Your cabin altitude is 13000ft. There is an Alt horn shut-off button its on one of the pressurization panels, if you press that one you will get rid of the alarm sound for the rest of the flight. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Thursday warned of a risk that pilots and other crew members could lose consciousness if the cabin altitude switches failed. Provided, that is, that they have suitably powerful hardware. The exterior and interior model are based on the original blueprints from Seattle. I stoppped the first flight and later did another that went the same way. As a user, you dont have total control over all sound levels except, that is, if you have some knowledge of the sound.cfg file and fiddle around with it. Reddit's Official home for Microsoft Flight Simulator. "Safety is our highest priority, and we fully support the FAA's direction," the airline told The New York Times. As I have already indicated, the visuals of the 737 NG exterior model are as a whole correct and feature many details. After all, if something is perfect, it can no longer be outdone. Thats correct. Read more: Amazon's Prime Air drone delivery team has had higher turnover than the rest of the company as launch delays and internal tensions roil the division. But before we can award the reviewers choice to this add-on, PMDG needs to fix the CTDs for good and then we will follow through. In my view, PMDG has made clear advances here. What is your impression of flying the Bobby? This New Generation has a few years under its belt now, and the overhead panel really doesnt look exactly super-modern to put it mildly. After all, this is an add-on that has been awaited for a very long time, with the focus of interest lying on the desire for a realistic implementation of the real aircraft. It has already been decided that, in addition the Boeing 737-800 and -900 reviewed here, there will be an update at a later date containing the -600 and -700, the two shorter variants. The horn only goes off if the cabin alt goes too high. Holger: Oski, we really expect an exact systems simulation from PMDG. The PMDG Boeing 737 NGX does have a few flaws, but they do not detract from the general impression. 4 0 obj In the case of the PMDG this applies to the convincing flight dynamics. 2 0 obj PMDG obviously did not want to expose themselves on this flank, which is why the add-on contains a balanced mixture of detail and functionality, without losing itself in resource-hungry bling-bling a la CaptainSim. And at this point, I again need to make an important digression: As usual, I have read the whole spectrum of assessments in the PMDG forums from too sensitive to too sluggish. I fly using TrackIR, and I dont need the 2D panel at all. To me, the PMDG is a perfect add-on but in view of the great add-ons that have appeared in the last three months alone, you have to be really careful not to overuse the superlative. Oski: Objection, your honour! The Boeing 737-800 and -900 simply look incredibly good, too! Are there any operations that can only be performed in the 2D panel? I have the same issue and cant figure it out either. To me, personally, the interaction concept of a panel is one of the topmost quality aspects of an aircraft add on. I learned that many airline pilots would sometimes welcome it if real autopilots flew as precisely as they do in the simulation. But lets put the 737 to the test, Captain! In my view, PMDG has made clear advances here. Holger: Sound is an aspect that should not be neglected after all, it accompanies us from the first click on the panel to the completion of the flight though we are usually unconscious of it. Whether this particular behaviour is seen specifically on the NG is something I dont know. Who knows, maybe an update will address this. The image galleries on dont really help either, because many of the images have been post-processed and stretched. Even more so if it takes place at your PC at home with a system that may have cost 1.700,- in a generous case and can only deliver a corresponding performance. PMDG obviously did not want to expose themselves on this flank, which is why the add-on contains a balanced mixture of detail and functionality, without losing itself in resource-hungry bling-bling a la CaptainSim. Which of the implementations conveys the most realistic feeling of space? This review was originally published in German on our sister site and has been kindly translated by Martin Boehme. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. But I have every trust in the expertise of PMDGs team and in the communitys swarm intelligence. In the final evaluation, though, my opinion is that the NGX is still comparable to other complex aircraft add-ons. You can probably tell that many of these questions will not interest most virtual Boeing captains, who follow the motto: Can I use this to recreate my last summer holiday flight or not? But those who have knowledge of the subject matter and know what the different configuration options mean will find great satisfaction in them. Sign up for a new account in our community. Full featured failures simulation to cover nearly all QRH scenarios as well as real-world mean time to failure simulations model. Click here for more information and to see all donations year to date. The systems simulation adds substantially to the hours of enjoyable flying. Forums Index - All forums; Portal page; MSFS 2020; FSX - FS2004 and Earlier; P3D; X-Plane; Real World Aviation; Other Sims; PC Hardware And this is why PMDG recommend a 64-bit system in their requirements. But the thing that really amused me slightly was RSRs explanation for why the throttle quadrant was left out: He said it was due to lack of time. After further investigation and analysis, however, the airplane manufacturer and the FAA concluded in May that "the failure rate of both switches is much higher than initially estimated, and therefore does pose a safety issue.". We had already presented it on, but we would rather mention it again in case someone hasnt seen it yet. And if the nitpickers now go searching for non-functional switches or panels, they will quickly find something in this area: The radar image, which can also be overlaid on the ND, does not exist. Updated 737 options packages reflecting operational improvements and changes to the global 737 fleet. It is, after all, more realistic in the end if all necessary instruments and systems are in plain view. Created by the most recognized and experienced team in desktop flight simulation, the PMDG 737 for Microsoft Flight Simulator is an incredibly detailed, feature rich simulation of the ubiquitous Boeing narrow body. Where high complexity and exact design meet, even a capable family PC can reach its limits. In principle, it does not take particular effort to fly. HiI have just done two flight in the 737-800NGX Winglets aircraft and on both at one point or another in climb i got the cabin altitude You took the time to be here, we want to get to know you. PMDG Simulations Official youTube content to aide new PMDG 737 pilots in getting the most from their purchase. Oskar Wagner was a Captain with a large Swiss airline for many years, flying a large variety of types, and he also worked as a Fokker company test pilot flying new aircraft in preparation for delivery. Holger: When the BAe Jetstream was released, Robert Randazzo, the head of PMDG, wrote that there would be no more add-ons with 2D panels. The following image shows an example of this that occurred with the SID RWY 28 ZUE 1V in LSZH. The hydraulic cylinders of the slaps and flaps are also modelled in 3D. They were set to 38000ft cruise alt and 150ft landing alt on both occasions. I think I just forgot to turn the L and R recirc fans back on after en Its enough to consider an engine failure at or shortly after V1 and the correct response to this problem. They are normally turned off for take-off (because they use bleed air which in turn No doubt there will always be some room for discussion whether the trim sound, say, is too quiet or whether the spoiler extension on landing sounds quite so or a bit different. We do so because we feel that forums in which users must engage one another personally are generally warmer, more collegial and friendly. Once you have internalized the concept, you can conveniently operate the NGX to its full extent without any major investments in home cockpit hardware. After this review, we will write a comparison between PMDG and iFly. Special mention should be given to the lighting of the exterior model: The position lights that reflect of the ground just look great! endobj Can't figure it out. Holger: but the virtual cockpit is of course completely sufficient! IRL, a cabin altitude alarm is something you want to address quickly and correctly. Accurate resolution cockpit displays You should bring a bit of systems knowledge to the table. <> The Boeing 737 NGX is certainly not an airplane that can be recommended in good faith to an absolute novice. Should the autopilot control be realistic or simplified? Let me put it like this: The NGX autopilot makes about the same errors as a real autopilot and to a degree that is definitely justifiable and does not to be corrected. Instead of raising the pitch to 15 and accelerating with a climb rate of at least 1000 fpm, it tiptoes away with 56 ANU and 500600 fpm climb rate. As the model is obviously very detailed and consists of very many polygons, less powerful systems display a skeletal airplane for a shorter or longer period of time as the image updates. You will become aware of many details you would not previously have paid attention to. Interchangeable equipment options for cockpit instrumentation <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 23 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> He will tell us how realistic PMDG has managed to make the systems simulation of the 737 NG. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The PMDG 737-900 for Microsoft Flight Simulator, my comment does not break any of the above rules, Always protect yourself when downloading Torrents, Flightbeam Studios NZAA Auckland International Airport v1.2.0, iniBuilds NZQN Queenstown Airport v1.0.1, iniBuilds KOKC Will Rogers World / Oklahoma City Airport v1.0.2, WorldSky Studios WIMM Kualanamu International Airport v1.0.0, IndiaFoxtEcho AmericaClass LHA Ships v1.1.0, Airwil Sceneries RPME Bancasi / Butuan Airport v2.0.0, Airwil Sceneries RPMG Dipolog Airport v1.3.0, BEAUTIFUL MODEL of the WORLD KMRY Monterey Regional Airport v1.2.0, BEAUTIFUL MODEL of the WORLD LEPP Pamplona Airport v1.0.1 (New Build), 1. Doubt PMDG modeled this. All of this, in combination with the high-resolution textures and the well-executed model, gives the aircraft an incredibly realistic effect. All references in the article lead to the original articles in German. And during the subsequent autobrake 1 deceleration I had to intervene manually to leave the runway in a reasonably sensible fashion. Now my wife's greatest friend's I from the. But I think if you press trip reset on the air con panel it should extinguish Ryzen 9 5900X, RX 6900XT, 32GB DDR4 RAM @3600MHz, 4k. PMDG 737 Cabin Altitude warning. On final approach, I was only able to reduce to Vref right before the threshold. I can imagine that on the B737 the difference in engine sound from the shortest to the longest variant is quite noticeable I know it is like this between the A319 and the A321. Though iFly has won the race with PMDG to be the first to release, many enthusiasts see PMDGs product as being far out in front after all, PMDGs developers have already delivered impressive proof of their skill in the shape of other complex airliner simulations. %PDF-1.5 If it comes when you disengage the AP I think its in the manual - press AP disengage twice to silence the alarm. If not, we will of course need to divert to the takeoff alternate. Each configuration can be tuned further to ones hearts content. I did not find any function that displayed any obvious errors. Rigid body physics for wing and tail surfaces. This is an extreme feat, and to us lay people, it is hard to grasp that it is even possible to execute such a procedure many times a second without a hitch. Tom Allensworth, Oski: I would indeed make this recommendation in those cases where this experience has been gained with older FS aircraft. It issued a directive ordering that airlines check them for faults. It has also been discussed in the PMDG forum. I dont know. A reload of the aircraft is not required, which can save a huge amount of time. You need to set the outflow valve to auto. I hope no one is going to claim that they use the VC to carry out the complete initialization of the FMC, for instance. as well as other partner offers and accept our. It's easy! But those who know me know that I generally dont do this, as no further improvement is possible beyond a superlative. Holger, on the other hand, has already been unlucky several times. Theyre wonderful, dont you think? By the way, practically all adjustments are made via the Flight Management Computer and take immediate effect without having to restart the simulator. From what i can remember L and R packs were set to auto, ISO valve auto, bleed 1 & 2 on and APU bleed off and no illuminations out of the ordinary. The 2D panel concept has thus not been implemented completely, which I dont quite understand. Stefan, can this complexity actually be operated well? No discussion about filehosters (including slow download speeds, broken/missing links & torrents in general), 5. The basic concept takes some getting used to at first but should for the most part be familiar from previous PMDG products (particularly the MD-11). I use only a sub-woofer and two tweeters all in all, a pretty standard PC sound system. And of course there are also pilots such as Oski who have not experienced a single CTD to date. For example, at low speeds it has the same difficulties in holding altitude precisely when rolling into or out of a turn as some of its big colleagues. "A latent failure of both pressure switches could result in the loss of cabin altitude warning, which could delay flight crew recognition of a lack of cabin pressurization, and result in incapacitation of the flight crew due to hypoxia (a lack of oxygen in the body), and consequent loss of control of the airplane," the agency said. When I browse various forums and seeinexperienced simmers asking questions on the level of what button do I need to press to take off, I do have to say that a certain level of expertise is required. In the first few days after the release, there were also some slightly disappointed comments from time to time. With winglets or without. And so also the FMC of the NGX has a hiccup from time to time. The commitment that this requires in terms of cost and time should not be underestimated. Native PMDG datalink simulation compatible with simBrief integration. Leaving recirculation fans OFF would not prevent pressurisation. All they do is allow the packs to run at a lower airflow rate to improve fuel econ endobj Stefan: Well, in direct comparison with other 737 NG implementations I have to say that overall, the VC in those implementations is noticeably lower, making the view through the forward window less high and wider. Did you set your cruise altitude on the overhead? In the real world, after all, engineers go to incredible lengths to create a human-machine interface that is as optimal as possible this is true in many fields, but particularly in aviation. Posts that are unsigned will be quietly removed without comment by the moderators, so to make your life easy- we recommend enabling your forum signature so that you never need to remember. Oski: Particularly innovative is not something you can really call the NG and here I mean the real aircraft even if NG stands for New Generation. Its available on the developers own store and Orbx Central for $28.95 and comes with the following features. The FAA said in the order Thursday that if both switches failed, the warning system would not activate if the cabin altitude exceeded 10,000 feet at which point oxygen levels on board could become dangerously low and cause flight crews to lose consciousness, it said. Fully customized system simulation for all major and minor aircraft systems and components. Do this by clicking the username pull-down at the top right, then selecting "User Settings." What use is the most detailed systems simulation if I have to click through three sub-panels in critical phases of flight with high workload? In the system requirements, PMDG even writes something about i5 processors .In my view, that should be considered a warning. You simply need to know the standard procedures. But this is in fact where one of the great strengths of the NGX may lie. If I consider how an A320 with FBW behaves which, after all, supports you extremely well during this transition the NGX seems to me to be a bit too harmless in this respect. Three companies are currently competing for the implementation of the best Boeing 737 NG simulation: iFly and PMDG and strictly speaking Ariane, too, though the latter product has been on the market for a few years and can no longer keep up with the other two. Emi is a IRL 737 pilot and most everything you need to know is well described in the various vids on his channel. The assessment of the flight envelope as a whole, however, delivers a very good result in my opinion. Of course, visual treats like these have their price. For FSX, this is a real quantum leap and the system is perfect for the PMDG 737 NGX. In 2003, by the way, he reviewed PMDGs Boeing 737 NG for FS2002 and FS2004, and he later went on to review the various Boeing 737 NG from Ariane, too. I hope PMDG for those who use multiple set up monitors and for more realistic the situation add the First Officer 2D Panel as well. Holger: The complexity is of course not restricted to the systems simulation but continues with the visual model. This, too, is a credit to the developers: Consciously crossing the boundary of what had been thought possible to date and pushing it out true to the American pioneer spirit of bigger, faster, further. We do this in order to keep conversations personal and familiar. I suppose it is simply impossible to program a perfectly flawless FMC. Is it even possible that this PMDG software can simulate a Boeing 737 realistically? Once you start to achieve your first successes with this, you should be ready to hazard a step into a real Level D simulator and try your hand at the real thing. Oski: My current system consists of an i7-960 @3.2 GHz, 6GB triple channel memory and two GTX285 graphics cards with 3 displays in total. Holger: Stefan, if you look at photos of a real 737 NG and compare them with the PMDG copy, you conclude that it comes pretty close to the original. There are a lot of things happening in the flight deck that can cause a warning. Driveable pushback tug. Incandescent and LED lighting packages, as well as fully dimming flight deck lights and annunciators. In PMDGs forum, Robert S. Randazzo, the head of PMDG, confers the highest accolades on his sound designer, and I would like to echo this praise. You always stop PACKS for Takeoffs & Landings too in case of a Go-Around. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. They use entirely different methods of calculation and therefore cannot yield the same results. By the way: This is the second part of our three-part 737 NG review special. All of this runs under Win7 64-bit. Did you set your cruise altitude on the overhead? By default its at 10,000 and if your cruise level is going to be 35,000 feet for example you need But they do occur: In the PMDG forums, more than a few customers have been puzzled by sudden crashes not crashes from the cruise flight levels but ones of a technical nature. Do this by clicking the username pull-down at the top right, then selecting "User Settings." A comparison would have to be made, though, across the whole range from the -600 to the -900. But of course it is true that you should equip yourself with enough hardware that the mouse has to be used as little as possible no matter whether you use the VC or the 2D panels. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, is there a way to turn off this warning/alarm? Also in the case are eight GB of memory and an Nvidia GeForce 570. Oski: Stefan has already mostly answered this question. If everything is set correctly, there should be duct pressure in the gauges. What do you think Stefan? If it breaks any of the above rules or can be easily answered by our FAQ, it will be deleted. But the general impression is very good. Firstly it's amazing!!! Can the PMDG be flown by the numbers? HiI have just done two flight in the 737-800NGX Winglets aircraft and on both at one point or another in climb i got the cabin altitude warning hor Special mention should be given to the lighting of the exterior model: The position lights that reflect of the ground just look great! NOW WATCH: Why in-flight WiFi is so slow and expensive, Amazon's Prime Air drone delivery team has had higher turnover than the rest of the company as launch delays and internal tensions roil the division. The radar panel is dead! At least in normal conditions.The controllers are programmed and designed to never exceed maximum differential pressure between cabin and external air, this thing takes its part in the pressurization profile that controllers make when they know the desired crz altitude and landing altitude.Wrong data are only uncomfortable for passengers and crew.Different is for the manual mode where the pilot manually moves the valve.In this case there is only the overpressure protection wich will open the safety valves when maximum differential pressure is reached.There is no protection in manual if the airplane is de-pressurizing (except for the warning).
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