Sarimo J, Rantanen J, Tarvainen T, Harkonen M, Orava S. Evaluation of the second-generation meniscus arrow in the fixation of bucket-handle tears in the vascular area of the meniscus: a prospective study of 20 patients with a mean follow-up of 26 months. The T-fix technique for endoscopic meniscus repair: technique, complications, and preliminary results. AccessGUDID - (pedicle) and (screw) and (system) Skip to main content. Before Because numerous all-inside meniscal repair devices have been developed, a review of their failure rates was undertaken to assist the clinician in choosing such a device. It also features clear, laser-etched depth markings on the specially coated needles, allowing for precision in depth of penetration. hellcat vs p938; simple small front yard landscaping ideas low maintenance; jenny's super stretchy bind off in the round; senate democratic media center In tears where the vascularity is not readily obvious, clinical judgment must be made as to the appropriateness of the tear for repair. Our e-learning platform contains high resolution images and a certified CME of the Meniscal repair using Smith and Nephew fast-fix 360 system and knee arthroscopy surgical procedure. Tension is applied to test the seating of the implant. A CryoCuff (Aircast, Summit, NJ) device is used in the immediate postoperative period. The leg is braced in extension (optional). Consequently, the repair of certain types of meniscus tears is theoretically preferable to partial meniscus excision. Escalas F, Quadras J, Caceres E, Benaddi J. T-Fix anchor sutures for arthroscopic meniscal repair. MODEL: SX2-3529-L 36. Changes in the Cross-Sectional Profile of Treated Anterior Cruciate One disadvantage is all-inside meniscal repair techniques tend to perform inferiorly to traditional suture repair in biomechanical strength testing.5,7,22,30,32 Whether this is of clinical importance has not been determined. Again, a bleeding surface should be readily visible on the synovial side of the tear. Please email at for an appointment. Insert additional Darts as needed in 5 mm increments. Annandale T. An operation for displaced semilunar cartilage. (B) Placement of the driver into the cannula to facilitate screw delivery. Instructional Brochure, 2000, 13 Dervin G, Downing K, Keene G, McBride D. Failure strengths of suture vs. biodegradable arrow for meniscal repair: an in vitro study. The Mitek meniscus fastener is a double T-shaped device (polypropylene or PLA) that is delivered via a loaded needle and gun system. 33. Arthroscopy 1997;13:183187, 10 Johnson & Johnson. The repair begins with a careful evaluation of the tear pattern with the probe (A), followed by a preparation of the meniscal rim to a bleeding bed using the ACUFEX meniscal diamond rasp (Smith & Nephew) or a 4.5-mm shaver (B). 2009;25(9):951-958. doi:10.1016/j.arthro.2009.03.018, Implant System, Meniscal Root Repair with BioComposite SwiveLock, Implant System, Meniscal Root Repair with PEEK SwiveLock, FiberLink SutureTape, 0.9 mm, with Loop (White/Black), TigerLink SutureTape, 0.9 mm, with Loop (White/Black), 2-0 FiberStick, 2-0 FiberWire, 50" (blue) one end stiffened, 12", Locking Guide for Meniscal Root Marking Hook. Once located, the tear(s) should be measured and probed for depth and configuration. Manufacturer: Body Solid. Repair of tears with a length of 4 to 5 cm has been shown to have a much higher failure rate than smaller tears. Capacity 3. This scatter chart shows the trend of increasing failure rates with longer followup for the meniscus arrow. Patients undergoing concomitant anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and meniscus repair have a higher success rate for meniscal healing as compared with patients with isolated tears. The innovation seen in the design of the AS Meniscal Repair Device provides orthopedic surgeons with the confidence and security of an all-suture repair without the concern of rigid implant placement in soft tissue. CLAIMS . Call For Best Price 888-502-2348, Acufex Meniscal Repair Flexible Fifteen Set, OB35 13.6m ASGB coachbuilt triple expanding trailer. 72201252 ACUFEX DIRECTOR Anatomic ACL Guide System, 72202437 Anatomic ACL Double Bundle Instrument Tray. Zone 0 is the meniscosynovial junction. Barber FA, Coons DA. My Blog acufex meniscal stitcher set The incidence of healing in arthroscopic meniscal repairs in anterior cruciate ligament-reconstructed knees versus stable knees. 6. (From Caborn D. Illustrated Guide for the FasT-Fix Meniscal Suture System. Device failure for all of the all-inside meniscus repair devices ranged from 0% to 43.5%28,38 (Table 2). The end result is a single loop of suture with a clever self-locking knot on the meniscal surface. Circular saw blade WOOD UNIVERSAL HW 260x2,5x30 SMITHCO SX2 LEAD This scatter chart shows the trend of increasing failure rates with longer followup for the T-fix device. It is made of PLA and is delivered via a flexible square nitinol needle-tipped driver. Type Cannon WD Jr, Vittori JM. Summary: This investigation documented the locations of endoscopically applied T-Fix suture devices (Acufex Microsurgical, Mansfield, MA) placed in si With the rising popularity of these new all-inside meniscal repair devices, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of various all-inside surgical interventions used in the treatment of meniscal tears. Thus, the final study population consisted of 31 manuscripts. What is claimed is: 1. Loose devices should be removed and replaced. Meniscal Root Repair System | Smith & Nephew - US Professional This chapter summarizes the form and mechanism of action of selected meniscus repair devices and demonstrates their surgical applications. Common symptoms of meniscus tear include knee pain, catching, locking, giving way, and swelling. The over-the-back marking hook sits securely over the back of the tibia to allow stable . Bookshelf Kurzweil PR, Tifford CD, Ignacio EM. A complete system for meniscal root repair includes the meniscal root marking hooks, the Knee Scorpion suture passer, and meniscal root repair kit with PEEK SwiveLock anchor. Traumatic tears are more suitable for repair than degenerative type tears. Remove needle and pass the Arrow through the cannula by using the blunt obturator. All-inside meniscus repairs are becoming more common with the invention of meniscal arrows, darts, screws, staples, and other suture devices. Insert the cannula into the joint with the obturator in. Complete radial tears are typically not suitable for repair because the circumferential collagen bundles of the meniscus have been disrupted and there is little hope of functional restoration. Barber FA, Johnson DH, Halbrecht JL. A simple sterile nonadherent dressing is placed with a compression stocking. Andover, MA: Smith and Nephew, 2001.). For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. Anatomic ACL Reconstruction is a new interactive technique guide, that will review the latest innovations in anatomic ACL reconstructions. Figure 3-7 (A) The Mitek meniscus repair device. SN-L293. Ramappa AJ, Chen A, Hertz B, Wexler M, Grimaldi Bournissaint L, DeAngelis JP, Nazarian A. Reduce the tear and maintain the position of the cannula with the flat dimension of the cannula parallel to the joint line. Attach the sheath to the front of the Dart gun handle; pull back the T section until a click is heard. and transmitted securely. All-Inside Meniscal Repair Technique - Smith & Nephew Expiration Date The screw can be viewed through the cannula window. Moreover, difference in clinical failures may also be influenced by how failure was defined in the study. Hurel C, Mertens F, Verdonk R. Biofix resorbable meniscus arrow for meniscal ruptures: results of a 1-year follow-up. Midterm results of meniscal repair using the BioStinger meniscal repair device. Each author certifies that he has no commercial associations (eg, consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangements, etc) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. (B) The fastener is loaded onto a delivery needle. The site is secure. Site by Redwire. Posterior horn tears are approached from the ipsilateral portal, and middle third and anterior tears are approached from the contralateral portal. Based upon our review we cannot make any conclusions regarding which devices have the lowest failure rates. Figure 3-1 The zone system of meniscal tears. Arthroscopic scissors may also be used. 20. Power Supply Voltage Catalog Number: 014549/014550. From the *University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine; and the University of California, San Francisco, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, San Francisco, CA. A meniscus rasp (ACUFEX; . Accessibility Kotsovolos ES, Hantes ME, Mastrokalos DS, Lorbach O, Paessler HH. 19. An official website of the United States government. acufex meniscal repair system. For the meniscus arrows, Lee and Diduch27 did report higher failure rates (29%) with the same cohort of patient with longer followups at 79.2 months. - We are temporarily unable to ship medical products to the state of California. Common signs of a meniscus tear include joint line tenderness, effusion, lack of knee extension, positive McMurray test, and patient apprehension noted with hyperflexion of the affected knee. Proximity of the Neurovascular Bundle During Posterior-Lateral Meniscal Each of these 31 articles was reviewed independently by two authors (JL and CBM) who separately extracted data on the following categories: number of meniscal tear repairs, average patient age, meniscal tear characteristics (length, zone, type, medial versus lateral tear), simultaneous ACL repair, average followup, percent failures, definition of failure and level of evidence of articles. 9. Given the paucity of randomized controlled studies comparing different all-inside meniscal repairs, no definite conclusions can be made regarding the difference in clinical outcomes of various all-inside meniscal repair devices. The .gov means its official. Not for use with plastic cannulae. Depth 2009 Jul;22(3):180-6. doi: 10.1055/s-0030-1247746. Standard arthroscopy portals may be used in combination with one of the six color-coded, zone-related cannulae. 17. And the devices used to fix these repairable tears continue to evolve. acufex meniscal repair system - Repair of meniscal tears with the absorbable Clearfix screw: results after 1-3 years. Warranty Business & Industrial; Agriculture & Forestry; Construction; Electrical & Test Equipment; Fuel & Energy; Healthcare, Lab & Life Science; Dental; Imaging & Aesthetics . Remove the obturator and grab the central portion of the tear with the top teeth of the cannula or stilt on the straight cannula. In general, tears repaired with all-inside devices were longitudinal, vertical tears greater than 10 mm (Table 1). The FasT-Fix utilizes two nonabsorbable polymer retention bars; the meniscus fastener is supplied in a nonabsorbable polypropylene form. The stability of the repaired meniscus should be confirmed after placement of any meniscal repair device using a probe. barrel until the threads touch the gun barrel. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Linvatec Zone Specific II Meniscal Repair System at the best online prices at eBay! An alternative depth limiter (white plastic sheath) is also available that can be modified or trimmed according to tear morphology. Prospective long-term followup is important to determine the failure rates of all-inside meniscus repair devices. Most of the identified studies consisted of case series in which no comparison group existed.
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