However, this does not represent incorrect bills or duplicate charges. What is the Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) and why is it listed on my bill? In the event of a conflict between this webpage and SCEs tariffs, the tariffs control. Your account will automatically be enrolled in DCEs NEM program. Their accounts automatically remain with these programs (e.g CARE, Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA))and they do not have to reapply. document.getElementById('copyright').innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); However, CCA Service customers may not be eligible for certain optional rate plans. If you are automatically enrolled into a CCA Service and do not affirmatively opt out, please be aware that SCE must remove your service account from DA service and place it on CCA Service. The choice is completely yours if you wish to opt out of CCA Service. At any time, Direct Access (DA) customers may choose to switch their electricity suppliers and have options to return to SCEs energy supply service. Option #2: Stay with DCE for at least 6 months until you are placed back into SCEs regular bundled rates, bypassing SCEs TBS rates. There is no fee for opting out of DCE, either before service begins or within the first 60 days of service. CCA Service customers will pay the CCAs generation rates instead of SCEs generation rates. Home apostrophe skincare vs curology sce transitional bundled service. If you wish to remain on your current optional rate plan schedule and it is unavailable from your CCA, you would need to opt out of CCA Service. What is the Utility User Tax (UUT) and why is it on my bill? Direct Access (DA) service is retail electric service where customers purchase electricity from a competitive provider called an Electric Service Provider (ESP), rather than from a regulated electric utility. SCE will continue to provide your transmission and distribution NEM credits. The Board schedules regular meetings that are open to the public, ensuring transparency and encouraging community involvement. Desert Community Energy will mail a notices to all new customers. Innovative Scheduling Schedules which are inconsistent with the Collective Agreement provisions may be developed in order to improve quality of working life, support continuity of resident care, ensure adequate staffing resources, and support cost-efficiency. For the months when a CCA generated your electricity, you received bill protection for distribution charges only. Has this been done in other areas and what are the results? If you opt out of CCA Service during the 60-day period after your enrollment into CCA Service, you will be returned to DA Service. To opt out, please call (855) 357-9240 or DCE is a public-private partnership that takes advantage of the opportunities offered by both the private and public sectors. Were also making it convenient to do a real-time evaluation with our interactive bill comparison tool on the Billing & Rates page of the DCE website that allows residential and commercial customers to compare their choices at DCE both the Carbon Free and the Desert Saver plans and compare those options with the rates at Southern California Edison. Please refer to CCA Switching Exemptions in Rule 22.1 for more details. DCE customers with solar panels can participate in our Net Energy Metering (NEM) program, which offers the same rates for your excess energy production as SCE for net surplus generation. The notification letter will include your current yearly plan costs and show what a customer would pay under a TOU plan. The State of California estimates that at least 80% of Invester Owned Utility customers will be served by other power providers like CCAs in the next five to ten years. PDF SB GT&S - SCE will only file a claim for SCE charges. Community Choice Energy (CCE), is a statewide local energy program that allows cities and counties to pool (or aggregate) the electricity demand of participating communities to increase local control over electric power sources and generation rates. You can find out more at. The organization is an investor owned organization. Residential, commercial and municipal electricity customers will be automatically enrolled in DCE when the program launches in their city, bypassing the inconvenience of an application process. DCE service launched in Palm Springs in April of 2020. Communities (DAC) adopted in D.18-06-027. No. Please Note: Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) accounts will continue to be serviced by their CCA supplier and not be placed on TBS (Transitional Bundled Service). With CCA Service, cities or counties (or aggregated groups of cities and counties who have partnered together) are responsible for the generation (procurement) portion of their customers electric service; SCE is still responsible for transmitting and delivering the power to homes and businesses. If you have questions about the DCE portion of your bill, you can always visit our website at, or call us at (855) 357-9240 (toll free). Your account will be automatically enrolled in DCEs NEM program. Enrollment into DCEs NEM program will not affect NEM 1.0 or 2.0 customers status. If you would like to speak to a customer service representative, you can either contact your CCA directly for questions about CCA service or your generation charges, or contact SCE at 1-800-974-2356 for all other questions. This translates into the potential for new local services and community benefits as well as significant job creation, both locally and regionally. When you are enrolled, the electric generation fee you had previously paid to Southern California Edison will instead by charged by DCE. Services; Make an Appointment; Partners; sce transitional bundled service . Kevin Marquardt, MS, CIPM LinkedIn: Electricity prices surged 14.3% Your opt action will take place as of your next meter read date. Who do I call with questions about my bill? PDF Unincorporated Los Angeles County Default Rate Change [CDATA[// >