She wears a baseball cap and a whistle during the majority of this episode, like in May the Best Pet Win! Woo-woo-woo-woo! I think it's time to ask for that raise". But unbeknown to Rarity, Rainbow Dash has one final wish before she dies. Flash Sentry has a pet Boston Terrier named Banana with which he enters the Canterlot Pet Show in Best in Show: The Pre-Show. Beginning with The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, a recurring gag shows Rainbow Dash's obsession with apple cider, more specifically, the cider produced by Applejack and her family at Sweet Apple Acres. In To Where and Back Again - Part 2, Chrysalis loses her position as ruler of the changelings when Starlight Glimmer convinces her subjects to stop following in their leader's footsteps and share love instead of feeding on it, which makes her develop an obsessive grudge against the unicorn that carries on for multiple episodes. In No Second Prances, Starlight Glimmer becomes friends with Trixie, and despite Twilight's skepticism and disapproval, the two bond over their equally troubled pasts. INTERVIEW: Writer Jeremy Whitley on My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights! Twilight takes Starlight Glimmer on as a pupil in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2. Gladmane initially appears very friendly to his employees, and they hold him in the highest regard. [16] Rainbow Dash affectionately calls Scootaloo "squirt" in The Mysterious Mare Do Well and Equestria Games, and appears alongside Rarity and Applejack to congratulate the Cutie Mark Crusaders for their performance in The Show Stoppers. Fic Archive Complete Audio Book Incomplete Normal Sad Adventure Shipping Comedy Crossover Random Sci-Fi Grimdark Pinkie Pie Applejack Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Rarity Spike Luna Celestia Cadance Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom Scootaloo Diamond Tiara The Great and Powerful Trixie Discord Gilda Zecora Cheerilee Derpy Hooves Daring Do . Soarin is a male Pegasus pony and a member of the Wonderbolts, being Spitfire's second-in-command. They fought so heatedly for her attention that she eventually turned them both down, and to this day, the Jonagold brothers still haven't reconciled. Think of the cider! Rainbow briefly appears in the sequel My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks at Twilight's castle, where she hears the legend of the sirens. In The Break Up Break Down, Caramel and Shoeshine appear together on Hearts and Hooves Day. In To Where and Back Again - Part 1, Starlight chooses Trixie to accompany her to Our Town's Sunset Festival, and they work together to save Equestria from the changelings. In My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #19, Apple Crisp and Ginger Gold are a couple engaged to be married. When they finally find it, the Mane 6 discover that the "jewel" Hoofbeard's been looking for is a mermare named Jewel that he's fallen in love with, and the other mermares forbid them from each other. Soarin is a male Pegasus pony and a member of the Wonderbolts, being Spitfire's second-in-command. In Forgotten Friendship, Rainbow Dash appears on stained glass windows in Canterlot Castle. In The Last Problem, they are depicted as having a son in the future. In The Break Up Break Down, Noteworthy and "Rainbow Stars" appear to be on a Hearts and Hooves Day date. Despite this, she and Applejack fall back into being overly-competitive with each other many times more over the course of the series. It's free headcanon real estate. We thought it was pretty obvious , @ishiH3Art I remember having this conversation with @goldenrusset in the FIRST EQG movie. Their kingdoms eventually fell into ruin. They frequently fawn over him, and they pressure Cadance to accept his invitation to the Fall Formal. Who married Spike? Rainbow Dash plays several pranks on her friend Gilda in Griffon the Brush Off, which were set up for Gilda's party but are not specifically aimed at her. Who did spike marry . In the sequel My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, Sunset joins their band the Rainbooms as a guitarist and backup vocalist. How had she had a crush on someone who was using her?". I'm an egghead.Read It and Weep, I-I don't even like cake!MMMystery on the Friendship Express, BEST. Published by at January 5, 2023. This article details the various close relationships explored throughout My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and other official material, including best friends, romances and unrequited loves, student-teacher relationships, employer-employee relationships, pet ownerships, rivalries, feuds, etc. Cathy Weseluck mentions on Twitter that Ember is one of Spike's "very best buddies".[7]. A picture of them together appears in Forever Filly. I love reading! However, Scootaloo points out that Caramel appears to already be in a relationship with Sassaflash. In Sounds of Silence, a story briefly featured during A Kirin Tale involves a S08E23 Unnamed Kirin #10-portrayed female opera singer in love with a S08E23 Unnamed Kirin #8-portrayed dude.[specify], During The Perfect Stallion in Hearts and Hooves Day, Parasol and "Silver Script" appear to be on a date as Apple Bloom laments "all the good ones are taken.". Rainbow Dash's loyalty is tested in The Return of Harmony Part 1. In the 'Winter Wrap Up' episode, Fluttershy showed concern for . In Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E. I'm not upset! In The Break Up Break Down, they appear on a Hearts and Hooves Day date. Despite her insecurities, Rainbow Dash successfully pulls off the sonic rainboom and wins the competition. Despite earning her cutie mark in an endeavor that came naturally to her, Rainbow Dash advises Apple Bloom to try out many different activities to gain her cutie mark in Call of the Cutie, leading the filly and her friends to pursue their cutie marks in the wrong avenues. They eventually come together and share their first kiss at the Fall Formal Gala. Due to time constraints, Rarity performs alongside Rainbow Dash, and delivers her grand finale, which involves flying up to the sun and beaming her wings. High the anime's priority, but there's a real sense of history that's conveyed through the established Pro Heroes.. Yu Takeyama, better known by her alias Mt. Applejack confessed her love in a speech talking about how Rainbow Dash makes her feel. Who does Rainbow Dash have a crush on? In The End in Friend, Rainbow performs a smaller-scale version of the Rainboom while playing Buckball with Rarity. With the help of her friends, as well as her fellow Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash is as competitive and self-confident as ever. And not just Pinkie's pies, all pies.Secrets and Pies, She's Fluttershy! They have a daughter named Rainbow Sparkle. Rainbow Dash is a pegasus (winged and can fly) pony. In the season eight finale, their friendship proves strong enough that, with the help of the Tree of Harmony, they are able to shut off Cozy Glow's magic-draining spell and save Equestria. Princess Celestia is Sunset Shimmer's personal teacher in The Fall of Sunset Shimmer; their student-teacher relationship is also mentioned in Rainbow Rocks and Forgotten Friendship. Best friendships ", "The hottest couple at Canterlot High" according to Hasbro's online listing of toys. Despite this, she reciprocates Tank's affection in the same episode but only does so when no one else is looking. When the city is invaded by the Storm King's forces, led by Tempest Shadow, Rainbow and her friends escape to seek out the "Queen of the Hippos"later specified to be Queen Novo of the Hippogriffsfor help. My Little Pony Secret Ad-mare-er - Tell Your Tale Full Episode - Valentine's Day in Equestria MLP, With 4516 in My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale#Secret Ad-mare-er.[specify]. While under the potion's effects, Big McIntosh and Cheerilee constantly fawn over one another, rubbing noses and calling each other cute pet names, and they very nearly get married. With Rainbow Dash's help, Spitfire earns the foals' admiration and respect when she saves the camp from a tornado. Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are implied in Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe[specify] and stated by Michael Vogel to be a couple.[8]. . The two develop a mutual animosity that is further inflamed when the brothers sell a fake miracle youth tonic that nearly causes Granny Smith to badly hurt herself in "Leap of Faith". Scootaloo, the Pegasus pony of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, idolizes Rainbow Dash. Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Hitch Trailblazer become best friends in My Little Pony: A New Generation. In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash coaches the Crusaders for their competition to carry the flag at the upcoming Equestria Games. [18], Katrina Hadley has described their relationship by the time of Pinkie Pie: Snack Psychic as "two people still get to talk to each other and get along, despite the awkwardness of one of the people having a crush on the doppleganger[sic] of the other person."[19]. Marry Time A new Section for this channel now every pony and monster will get married more of these marriage will arrive Rarity, calling Spike adorable again, picks him up and scratches behind his ears. The Last Problem ambiguates whether Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a future romantic relationship.[1][specify]. Who does Pinkie Pie marry? 6 Rainbow Dash and Applejack. In My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Mirror Magic and Magic, Magic Everywhere![specify]. Dark Changeling Rainbow Dash: In My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic Issue #1, Chestnut Falls is the owner of and teacher at the Crystal Heart Foal Center. The two are shown in Enterplay's collectible card game and stated on the MLP CCG Twitter as having a "peculiar brand of friendship"[35][36][37] that is expressed through sarcasm and teasing: The Hooffields and McColts centers around the two titular families and their feud with each other. Huh. By the end of the episode, Starlight and Trixie become so close that Trixie introduces Starlight to her audience as her "great and powerful assistant and best friend". Lyrabon on the other hand, there's no 2 ways around it now. So we played it that way, but rode the line so the viewer could interpret it as either type of relationship. In Hearts and Hooves Day, a history book details how the holiday first began. There I said it. Twilight Sparkle meets Applejack, Rainbow Dash . On My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel Issue #1 page 14, the Storm King's diary has a diagram with the initials "SK" and "QC" on the front cover and the words "loves Chrysalis" on the inside cover. In the IDW comics' first story arc, set after the events of A Canterlot Wedding, Queen Chrysalis seeks vengeance against Twilight Sparkle for foiling her plot to take over Canterlot. She states in Call of the Cutie that she decided to become a teacher when she got her cutie mark and that "the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurture them with knowledge." !Friendship is Magic, part 2, Nopony knows! He works with them to swindle ponies into buying their Miracle Curative Tonic. Mane 6 Mane 5 Cranky Doodle Donkey/Steven Magnet Cutie Mark Crusaders Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon The Equestria Girls Fluttershy/Discord Kiwi Lollipop/Supernova Zap Lead Racoonicorn 3541/Lead Pegasnail 6128 Mistmane/Sable Spirit Prance Jillette/"quiet best friend" Rainbow Dash/Gilda Sky Stinger/Vapor Trail Snips/Snails Spike/Ember Spike/Thorax Starlight Glimmer/Sunburst Starlight Glimmer/Trixie Sunny Daze/Peachy Pie Twilight Sparkle/Spike Young Six, Romantic relationships They have an emotional falling-out over this misunderstanding, but they make amends with Twilight and Rainbow Dash's help. Cheerilee teaches a class of foals at the Ponyville Schoolhouse. That's right. Princess Celestia is Twilight's personal teacher in the first three seasons of the show. Pinkie Pie first meets Cheese Sandwich, the self-titled "super duper party pony" in Pinkie Pride, where they compete over who can be the best party planner for Rainbow Dash's birthday. Maud and Mudbriar also appear on a Hearts and Hooves Day date in The Break Up Break Down, during The True Gift of Gifting in My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, Sundae, Sundae, Sundae, Student Counsel, and A Trivial Pursuit. Principal Cinch is the overbearing headmistress of Crystal Prep Academy. It's a Rainbow Dash figurine in a jar of very gross . Mr. In The Crystal Empire - Part 2, she eagerly agrees with Applejack's suggestion to do a jousting demo for the Crystal Ponies, claiming that "seeing her awesomeness has a way of putting ponies into a pretty good mood". In both parts of The Crystal Empire, Rainbow Dash interacts gruffly and even aggressively with some of the Crystal Ponies, first when she and her friends are interviewing the locals on how to keep the Empire safe, and later when she scares them away from the fake Crystal Heart. She is from the city of Cloudsdale, but she mostly resides in Ponyville. When she's in the air, she monitors the ground and sky for trouble and makes note of everything she sees and hears. Trixie "gets to have the showdown she always dreamed of with Twilight" in My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights Issue #3 through Issue #4.[41]. But Rainbow Dash's skills weren't always astounding. In Slice of Life, Cranky and Matilda get married. Rainbow Dash is a brave, loyal and competitive Pegasus. She secretly practices with the Wonderbolts at first but ultimately decides to stay with the Ponyville team. The two interact further in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #34, My Little Pony Annual 2017, My Little Pony The Movie, and Beyond Equestria: Pinkie Pie Steps Up. For the remainder of the series, their friendship is explored and developed in multiple episodes. She may only exist in Pinkie's imagination, but one thing's for sure: she hates pies with the burning passion of ten thousand suns. When Feather Bangs fails to win Sugar Belle's heart against Big McIntosh, the Cutie Mark Crusaders encourage him to approach the mares and give him advice on how to talk to them. They enter a school talent show together in The Show Stoppers, get stuck together with bubble gum in Ponyville Confidential, and make a flag-carrying routine in Flight to the Finish. Sh-h-h-h.", In the "My Secret Crush" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Rainbow Dash writes "That guy on the baseball team. In My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship.[specify], Winona is Applejack's pet.[specify] The description is "Applejack has worked hard her whole life. Rainbow Dash represents the Element of Loyalty. page 21This is delicious! When Gladmane's true nature is exposed, his employees quit. In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, Rainbow and her friends almost convince Novo to help them save their home from the Storm King, but Twilight's attempted theft of Novo's Pearl of Transformation gets them banished from Seaquestria. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! and Jim Miller answered "Npt[sic] really, but it's open to interpretation. [32][specify], Multiple kitties are a Maraporean colt's pets.[specify], Fluffy Bun is a Maraporean filly's pet.[specify], Denise is a Maraporean stallion's pet.[specify], Firebrandfrom an unspecified point earlier than an Equestria Daily interview[33] onwardis Penumbra Quill's pet.[specify], Gummy and erroneously Tank are Pinkie Pie's pets.[specify], Bunnyin My Little Pony: Deviationsis Prince Blueblood's pet.[specify], Fluffy is Prince Rutherford's pet.[specify], Philomena and over a hundred raptors are Princess Celestia's pets.[specify] You know why? Sacks Roamer, the one who stole the artifact, smashes Rainbow's cart trying to get it back. In Make Your Own Magic: Starswirl Do-Over, Sandalwood admits to Sunset Shimmer that he has a crush on her. They don't have the skill!" Throughout the episode, Trenderhoof hangs closely around Applejack, to her chagrin, and tries to get her attention. They gay for each other. In the human world, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #1, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #2, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #3, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #4, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #5, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #6, Miss Kitty, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #7, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #8, and Lemon Squeezy are Goldie Delicious' pets.[specify], A dog appears to be "Indigo Wreath"'sduring My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Music to My Ears, and Monday Bluesand/or Fluttershy'sin MLPEG Friendship Games _Bloopers_and/or Lyra Heartstrings'at an unspecified point earlier than Epic Failsand/or Unnamed Man #9'sduring Run to Break Freepet.[specify], Calvin & Theo are Lulu Luck's pets. and Hurricane Fluttershy. Sunset Shimmer, first introduced as a malicious high school bully, becomes friends with Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie at the end of My Little Pony Equestria Girls. However, in No Second Prances, Trixie reveals to Twilight that she befriended Starlight Glimmer partly to best her at something, which almost ends up costing her her newfound friend. However, due to the Dazzlings' hypnotizing music, Flash lashes out at Twilight in anger at one point, driving Twilight to tears. She then hurries off to scare another group of ponies, which she continues doing until Princess Luna gives her a taste of her own medicine in the end. Uhh, I mean [nervous laugh] This is the life.The Cart Before the Ponies, Somepony is really gonna have to catch us up on what we missed.To Where and Back Again - Part 2, Mom and Dad, I want you to know that I'm your biggest fan.Parental Glideance, Is it MY fault that I don't like pies? After several attempts end in failure, Big Mac eventually wins Sugar Belle's heart by building her a new display case for her bakery. Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure. Categories . In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash acts overly enthusiastic in front of Ms. Harshwhinny as she addresses Cheerilee's class, causing Harshwhinny to scold her for being unprofessional. During The Perfect Stallion in Hearts and Hooves Day, Sweetie Belle considers Caramel as Cheerilee's "very special somepony". Watch the fireworks with a loyal group of friends. In Secret of My Excess, Spike nearly confesses his love to Rarity as they fall out of the sky. In The Saddle Row Review, Rarity hires Miss Pommel, Plaid Stripes, Blue Bobbin, "Betsey Trotson", and "Strke Kragen" as sales associates/consultants at Rarity For You. Let It Rain.[specify] Holidays Unwrapped.[specify]. Rainbow Dash. The only thing Rainbow Dash is concerned with now is going really fast! However, after being inspired by Applejack's honesty, Silver Shill abandons his partnership with Flim and Flam to make a more honest living. Spike is Twilight Sparkle's best friend and number one assistant, helping her with various tasks around the Golden Oak Library or Castle of Friendship. In order for the walls to be restored, Celestia and Sombra are forced to say goodbye forever. He and Feather Bangs compete for her affections, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders try to help Big Mac win. In Ponyville Confidential, Rainbow Dash laments over having a slanderous article printed about her in the Foal Free Press. She is rather blunt and doesn't hide her . In Hurricane Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash coordinates and leads the Ponyville Pegasi team responsible for creating a hurricane that lifts water to the Cloudsdale weather factory for the rainy season. That earthy guy who plays in the Green Cycle band. In Campfire Tales and on Enterplay's unprinted MLP Series 5 Trading Card Fun Packs'[5] card #25 of Mistmane, Sable Spirit is referred to as Mistmane's best friend. In Just for Sidekicks, she only shows affection toward Tank when no one is looking. Discord shows Rainbow Dash a vision of Cloudsdale falling apart in her absence, convincing her to abandon her friends in the Canterlot castle maze. Discord eventually overcomes his fear of Cosmos with the help of his friends and banishes her again by the arc's end. Shell do almost anything to win! Trixie has a pet dog with which she enters the Canterlot Pet Show in Best in Show: The Pre-Show. At the end of the episode, Spitfire learns through Rainbow Dash that pushing oneself "should never come at the expense of our fellow ponies.". He has a crush on Rainbow Dash, being able to ask her to go on a date with him when she is nominated an official Wonderbolt. She helps manage the weather around Ponyville and eventually becomes a member of the Wonderbolts, which is a group of pegasi who perform aerial tricks. with an arrow pointing to Sandalwood's photograph. [imitating Rarity] "Darlings, I'm absolutely doomed, doomed, doomed!" A raccoon is Cupcake's pet. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike follow her to attempt to prevent this from happening. Who is Applejack in love with? At the end of May the Best Pet Win!, Tank is fitted with a propeller and flight goggles so he can fly and keep up with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash enjoys a piece of special apple pie in Micro-Series Issue 2, implicitly eats a pie during the Sisterhooves Social[17] in Brotherhooves Social,[18] has disliked pie for years as of Secrets and Pies, and states that she "do[es]nt like it because its pie" in Friendship is Magic Issue 59. Despite this, Rainbow Dash has moments in which she displays femininity, fragility, and culturedness, sometimes unintentionally. Near the end of the special, Sunny proposes marriage to Petunia, and she accepts. In A Hearth's Warming Tail, Professor Flintheart is Snowfall Frost's magic instructor in the story A Hearth's Warming Tale. In The Break Up Break Down, "Cotton Sky" and Starry Eyes appear to be on a Hearts and Hooves Day date. Rarity is nearly driven to close Canterlot Carousel due to these conditions, but she and Sassy eventually reach a friendly understanding. The series starts off with them having a previously established relationship as friends. He has a crush on Rainbow Dash, being able to ask her to go on a date with him when she is nominated an official Wonderbolt. WEDDING. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. They realize that their competitive streaks got the better of them, and apologize to each other and Princess Celestia before amicably running the race again. Pirate Rainbow Dash: Mane 6/School of Friendship Cheerilee/Ponyville Schoolhouse Chestnut Falls/Crystal Heart Foal Center Flim and Flam/Friendship University Inkwell/School for Gifted Unicorns Mrs. Cake/Sugar Belle Princess Celestia/Sunset Shimmer Princess Celestia/Twilight Sparkle Principal Cinch/Crystal Prep Academy Professor Flintheart/Snowfall Frost Rarity/Charity Sweetmint Ruby Jubilee/Crystal Preparatory Spitfire/Junior Flyers Summer Camp Spitfire/Wonderbolt Academy Star Swirl the Bearded/Clover the Clever Twilight Sparkle/Cutie Mark Crusaders Twilight Sparkle/Luster Dawn Twilight Sparkle/Starlight Glimmer Twilight Sparkle/Sunset Shimmer Zecora/Twilight Sparkle, Employer-employee relationships The two play, eat, and chase squirrels together. Breezie Rainbow Dash: She later gathers supplies for them from her friends, but still offers no help on effective cheering. When Twilight came to the crystal empire for her first princess summit . The Two OC's From HASCON's Raffle Were Animated in the Finale - Here They Are! I assumed they were dating, but don't take that as a confirmation of anything. ", Big Jim on Twitter: "They have a robust Air B&B Rolodex. ", My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Season 2 Trailer, My Little Pony Equestria Girls Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle 2-Pack, K.Hadley on Twitter: "Because two people still get to talk to each other and get along, despite the awkwardness of one of the people having a crush on the doppleganger of the other person. After Twilight helps to mend their relationship, Trixie finally lets go of her resentment toward her. In the MLP universe, the characters most often got married are Applejack and Rainbow Dash. A pony could forget about flying again if these were on the ground. The Mane 6 serve as the faculty at the School of Friendship, with Twilight as principal and the others as teachers. The show follows the Mane 6: Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Who married Fluttershy season 9? Who does Sweetie Belle marry? Does Rainbow Dash have a kid? Cup Cake Noteworthy/Rainbow Stars Opera singer/dude Parasol/Silver Script Petunia Petals/Sunny Skies Pinkie Pie/Cheese Sandwich Pinny Lane/Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos Ponet/White Lightning Prince Blue Dream/Princess Golden Dream Princess Cadance/Shining Armor Racoonicorn/4516 Ragamuffin/Rarity Spike the Dog/Princess Thunder Guts Sunset Shimmer/"a watercolor-painting, scary-movie-fearing cutie in a denim jacket" Timber Spruce/Sci-Twi, Crushes/unrequited romances There's no other pony Rarity loves as much as Rainbow Dash, and nothing makes her sader than hearing that her beloved friend is dieing of pony cancer. On the way home, Twilight gives Rainbow an old copy of the book she was seeking. When Buck invites her to the Fall Formal Gala, Cadance only accepts because she believes Shining Armor is going to the dance with someone else. In Tanks for the Memories, Rainbow Dash displays a strong affection towards Tank, to the point where she is unwilling to accept Tank's hibernation and tries to prevent it by stopping winter, though all of her efforts fail. The Equestria Girls. In Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity, Rarity takes on Charity Sweetmint as a protege through the H.O.O.F. The Mane Six didn't have romantic partners and rarely, if ever, even had crushes or infatuations. She was replaced by Soarin (Matthew Hill) in Two and a Half Ponies. Their human counterparts appear together briefly in Perfect Day for Fun. Due to Gilda's gruff personality, she and Rainbow Dash have a falling-out in Griffon the Brush Off, but they reconcile their differences in The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone. In The Last Laugh, Pinkie helps Cheese rediscover his passion for bringing joy to others when he loses his own. You do still know what that is, right?To Scootaloo, Flight to the Finish. As a musician, she is primarily known as a singer and flutist for the alternative rock band "Hey Ocean!" (2004-). A true hero, this rainbow-haired Pegasus pony is as fast as they come, flying through the air with jaw-dropping speed! Spike's greatest fear is that Twilight won't need him anymore, as shown in Owl's Well That Ends Well and The Crystal Empire - Part 2. In the second half of the story, Fleetfoot fights over Big Mac with Tealove.
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