Ringwood VIC 3134, 179 Maroondah Highway I will advocate for council to maintain and improve the vital local community services, including aged and disability services. Ensure Council staff are reviewing planning applications consistent with the Ruskin Park planning objectives.c. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Climate change, replacement of canopy cover being lost to development but also due to die-back, replacement of loss of shrubs and understorey vegetation due to development, water saving initiatives on public land and incentives for new developments to implement more water sensitive urban design principals. Im active and engaged in our local area: from volunteering as a coach for womens self-defence classes, to local schooling and sporting groups. I just think we need concrete action on climate change. I am passionate about protecting the environment we live in. Last updated: Wednesday, 24 March 2021 02:42 PM, Mornington Peninsula Shire Council, Watson Ward by-election, Municipal Association of Victoria President and Board elections 2023, State by-elections, supplementary elections and appointments, Internal reviews and special circumstances, By-election and supplementary election results, 2021 South Gippsland Shire Council election results, 2017 Greater Geelong City Council election results, Council by-election and countback results, Maroondah City Council election results 2020. But one thing that hasnt changed is our strong community spirit. Please vote 1 for Nadine Beecher. A widower with a daughter and granddaughter, both of whom live in Maroondah, I am retired after a successful career in Information Technology and Logistics. Moreover, I pledge to balance the needs of our families and single members households, students and workers, young people and older residents. It provides a simple, secure and efficient means for managing tendering activities and quotations. My local knowledge, strong collaborative and advocacy skills, together with my real passion to energetically represent the community of McAlpin Ward, make me the best candidate to fill the position of councillor. At the close of nominations for this election, the number of candidates was equal to the number of vacancies. We will be back cheering you on very soon. I will keep advocating for upgrades to intersections such as Yarra Rd & Maroondah Highway and for public transport improvements (especially buses). With a background of 15+ years working in Logistics and Client (End to End) Service industries, I want to invest my time into matters that affect us all living here, and reinvent how a small town relationship can be if you only need to deal with the one person. Why or why not?No. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? . In order to respond to a tender you must first register. Question 7. Local planning laws that require a detailed assessment of the cumulative impact of development on neighbourhood character and streetscapes prior to any approval?c. Over 340 species identified during 2022 City Nature Challenge! I know many in my community are doing it really tough. Many residents in the Ruskin Park Neighbourhood believe the current rate and nature of residential development in this area, has been detrimental to the character of the neighbourhood in respect to the canopy and the objectives of the SLO4 overlay. $16.5m Maroondah Nets, $4.5m HE Parker Pavilion including female friendly facilities. For more info, call me on 0417814355 or email andrew.schafer@hydraciv.com.au. Over the past two years, I have been your independent voice on council championing safer local roads and footpaths; inclusive community services and facilities, particularly for migrant groups and those with varying abilities and special needs; improving and protecting our parks and reserves, and defending against inappropriate development; investments in youth and seniors programs and services; ongoing support for families, parents and careers; and support to lift local trade and commerce.Vote 1 Cr Tasa Damante. With your vote, Ill prioritise the repair and installation of new footpaths. Note: unsuccessful candidates not shortlisted or interviewed are notified in writing at each stage of the selection process. 4. Working with the state government to better sort and recycle waste. Please vote 1 Christy Youssef so I can address all issues for the needs of all community. Opening up new housing opportunities for people to move into our wonderful municipality must be done in a responsible way. I will consult with you on the matters bought before the council and listen to your ideas ahead of my own. Council is a multimilliondollar business do no waste your vote on an amateur. Im passionate about protecting the local environment, avoiding over-development and keeping council finances in good shape. Please enable JavaScript in order to get the best experience when using this site. Council adopts Maroondah Housing Strategy: 2022 Refresh Council endorses the Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy Local events See all events 14 Feb In/Visible: Persephone Thacker 14 Feb OMISSION: Ciaran Frame and Amber Cronin 24 Feb LGBTI+ Peer Social Support Group (aged 50+) As a resident for 30+ years, Im standing for re-election because I am a passionate and independent voice determined to make our local community a better place to live, work and play for all. Seven candidates have qualified for the ballot in the special election to replace former Los Angeles City Councilmember Nury Martinez, according to the City Clerk. Amend aspects of the Municipal Planning Scheme to better support existing neighbourhood character and well-being.d. 20974, Road and drainage upgrades - contract no. Myself, partner and our 5 kids are blessed to call Maroondah home. Even if replanting occurs, biodiversithy is lost. Ive lived in our local Maroondah community all my life. We must preserve the wonderful flora and tree-canopied character of our suburbs. Home - Maroondah City Council I agree that council should declare a Climate Emergency. Maroondah is a truly wonderful place to live. I will protect Maroondahs leafy green suburbs by advocating for sensible town planning, so we do not have inappropriate structures within our community. I know where and how to get results for you. I will listen to residents without prejudice and help solve community issues, so we can have a better place for our families to live and work. We need improvements around neighbourhood hubs and to keep upgrading our playgrounds, kinders, community and sports facilities. (1) Undertaking co-design workshops with the community, community leaders and environmental groups to achieve sustainable outcomes. As your local representative on council, I see all your good work, and you have my full support. I would like to see more established and ongoing community forums, and advisory groups of representatives, like Transition Towns Maroondah, and other local environmental and conservation, and historical groups. Enlighten set to delight viewers in Ringwood Town Square, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age & Maroondah Leader - 6 February 2018, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age - 9 February 2018, Security & CCTV Services - Contract No. I will take tough action to stop developers from sitting on vacant shops, cut the red tape and reduce bureaucracy for small businesses and residents. 21002, Bill payment and banking services - contract no.20996, Croydon Central redevelopment - contract no.20998, Reactive tree maintenance services - contract no.21004, Road enhancement works - contract no.21011, Minor stormwater drainage maintenance - contract no.21009, Stormwater harvesting - contract no.21007, Car park and pathway lighting upgrade - contract no.21015, Leisure centre management system - contract no.21018, Maroondah Liveability Wellbeing and Resilience Strategy, Maroondah Disability Action Plan 2022-2026, Summary of Candidate Election Campaign Donations 2022, Summary of Candidate Election Campaign Donations 2020, Blank Candidate Donation Campaign Return Form, Submit a submit a written report to the Minister for Local Government, specifying, (a) the names of the candidates in the election; and, (b) the names of the candidates who submitted a return under section 306, AND. The information you provide on this form is being collected by Maroondah City Council for the strict purpose of conducting Council business. in more languages and also in plain English. Question 1. How do you think the outcomes can be improved within your capacity as a Councillor?a. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?A stronger online presence from council, easier to use consultation process instead of the clunky not suitable for phones website. Why or why not?Yes if it is appropriate. I will make our neighbourhood safer and cleaner. I moved into the area as a very young, disadvantaged child in desperate need of a new beginning. Vote 1 Nora Lamont delivering for the community since 2008. 20951, Preparation of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2020/21 Update) and Budget 2020/21, Proposed road discontinuance - Pitt Street Ringwood, Karralyka Centre early works - contract no. 20990, Notice of Intention to Amend Road Management Plan, Waste disposal services - contract no. Doesnt matter if youre a small business owner, single resident, small or large family, rate payer or renter, we all pay good money to live here, and would simply like to pick up the phone, report a problem and get it sorted! Mandatory notification of and communication with all residents in the area of proposed new developments (not just immediate neighbours)? Our buildings are taller and freeways wider. Some are but most arent. Registration is free. 20972, Pavilion redevelopment - contract no. Maintain our green and leafy environment, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Stop the loss of mature trees. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Maintaining a tree canopy across Maroondah. Remember to fill in all the boxes on your ballot paper to make sure your vote counts. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council? Vote 1 Peter Salloum and vote 2 Les Willmott, then other candidates in your order of choice. Maroondah has recently adopted its Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Strategy and Vegetation Strategy 2020-2030, among other related strategies, which I have supported and will work to ensure they are properly implemented. Why or why not?I would need more information from council as to where it currently sits. BH: (03) 9724 9113AH: (03) 9724 9113Mob: 0492 847 409neil.rose4Tarralla@yahoo.com, Note: there were a set of questions sent to all Wicklow candidates from Ruskin Park Residents Action Group. 20891, Notice of Tender - Road Reconstruction - Contract No. Council can take a lead role in creating an environment that promotes happy healthy living for our elderly. By working together with State and Federal governments Maroondah has received funding for community facilities like Maroondah Nets, the HE Parker sporting pavilion and the Athletics Pavilion at Proclamation Park. Shortlisting takes place after the closing date for applications. I am committed to leading with passion and integrity. Maroondah Council Elections - HEATHMONT BUSHCARE o Working well o Other (Please describe).. Make Change - Celebrating Reconciliation Week in Maroondah. The results of that sees the soon to be constructed multi-deck commuter car park at Croydon Station, the redevelopment of Dorset Road between Maroondah Highway & Hull Road and a significant number of sporting & community facility upgrades. Maroondah City Council elections were conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission on 24 October 2020. If it doesnt, Ill oppose it. Overall, Utah was Solid Republican, having voted . Any major decisions should be communicated about before the decision is made. What do you believe are the top 4 infrastructure needs of Maroondah residents? 20975, Pavilion redevelopment - contract no. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?We need action on climate change and supporting investment in clean energy technologies. My promise is to be accessible, to listen and consult with you. The election results were declared by the VEC on Tuesday 22 March, 2022, with Cr Linda Hancock elected to represent the Wonga Ward. 20928, Pavilion Redevelopment - Contract No. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Usually abc news or google for things, david Attenborough, my partner is usually all over that sort of news so we talk about it. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues? Please Vote 1 Neil Rose. Maroondah Leader - Maroondah City Council's elections will go ahead as No matter how big of small an issue is, the best decisions are made with real feedback from real people. Together we will build a stronger Maroondah. I am here for all of you. We must protect, maintain and enhance our natural and beautiful environment. 5. There are elections in England on 4 May 2023. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Deputy Mayor Maroondah City Council 2019-20. Fields marked as 'Required' must be completed. I have lived in the Maroondah area all my life and I am a manager of local business. 1. I am here to represent you too. 21001, Receipt and sort recyclables - contract no. We must continue to have community consultation meetings, to ensure that the residents concerns are heard and acted upon. NOTICE: The contents of candidate statements were provided by the candidates and from their responses to the Victorian Electoral Commission, for your reference here. Mental health will become more of an issue, more people have had their income slashed, home schooling has had a stressfuleffect on students & parents, isolation & social distancing has been hard on all of us, even my own business is closed until December, we need people who really understand the situation, who know the struggles of making every dollar count. I was a secondary school teacher; I now work at a university. I agree that globally and locally we are in the midst of a Climate Emergency and with so many prominent leaders (from Greta Thunberg to Al Gore) advocating for change in the way were looking after our planet. I find my information from environmental friendly resources, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues? It has been my honour to represent the residents and ratepayers of Arrabri Ward as a Councillor for the past four years and to have been Deputy Mayor in 2019. 20943, Sports lighting upgrade - contract no. I live in the ward and have lived in the Maroondah Council my entire life. Your location: England. 20970, Pool and plant maintenance - contract no. 20924, Croydon Main St. shopping centre - Proposed declaration of special rate and charge scheme, Condition assessment - Contract no. Elections - City of Cambridge I have the energy and enthusiasm to make a positive contribution to our local council. Ill fight for the following issues: Development in youth, open parks and sports grounds; Upgrading the South Croydon Football Club Pavilion; Keep vacant land at the old Croydon South primary school in community hands; Reject any inappropriate developments that lead to an increase in traffic congestions; Fund the enhancement of Tarralla creek with a shared pass for bike tracks and an underground water storage system; Ensure the Dorset golf course remains an 18 hole course; Improve community services for the elderly; Oppose any further development of Eastfield Park by private developers; Responsible financial management, with no rate increases for the next financial year to help ease the burden on local families; Genuinely consult residents on planning issues. Because someday in life you will have been all. I cherish the fact that local sports and recreation, which has played such a big role in my life, is now being taken up by my kids. Council being the final Responsible Authority/decision maker for all residential development in Maroondah?d. Maroondah region The Federal election was held on Saturday 21 May, 2022. The Victorian Electoral Commission acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners of the land. TheVictorian Electoral Commission (VEC)conducts Council Elections and manages all aspects of the election process. The outcomes of the recent Maroondah Neighbourhood Character Study Review can help inform VCAT decisions into the future, but I suspect through continued advocacy to state government, Council can make the case for improvements to residential zoning. the new council offices at Eastland, no one was consulted on this, is it really good for Maroondah? October 24, 2023 - November 30, 2023 (27 day post-election) 11. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?ABC News, The Guardian, Michael West Media, SBS, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I would like Maroondah council to declare a climate emergency. Lets start fresh and get back to basics! It is important that councillors have a comprehensive understanding of council economics to ensure comprehensive business practices are applied to your dollar. I am seeking your support for re-election to continue the COVID 19: Relief and Recovery Project, a program designed to assist businesses and the community who are suffering financial and emotional hardship. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?I would look at holding information forums for residents so there is an active dialog between council and the community. If elected I will work tirelessly to protect and improve our local community. If elected, I will listen, be accountable and work hard towards achieving the best results for our community. I am your current Ward Councillor and twice Mayor. Families and elderly residents simply cant afford rate increases in the current economic environment. I am actively involved in the community working in organisations that include Communities of Wellbeing, Yarrunga Community Centre and National Seniors Australia. I am a strong advocate for our tree canopy and open spaces, and I will fight to maintain our leafy green neighbourhoods and continue to fight against inappropriate development. Maroondah City Council is divided into 9 single-councillor wards. Please contact eProcure on 1800 . Last election councillors promised to save the former South Croydon school site for public open space, yet four years on we still have no answer whether the site will be saved for open space or sold to a developer to turn into a large housing estate. In Ward 5 which encompasses southwest Oklahoma City largely between Interstate 44 and S Santa Fe Avenue Councilman David Greenwell stepped aside to make way for four candidates to run for his seat held since 2011. Why or why not?I think they should because it sends a message to the community that they are taking the crisis seriously. facebook.com/Elect-Jo-anne-Taylor-Wicklow-ward-MaroondahCouncil-2020-114308203750519, https://www.facebook.com/SteveKentforMaroondahCouncil, https://www.facebook.com/councillor.nora.lamont. 20876, Road Upgrades & Reconstruction - Contract No. Maroondah Council candidate faces court | Local Government Inspectorate
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