) ( ( However: If a D-rank defeat occurs, the losing fleet will retreat from the map, and the enemy node will remain intact. FloodCoefficient If the player calls their fleet to retreat from a. the hit of the shooter (a hidden stat) and, The maximum probability of hitting is 1.0, but accuracy is floored at 0.1. The reload of air raids is similar to that of guns, except that it's dependent on all the planes equipped on the CV/CVL. Rank is determined by whether the player's fleet won or lost, as well as how many victory conditions were fulfilled. + High-Efficiency Combat Logistics Plan 135. A fire started from a lower level gun will be replaced by a fire started from a higher level gun. High efficiency plans are both a blessing and a curse. ? However, since it operates independently and does not cost oil directly, it is still a resource to be utilized. 0 Achieving victory will result in a number of item and ship drops, randomly selected from the drop table shown before combat. ) 248 , | / 1203 , | ? 14982 , 5 | Solo 5, (+..?) + A ship is considered revealed when there is an exclamation point displayed to the side of the gauge, and hidden when there is no exclamation point. 959 , 244 : " - , . Azur Lane High Efficiency Combat Logistics Plan | Combat Logistics Plan SlotEfficiency 9, | 6 !! A8954 83 0 2 appraisaltrainingmichigan.com , The formula for this is as follows: Air Supremacy . 248 , | [] Sns (2019.08.01//Mbc) 178 , | ! ( L # L # L #Mbcevery1 L Ep.203 , | : [] 29016 , | \U0026 257 , | ? . 2000 After the upcoming maintenance, new missions will be added for Rookie Training related to PR1. 200 These critical hits are RNG based. random , Attacking a node will cost the sub fleet one ammo. + . ( ( EnemyDebuff Health This value is based on your fleets' total Evasion and is affected by items that increase this value, notably the SG Radar. y Plane + [ ] Zip 187 , | ? Roughly speaking, if you have a +10% Evasion Rate modifier, Evasion would give +100% eHP for each multiple of the attacker's Accuracy. 6 r ) 4140 , 7861 : " - !"? AmbushAvoidanceRate AAGun 1674 , 29016 : " - "? Once a ship runs into an encounter, this counter resets to 0. = On average they have the worst anti-air power among major factions, and doesn't have specialized AA cruiser. FinalDamage Okay High Efficiency Combat Logistic Plan works in event hard mode. The latter is particularly useful against medium to high armor ships, which will be a . ) HE shots each have a probability of starting a fire on the target. The second floor is slightly better for Morale than the first (+6/hour), though it does not grant passive XP. Note that unlike sorties proper, Exercise XP is not affected by morale. Hard Mode has a limited number of entries per day. Average Submarine Fleet Level ArmorModifier = NumberOfAAGuns It seems the main purpose of the vouchers is to buy more High Efficiency Combat Logistics Plans (30 per month). + The following stats can be enhanced: Firepower (FP), Limit Breaking all of your ships in the early stages is a waste of oil. Event maps from the Archives will not reward event points, complete event missions, or unlock the E.X mode associated with its actual event. ) ! DefenderLuck numberof Some Meowfficers increase tile movement by one. ) 7990 , | 1 !! SkillBonus 100 . 10 100 DamageBonus One Iota of Effort, Two Can Play at That Game, Reload stat of a ship plus the bonus reload from any equipment and. Azur Lane Upgrade and Leveling Guide | Azur Lane + ) Amazon's Study Hall - Daily Questions Megathread (12/22) ooo !"? Furthermore, leveling ships can benefit your entire fleet through research. NOTE: This feature requires Captain Level 50. Enemy fleets also have their own Airspace Control Value, which will be compared against your fleet's value to determine your Airspace Control status. 36 ACV Moving to this point and occupying will destroy it. 4706 , Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB-pawEJ-vE. 1 . Critical damage has a base damage modifier of 150%, and any other equipment modifiers add additively to the base modifier. ) 1 This means that HE-wielding battleships are in fact even more deadly than they seem to be on the scoreboard. < The ship will not be targeted by most enemy skills and attacks. Further heals cost Gems. The Lecture Hall is another way of earning non-combat XP. It is not as easy to use as the Dorm, since it is mutually exclusive with the Dorm, gives XP at a lower rate than a diligently-maintained Dorm, can only train certain shipgirls can be trained each day, and cannot train shipgirls above level 100. 4615 , 126 : "led - LED ? . ) {\displaystyle {\text{EncounterRate}}={\dfrac {({\text{MapSurveyValue}})\times ({\text{Steps}}-1)}{4\times ({\text{MapSurveyValue}}+{\text{ReconValue}})}}-{\text{EquipmentRate}}+{\text{BaseAmbushRate}}\times (0.05)}. The items are drawn from a fixed pool of items that only reset when Operation Siren resets. 327 , 166 : " - [] ep.1) ? What can you do to improve it?Other Accounts:Discord - https://. Operation Siren will not reduce morale (though morale bonus experience is still in effect) nor increase affection. 1898 , 250 : " - ? EquipmentDamage reloadtime , | [ Ep.99] , | ? ( If the player calls their fleet to retreat from a non-boss fleet, their fleet will be removed from the map. ( + If a C-Rank defeat occurs, the losing fleet will remain engaged with the enemy fleet and the player will have the option to rearrange ships, reselect formation, repair, and try again. + 2 + None of these are particularly good at combat, so they work best when supporting two stronger shipgirls of their type. 3744 , : "3 - (, )"? Reload AA ( 4 The formula for this is as follows: Also it would be preferable for them to not have modernization upgrades since modernization values differ greatly. Free ! . a The automatic battle system is pretty good at this too: It uses the special skills right on time and avoids enemy fire efficiently. 1 !? CriticalRate 1 ( SlotEfficiency OwnShipRamDefenseBonus . azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan how to use 100 How do High Efficiency Combat Logistics Plans work? ( [Azur Lane] Affinity Guide - How to gain your Shipfu's Affection Azur Lane Crosswave on Steam 2 100 AttackerLuck {\displaystyle {\text{LevelAdvantageDamageReduction}}=1-{\dfrac {100-2\times ({\text{AlliedShipLevel}}-{\text{EnemyShipLevel}})}{100}}\times {\dfrac {100-2\times ({\text{MaximumThreatLevel}}-{\text{CurrentThreatLevel}})}{100}}}. FinalDamage = No friendly ships which entered the battle are sunk. ( On the rewards screen you can activate the high efficiency combat plan even if it is your first clear. ////"? CriticalModifier , Multiple sources of floods can affect a single target and will not interfere with each other, nor with other DoT effects (ex. ) Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment current We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan how to use Reload 1 1 azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan how to use ) + ( X Or, the player could retreat, leaving the enemy fleet intact. Some Meowfficers can improve the maximum up to 25%. # # # 96 , | [ : ] 16 20190919 , | [Eng Sub] By Sunday Baking Korean Popular Lunch Box Cake 20111 , 1 | | Black Books 1 1 | 248 , | , . + Node HP Reduction Percentage is donald smith still alive; julie grant court tv cheerleader Larger normal fleets give extra XP. As a map stage's Threat Level decreases, the "DEF UP" icon will change color based on your percent progress towards dropping the Threat Level to "Safe", shown below: Complete formula for level advantage calculations: ( TotalAviation If the time expires, you will immediately be expelled from the map and will have to start it over. x n AttackerSkillAndEquipment % min l And since a lot of PvP players use BBs on higher ranks, the TBM Avenger is definitely better. 0.75 100 ( ( otherwise. The reason for this is the game rounding up to the next multiple of 5, while the wiki calculation rounds up to the next integer. Harder enemies usually give more XP. To make matters worse, Chapter D has very unfriendly fleet requirements. = EnemyShipLevel ) 492 , : " - - / "? Investments in construction of medical treatment and preventive care institutions The minimum is one backline and one frontline ship (1:1). azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan how to usei miss you text art copy and paste. i LevelDifference 0.5 {\displaystyle \min \left(0.05\times {\text{OwnShipMaxHP}},0.025\times {\sqrt {{\text{OwnShipMaxHP}}\times {\text{OtherShipMaxHP}}}}\right)\times \left(1+{\text{OtherShipRamAttackBonus}}\right)\times \left(1-{\text{OwnShipRamDefenseBonus}}\right)}. OwnShipMaxHP ) + i 0.3 + Choose from 25+ characters and 30+ support characters to help lead your fleet to victory. FinalDamage = azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan how to use 3696 , 20111 : "mit - MIT (GPA, , , , )"? 2988 , 248 : "lg - - DIY ( EE EF ) "? 1 . Tapping it will increase her affinity by 0.1 to 0.3 points. !? = ) Level Advantage is a game mechanic that stacks with Threat Level. There are some exceptions when the ACV is low: Below is a list of ACV-related buffs/debuffs that you might receive in a sortie depending on your ACV: When there's Empty Airspace, no additional effects are bestowed. Corresponding stat depends on which ship causes the flood. //// 267, | \\ 7 Chanel Bag Steady-Seller Top 7 7861 , | (*Eng) 2022 1? StatBonus {\displaystyle {\text{AmbushAvoidanceRate}}={\dfrac {({\text{TotalEvasion}})^{2/3}}{({\text{TotalEvasion}})^{2/3}+{\text{MapAvoidanceValue}}}}+{\text{EquipmentRate}}}, Encounter Rate is a game mechanic part of Encounters that determines the increasing rate of encountering Ambush Fleets and Air Raids whenever your fleet moves on the map. ] {\displaystyle {\text{AviationDamageReceived}}={\dfrac {1}{1+{\frac {\text{AA}}{150}}\cdot \left(1+{\text{SkillBonus}}\right)}}+\left({\text{CloakBit}}*0.1\right)}, Final Damage Reduction stacks multiplicatively with other sources: Players may have up to 3 daily entries per day. . For every 1 level your ship is above that of an enemy, you deal 2% more damage and receive 2% less damage (stacks with Threat Level, with maximum cap at 50% increased damage output + reduced damage taken). + Players must be level 60 or higher to play Operation Siren. ( + l s For the present patch status I suspect that the "optimal" plane-resistant Ironblood fleet is basically "all German PR botes, Graf Zeppelin, and wildcard". { However, only a total of 300 PR1 blueprints can be obtained from the Catch-Up system. ( This means that for any given enemy, a smaller fleet will earn more XP per Oil spent than a larger fleet. Note that a fleet's stats won't contribute to meeting stage stat requirements until at least one ship in both the main and vanguard fleet components of that fleet meet type requirements. Each submarine torpedo slot operates independently. . Ice-Cold Naengguk, Perfect For The Summer! When you start a normal Story mode stage that has clearing mode enabled there's a button to "select item" to the left of the GO button when you select which fleets to use. ) A fire started from a same or higher level gun will only have its duration refreshed. 3214 , 229 : " 3 - 3 Q\u0026A l ? #AzurLane + Source: twitter.com Date Published: 9/22/2022 View: 1406 Azur Lane - Dear Commander, Here is a full list of the 100 (Currently broken does NOT raise affinity at all) Putting her in the Dorm might cause her to display a heart icon. 3300 , 7177 : "19 bj - BJ , "? Compared to a small fleet ( ), a medium fleet ( ) gives +10% XP, and a large fleet ( ) gives +20% XP. 1 EnemyAirDamageResistance Using shipgirls in battle (except Exercises or Operation Siren) will raise their affinity by 0.0625 (0.125 if MVP) per battle. 1 ( Performance is more critical, since you want to achieve S-rank for maximum drops. | 20 / Kbs 2022.02.24. One of my most asked questions on my channel is "How do I get so many of my ships to level 120"? FormationBonus ( 2 Air Raids - There are three sources of damage from Air Raids: torpedoes, bombs, and damage when the planes reach the end of the screen. 100 Do all daily and weekly quests that give . Christmas wishes came true. God bless new Combat Logistics Plans 100 The reload time of a gun is affected by the Reload stat of your ship. + CriticalBit 912 , 20111 : " 2021 - 2021 E , , MBUX, , 6450, "? This value represents your fleet's efficiency in air-to-air combat, which is determined by your ships' Aviation and the aircraft they have equipped (not including ASW aircraft). Precomputed values can be found at List of Ships by Airspace Control Value. Ice-Cold Naengguk, Perfect for the Summer! (n.b. AverageFleetSpeed = . After starting any given map, you have 12 hours to complete it. e . 0.8 Additionally, the Detection Gauge will decrease as long as there are no enemies past the Detection Line. f Each calibre/type/load of guns/torpedoes/bombs has a different ArmorModifier depending on the enemy's armor type. DamagePerTick ) ) Any AA guns equipped in the Main Fleet will act as though they were equipped in the escort fleet, and will only fire when there are planes in the AA region indicated by the dotted line surrounding the escort fleet. Some examples: Divergent Chessboard D-1 has an excellent equipment drop. { While active, this will spawn enemy fleets. . MapSurveyValue The possibility of getting gold SG Radar design drops are helpful as well. ) Air Damage Reduction is calculated individually for each ship based on their AA stat: 1 4012 , : " - ' ' '' ?+ ' ' /14F"? 0.2 This accuracy (probability of hitting) is determined by two factors: Accuracy X ) 1 Ammo is a game mechanic that allows fleets to dish out 100% of their damage output against enemy fleets when there's available Ammo, but acts as a counter for how many enemy fleets can be sunk before a fleet suffers from reduced DMG output. Azur Lane game features a variety of game modes such as adventure, exercise(PvP), Daily Missions, Commission(events), and much more. The objective of the game is to sink as many enemy ships as possible while protecting your own. Most fires don't stack but they can be replaced or refreshed. DamageBonus 1 Menu. ? Effectively, you are getting either 1.5 (if a ship other than the flagship earns MVP) or 2 (if the flagship earns MVP) shipgirls worth of bonus XP for each battle. TotalEvasion azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan, Combat Logistics Plan.exe, Combat Logistics Plan.exe | azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan, Usb | ! 2 150 } azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan how to use Operation Siren consist of four story-mode chapters and players travel from zone to zone fighting enemies, collecting materials, and explorer. If a fire is started, the ship will be damaged up to 5 times, with the first instance being 3 seconds after the hit. . High-Efficiency Combat Logistics Plans (HECLP) can be used on cleared stages, and they do not consume additional Data Keys. Operation Siren | Azur Lane Wiki Fandom, Azur Lane General Discussion Thread Page 11 Off Topic, Azur Lane Official on Twitter: Dear Commander, Here is a full , Azur Lane Dear Commander, Here is a full list of the, Amazons Study Hall Daily Questions Megathread (12/22), azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan, azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan. Combat is a core gameplay element of Azur Lane that has the player send out their fleets into an instanced, side-scrolling shooter, where they must eliminate all spawned ships (excluding planes or submarines found in certain missions) to proceed. 1000 . This becomes common later in the game with Defeat all enemies requiring 10 or more enemies to be defeated and some map stages requiring 6 or 7 battles to spawn the Boss. Ships who are at an EXP/level cap (i.e. A high-level commander with a well-furnished and stocked Dorm and the maximum 5 shipgirls can reach 9 000 total XP per hour (1 512 000 XP per week) even with cheap food, of which about 6 750 XP per hour is coming from the food at 38.4 oil per hour. It can be disregarded in the calculation. due to sunken ships) encounters still remain disabled for the remainder of the sortie. Loss of the player's Flagship or entire Vanguard (frontline) fleet will result in a loss. , The best-case scenario is something like Iris of Light and Dark D-2. 1 Each node in the column gives power equal to the column value PLUS any stats gained from that node. Refer to specific equipment pages for specific information. 1 It seems the main purpose of the vouchers is to buy more High Efficiency Combat Logistics Plans (30 per month). azur lane high efficiency combat logistics plan - Kennedy Krieger Institute ( {\displaystyle 1} TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/gerdoMERCH: http://gerdo.myspreadshop.comTWITTER: https://twitter.com/gerdoALDISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/7auwc6dDOWN. . patterson dental customer service; georgetown university investment office; how is b keratin different from a keratin milady; valley fair mall evacuation today; pedersoli date codes; mind to mind transmission zen; markiplier steam account; john vanbiesbrouck hall of fame; lucinda . 1165 , : " - [] ' ' SNS '' (2019.08.01//MBC)"? ) + EnemyDebuff It Makes You Crave Noodles!"? ) i + ) Twitter. It's what's happening / Twitter 2 = Amazon's Study Hall - Daily Questions Megathread (09/16) 1 The shell type modifiers are further divided by gun types. Extra experience will not be stored. However, it does take the most attention of all sources of XP. )
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