steven universe all fusions

The first example of this is shown in the episode "Giant Woman" when Pearl and Amethyst argue over the Heaven Beetle, causing the fusion to become un-synchronized and forcing them to de-fuse. Fusions that are introduced in the show before their individual components (such as Garnet, Rhodonite, and Fluorite) have single-instrument themes, as opposed to fusions introduced after their components, which have multi-instrument themes that combine those of their components. Fluorite is happy to see Lars when he's brought back to life. Fluorite is the unaligned fusion of six unknown Gems, making her debut in "Off Colors". She uses Opal's bow, Sugilite's flail, Sardonyx's mallet, Pearl's spear, Garnet's fists, Amethyst's whip, and her own fire breath, In the comic series, Kiki develops a crush on them after Stevonnie bumps into her while she's jogging and tags along for shopping for a school dance/prom. Just one question remains. To Sugilite, which is made up of the worst parts of Amethyst's and Garnet's personalities their pride and recklessness. Luckily she's no match for the strength of all three of the Crystal Gems combined! Sardonyx's war hammer is composed of Pearl's spear as the handle and Garnet's gauntlets as the head. The majority of Crystal Gem fusions shown are voiced by musicians: Garnet by. In Steven Universe: The Movie, Opal sings the duet "Independent Together" along with Steg (the fusion of Steven and his dad, Greg). This was foreshadowing that Pearl was, although she unintentionally talks them down. 9 Steven Universe Fusions | Steven Universe Gems | Since Amethyst and Pearl fused to save Steven, their fusion was small, perhaps slightly taller than Garnet, while Malachite's reason for fusion was to destroy the Crystal Gems, which would make her slightly shorter than Sugilite. Garnet has an extra eye, Opal has two extra arms, Rainbow Quartz has two extra eyes, Sardonyx has two extra arms and two extra eyes, Malachite has two extra eyes and no actual feet but has two pairs of arms that act like them, Sugilite has two extra arms and three extra eyes, Alexandrite has four extra arms, and an extra mouth, as well as likely having extra eyes under her visor, Smoky Quartz has one extra arm, Sunstone has two extra arms (though their number of eyes is unknown due to their visor), Rainbow Quartz 2.0 has two extra eyes, Obsidian has six extra arms, two faces, and one extra mouth; Rhodonite has two extra eyes and two extra arms, and Fluorite has multiple extra body segments. Steven Universe: The Movie (Original Soundtrack), Steven Universe Future (Original Soundtrack), "Hello! Boy's Steven Universe Star T-shirt : Target A massive fusion that rescued William Dewey from a giant sea monster and brought his boat to the land which would become Beach City. Rose and Pearl were able to keep it a secret despite repeatedly fusing with the other Crystal Gems. Steven Universe #1 Fusion Frenzy 2019 CN Cartoon Network Comic: $14.99. Same-Gem fusions can also be considered stable. distract Jasper from a powerful overhead slash, As such, their battle with Jasper is a more practical application of. This may be due to the size of Jasper, the hostility between Jasper and Lapis, and the tenuous stability of their fusion overall. Then you need a partner who you trust with that light. also, I. Come and obsess over gay space rocks with us. For instance, the fusion of Ruby and Sapphire is named Garnet. See here for information on her. If a gem is fast enough to react, Due to her size, any decently sized fall is going to HURT. All Fusions in Steven Universe Future 86,721 views Apr 21, 2020 All Fusions in Steven Universe Future! The physical bodies of these Gems usually embody the incomplete fusions, with limbs being stuck together at seemingly random places. Steven Universe Fan Fusions 48 Steven Universo Possiveis Impossiveis Steven's fusions are obviously the best though! Then you should visit the admin dashboard for more tips. More examples of artificial fusion were later shown in "Nightmare Hospital" and "Gem Drill". Sardonyx - Multi-colored bands of various colors. Additionally, it appears as though it is the gem that holds the fusion together; this is demonstrated when Steven is drained from fusing with his father, yet Greg is completely fine when defused. This is shown in "The Answer" where three Rubies quickly fused after simply forming a pyramid. Steven and Connie are so stable they can Fuse accidentally, and Garnet describes them as perfect. It's easy to forget that she's not one gem but actually a fusion of Ruby and Sapphire, which obviously makes her doubly awesome! Her weapon of choice is a bow made from the combination of Pearl's spear and Amethyst's whip. Gemsona Fusion Maker (Steven Universe) - Remixes - Scratch Fusions are formed when the participants are emotionally harmonious with each other. They still seem to fit unusually well, either because of slight artistic license or the small amount of clothes shapeshifting Steven was capable of. Steven Universe: Unleash the Light - Steam Community Fluorite also has a very open-minded attitude to fusion, as she has no problem with being a permanent fusion of six Gems and states that she would not mind adding even more if she meets "the right Gem". Certain inflicted defects can be carried and spread through fusion, such as corruption. Padparadscha's relationship with Fluorite is very vague, as they haven't been seen interacting on a personal level. Fluorite cares about Rhodonite, she is kind to her and doesn't seem to mind Rhodonite being impatient of her slow speech. Both are many-legged fusions born of hate. The pink diamonds were foreshadowing that Pearl was Pink Diamond's Pearl and Rose was Pink Diamond, ironically meaning Pearl was still wearing the symbol of the one she was loyal to. List of fusions that include Steven Universe . Peridot is the best character in steven universe. With the death of Rose, she's likely the most powerful fusion they can make. Premium Powerups . What is Sapphire's weapon? Later, Fluorite believes that Lars will one day be poofed, and when he reforms, she says that whatever color Lars makes himself will be lovely. Steven Universe Gem Fusions / Characters - TV Tropes Sugilite's flail uses Garnet's gauntlets as a mace head and Amethyst's whip as a rope. As of the events of "Change Your Mind", it has been revealed that fusion can occur while one or more of the participating gems has been poofed and retreated into their gemstone. The new forms have extra body parts and the combined heights and strengths of the fusers. Fluorite's third and fifth unknown components' gemstones are located on her chest. Welcome to the Steven Universe Galaxy Union Wiki! Mine is when we saw the forced fusions, and when Steven got his gem . Another instance of a similar concept is when Garnet seems to converse separately as Ruby and Sapphire before starting to de-fuse in "Keeping It Together" and "Keystone Motel", giving light to their opposing opinions. Garnet (Steven Universe) - Wikipedia While she was able to tank a few good hits. Stevonnie Smoky Quartz Sunstone Obsidian Obsidian 2.0 Other Gem Fusions Malachite Three-Ruby Fusion Five-Ruby Fusion Zebra Jasper Topaz Fusion Rhodonite Fluorite Lemon Jade Crazy Lace Agate Watermelon Tourmaline Steg Mega Pearl Bluebird Azurite Previous Index Next Steven Universe Lapis Lazuli Characters/Steven Universe Rose's Room: Cloud Connie Tiny Floating Whale Sugilite seems to inherit her impulsive and irrational behavior from Ruby and Amethyst, while Sardonyx seems to get her haughty and self-absorbed personality from Sapphire and Pearl. You and Amethyst can be a little uh unstable when your personalities combine. Stevonnie is by far the most humanoid of all, but that probably has more to do with them actually. The most unstable fusion yet seen; Lapis only agreed to the dance after heavy coercion, and ultimately, used the power offered by the fusion to trap the two of them, together, at the bottom of the ocean. She's also one to Sardonyx, who is powerful, but more careful, controlled and easygoing, while Sugilite is reckless and headstrong. Natasha Lyonne as Smoky Quartz. All Steven Universe Fusion Introductions - YouTube missed being her (and hated herself for it) is while she was Malachite, she was able to take out her years of pain and anger on Jasper, has one for most of her fight with Alexandrite, possibly because Jasper has largely taken control of the fusion. Later on, Stevonnie wears all of the clothes of one component (Connie's in. She was Steven's, and our, introduction to Fusions and she didn't disappoint. When two or more Gems are emotionally in sync, they can combine to create a more powerful Gem. Steven Universe | All The Fusions! At first, Steven and Connie would fuse accidentally simply by having too much fun with each other. Kevin did call Stevonnie "girl", but that was only his perception and even he eventually switches to "they" by, While staying fused for an extended period in, Their first fight reveals they're strong enough to block a full charge from. When Garnet mentions her affiliation with Rose Quartz, she is shocked, just as everyone else is, and claims that Garnet cannot be telling the truth, because Rose Quartz isn't real. Stevonnie tends to split when they feel strong negative emotions, like fear and anger. Just mantaining her form at all puts an immense strain on the gems and will leave them a bit winded when they split apart even if they don't do any fighting. 0 coins. Her name also seems to be a play on the term "sardonic", as in "to be grimly mocking or cynical". A writer also confirmed "they/them" pronouns, Sardonyx unknowingly agitated the insecurities, turns to face the screen and gives advice. Fusions can also retrieve items from their components, an example is when Opal retrieves Pearl's bass from her gemstone which was previously stored there by Pearl in Steven Universe: The Movie. Just for background information, a fusion is two characters spliced together into one character. steven universe fusions Tier List Maker chose your favourite fusions of steven universe. This method of fusion is usually incomplete and often against their will, simply binding fragmented gemstones together on the edges instead of changing their colors, as shown in complete fusion. Create a steven universe fusions Tier List - TierMaker Fluorite, along with the rest of the Off Colors, graduate from Little Homeschool. So, what about Ruby and Sapphire? When the Shattering Robonoids find their way into the Kindergarten, Fluorite is able to use her large body to circle around a wall, being undetected. In "Jail Break", Jasper describes fusion as a "cheap tactic to make weak Gems stronger," while Garnet states that she fuses out of love. Topaz Fusion's axe is like Yellow's other Topaz guards, but with a much longer handle. Then you need a body that can turn into light. She has a total of six gemstones: two larger gems on her forehead, three on her first body segment (likely chest gems), and one on her second body segment (likely a navel gem). Corrupted Steven quickly defuses her by slamming her against a hillside. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. After Emerald threatens them, Fluorite tells Lars that the engines are all set, and Lars has the Rutile Twins pilot the ship into taking off in hyper-speed. Sugilite, a three-Gem fusion, was easily large enough and powerful enough to destroy the rebuilt Communication Hub with a single punch. It is unknown whether Malachite, Alexandrite, Rainbow Quartz, Rhodonite, Fluorite, or the Cluster Gems have unique fusion weapons. Because of their desire to stay fused, Sugilite began to lose her rationality. Because she is a cross-gem fusion, she is considered an Off-Color and her components were removed from Morganite's service. Stevonnie has no extra body parts, while Steg has two extra arms. However, Sardonyx was the first fusion Gem not to show gemstones during fusion. For example, Garnet can remain active for an indefinite amount of time, but Alexandrite requires a large degree of effort to remain stable. Steven may not be as powerful as the Crystal Gems. Category:Fusion Gems | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom 460. She's 1/6 Diamond, and with the expected strength. See her folder here for tropes regarding Rhodonite. For example, if Opal (Amethyst and Pearl) fused with Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), or if Pearl fused with Sugilite (Ruby, Sapphire and Amethyst), or if Amethyst fused with Sardonyx (Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire), or if Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Amethyst, and Pearl all fused together, they would always form Alexandrite.[3]. In "Off Colors", it is hinted by Fluorite that she is a polyamorous relationship, something confirmed by Rebecca Sugar during a panel at San Diego Comic-Con in 2017. Taken further with the reveal that Rose was Pink Diamond, meaning she was actually Amethyst's creator and thus Steven and her are actually brother and sister in a sense. She is later seen having a conversation with Vidalia. Steven Universe Fusions: The Crystal Temple The temple is rumoured to be based on the form that the Crystal Gems took together with Rose Quartz back when she was alive. In addition to invoking the Japanese Oni, she also invoked the Indian Goddess Kali with her wild long hair and destructive tendencies. Existing non-fusion type Gems will look different to that of a fused Gem. PDF Fusion For Beginners And Experts Steven Universe Pdf | Dev.pulitzercenter This has given the creators of the show a chance to really show off some beautiful and creative designs, as well as build in story plot lines that tend to delve deeper than most shows aimed at children. Some dominant features in Gems can occur in their fusions, such as Pearl's nose shape. This was first shown in "Earthlings" when Jasper fused with the Snow Monster (a corrupted Ocean Jasper) and later became corrupted herself. Fusions are capable of fusing with other Gems, first revealed in "Jail Break", in which it is revealed that Garnet is a fusion who can fuse with Amethyst to form Sugilite. Steven's full pants become shorts). Evidence of these Topazes being a permanent fusion is their choice to remain fused when leaving Earth despite having no hostages inside of them (and, thus, no purpose for remaining fused). Go to the CN APP where you can find new unlocked episodes updated every week!Connect with Cartoon Network Online:Visit Cartoon Network WEBSITE: Cartoon network on INSTAGRAM: Cartoon Network on FACEBOOK: Cartoon Network on TWITTER: She stops when they. Another example of a stable de-fusion is in "Cry for Help" when Sardonyx de-fuses into a flash of light, leaving Garnet and Pearl holding each other. The more Gems are involved in the fusion, the more probable it is for them to 'lose their individual personalities'. All Fusions in Steven Universe Future - YouTube 87.8% It's A Secret To Everybody Discover a secret room! It's unclear if Rainbow Quartz is her (original), as she's actually a fusion of a Diamond and a Pearl, none of her components are actually Quartz Gems. The umbrella has special abilities. the Watermelon Stevens attack her, and it actually makes her look kind of cute. For her components, see the Jades' folder here. Being a cross-Gem fusion, Fluorite was banished from Gem society. Steven Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Alexandrite has even used the weapons of other fusions of her components. Steven Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. there is all fusions from all seasons and the movie (if you`re doing this after the season 6, that tierlis was maked in november of 2019, so there`s not fusions from the new season. Steven is capable of fusing with humans as shown in "Alone Together" because he is half-human. Comic News Insider: Episode 679 MoCCA Mirth w/ Rebecca Sugar! Mega Pearl's bladed ribbon wand uses Pearl's spear as the stick of Volleyball's ribbon wand. Aliens: Beetle Aliens Bird Blob Aliens Ungulate Aliens Worm Aliens Flower-Like Aliens Minor Alien Characters, Camp Pining Hearts: Paulette Percy Pierre As the group makes a plan on what they should do next, Fluorite mentions that they'll be caught eventually as long as they stay in the Kindergarten. The fusion between Gems of different types was also seen as 'disgusting' and 'reprehensible' by Homeworld Gems in "The Answer". As well as that, in "Hit the Diamond", when Garnet figures out a plan to send away the Rubies, Ruby and Sapphire slowly fuse out of each other, holding hands. At some point, the components that made up Fluorite decided to unite as one. Steven Universe - All Fusion Dance/Attempt/Unfuse (Up to Season 4 - Know Your Fusion) Sense2001 39.2K subscribers Subscribe 4.3M views 6 years ago Finally, a custom made intro. When they reach White Diamond's ship, they scream into one of its eye-openings. After the dome goes down and the party ends, Fluorite leaves with Lars and the other Off Colors and return to space to share what they have learned to others. List of Fusion Gems in the Steven Universe franchise . This graceful, archery master made her first appearance during the second episode of the first season, aptly named, "Giant Woman." She then listens in with the others as Garnet tells them the story of Rose Quartz. A Ultra Fusion's physical appearance depends on the character who initiates it, being that of female or male Earthlings, female or male Saiyan, female or male Offworlder (their Core Person or Majin depending on how they are customized), female or male Alien, or Namekian. The Spirit Morph Saga: Archimicarus Lisa Plinkman Wind Lizard, Groups: Light Army Blue Monsters Green Monsters Indigo Monsters Orange Monsters Red Monsters. Unleash the Light | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom One of the shows most popular element is the humanoid alien race, Gems. Check out their sweet yo-yo skills when he fuses with Amethyst. Li'l Butler: Li'l Butler Mr. Money Mrs. Money Daughter Money Dirtbike Money 218. r/stevenuniverse. Shop all Steven Universe Boy's Steven Universe Star T-Shirt $15.99When purchased online In Stock Add to cart About this item Fit & style Enjoy comfort and fashion at the same time with this unique Boy's graphic T Shirt from Steven Universe. Steven Universe #1 Fusion Frenzy 2019 CN Cartoon Network Comic Steven Universe: Learn about Fusions - Malachite is another example. This is represented by Stevonnie having strange, The fans seem to have settled on referring to Stevonnie as "they"/"them". Fluorite and the Off Colors then plan to travel with Lars around Homeworld to find an alternate route to Earth while Steven goes home. She has a large, bulbous nose (which tapers softly up near her eyes) and wavy, near shoulder-length, fluffy pale turquoise hair with a variety of intermixed styles (due to her complexity) with no bangs, likely due to her forehead gems. Not including same-Gem fusions, fusions with more than two gems seem to be more unstable or harder to maintain. Steven Universe Galaxy Union Wiki | Fandom According to Rebecca Sugar, the reason why the Gems fuse can determine the height of their fusion. No Same-Gem Fusions have extra body parts. Advertisement Coins. Given that Rose's true form is much larger and fusions are always bigger than their components, it's implied she's intentionally undershooting her size. her two components' voice actors talking over each other instead, from mid-air thanks to Lapis' water wings no less, but only when Lapis and Jasper can work together, forces herself into a fusion with another Gem unable to consent, contract a horrifying condition that eats away at her body and mind before having to be put out of her misery, implications behind Jasper forcing herself upon.

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