The Corps of Engineers and other agencies collaborate on gathering and analyzing data regarding current and projected future reservoir and river level information. We invite you to contact the District Office during our regular business hours, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Mon. USGS Current Water Data for Oregon National Integrated Drought Information System, U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation. 'Very bad news': Wickiup Reservoir hits record-low level for - KTVZ The majority of the flood storage space in the larger basin isavailable from these reservoirsin the North and South Santiam, McKenzie, and Coast and Middle Fork Willamette river basins. Clicking on the dam symbol brings up more detailed water elevation and flow information, including how water levels relate to boat ramp elevations. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the UnitedStates. Lake Levels United States Oregon: LAKES: RIVERS: MARINAS: NEWS: HOUSES: EVENTS: MAPS: 1,681 Lakes: . Current and average streamflow and lake level data: USGS: Snow: West-wide Snowpack Map: Monthly mountain snowpack maps: NRCS: Rivers: Western U.S. Streamflow Forecast . CULO -- Deschutes River near Culver, OR Crab Creek Basin, WA Portland District's primary water management mission is to save lives and reduce property damage by reducing flood risks with measures both structural (such as dams and levees) and non-structural (such as improving the natural function of floodplains). 90th percentile . of Third St. (Hwy. Also included are storage diagrams for Lake Powell and Lake Mead on the Lower Colorado River Basin as well as various other downstream reservoirs in surrounding states. Talent Irrigation District The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's interactive Reservoir Storage Dashboard provides current conditions for 44 major Reclamation reservoirs and comparisons with historical storage data. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. of Geology & Mineral Industries, Oregon Dept. Tualatin River Basin. URL:,DATETIME,72275,62615,62614,72020,00062 Location: Applegate, Oregon; Type of Project: Storage; Authorized Purpose: Flood Control, Fish and Wildlife Enhancement, Irrigation; Other Uses: Recreation, Water Quality; Hydrologic Data. This sediment could potentially increase flooding by reducing river flow capacity and disrupt navigation. Rogue Basin Teacup Diagram - United States Army The Corps uses information on this site to help estimate river flows. A graphic-like rule curve shows the maximum elevation in the reservoir for storing water during the year, with the exception of real-time flood operations. Each projects smaller teacup includes observed inflow, precipitation levels and its specific rule curve. These efforts ultimately reduce localized damage within a specific river or tributary basin and in larger drainage areas such as the Willamette Valley. Link to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's homepage, Browse by Regional Drought Early Warning System (DEWS), Advancing Drought Early Warning through Interdisciplinary Research, National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network, NIDIS Drought and Wildland Fire Nexus (NDAWN), National Weather Service Drought Information Statements, Crooked and Deschutes River Basins, Oregon, Eastern Oregon river basins (Owyhee, Malheur, Burnt, Powder), Get Alerts When Local Drought Conditions Change. Page Last Modified: 2023-03-04 16:07:09 EST For each reservoir, users can view the current storage amount in acre-feet, the current storage level as a percent of average (based on the last 30 years of data), and records for lowest observed storage. Learn Lake Levels in Oregon, United States Umatilla River Basin Operations High. The diagrams also show releases from dams for the past seven and 30 days: Rolling your cursor over a dam symbol brings up a box with the current elevation of the water in the dam's reservoir, how that elevation relates to the Water Control Diagram, and the amount of water flowing into and out of the reservoir. But reservoirs around the Rogue Valley are at similar levels as they were in late summer 2021. Upper Snake Field Office - Water Ops This network and its associated communications and computer systems are collectively called Hydromet. Hydromet Pacific Northwest Region | Bureau of Reclamation - These releases also help maintain water quality and provide for purchased irrigation water. With these releases and surface evaporation during the drier summer months, many reservoirs draw down throughout the summer. John Day Dam creates a relatively small amount of storage in Lake Umatilla to help manage river levels on the lower Columbia during major floods. Title: USGS Current Conditions for Oregon The reservoir is 6.4 miles long and when full, has a surface area of 1,420 acres. The majority of the flood storage space in the larger basin isavailable from these reservoirsin the North and South Santiam, McKenzie, and Coast and Middle Fork Willamette river basins. Hungry Horse-Coulee ESA Data. The Corps refers to long-term seasonal runoff forecasts of rain and snowmelt volume from the National Weather Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service to plan for the conservation season. Rogue Basin Teacup Diagrams. 7 Day Project Status. Crazy units. The .gov means its official. Eastern Oregon river basins (Owyhee, Malheur, Burnt, Powder) Boise and Payette River Basins, Idaho. Oregon Reservoir Levels | Resources | Stryker Rods Annual Reports (Oct-Sep Water Year), Historical Instant Data Access (Column Format) COBO -- Crooked R. below Osborne Canyon (USGS), CRSO -- Crooked River at Smith Rocks Applegate Lake Forums. Privacy Current conditions of LAKE OR RESERVOIR WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ABOVE NGVD 1929 are available. The Corps owns and operates 11 dams (with two re-regulating dams) and storage reservoir projects in theWillamette River Basinto help reduce flooding downstream as far north as Portland, Ore. organization as a whole. Yakima River Basin Operations Hydromet Pacific Northwest Region | Bureau of Reclamation - Important Legacy real-time page. APPLEGATE LAKE NEAR COPPER, OR. - USGS Water Data for the Nation River levels may remain high for an extended time after rain events as stored water is released. Southeast Oregon is another story however, with most reservoirs below capacity. WCD: Water Control Diagram. Learn how, An official website of the State of Oregon, An official website of the State of Oregon , Privacy, Social Media and Refund Policies, HOURS: M-F, 8 am to 5 pm and closed on holidays. This network and its associated communications and computer systems are collectively called Hydromet. Willamette. Created: Wed Mar 1 06:25:29 2023. Willamette Valley Teacup . In Salem, that drops to 42 percent. PROVISIONAL DATA - SUBJECT TO CHANGE! Applegate River River Levels. Click Reservoir Teacup to view Graph Monitoring location 14308995 is associated with a LAKE, RESERVOIR, IMPOUNDMENT in DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON. Visit river basin "teacup" diagrams for real-time reservoir levels. 42), turn west onto Forest Road 42 for 20.2 miles to Forest Road 4262. Flood Risk Management Crooked River Basin, OR Monitoring location 14186100 is associated with a LAKE, RESERVOIR, IMPOUNDMENT in LINN COUNTY, OREGON. Crooked and Deschutes River Basins, Oregon. The reservoir is owned and operated by the Powder Valley Water Control District who allow for recreation facilities located on the southeast portion of the reservoir. Yakima River Basin, Washington. 23-Feb-2023 05:59:21 Forebay (1day) Detroit Project Annual Water Control Diagram Top of Max Flood Control (1574) Top of Flood Control (1569) Top of Conservation (1563.5) 1420 WCD: Water Control Diagram. Lewiston Orchards, Idaho Project. Select the layers icon in the top right corner to view or hide three map layers: daily reservoir levels, flags for record lowest observed storage in 30 years, and current drought conditions from the U.S. Drought Monitor. Eastern Oregon River Basins. No combination of actions can prevent floods and no single agency can manage them. Visit river basin teacup diagrams for real-time reservoir levels. And in Portland, only about 27 percent of the drainage area above is managed. Partner (s) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Congress originally authorized the construction of these basin projects primarily for hydropower generation and navigation. A multi-agency partnership that coordinates drought monitoring, forecasting, planning, and information at national, state, and local scales. Deschutes Basin . Some uses, such as recreation, benefit from keeping water in the reservoir while others, such as irrigation and fisheries enhancement, benefit from the timed release of stored water. Each project's smaller "teacup" includes observed inflow, precipitation levels and its. U.S. Geological Survey Only stations with at least 30 years of record are used. Gerber Reservoir (945) - Site Information and Reports - USDA La PINE,, Ore. (KTVZ) -- An outflow tube that carries water from the Wickiup Reservoir into the Deschutes River was turned off Friday afternoon, the latest troubling milestone of a very dry. Flathead River Basin, MT Of Land, Conservation and Development, Oregon Dept. Updated information about reservoir levels can found on the Willamette teacup diagram: The Willamette Valley Project The. State and local agencies manage levee systems, floodwalls or other infrastructure that provides additional riverbank protection against high water. Find our. Select a state from the dropdown to view major Reclamation reservoirs for that state. Crescent Lake Dam Project Information Deschutes Project Information Crooked River Project Information About Us | Disclaimer Areas with unregulated stream flows (with no dams or control structures upstream) or those not adequately protected by levees face increased risk of flooding when flows are high. Please subscribe to continue reading Troy Shinn covers healthcare,. NIDIS supports drought research through advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms that lead to drought as well as improving the coordination and delivery of drought information. Southeastern Oregon Reservoirs. The Bureau of Reclamation operates a network of automated hydrologic and meteorologic monitoring stations located throughout the Pacific Northwest. Reservoir storage "teacup" diagrams for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) dams in the Pacific Northwest region. CRAO -- Deschutes Riv below Crane Prairie Res USBR provides average daily streamflows andreservoir storage levels for several river basins. CAPO -- Crooked River at Prineville To learn how most of these dams manage water, watch, Federal Emergency Management Agency Region X, Oregon Dept. As water levels in uncontrolled rivers in the watershed subside, the Corps releases the water. The Dalles Lock & Dam Tribal Housing Village Development Plan, Portland Metro Levee System Feasibility Study, Detroit Dam & Lake Downstream Fish Passage, National Weather Service Northwest River Forecast Center, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Advancing Drought Early Warning through Interdisciplinary Research, National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network, NIDIS Drought and Wildland Fire Nexus (NDAWN), National Weather Service Drought Information Statements, Get Alerts When Local Drought Conditions Change. Reservoir Storage "Teacup" Diagrams For most of the dams, the Corps must maintain low water levels in the reservoir whenever possible from December 1 through January 31 to keep storage space available during these wet months to reduce flood damages downstream. Water data back to 1985 are available online. Lake Levels in Oregon, United States. Site notes: Data is provisional and subject to revision. Stream And Reservoirs - WeberBasin.Com Dorena Reservoir Boating Information - Lane County, Oregon from Each project's smaller "teacup" includes observed inflow, precipitation levels and its. The site is secure. OCH -- Ochoco Reservoir nr Prineville percent full = ( current storage - minimum conservation storage ) / ( maximum conservation storage - minimum conservation storage ) percent above water control diagram = ( current storage - WCD storage . Lake Levels in Oregon, United States Select a state from the dropdown to view major Reclamation reservoirs for that state. The National Weather Service Northwest River Forecast Center is responsible for issuing official flood warnings and forecasts. We also assess levees for integrity and viability. The official public website of the Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The amount of rain and variations in temperature over just a few days, for example, can strongly influence the timing and extent of runoff. During the wettest time of the year (mid-November through January) and during significant rain events, the Corps stores water flowing into the reservoirs. For website corrections, write to . Deschutes River Basin, OR * We've detected you're using a mobile device. to help reduce flooding downstream as far north as Portland, Ore. St. Helens Sediment Retention Structure.