Since Florida deployed red light cameras the speed cameras evil twin on state highways in 2016, it has seen a $100 million annual increase in revenue from traffic violations. Dont wait. Your driving record is extremely valuable, even though most people dont realize it. Truly believe he is a God fearing man that is lead by faith. Unfortunately, your failure to pay the $80 civil penalty by October 10, 2019 has resulted in a Default Fee of $25.00 and could result in civil court action against you.. Copyright 2010-2012 . Department of Public Safety (DPS) will extend your probationary period: You will not be charged any The points for speeding are as follows: Speeding (1-25 mph over the speed limit): 2 points Speeding (26 mph or more over the speed limit): 5 points Reckless driving: 6 points If you have recently received a speeding ticket, you can find out what to expect and what to do next below. Towns major industry was traffic fines, followed closely by the fortune tellers trailer. Brantley Speeding & Traffic Ticket Attorney Reginald Smith Lawyer Alabama AL Hire attorney Reggie Smith to keep your Brantley traffic or speeding ticket off your driving record NO points NO record Usually NO court appearance Before you pay your Brantley, Alabama speeding or traffic ticket contact attorney Reggie Smith. Depending on the type of AL traffic ticket you received, you can generally Tap here to call Reggie The length of the suspension will depend on how many points you obtain within a 2-year period: If youve done the math, youve likely realized that just 3 speeding tickets at over 25 mph above the speed limit will result in a 90-day suspension. (Remember this classic Pace Picante Sauce commercial?). It is a legal matter, just not in the sense that insurance finds out, You could request a hearing, the judge might throw it out. Alabama Traffic Service Center. It's purely a non-legal matter. Youll be able to choose an attorney whose experience and budget are a good fit for you, without having to spend a lot of time searching. They are legal as they are just a civil fine. Once a violation is two years old, its points are removed from your record. If you're convicted of a traffic violation, points will be added to your Do i have to pay a speeding camera ticket issued in brantley alabama UTC Letter. All rights reserved. Brantley, Alabama speeding ticket - Alabama Traffic Service Center Ticket Number. There are also two types of speeding laws. On the day of their testing, we had 6,000 cars come through in a day! You can also pay the ticket in person at the circuit clerk's office or mail it to the office if you prefer. Contact RDS (Revenue Discovery Systems) at 1-800-556-7274. I got a red light fine in Montgomery and paid it my second one, I didn't never heard from them. Hayneville is also a very well-known speed trap. I countered with "There is not a cop in the world that would write a ticket for that. You may need to provide some information, including your: If you have a commercial driver's license (CDL), you're required to notify your employer within 30 days of being convicted of a traffic violation. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This should be illegal. Select the option requesting the court to attend driving school. Dont make the mistake of giving up by just paying your ticket. Until the state outlaws all camera fines you are at the mercy of the third party and the City. . Pay online Pay by phone Pay by mail Pay in person Close Your Case traffic court handling your case. The cost of a business license varies based on the type of business and/or trade. See, Rule 4.1 Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure and Code of Alabama, 1975, section 15-10-8. If you can demonstrate that your ticket was not justified, you may be able to have it thrown out entirely. Pay Tickets Online - Brantley, Alabama, Brantley Municipal Court If you want to fight your traffic ticket, you must plead not guilty" in court. Pay your ticket as soon as you can. But the company keeps most of it and the state takes their chunk, too. The absolute speeding laws indicate that there is a specific limit that you must abide by. Brantley has been a speed trap for a long time. Instructions on how to respond to your citation can be found on the ticket itself. For more information on Business Licenses, please contact Town Hall at (334) 527-8624 or Do you appreciate the content of this website? Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. One speed camera alone can generate millions in revenue. Alabama Traffic Citation Defense Firm focused on aggressively protecting your driver's license. NOTE: Failure to attend your court appearance or respond to your traffic ticket will result a drivers license suspension and, in some cases, an arrest warrant. $80. By phone. Looking for anyone who has dealt with the traffic cameras and how they dealt with it. Here are some examples of traffic violations and their associated points: Visit our And that whether I pay or not, it will never go on my record nor will insurance find out. Those options include: On-Line at By Telephone through the Interactive Voice Response System ( 1-877-252-7294) By Mail (see the VIEW page for County Specific Information) I mean this as no slight. Call us today at (866) 348-2889. Attend the mitigation hearing.Make sure to attend the hearing, otherwise you could be issued a fine or have your license suspended until you resolve the case. He went above and beyond the call of duty. I'm more looking for ways to just get out of paying based on any thing along the lines of they can't prove it was me so if I fight it they will just throw it out. Thats the bottom line, Twelve states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands currently have at least one speed camera in operation, this classic Pace Picante Sauce commercial, lawmakers have proposed banning the cameras, Since Florida deployed red light cameras the speed cameras evil twin on state highways in 2016, it has seen a $100 million annual increase in revenue from traffic violations, a for-profit company in the business of fleecing you with your governments assistance, Redflex has been lobbying state legislatures for years, Redflex is not alone in lobbying state governments, American Traffic Solutions, Affiliated Computer Services, Sigma Space/Optotraffic, and Traffipax have all written checks to support their own candidates, It required special permission from the State Legislature. In the age of scams, I decided to call you to see if it is legit., Its legitimate, the person said. But you might want to have a better defense than, "how do you know i was driving". It came from Phoenix, Arizona and threatened coercive tactics if I didnt send a check for $105 ($80 fine + $25 late fee) to Cleveland, Ohio. The camera doesnt make any money., I did some quick math. Brantley, Alabama, population 809, isnt known for much. Most courts offer payment options online, by phone, by mail, or in person. Brantley Alabama Speed Trap info | Brantley AL - Facebook All cashier's checks and money orders should be made payable to Brantley Municipal Court. Though this particular post is a year old,you should have fought this,or even better do your research.Speed CAMERAS are ILLEGAL in the ENTIRE STATE of Alabama.Now a FEW BIG cities are using RED LIGHT cameras,those do NOT measure speed,as I said before the SPEED cameras are not legal in Alabama.If it was a ticket for running a red light,then yes it could be a trap,since I personally consider camera enforcement traps.But our State has not written into the constitution any law that legally allows law enforcement to use speed cameras.Also did you check to see if somebody was trying to scam you?Could have been a scammer trying to make a quick buck,since we DO NOT have legal SPEED CAMERAS in OUR GREAT STATE of Alabama. If you accept my Legal Representation Offer, by paying the legal fee and sending me a copy of your traffic ticket, then I do all the work representing you before the court. Any information contained herein is meant only to be informative and should not take the place of hiring a Traffic Defense attorney to help you with your case. CDL Suspension page. 1. You can pay your speeding ticket online at or by calling the Traffic Service Centers Interactive Voice Response System at 1-877-252-7294. So what about Brantley, Alabamas lone camera? Some tickets come with a mandated court appearance, so you may need to appear and pay the fine in person. God really worked through Attorney Smith and appreciate everything that he done. If you are an out-of-state driver, it is important to fight your traffic ticket Alabama will report any conviction back to your home state, and in some states this could suspend your driving privileges depending on their independent traffic laws. AL driving record. If you reach 12 points, your drivers license will be suspended. We have handled hundreds of traffic tickets all over the state of Alabama and know that the procedure we go through is the best way to handle the defense of your traffic ticket to obtain a positive result. Brantley al Birmingham, Alabama Sep 25, 2016 1 Comments My father received a ticket in mail with video that did not show his actual speed. Make sure that you pay the fine before the hearing date listed on your ticket, or youll be expected to appear in traffic court on that date. He's old enough (81) to know better as Brantley has been a. Pay Alabama Criminal Fines Pay criminal fines for District Court and some Municipal Courts online by county, case number, and date of birth or social security number. If you were ticketed for a relatively minor offense, the court may dismiss your ticket in return for you taking a defensive driving course. It does list the location of the violation but it does not list the posted speed limit nor the speed he was traveling. According to a July 2019 column in The New York Times, there are 2,000 such cameras in use in New York City alone. Note: Any city or county designation in this site is to indicate that we have or will handle cases in the cities and counties named. Where I got my last two speeding tickets. Thats the bottom line. Twelve states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands currently have at least one speed camera in operation.
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