how long to cook brownies in a 8x11 pan

Spread the batter in the greased baking pan. Works well with muffins, corn bread and pound cake too. Incorporating all that air and volume makes for an ethereally light and tender brownie. Any Size Pan Will Work for Your Cake With This Cheat Sheet - Epicurious Because of these homes, batter baked in glass typically takes longer. We are at high altitude and I still havent figured out how to bake here! This size allows for up to 16 brownies to be baked at once, which is more than enough space for most people. Know your pans and adjust accordingly: turn the oven down 25 F when using a dark metal pan. I love following you on FB and getting your newsletters. Since December 2015, no else but me must have made these brownies and read the weight for sugar as 596 grams. Secondly, the pan size matters here. The two 9 round pans offer about 10% more space than the 9 x 13. Spray some whipped cream or place a scoop of ice cream on the top to take it to the next level. Once the dry ingredients are mixed, begin to add the wet ingredients. And I am saying that after having made this Tappan Hill recipe last night. YWNlYTE2MjRlNzk2ODI4YjJjMDBlYzc2Njc2OGJhN2NhNTYwZmFhM2JmM2Fj Cake flour is great, but if you dont have it, don't worry. That way you can buy just 1 kind of chocolate. Ask Betty - I am making a double batch of brownies. Do I need to bake Baking Pans - Substitution Chart | CraftyBaking | Formerly Baking911 8x11 Baking Dish And a tiny bit of math. - justkt. If its a high-riser, your wise choice will definitely be 9 round pans. I will post the directions along with the specific brownie mix titles. Whats the best way to turn that 9 x 13 sheet cake recipe into two rounds for a layer cake? Example For example, if a recipe calls for baking in an 88 pan (64 square inch bottom) but you have a 95 loaf pan (45 square inches), the batter is going to be almost 1-1/2 times as deep. The first is to preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 9 x 1 1/2 inches. Other pan combinations (two rounds? Its crazy. pan = 117 square in. Grease bottom of 13x9x2-inch rectangular pan. Dang it! You ask a great question! How long to bake brownies at 400 (and why)? - Ultimately, it is best to test them after 15 minutes to see if they are done. Cake Baking & Serving Guide - Our Baking Blog: Cake, Cookie & Dessert Required fields are marked *. The prettiest way to store a cake is in a glass cake container that sits on the kitchen counter. Place the pan in the oven, and bake for 25 minutes. Small Batch Brownies for Two in a Loaf Pan | Dessert for Two See our complete collection of Tips and Techniques posts. Njk3Nzc1MDVlYTA1ZGM1ZGRjYTNiODdkNTFiNDU4MDcxOTQyZjVjZWM1ODUz Get daily tips and expert advice to help you take your cooking skills to the next level. Or your cake recipe . PJ Hamel grew up in New England, graduated from Brown University, and was an award-winning Maine journalist (favorite topics: sports and food) before joining King Arthur Flour in 1990. I dont use nuts, but have added dried sour cherries chopped up and white chocolate in addition to the 1-1/2 cups semisweet . . To ensure even baking, be sure to fill the pans up only halfway. Cake flour vs. all-purpose flour: What's the difference, and how do I substitute? Special Quick Breads Pan Size Conversions and Baking Times. Grease an 88 or 711 pan. some size that I can freeze (ie. For further details, see our blog post:Bundt pan size: which Bundt pan is best for a 9 x 13 cake recipe? 8-in. So a half-sheet pan actually offers a lot less baking real estate both horizontally, and vertically than you might think. Best Vegan Brownies Recipe - How To Make Vegan Brownies - Delish MGNlYTliZWRkYzU2YzRhMzdlYTdlZDdiZjYwMDVjOTYyNmY3NjM3MGZhNGRi Add 3/4 cup of softened butter, 4 eggs, and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract into the bowl. Im so happy I did! But if I want to make a full sheet, do by Meredith Holch (not verified), In reply to I don't have a scale so can you send me the recipe for brownies by Dwan (not verified). Instructions. Would I be safe doubling a 9x13 bar cookie recipe for this pan? How long to bake brownies in the oven? Set the time for 20 minutes at 320 degrees F. Some believe that the baking time should stay the same, since silicone does not react like traditional bakeware. Add in the eggs one and a time and mix after adding each egg. (Anecdotal information i.e., I asked my friends tells me that more people have an 8" square than 9" square pan.). Ive tried making brownies before, but have never been impressed. Slide your pan into the toaster oven, opening the door as briefly as possible and shutting it immediately to prevent heat loss. Two 8 x 8 x 2 or 9 x 9 x 2 inch baking pans, 10-inch cheesecake made in spring form pan, Be sure to read the recipe thoroughly before preheating your oven. Be sure you're using the same size pan as specified in the recipe since that can make a big difference too. Frost if desired. Happy baking! Ghirardelli brownies are so thick and moist that a toothpick method for determining doneness is not an accurate indication. If youre baking bars, substitute one 9 square pan (81), plus one 8 square or 9 round pan (64) for a total area of 145. The essential alternative baking pan sizes, A small solution to focaccias biggest problem. Hired to write the newly launched Bakers Catalogue, PJ became the small but growing companys sixth employee. I think not. Deep-Dish Brownies - Allrecipes ZmUzNTljZGIwNmM1YzI5MGU5YTk4NDM5ZmQyYmM0NzU1ZDA5NWNkZjI2MDli I have a recipe for two 9" pans Im totally trying these! ZmZiNjI3Yzg1NTIxZGNhZjcyM2E5NDY3ZmQ2NjkzODY4OTQzZjcxZTQ5NmFj How to Adjust the Baking Time When You Change the Pan Size Ive have been following your website for a while now and love checking to see what new deliciousness you come up with every week. NmNmYzYzOTMzMzI5NjExMTM0OTIwNWQ3MGI5NmUwOTBkZTJiY2Y3M2RhYjhl However, Ive found that brands like Ghirardelli and Guittard chocolate chips can be subbed pretty well for baking chocolate in recipes like this. Its like soft velvet ribbons of chocolate ensconced within the brownie. However, since brownies are often made with chocolate, its generally advisable not to eat them for more than two or three hours after baking. Decorate like a pro (even if youre just a beginner). Ive been making these since 2007, and they are in my top 3 for brownies. Cool completely in the pan. You could also fit a half recipe in an half sheet pan (13" X 18"). First off, the texture of these brownies is unlike any other brownie Ive tried. According to The Kitchn, cutting brownies into squares or Rectangles instead of triangles will result in a chewier and denser final product. In a bowl mix all of the ingredients together well with a spatula. 20 x 5 cm. Spread it in the pan. The nickname for the 7x11 pan is -- wait for it -- "brownie pan"! YWI5Y2RjZmUxOGJmN2IxZTRlM2IyZTliNzRhMTlkN2I2ZjljNzlhMWIxNGE1 With a higher oven temp, you can look forward to eating your brownies sooner, but they might not be as moist. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases when you click on the link, but you are not charged extra. One reason why covering brownies might not make a significant difference is because foil can create an insulation barrier between the exterior of the brownie and the oven heat. baking - Is it possible to cook a meatloaf using clear glass Pyrex I consultthe gram weights in ourrecipe, and from there, it's simple to increase everything by half. square pan = 64 square in. Some say that they should be baked for around 30 minutes, while others say that they should bake them for an hour or more. No lie. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Place into the preheated oven and bake for 37-45 minutes (Mine took 40) or until a toothpick comes out clean. If youre baking a cake, youre taking a chance. Brownie Recipe 913 | Created by Diane Dont worry, I will still eat them all;) Love, love, love you and your site by the way! Cool before serving. Expert baker and published author, Carroll Pellegrinelli shares her knowledge of bread baking and desserts. Hmmm, I didnt think so but maybe I did. When it comes to the perfect brownie, the temperature is important. If you enjoyed this post, here are some more you might like:How to convert cake to cupcakesHow to make muffins from a quick bread recipeBig batch brownies and bars (increasing a 9 x 13 bar recipe to fit a half-sheet pan). Dont get me wrong, they will still be soft, but they might not be as fudgy at this temperature. Bake. Stir, and microwave for another 30 seconds on HIGH. I am off to see if I have an 8 x 11 pan. This should work for most any mix. Brad Jones/Demand Media. Place the wrapped cake into a freezer bag or a container. MjFkMzRhOTIyMGNlMDQ1OWI0YTMzNGU4ZjExNTI5OWZiN2Q0NTAxY2RkMjdi Cool 1 hour before cutting. YTliNzgxMjE1YTJiY2Y2NDk3OGJmOTRjODQ1MTIxZjU3MDczNmVmNGYyNmE0 Whisk 1 minute. The 9 Best Brownie Pans of 2023 - The Spruce Eats Thank you for reaching out to Ask Betty with your inquiry! NmZlYmI2ODQ5ZWU0ZGJhYjdhNmQzMTQzZWRlNTY0ZmY4YWY5MjU1MGM5NjZj Dec 25, 2022 - Cook brownies about 5 minutes less in a silicone pan than in a metal or glass pan. Like, your grandmas recipe for apple cake specifies an 11 x 7 pan really? The flavor and texture are amazing but I can tell that the salt is overpowering some of the chocolatey goodness. 9 tube pan (angel food cake pan) 2 (11 x 7) rectangular pans. I would also recommend using a parchment paper sling in your pans, to make it easier to remove the cake, if you choose to do so. How to Convert Pan Sizes for Baking - Allrecipes ZmI4NzczNTI1YjVlMWEyZjlkMTQ1ZDMzNTM0NGM2MDMyNDQ5NjVjYWQ4Y2Q2 Since we know 175 1/2" is the "sweet spot" bars fill the pan nicely, without overflowing that's the number we're going for with other size pans. NDllZDZlNmQzZDFjYzYxNmI5MGZlMDNjNTBiMGQ3MDRiYTVmMzdkY2JlODJm For example, if a recipe calls for using an 8-inch round cake pan and baking for 25 minutes, and you substitute a 9-inch pan, the cake may bake in only 20 minutes, since the batter forms a thinner layer in the larger pan. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. So weird that they didnt have that size. Baking temperatures of 325 or 350 degrees are typically the best temperature to use, but you can increase or decrease if you are looking for slightly different outcomes. Is it humanly possible to make brownies in a muffin pan?!?! If you bake your brownies too high or too low, they will not be as moist and chewy. To remove from pan, loosen edges with a knife or metal spatula. MmQ2NDdlOTMzY2NjODI2ZGZjMGI1MjAyOTZjNzFmODU1NjZiYjg3MzM0ZTQy I have never received more compliments on anything else Ive made before. I've discovered that using this method doesn't change the baking time, though you'll probably want to stick with the shorter time if the recipe gives a range. Luckily I have the correct size pan and all I need to buy is the semi sweet chocolate bar. You cant go wrong with brownies, right? They are *almost* too rich for me. Grease your pan or line it with parchment, as you normally would, and fill it 2/3s with batter. In a medium bowl, combine the eggs and sugar and beat with an electric mixer (handheld or stand mixer) until the mixture is very thick and forms ribbons when you lift the beaters away from the batter (5-6 minutes). MjAwOGJmMzVlYjYxZWQ5YWU1Yzg2NWMzYzM3ZjQ3NDAwYTMyZjFiNThlMTI5 I will have to try my hand at making them GF, Mel. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. But if youre making a cake, its probably a sponge cake that really does need to bake in that specific 10 x 15 pan, since its almost certainly going to be rolled up into a log. 9-in. One Year Ago: Summer Couscous SaladTwo Years Ago: Grilled Sweet Potato SkewersThree Years Ago: Rhubarb Streusel Cake with Warm Vanilla Sauce, Recipe Source: from a recipe sent to me by Victoria (from the famed Tappan Hill Mansion in New York), posted on August 9, 2013 (last updated October 31, 2022), Your email address will not be published. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). So glad one commenter mentioned making these in a 711 pan, because thats the closest my store had to 811! N2QyMTg0ODE0Y2JkMzUwZjEyMTRjZjg4NDQyZjkzZTRmZGY5MTQ0MzkyNDU5 They are easy to clean and will not stick to the baking sheet. I'm Mel! Place the chopped chocolate in a medium saucepan ($20, Walmart ). Is it okay to bake two boxes of brownie mix together in a 9"x13" pan to There are a few different sizes of pans that can be used for this purpose, and each one has its own benefits. M2IyYzNiZDU4MDc4M2FmZmYxMzRiZmI4YjY3NzZlMWE5ZjY3ZGNmMTFiMDBm he answer may surprise you- it doesnt actually matter! Youve just seen the easiest, most basic pan substitution: the capacity of an 8 square pan and 9 round pan are the same (64) and the pans can be substituted for one another in any recipe. How long to bake brownies at 350? How can I make a two-layer cake (original is 20 minutes baking time) in 7" or maybe 8" pans. In order for the recipe to work, the 8-inch pan should hold only 80% of the batter intended for the 9-inch pan. Easiest math? You might be thinking that theres no way to possibly make brownies any better than they already are, but youd be surprised. Bake for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. And heres how to make brownies from scratch in the oven. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It will definitely work if you can get it out of the pan functionally. Things bakers know: A glass and a straight edge make piping bags mess-free. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. one-half of 350 is by Mary (not verified), In reply to thanks, this is helpful. NTdiY2QwMmZiMGFiZDNhZTZjNTFhN2IyZjU2OWYwOGJiNjM4N2YwYWIzMDgz Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. So if the recipe calls for 30 minutes at 350F, don't bake them any longer than 35-40 minutes total. 150% of that is 596 grams. I really, really dont. Approximate Pan Dimensions (inches) Measure inside edge to inside edge of the pan. . Refrigerate the cake layer first to make it a bit stiff before you cut. Other than that, you should be totally fine. How do you figure the area of an oval, though? Copyright Y2QxMmE2NjM0ZGRkMjQyOTNlNTRjZjFlM2ZhNzdjM2ZjNWU4NzQzYTU0MTlm Add nuts if you want them. Cake Pan Conversions | Just A Pinch Recipes Seems like it should work. I have an 11.75 by 7.5 inch pan. Each box has a shelf life from production of . Rating. A silicone pan is perfect for making brownies. Illustration: Ellen Lindner. In this guide, lets talk about this and tips on the recipe for homemade brownies baked in oven. But don't give up on your handy half-sheet. Cupcakes usually. Place the wrapped cake into a freezer bag or a container. Make the batter. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. So the area of that 9 round pan? Using 350 degrees is the best temperature if you want mouthwatering brownies in a reasonable amount of time. MzQ4NzEzZDFlYzVmNGM2ZGYyN2U4NjUxZDBjOGMzZThkZDkyZWQ4YTUyODVm Prepare batter using 2 packages mix, double all ingredients for the water, oil and eggs called for on the package directions. Thanks, In reply to My cake recipe calls for a by Margeret (not verified). Oh. Crazy good. Ash do you think you might have overbaked them? NTM0N2RlNzYxYmY0MDJiYzU4NGUwYjc2ZGExNjE1ZTY0N2VmYWFmOTliYWY5 Find a recipe that fills a 9" x 13" pan, double it, and bake it in a half-sheet pan (13" x 18"), right? How will baking time change? Will the altitude matter when making these? 10 springform pan. For anyone wanting to make this just a touch easier, unsweetened chocolate can be replaced with semi-sweet chocolate by negating 1 Tbsp sugar for every ounce of semi-sweet chocolate used. My whole family agrees its the best brownie theyve ever eaten. Next, add in the eggs, one at a time. If you are using a 913 inch pan, then the average baking time is about 35-40 minutes. Though it takes longer, you can expect to get a moist and delicious brownies. I searched everywhere. 8-inch round = 50.24 square inches 9-inch round = 63.59 square inches Scale down 13x9 9x9: multiply by 0.69 () 13x9 8x8: multiply by 0.54 () 9x9 8x8: multiply by 0.79 (1, aka keep the. Editor's tip: An 117-in. , I really dont need another brownie recipe. However, many people believe that it is best to wait until they have cooled before covering them in frosting or toppings. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well between each addition. But choose two 8 pans and you run the risk of batter overflowing. You might want to consider baking a half recipe, which will fit nicely in two 9" X 13" pans, or two quarter sheet pans (also 9" X 13", but shallower if you're making a sheet cake). How Long To Bake Sweet Potato Pie At 375? ZmY5YjRhOTE1YzkzMjJlNTgxNGJhNzg3ZDI5ODJiMjRkYzc5MzE1MjQ5Zjc2 Some people believe that its better to undercook brownies, because they hold their texture better. The un-frosted layers will maintain their flavor for at least 3 months. 9" x 13" x 2". Small is good. I have a Nordicware 2-inch deep half sheet pan (13x18). For How Long Do You Bake a Cake in an 8 x 8? | Our Everyday Life How Long To Cook T-bone Steak In Oven At 400? ODdkZDc1YjAwYzYwZGYwODBjODgxYzkyNWI2NzBjNzhkNGUxNGY5Nzk0MGI0 Bake 51 to 53 minutes for shiny metal or glass pan and 45 to 47 minutes for dark nonstick pan. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference- whatever makes your brownie taste great is what you should do! While the classic dimensions of a half-sheet pan are 13" x 18" (double the size of a 9" x 13" pan), in reality most half-sheet pans measure about 12" x 17", inside dimensions. Put a pan underneath to catch any potential drips, and you'll be good to go. When the brownies are removed from the oven, let them cool until they are just barely warm to the touch, and then cut them. There is a significant difference between 596g and 576 g which made the brownies hard as a rock. Frequently Asked Questions - Pillsbury Baking Remember they will remain hot until cooled which will continue to bake the brownies once you remove the pan from the oven. Brownies are the kind of dessert that you want to eat as soon as possible, so keep reading to learn a few tips that can help to speed up the process for you. Would I, Since December 2015, no else but me must have made these browni, the weight of sugar appears to be incorrect. 4.5 (radius) x 4.5 (radius) x 3.14 (pi) = 63.6, which well round to 64. Thanks for a new one to try! Place batter on top of the parchment-lined pan, spread evenly, and smooth the top, or use a toothpick to create a swirl pattern. I think it may have something to do with the high butter-chocolate to square inch ratio, but Im not complaining. Beat for 3 minutes, or until light and fluffy. Happy baking! the weight of sugar appears to be incorrect. just wont cut it. Too high of a temperature can lead to dry, hard brownies, and too low will take longer to bake. Your email address will not be published. Clearly I dont have that size of pan on hand in my kitchen but was easily able to find a disposable pan that size at the store for a dollar or two. Brownies are a quintessential American dessert, and for good reason- theyre delicious! Spread into the prepared pan. Brookies (Brownie and Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars) Another way to divide the cake into two layers is to take a very long piece of dental floss and pull it through. Brownies - Hilah Cooking Happy baking! Not waiting long enough will cause the brownies to fall apart when you cut them, and waiting too long will make the brownies difficult to remove from the pan. eggs only last a month or so in the fridge. Check the brownies to be sure they are cooked through by sticking a toothpick into the center of the pan. Once it's frozen hard, wrap it in plastic wrap. For the first time around, we'd recommend only filling the pan 2/3 full just to be safe though. How did 3 large eggs, increased by 50%, become 224g eggs? A typical 9 to 10 Bundt pan will usually list a capacity of 10 cups. Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world This adds a nutty flavor to accompany the chocolate while also introducing a new crunchy texture to the brownie. Make sure your cake is the right size for any party with this cake size chart. Shiny metal pans and dark metal pans cook differently. The third way is to make a chocolate chip brownie recipe. ZjQ1MmRkN2E4MTVjMWUwNmU5NDMxMzJjZjRiOGNhYTg4NzUyMDYzODM0Y2E5 Combine granulated sugar and hot butter in a large bowl. There are many brownies from scratch recipes on the internet. Imagine my surprise today when I see Tappan Hill Mansion mentioned..I was recently married 4 months ago and that was where our reception was held! *If you're making a cake roll you have to use the jelly roll pan, no other pan can be substituted. When it comes to brownies, people have different opinions on how long they should bake them for. The second method is to bake brownies in a greased 8 x 8 inch pan. Use a long serrated knife to slice through the center. Often, a rather insipidly sweet and undistinguished cookie. Late Summer Berry Torte bakes equally well in a 9" square pan or my venerable Pyrex 11" x 7" pan. MWQwODJiMTQ1YjM2NDA3YTI5MzU3M2EyMTNkMTVmYWVlYjJmZTU5OWYxZDQ2 You can freeze the brownie mixture, but I recommend freezing brownies that have already been baked. Cooking is my passion and it brings me so much joy to see the smiles on their faces when they take a bite of my creations. Preheat the oven to 350. YTQ1ZGZiYWYzYjc5YmNiYmNlMGU2YWFiMWU1YTU2OGMzMjNkYzQ3MzQyZWZj We're unable to calculate the recipe for you, but you can view this and all of our recipes either in volume, ounces, or grams. Refrigerate until ready to serve (these are divine chilled or frozen!). Any more than that and you run the risk of having the batter overflow the pan. Use a 12-cavity brownie bar pan to bake brownies without cutting them. Ingredients: 6 (eggs .. flour .. sugar .. vanilla .) If you decide to freeze an already frosted cake, place it in the freezer on a foil-lined baking sheet. pan is about 2/3 the size of 139: (77 / 117 = 65%). She also has a peanut butter version too that is heavenly. 1.4 liters. Add the melted chocolate and mix until just combined. Add one cup of chocolate chips to the melted chocolate. So which round pans should you choose? Line a 9x13" pan with parchment paper and spray lightly with a baking spray. Your 8 round pans, 50. ZmNkNGU0MTVlYWE5YTAwZDg3YzhkZmQ2YmEyMGEzODJjMjhkYjYzM2NiYjFm If its a low-riser youll be fine; but if its a high-riser you risk overflow. The toothpick should come out clean with a few moist brownie crumbs on it when fully cooked. This means that silicone pans can often take slightly longer to bake goods than metal ones due to their greater insulation properties. There is some debate on whether or not silicone bakeware needs to be adjusted when it comes to baking time. It was by far the best brownie Ive ever made. Line the bottom of a 913 inch baking dish with parchment paper and grease the sides. King Arthur Baking Company, Inc. All rights reserved. How to Bake a Cake in a Toaster Oven | LEAFtv Cool and cut into 12 . How Long To Cook Chuck Roast In Oven At 350 Degrees? Mix Wet Ingredients: Add the avocado, almond butter, almond milk, brown sugar, maple syrup, and vanilla extract to a food processor or high-speed blender and mix until well combined. How to make muffins from a quick bread recipe. Doubling a 9" x 9" pan recipe = 162", about 8% less than 175 1/2". 139-in. At 350 degrees Fahrenheit, it takes 30 minutes to bake the brownies in the oven. Cool 1 hour before cutting. Remember to support the bottom of the pan putting it in the oven. Once it's frozen hard, wrap it in plastic wrap. How do you cut Brownies in a baking pan? - The main difference is that baking on the bottom rack means that the brownies will be more crispy. one-half of 350 is 175. Easy Chocolate Brownies - best ever, super fudgy! | RecipeTin Eats Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you have an oven with cool temperature setting, your brownies will be done in about 20-25 minutes. And in place of regular melted butter, you BROWN the butter. These brownies look incredible! 8" square and/or 9" square (2" deep) 8" round and/or 9" round (2" deep) 9" (10-cup) or larger Bundt. Microwave on medium power in 30 . Cut refrigerated pizza dough into 12 squares. Divide 117 by 2 and you get 58.5 which falls right in between the two round sizes. 1510-in. How Long to Cook Brownies in a Brownie Pan Do brownies take longer in glass pan? At the very same time, it's simpler to over-bake brownies in a glass pan, due to the fact that it takes longer for the center to prepare. The aluminized steel is also warp-resistant and can handle heat up to 450 degrees so you can use this pan to cook more than just perfect brownies. Since Bundt cakes are thicker and deeper than layer cakes, youll need to bake them about 30% longer (in a 10-cup capacity pan) than you would in a 9 x 13 pan, or about 15% to 20% longer in a 12-cup pan. Caitlin and Nicole so excited you both have actually been to Tappan Hill. Poke each yolk with a fork and season with salt and pepper. Place the pieces in the baking dish and bake for about 25 minutes, until golden brown. And jealous too. Thanks! Don't want to make a big 139-inch pan? Be sure to. These pans should cover just about any cake or brownie/bar recipe you run across. Then the glass retains heat far longer than metal will. Brownies baked in an 8 inch square Pyrex glass dish. The two 8 rounds fall about 9% short.

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