bexar county road closures

Alternating lane closures on southbound frontage road of I-35 from Weidner Road to Thousand Oaks Drive for earthwork. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Alternating lane closures on the frontage roads, in both directions, from Bandera Rd. Bexar County, TX Report, Forecast or Traffic Update: 2008-2023 Westbound Loop 1604 to southbound I-35 connector ramp closure for earthwork. Bexar County Public Works | Bexar County, TX - Official Website Kerrville police said traffic is at a standstill on the westbound lanes. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. By early evening around 6 p.m. a line of showers and storms will begin to develop as the cold front moves closer to San Antonio. Weekdays/Weeknights 12 a.m. until 12 a.m. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. One at Boerne Stage Road by Interstate 10 West, another at Swiss Oaks near Pinn Road and Leon Creek, and a third in the 1800 block of Austin Highway near Ira Lee Road. Nightly lane closure. Only one full mainlane closure to occur per direction. Daily alternating frontage road closures. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. For more information on transportation and traffic, including alerts, travel times and maps, view KSATs traffic page. Resources & Requests | Bexar County, TX - Official Website Both entrances are ADA accessible. The latest information on lane closures, traffic shifts, and overall progress of the projects under construction is provided through: TxDOT strives to communicate with the public proactively and effectively throughout the project development phase before construction. Exit ramp closure of southbound I-35 to Randolph Boulevard. Monday, February 27 until Friday, March 3. One lane to remain open at all times. They include: The improvements along this section of I-10 will enhance safety and mobility and reduce congestion by: Throughout construction of these improvements, drivers will experience temporary traffic shifts and overnight lane closures on the mainlanes and frontage roads in both directions, as well as temporary daytime and overnight ramp closures. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Sunday, February 26 until Monday, March 13. Excluding weekends. NIGHTTIME northbound I-410 frontage road closure from Eastgate Street to Ackerman Road from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. Detour: Northbound I-410 frontage traffic wanting to access Ackerman Road may take northbound I-410 to I-10 eastbound exit ramp, turn around at Foster Road, and take the westbound frontage road to Ackerman. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. 6 a.m. Full closure of the westbound frontage road from FM 2538 to FM 1518 for bridge work. exit Use caution or find an alternate route.. #KSATTraffic Abbott said that road crews are trying to apply more than 1.3 million gallons of de-icing fluids around the state during the weather event. Eastbound to westbound Loop 1604 turnaround closure and alternating lane closures on bypass ramp from Lookout Road to Nacogdoches Road for drill shaft work. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Exit ramp closure on Loop 1604 mainlanes to IKEA-RBFCU Parkway for barrier work. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Monday, February 27 until Friday, March 3. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. In San Antonio, cameras from the Texas Department of Transportation show multiple vehicles that lost control while driving on Highway 281 at Loop 1604 due to the icy road conditions. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Nightly 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. Northbound Blanco Road right turn lane closure onto eastbound Loop 1604 frontage road for temporary traffic signal work. Weeknights 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. We invite you to explore our department along with our past and recent projects. Icy weather has caused dangerous conditions for drivers across Texas. Courtesy Texas Department of Transportation, Rooftop bar Cowboys and Cadillacs to grace downtown New Braunfels, Costco to open first $15M store in Central Texas this March, South Texans want to know who's behind the 'Booty Patrol' truck, 'Naked and Afraid' lets San Antonio mom show off survival skills, How a viral chicken fried steak briefly closed down Mr. Juicy, Here are 5 S.A. personalities perfect for hosting 'Daytime', PHOTOS: Massive alligator spooks locals along a South Texas road, PHOTOS: Ocelots spotted in 'rare' moment along a South Texas road, A one-of-a-kind Hill Country rooftop bar will be a cowboy's dream, Kyle to open first Costco Wholesale this March, Residents curious about 'U.S. Current until Sunday, February 26. Also, If you do not see traffic flow, you can zoom in closer to reveal localized data. 0 records found. Well send notifications right to your phones, and you can see the forecast and check the radar by downloading the KSAT Weather Authority App for Apple or Android. Data Updated at 3/2/2023 2:15 PM. Excluding weekends. Eastbound to westbound Loop 1604 turnaround closure from Nacogdoches Road to Union Pacific Railroad for retaining wall demolition work. Sunday, February 26 until Monday, March 13. Map: Emergency road closures in San Antonio, Bexar County, Hill - KSAT SAPD: 11-year-old boy hospitalized after gunshot to the head, S.A. area pelted with large hail, heavy wind in overnight storm. To view more on the current weather conditions, click here. Traffic should use next entrance ramp and prior exit. Nightly closure. Access current flood information and emergency road closures throughout Bexar County, View floodplains throughout Bexar County with an interactive map of FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) Data, Know your risk with updated watershed-based flood hazard information and risk assessment tools, Explore the San Antonio River Authority's Water Quality Viewer, Bexar Regional Watershed Management Partnership| c/o San Antonio River Authority | 100 E. Guenther, San Antonio, Texas, 78204 | 1.866.345.7272Contact Us, American Society of Civil Engineers, Texas Section | Post-Hurricane Harvey Recommendations, Texas General Land Office | Hurricane Harvey: Texas at Risk, Texas Water Development Board | State Flood Assessment, Bexar Regional Watershed Management Partnership| c/o San Antonio River Authority | 100 E. Guenther, San Antonio, Texas, 78204 | 1.866.345.7272. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Current until Thursday, March 2. 0 records found. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. To view more on the current weather conditions, click here. Road Closures TURN AROUND, DON'T DROWN! Continuing through Wednesday, March 1. Daily alternating frontage road closures. Alternating lane closures on the frontage roads, in both directions, from Loop 410 to Ingram Rd. Weeknights 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. Loop 1604 eastbound mainlane closure between eastbound IH-10 exit ramp and eastbound Loop 1604 on ramp from westbound IH-10 for concrete traffic barrier relocation. Traffic must use Loop 1604 (exit 172) to access southbound I-35 and follow detour signs. Sunday, February 26 until Monday, March 13. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Special Event. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Weekdays 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. One lane to remain open at all times. Meteorologists expect the system to bring between 1 to 3 inches of rainfall across Southeast and Central and South Texas, with isolated pockets up to 7 inches through Sunday. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Alternating lane closures on southbound I-35 frontage road between Thousand Oaks Drive and Whirlwind Drive for roadway reconstruction and structural work. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Your usage of this website constitutes your complete acceptance of these terms and conditions. Nightly closures. Greg Abbott said in a news conference on Tuesday, January 31 that 1,600 roads in Texas have been impacted by the winter weather conditions. Excluding weekends. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Detour: NB & SB I-410 traffic take exit towards I-10 collector ramp and continue straight to reenter I-410. Bexar County Road Closures Please hit the "Refresh" key on your browser to make certain you are viewing the most recently updated data. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Monday, February 27 until Monday, March 13. Sunday, February 26 until Friday, March 10. Only one turnaround to be closed at a time. Weeknights 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. Nightly alternating frontage closures. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Most primary Bexar County streets and roads regularly (every 6-7 years) have a seal coat applied to the pavement. San Antonio District - Texas Department Of Transportation BEXAR COUNTY makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the information provided. Eastbound to westbound turnaround closure at Loop 1604 and Babcock Road for bridge widening. Excluding weekends. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Southbound lane closure at Cedar Trail for utility work. Nightly 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. The management and staff of the department act as facilitators in achieving a balance between diverse priorities and finite resources by providing the public and other County offices thorough analysis, expert advice, prompt and reliable services, and open, honest communications related to the responsible allocation and utilization of personnel and resources. Alternating mainlane closures, in both directions, from Scenic Loop Rd. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Flood Risk Viewer. Estray Animal Notices FindHelp - Community Assistance Resources Find community assistance resources through location or by need. Closure; Accident; Damage; Other; Construction; Show Legand Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Wednesday, March 1 through Wednesday, March 15. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Southbound I-35 to eastbound Loop 1604 connector ramp closure for earthwork. Detour: Westbound frontage road traffic will take the westbound I-10 to the northbound I-410 ramp, continue on northbound I-410, take the FM 78 exit, turn around at the intersection, return on southbound I-410, and exit to westbound I-10. Right lane closure on southbound I-35 mainlane, exit ramp closure, and left lane closure on southbound frontage road of I-35 from Toepperwein Road to Judson Road for earthwork, striping, and barrier work. Traffic should use next exit. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. SAPD said to avoid that area if possible. Eastbound to westbound turnaround closure at Loop 1604 and Hausman Road for bridge widening/retaining walls. Current until Sunday, February 26. Bexar County's HALT, or High-Water Alert Lifesaving Technology, is a high-tech system to alert drivers of dangerous waters with either flashing lights or a combination of flashing lights and gates. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. The latest information on lane closures, traffic shifts, and overall progress of the projects under . Nightly 8 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. Icy roads across Texas could last the next 48 hours Only one turnaround to be closed at a time. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Open . Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. UHS disappointed in Southside San Antonio hospital closure Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Bexar County, TX | 36 F More Sign In Current Report Hour By Hour 5 Day Forecast Radar Warnings and Advisories Traffic Conditions Past Home / Local Weather & Traffic / Texas / Bexar County / Traffic Bexar County Traffic and Road Conditions Warning! Nightly alternating frontage road closures. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Rolling closure project-wide for pothole repair. Excluding weekends. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Traffic Signal Issue. The National Weather Service said it's hard to predict where rain will fall the hardest, but a flash flooding watch remains in effect for the area through Saturday evening. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. Full closure of the westbound mainlanes from W. Military Dr. to Hunt Lane for pavement repairs. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Wednesday, March 1 through Wednesday, March 15. Alternating mainlane closures on eastbound Loop 1604 from Nacogdoches Road to I-35 for barrier work. There are 150 HALT Locations in Bexar County. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Show entries Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries DISCLAIMER This website is provided as a public service and is NOT updated in real time. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Keep your child safe 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Excluding weekends. Ice. The front brings a chance of damaging straight line winds and hail . San Antonio, TX Traffic and Road Conditions - Alternating lane closures on eastbound and westbound Retama Parkway from Lookout Road to southbound frontage road of I-35 for striping and barrier work. Left lane through traffic will remain open. Sunday, February 26 until Friday, March 3. Nightly alternating mainlane closures. Sunday, February 26 until Friday, March 10. Street Closures - San Antonio We are responsible for developing and maintaining the following County areas: Please don't hesitate to contact us for any information! Multiple right lane closures (3) on eastbound I-410 mainlanes from Nacogdoches Road to Harry Wurzbach Road for striping and barrier work. Weekdays 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Westbound to eastbound turnaround closure at Loop 1604 and La Cantera Parkway/John Peace Boulevard for bridge construction. Bexar County Office of Emergency Management, FindHelp - Community Assistance Resources, County Clerk's webpage for marriage information, Jury Services webpage for more information. One lane to remain open at all times. Monday, February 27 until Monday, March 13. Weeknights 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. TxDOT will do everything possible to keep two mainlanes open in each direction during peak travel times. Sunday, February 26 until Friday, March 3. However, they are not always available. Bexar County Emergency Notifications; San Antonio Emergency . DAYTIME alternating northbound and southbound I-410 frontage road lane closures between I-10 and East Houston St. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for bridge and road work. Use caution or find an alternate route, police say. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Floodplain Viewer. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Southbound I-35 to westbound Loop 1604 connector ramp closure for barrier work. Sunday, February 26 until Friday, March 10. Click any alert icons on the map to see info. 11300 Block of State Hwy 211 has closed due to ice on the bridge. Current until Sunday, February 26. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Excluding weekends. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. You may enter the building through the Justice Center on Dolorosa or the Paul Elizondo Tower on Nueva St. (closest to the parking garage). 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Officials in North Texas have responded to more than 100 incidents since the start of the weather event, according to NBC-DFW. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Weeknights 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. to Horal St. for roadway repairs. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Sunday, February 26 until Monday, March 13. Traffic should use pervious exit ramp. 11300 Block of State Hwy 211 has re-opened. and East Houston St. from 5 a.m. February 4 continuously thru 5 a.m. February 27. Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Write your own Bexar County, Texas report, forecast, or traffic update: E-mail: will not be posted, shared or used for marketing! Close Date. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Rolling closure project-wide for litter and debris operation. DriveTexas - Highway Conditions Hero Program TransGuide Local projects Project studies Project Tracker Resources News Hearings & meetings Statistics Contacts & offices Standards & Forms Urban design themes Contact us Email San Antonio District 210-615-1110 4615 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78229-0928 Construction. NIGHTTIME. Excluding weekends. Current list of closures in San Antonio area - plan your commute - KSAT Wednesday, March 1 through Wednesday, March 15. Projects | Bexar County, TX - Official Website One lane to remain open at all times. 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Bexar County Road Closures. Excluding weekends. Daily alternating frontage road closures. Traffic must use Lookout Road turnaround. Eastbound mainlane closure between Babcock Road and La Cantera Parkway for mill and overlay. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Cookies, Please note by clicking on "Post" you acknowledge that you have read our. Continuing through Wednesday, March 1. Eastbound frontage road lane full closure from John Peace Boulevard/La Cantera Parkway entrance ramp to Vance Jackson Road exit ramp for eastbound direct connector bridge construction. Be sure to allow notifications for updates, including livestreams from KSAT meteorologists. Only one turnaround to be closed at a time. for overhead sign work. Weeknights 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. Road closures through TxDOT San Antonio: Flyover ramp on Hwy 281 and Loop 1604; Flyover ramp on Hwy 281 and Loop 410; I-10 and Loop 410 near Crossroads; . Sunday, February 26 until Saturday, March 4. Weekdays 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. from 9 a.m. to 4 a.m. for overpass work. to Marbach Rd. No closures on Friday and Saturday nights.) The icy roads caused a crash involving a Boerne Police officer after a truck lost control and crashed into the patrol car near the intersection of South Main Street and I-10, according to officials. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Only one turnaround to be closed at a time. Update at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 31: The Bexar County Sheriff's Office has announced several road closures due to the icy weather conditions in San Antonio on Tuesday, January 31. Monday, February 27 until Monday, March 13. 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. Road closures - Texas Department Of Transportation Current until Tuesday, February 28. Bexar County said in a Wednesday press release that Jon Turton, president of TVMC, and Dr. Jason Miller, TVMC medical director, sought a bail out between $5 to $10 million in county taxpayer funds . to Marbach Rd. Close Date. Weeknights 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. Ramp/cloverleaf full closure from eastbound IH-10 to eastbound Loop 1604. All Rights Reserved. Excluding weekends. Alternating eastbound IH-10 frontage road lane closure from Camp Bullis Road to De Zavala Road to set portable concrete barrier. Sunday, February 26 until Monday, March 13. Weeknights 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. Right lane closure and right turn lane closure on southbound frontage road of I-35 at Judson Road for illumination work. Public involvement activities on the I-10 East corridor include: Safety rest areas and travel information centers, Texas vehicle registrations, titles, and licenses, Road, bridge, and maintenance contractors, and roadway and traffic material suppliers, Engineering, architectural, and surveying consultants, Disadvantaged and Small Business Enterprise Programs, Scientific services contracts - requests for proposal, Transportation systems management and operations, Increasing capacity to meet the growing traffic demand, Upgrading the freeway to current federal and TxDOT safety and design standards, Addressing deteriorating pavement conditions due to heavy traffic use, large truck volumes, and poor soils in the area, Upgrading the freeway facility to current federal and TxDOT safety and design standards, Addressing deteriorating pavement conditions due to heavy traffic use and poor soils in the area, Reducing potential conflicts between frontage road vehicles and those entering and exiting the mainlanes, Providing turnarounds to assist with local access following conversion of frontage roads to one-way operation, Permanent and temporary digital message signs stationed along the project corridor alerting drivers in real time to lane closures, traffic congestion, and construction activities, Copyright 2023, Texas Department of Transportation.

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