five positive effects of colonization in ghana

You will get a personal manager and a discount. It is also worth remembering that colonialism often resulted in conflicts and resistance inside the colonized region, as indigenous peoples fought being ruled by foreign powers. It also resulted in the exploitation of indigenous peoples, who were often compelled to labor in harsh and unequal circumstances. However, during 183044, under the outstanding leadership of George Maclean, the British merchants began to assume an informal protectorate over the Fante states (see Fante confederacy), much to the commercial benefit of both parties. After independence, they have served as the seat of government (Christiansburg Castle at Osu until recently), Prisons (Ussher fort) and Museum (Elmina Castle) 2. Each of these factors will now be discussed. The bad side that Colonialism added to Africa will be considered in this section. As local communities opposed being dominated by foreign powers, the imposition of colonial authority often resulted in resistance and conflict. Nevertheless, the negative might be what Africa has not recovered from and might not recover from, but the same thing goes down to the positive aspect of it, it is only reversible if better options come up. Senior High School Literature benefits of colonialism. Also, the spread of religion helped in empowering the girl-child and eliminating the discrimination in the treatment of different genders. The local language of Africans, religions, names, education, dress, music, sport etc were replaced with foreign ones. While they were in charge and at the helms of Africa affairs, some of the decision taken was not in favor of Africa, some of the decision is taken without the consent of Africa, some of the decision were not useful to the nation of Africa and some are malicious decision that is still affecting most Africa nation up to today. Literature practised by some tribes were abolished. Common legal system: Another advantage of colonialism in Africa is the common legal system which was introduced by the British to all her colonies. Disintegration of families due, again, to certain teachings against polygamy and obedience towards ones pagan parents in the name of religion. Right from India to Africa, people were being enslaved and taken to the mother country. Where you can buy, negotiate or trade for land. Literacy through Education. The teaching and training Africans were given was one of the hardest training. Pros of Colonialism Colonialism Improved Health and Care System. His poetry expresses While this affects the African countries negatively, it boosts the British economy strongly. This repression often took the form of cultural assimilation, in which the colonized people were encouraged or even compelled to adopt the practices, language, and religion of the conquering authority. 3. Ghana - Contact with Europe and its effects | Britannica the effects of British Colonialism on Ghana was and still is very numerous.There were positive effects like the introduction of the formal system of education which saw many shs being set. Derek Walcott experienced On The Rise of Colonialism in Ghana - Modern Ghana 2. Economic advantages for conquering countries Colonialism often spread Western culture, including language, religion, and notions about government and democracy Increased political stability Cons of Colonialism Economic stagnation Brain drain Psychological trauma Political instability Lingering effects of colonialism Legacy of colonialism Forts and Castles: These were built as warehouses and for security. Very good please can you include the reference and author, Very good material, well summarize and very easy to understand. No plagiarism, guaranteed! The states north of the forest, hitherto the wealthiest and most powerful, declined in the face of new combinations farther south. Colonial Oppression As was pointed out in the last chapter, colonization was mostly a negative, exploitative, and oppressive experience. Besides, through colonization, there was an improvement in the African infrastructures. History Research Paper Writing Services, Essay servicesoffered One of the fundamental accusations of colonialism is that it entails exploiting the colonized nations natural resources and labor, with profits going to the colonizing power. In this article, we are going to cover both the positive and negative effects of colonialism in Africa. Where no one objects. This was advantageous because it helped most African countries like Nigeria to grow faster. The illegitimate destoolment and enstoolment of chiefs negatively affected the chieftaincy institution. Your Peachy Essay purchase is secure and we're rated 4.5/5. WHAT WERE THE EFFECTS OF EUROPEAN PRESENCE IN GHANA? The consequences of colonialism are still being felt to this day, Chef de Cabinet Courtenay Rattray told the Special Committee on Decolonization on Friday. By the 1920s the Gold Coast, while continuing to export some gold, was producing more than half of the worlds supply of cocoa; timber and manganese later became additional exports of note. 6. Positive And Negative Effects Of Colonialism In Africa The consequences of colonialism are "still being felt to this day", Chef de Cabinet Courtenay Rattray told the Special Committee on Decolonization on Friday. How Africa's colonial history affects its development In colonized nations, colonialism often formed a class structure, with indigenous people discriminated against and denied equal rights and opportunities. 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Besides, through colonization, there was an improvement in the African infrastructures. However, it is crucial to note that this protection often came at the price of the colonized countrys sovereignty, which was effectively controlled by the colonial power. All these political systems were greatly different from each other even though the regions were not too far from themselves. Political Development. Decolonization, Development, and Nation Building in Ghana-Asia Besides, it enhanced unity among various tribes in African nations making them jointly work together in building their country. This may be a healthy development since it eases the movement of products and people and simplifies many peoples lives. Speaking on behalf of Secretary-General Antnio Guterres, he also reminded the participants of the challenges which face the so-called Non-Self-Governing Territories which remain around the world. What are the Effects of colonialism on Ghana? - Answers Slavery coupled with the colonial experience had a profound effect on Africa and still cause strife. past questions From the discussion, it is without a doubt that colonization played a significant role in bringing development to the African nations. Beginning in the 16th century, European powers such as Great Britain and Spain controlled and exploited far-flung territories by colonizing them. I recommend that you read this work carefully because alot will be said about colonial rule in general. Also, through the learning of the foreign languages, African nations were able to participate and benefit from the international trade. Colonialism is a big topic, but it can only be understood by looking at human experiences. It was the wars fought during 1873-1874 that actually led to the firm entrenchment of British interests within the area. The impacts of colonialism may still be apparent in many previously colonized nations, as colonialisms legacy influences economic and political growth. One of those areas is the exposure to westen education. Formal colonialism first came to the region we today call Ghana in 1874, and British rule spread through the region into the early twentieth century. Essay Writing Help Online Colonialism in Nigeria: positive and negative impacts of Nigerian Also, through colonization, many nations in Africa experienced modernization and technological advancement. Before the coming of colonial masters to africa, most African countries had divided systems of government. Their culture has been wiped away in many areas, whats positive about that? The missionary and colonial educationaimed at character training and civilization resulted in cultural annihilation and religious, and linguistic hegemony. In Southern Nigeria, for example, there were massive killings of twins because they believed that such kids were a bad omen. Notably, the development of any nation commences with its ability to unite its citizen and allowing them to join hands in the building of their country. Since the traditional rulers were made subordinate to foreign officials, the alienation from government wasnt really a problem to the people. Some of the effects of colonization on Africa Their written materials were stolen, their education was also changed. Colonialism may result in a brain drain in colonial nations when experienced professionals and intellectuals depart to pursue opportunities in the colonizing power or other countries. Some ladies are molested even wives are molested right before their husbands; some children were used as a slave. The establishment of colonial rule over the African interior (c. 1880-1900) reinforced Africa's commodity export growth. English By the mid-18th century the coastal scene was dominated by the presence of about 40 forts controlled by Dutch, British, or Danish merchants. From what we have discussed so far, it is apparent that colonialism also had positive effects in Africa. Meanwhile, a radical politician, Kwame Nkrumah, had established the Convention Peoples Party (CPP), which, with wide popular support, campaigned with strikes and other actions under the slogan Self-government now. In 1951 the CPP won almost all the elective seats in the post-Coussey legislative assembly, whereupon Gov. A point to note is that before the scramble for Africa took place, almost all countries across this continent lacked the formal education. Table of ContentsPros of ColonialismEconomic advantages for conquering countriesColonialism often spread Western culture, including language, religion, and notions about government and democracyInfrastructure development in colonized countriesColonialism also introduced modern medicine and education to many regions of the globeIntegration into the global economyEconomic growthImprovement of living standardsIncreased political stabilityDemocratic ideas and practices were fostered in several conquered nations due to colonialismSome claim that colonialism protected them from external dangers since the colonizing power often served as a military defender for the colonized regionFacilitation of cultural exchangeIntroduction of new technologiesLegal and judicial systemsAgricultural developmentIndustrializationCons of ColonialismThe exploitation of natural resources and laborSuppression of indigenous cultures and traditionsNative population displacementEnvironmental damageHuman rights violationsLoss of sovereigntyRelianceInequalityResistance and conflictLoss of cultural identityEconomic stagnationBrain drainPsychological traumaPolitical instabilityLingering effects of colonialismLegacy of colonialismFinal Thoughts. Indirectly, it can be seen that colonialism actually caused the establishment of political parties in Africa. Since the birth of the United Nations, more than 80 former colonies comprising some 750 million people, have gained independence. He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. The modern ages that were seen all around are as a result of colonization, every farmland was removed, trees that help the environment were fetched, there is massive industrialization which causes most of the health effects we are seeing all around in the countries today. There are areas where it really contributed positively and Africa is still enjoying some of those positive effects till today. The colonization of African nations played a significant role in bringing the modernization to areas that were initially underdeveloped. It is a well-known fact that most African countries are colonized by the British government. Take for instance, the idea of separation of powers, which helps to avoid conflict between the arms of the government was learned from the colonial masters. Colonialism facilitated the integration of colonized countries into the global economy, which brought economic benefits such as increased trade and investment. What are the Effects of colonialism on Ghana? Railways, seaports, airports, road routes, hospitals, and many other things were raised for the use of white when but the end-user was to the benefit of Africans. effects of it and on the other hand he reaped the benefits of it. There traditional ways of life were being increasingly modified by contact with Europeans and their trade, and when, beginning in the latter part of the 18th century, Asante armies began to invade the coastal states, their peoples tended to look for leadership and protection to the European traders in the forts. Coupled with that, the colonial masters made sure that they were in charge of all the metropolitan industries, thus making Africans economically dependent on the colonizers. African Drama Enhancement of Civilization. It was the colonialism that necessitated the creation of political parties and elections, which became the formal way of choosing political leaders. categories which are positive or negative effects. The Gold stands for the mineral rich nature of Ghana, the Red is for the blood spilt in fighting for their independence, the Green is for the rich vegetation, and the Black star is for the emancipation and unity in the struggle against colonialism. There were positive and negative effects of colonialism in Asia. Sir Charles Arden-Clarke invited Nkrumah to lead the new administration. Notably, the education allowed the citizenry of African nations to acquire knowledge and skills which later enabled them to develop their countries. For example, the older railroads in Uganda were constructed by the British colonizers. wassce literature questions. The 56 years of British rule that followed did not immediately weld into one state the three elements of the territorythe colonies of the Gold Coast and Asante and the protectorate of the Northern Territoriesto which after World War I was added a fourth, under mandate from the League of Nations, the western part of former German Togoland (see Togoland). Thank you! Some claim that colonialism inhibited economic development in colonized nations by focusing on resource extraction rather than long-term economic progress. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. reliance on former colonial powers, the United States, and even the Soviet Union; and nurtured the pan-Africanist idea.2 Examining the development of Ghana's economic relations with China and Japan from the late 1950s through the mid-1960s provides a more nuanced picture of African leaders' strategies for modernization, development, and autonomy. BVC/BPTC writing service BVC/BPTC Opinion & Drafting writing, Bursary and Scholarships Application Help, English language which played an essential, equality in the treatment of all genders making African women, American Higher History Assignment Services, Select your academic level and the number of pages and pick a desired deadline. This trend continues even after independence because some Africa leaders have been introduced into the business. Having thus engrossed almost the whole of the area that served as a market and source of supply for the coastal trade, the Asante turned toward the coastlands. Finally, it is critical to appreciate the complexities of colonialisms advantages and negatives and the beneficial and harmful ramifications of this time in history. Negative effects of colonialism. senior high school economics In this way many of his poems show this conflict between feeling Statistics on the education of Ghanaian children. Tag: Social Effects Of Colonialism In Africa Positives & Negatives, How Colonialism Affected Africa Development And Economic. better grades Prempeh I) stifled the development of native political institutions. However, it is crucial to note that these advancements were often unequally distributed, with colonial elites having greater access to education and healthcare than the average populace. Colonialism is the policy of a country aiming to expand or preserve its rule over other people or territory, mainly via the establishment of colonies and general economic exploitation of them. Just ask our team to "write my essay" and then sit back and relax. university courses In some countries, the religious and cultural . Although the colonial era largely ended with national liberation movements in the 1960s, nearly four centuries of foreign control left their mark on many developing countries. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. The dominating country in Ghana which would be the British, colonized in Ghana (the Gold Coast) and further connected. Though this is with the exception of Guinea. It is true that hundreds of thousands of people were kidnapped and sold as slaves in the new colonies of the world due to colonization; it was a painful experience for so many Nigerian families. 4. Attempts to introduce similar elements of indirect rule in the Gold Coast served mainly to stimulate a nationalist opposition among the educated professional classes, especially in the growing towns, which aimed at converting the legislative council into a fully responsible parliament. Keywords: education, colonialism, postcolonial, missionaries, Christianity Many people in Ghana use the word "education" to refer to formal instruction in a European-type school. 3. Nkrumahs administration, the 1966 coup, and the return to civilian rule, Match the Country with Its Hemisphere Quiz, Which Country Is Larger By Population? Plantation owners exerted strict control over the native people they hired to work there, often in deplorable conditions. For example, the French preferred to employ Vietnamese clerks and government administrators in Cambodia and Laos. However, such progress came at the expense of harsh treatment by the colonizers. Therefore, all our works will be submitted with a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report. 2007 2022 Peachy Essay. number of wars between states. As the colonizing state strove to impose its beliefs and ways of life on the conquered people, colonialism often repressed indigenous cultures and traditions. Take for example, in Nigeria, there was the Hausa/Fulani system of administration, there was the Yoruba system and even the Igbo political system. Colonization happened and will happen wherever it can. The colonizers, however, created political borders that served their own needs rather than reflecting the historical territorial divisions of the people who lived there. After that, you can then look at the negative political effects of the European presence in Ghana and West Africa. Their traditional way of leading was seen as obsolete and they were given a common government they named democracy. What are the positive and negative effects of colonialism in Africa? Colonialism has a long history, with the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Persians all establishing colonies across their empires. However, it is crucial to note that implementing democratic processes were often selective and did not always include the indigenous people. the formal system of education which saw many shs being set up,the In July 1972 a retroactive Subversion Decree was enacted under which military courts were empowered to impose the death penalty for offenses such as subversive political activity, robbery, theft, and damaging public property, and, from 1973, for the spreading of rumours and profiteering. On arrival, the colonial master merged all the political systems to enable faster development in the regions and to make governance easy for themselves. What Were the Effects of the British Taking Over Africa? In 1956 the trust territory of British Togoland (see Togoland) chose by United Nations plebiscite to integrate with the Gold Coast. However, it is crucial to note that these infrastructure improvements were often conducted to benefit the colonial countries rather than the indigenous people. Introduction of Modernization and Advancement of Technology. Common central bank: Colonialism in Africa also introduced a common central bank in the French colony. 5. very numerous.There were positive effects like the introduction of More importantly, it helped them to have a better understanding of how they can use the acquired education in solving their problems. Here are a few instances. Last year, the C-24 made every effort for the territories and others to engage and be heard. coconut, onion, garden eggs, okro, rice, cocoyam, (from Asia); cassava, sweet potatoes, maize peanuts or groundnuts, pawpaw, pineapple, guava, oranges, melons (from Europe), 6.

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