laa's Musical Walk segment (From Our Story episode), The Round and Round Dance (shortened version) (Numbers 7 variant), Four Happy Teletubbies segment (From Jumping UK episode), Joining in the Band TV segment (US exclusive) (Tinky Winky is chosen and it plays once), Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Tinky Winky and Po Walking and Saying Hello To Each Other segment (From Owl Babies episode), The Magic House (Bottom Left Window Sketch) (My Home Is A Boat variant), The Stamping and Stepping Dance (shortened version) (Handshapes: Turkey variant), Making Tubby Custard and Falling Down From Their Seats segment, The Falling Down Dance (Walking in the Woods variant), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (1 time) (Rolling (PBS Original Version) variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event), Po's Falling Down Day segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Humpty Dumpty episode), The Falling Down Dance (Crazy Golf variant), Po Out For a Walk segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Sea Lions episode), The Teletubbies and The Noo-Noo Act Out 'Hey Diddle Diddle' segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Hey Diddle Diddle episode), Tinky Winky Shows His Tubby Toast To The Other Teletubbies segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Walking the Dog episode), The Animal Parade (with elephant trumpet sound) (Giraffes variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has The Magic Tree in the UK episode), Po and Tinky Winky Smelling The Flowers segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Fruit Tasting episode), The Magic Tree (Naughty Horse Returns variant), Po Crawling Under The Pink Slide's Arch segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Cuddles Poor Paw episode), The Magic House (Top Right Window Sketch) (Blackberry Picking variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has The Magic Tree in the UK episode), Crawling Under The Pink Slide's Arch segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Urban Walk episode), The Magic Tree (Watering The Garden variant), The Twisty Dance (shortened version) (Getting Up in the Morning variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), Coming Down The Slide segment (From Sophie Art Circus episode), Ballet TV segment (US exclusive) (Po is chosen and it plays twice), Tinky Winky's Special Round and Round Dance segment (From Hanukkah episode), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (1 time) (Larette Tap Dancing variant), The Running Away Dance (shortened version) (Becky and Jed Finding Eggs variant), The Tip Toe Dance (shortened version) (Caf Eggs variant), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (2 times) (My Pretend Friend variant), Tubby Bye Bye (Laa-Laa is the boo shouter), Laa-Laa Walks Into The Tubbytronic Superdome segment (From Squeezing episode), Tinky Winky's Water Ballet segment (From Floating Boat episode), The Stamping and Stepping Dance (shortened version) (Hedgehogs variant), Tinky Winky Forgets How To Make Tubby Custard (From Colours: Pink UK episode), The Magic House (Bottom Right Window Sketch) (Delilah Packing variant), Tubby Bye Bye (Laa-Laa is the boo episode), The Dizzy Dance (extended version) (Jabadao variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), Looking For Interesting Things segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Seahorses episode), A Washing Line Appears in Teletubbyland segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Hanging Out the Washing episode), A Squeezy Tube Appears in Teletubbyland segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Squeezing episode), The Stretching Dance (shortened version) (Running variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), Little Bo Peep (Baby Elephant variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has the Lion and Bear in the UK episode), The Running Away Dance (extended version) (Naughty Cloud variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance but it has The Jumping Dance in the UK episode), The Three Ships (Playing in the Rain variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has the Lion and Bear in the UK episode), Dipsy At The Control Panel segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Otters episode), Laa-Laa Fetches The Other Teletubbies Out The Front Entrance segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Catherines Toy Farm episode), Little Bo Peep (Catherine's Toy Farm variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has the Lion and Bear in the UK episode), The Walking Dance (1st shortened version) (Numbers 3 (V1) variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance but it has The Jumping Dance in the UK episode), Dipsy Fetches The Other Teletubbies Out The Front Entrance segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Orange Picking UK episode), The Splashing Dance (Playing in the Rain variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance but it has The Jumping Dance in the UK episode), Musical Tubby Custard segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Caf Eggs episode), The Animal Parade (with elephant trumpet sound) (Numbers 8 variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event but it has the Lion and Bear in the UK episode), Dipsy Running All Over Teletubbyland segment, The Noo-Noo Tidies Up Dipsy's Hat segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Pancakes episode), The Walking Dance (extended version) (Cat's Night Out variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance but it has The Stretching Dance in the UK episode), The Tip Toe Dance (extended version) (Carnival variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance but it has The Stretching Dance in the UK episode), The Running Away Dance (extended version) (Balancing variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance but it has The Stretching Dance in the UK episode), Tinky Winky Jumps Into The Tubbytronic Superdome segment, A Pair Of Boots Appear in Teletubbyland segment, The Teletubbies Standing At Lots Of Different Areas Within Teletubbyland segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Windmill episode), The Calypso Dance (shortened version) (Big Hug variant) (The UK doesn't have that dance), Po Fetches The Other Teletubbies segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Numbers 4 (V1) UK episode), Dipsy's Long Walk segment (The UK doesn't have that segment but has it in Dad's Lorry episode), The Tap Dancing Teddy Bear (1 time) (Pancakes variant) (The UK doesn't have that magical event). Naughty Soap + Making Bread | Teletubbies Wiki | Fandom The Teletubbies were featured in the Rain ident, but were replaced by Chica from The Sunny Side Up Show in 2009 (the same year Sprout rebranded). A third series, narrated by Tituss Burgess, premieres on Netflix on November 14th, 2022. Teletubbies Everywhere - Numbers 3 (India): The Teletubbies and The Noo-Noo Walk Together in Pairs Of 3, Po and Dipsy Showing Off Their Favorite Things segment (From Trikes episode), Trikes TV segment (Po is chosen and it plays twice), Running Around The Home Dome segment (From Sandcastles episode), The Three Ships (Hovercraft variant) (Version 2 of the UK doesn't have that magical event), The Three Ships (Going Up and Going Down variant) (Version 2 of the UK doesn't have that magical event), The Magic House (Bottom Right Window Sketch) (Wrapping variant) (Version 2 of the UK doesn't have that magical event), Trying To Get The Tubby Custard Machine Working segment (From Strawberry Picking episode), The Three Ships (Lighthouse variant) (Version 2 of the UK doesn't have that magical event). The American edition of this special, in 1080, 60p!Chapter List:00:00 Intro (Dipsy is missing)Teletubbies Eve. The Teletubbies walk up and down some hills before they watch a little girl called Olivia take her rabbit to the vet and explaining on why she wants to be a vet, Po decides to play a hiding game, she hides behind the Tubby Toaster and all the Teletubbies join in, one by one.

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