south shields 1960s

This is a festive window of the Broadloom Mill shop in Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne. They were night clubs then." Thanks to Kathy and also to Lynn Mckenna who was one of many to remember it when it was. The beaches were full of people. [42], In 1928, both the South Pier and the Groyne lights were converted from incandescent gas to automatic electric operation. Imagine if you have something knitted like a swim suit, cos it was all in one, and when it got wet it was sort of sodden and it used to drag. It was taken in 1965. It was hard for families to make the decision about evacuating their children. And, if youre honest, youll just drag up from the depths all the times youve hated or felt passionately about something and play it. South Shields is situated in a peninsula setting, where the River Tyne meets the North Sea. South Tyneside Libraries Sandford Goudie's La Strada Club in South Shields. There were other girls like me on the base, two or three pregnant at the same time as me. As with many other North East towns, much has changed in South Shields as the decades have passed. It was taken in 1965. They played their games at the Harton & Westoe Miners Welfare near Whiteleas and spent the majority of their existence in the Wearside League before going out of existence in 2019. Elsie Wilkinson recalls work and family life in New York village in the 1930s, 40s and 50s. South Shields, King Street c.1898, from Francis Frith Hometown Bay Street View Ocean Early 1900s Lawe road early 1900s South Tyneside Dundee City Adelaide Street City House Town Hall Road Childhood Landmarks House Of Fraser Summer Sale Summer sale at Fowler and Brock in king street 1900 of This is the window of Waring and Gillow, Newcastle upon Tyne. This form part of the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site. At home, we had mountains of sheet music and my parents always held musical gatherings in their home, with other friends who were musicians. Its worth cooking a Christmas dinner and putting it to one side for the next day just to fry it! In the ninth century, Scandinavian peoples made Viking raids on monasteries and settlements all along the coast, and later conquered the Anglian Kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia and East Anglia, who hailed from Angelnen in Denmark (modern day Germany). The town is a popular seaside resort with multiple landmarks and tourist attractions. There were no fires and no lights because the gas had been cut off. This is a 35mm slide. 1915-55 The Shields Gazette and Shipping Telegraph. When it first opened up again after the war it was busy. For the passenger seat there was just a beer crate with a cushion on. I heard an air raid siren which was based on the roof of the local Social Club. The whole structure is painted red and stands 49ft (15m) in height. In July when the mackerel were abundant, Ross could catch up to a hundred big fish in one session. My mother used to say if you go to the Fish Quay Sands and get drowned, Ill murder you. Despite a skilled local workforce, for many years South Tyneside had the highest unemployment rate in mainland Britain,[33] although between December 2002 and December 2008 unemployment in South Shields fell by 17.8%,[33] and that of South Tyneside by 17.7%,[33] the best performance in the North East region over that time period. In 2008, the Bangladesh Welfare Association was opened in South Shields.[31]. In the 70s, corporal punishment was allowed, and I was 'sentenced' to two belts from a large leather strap. 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s. Ive played a lot of evil, ball-breaking women. [18] Most of the Asians in South Shields are Bangladeshi, with the Beacon and Bents ward that covers South Shields town centre, had 9.9% of the population registering as that ethnicity. War is very sad for everyone. My Dad made a refrigerator in the garden. Towards the end of the 19th century, with the British Navy needing seamen, Yemeni British sailors settled in the town, this resulted in the first roots of the Yemeni British community in the town. The school was founded in 1867 to provide education for the children of the labouring and manufacturing and poorer classes, with regard to the principles of the established church of the same name which was affiliated with the school. London Gazette, Issue 28099, Page 327, 14 January 1908. I was released from Scaffold Hill isolation hospital, with the hope of never returning to what seemed more like a prison than a hospital. I remember being taken upstairs to the ward by "a woman" in a white coat, shouting as I went, "I hate you, I want my Mammy". Cousin George could sing all the verses of the Lambton Worm plus many other Geordie songs. The war closed the seaside you just didnt go down to the seaside it just wasnt safe. A very careful calculation went into this trip. childhood holidays pastimes-entertainment. A bomb had hit a coal shed containing ten tons of coal, which duly vaporised, covering all who ventured out with coal dust. NRA 23979 Maude and Ogden families of Sunderland: corresp and papers. Watch. It was such a novelty to see a car in those days it was put into a car showroom window while he went to the match. Sitting in the evenings snug by your hearth warmed by a lovely fire. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. We didnt realise at the time that our carefree teenage years were about to be stolen from us. Like us, most arrived with their belongings on a horse drawn cart. This is a 35mm slide. and [5] At the outbreak of the war in 1642, the North, West and Ireland supported the King; the South East and Presbyterian Scotland supported Parliament. South Shields ( English: / ilz /) is a coastal town in South Tyneside, Tyne and Wear, England. The boys always seemed to be rolling about on the ground wrestling or playing football. Everything was dwarfed by the Esso Northumbria, which was so long you could see neither the top nor the other end. childhood house-home my-life pastimes-entertainment schooldays shops-shopping working-life. If youd like to contribute a story then get in touch via our contactpage. Ocean Beach Pleasure Park. Now and again you would wake up through the night and want a jimmy riddle. At Christmas you got nuts as well. since 1860. This is a 35mm slide. Glasper, Ian Burning Britain: The History of UK Punk 19801984, Cherry Red Books, 2004, p132, Learn how and when to remove this template message, South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council, South Shields (UK Parliament constituency), "North East England (United Kingdom): Counties and Unitary Districts & Settlements", "Arbeia Roman Fort - Visit South Tyneside", "The Scottish Campaigns of Septimius Severus", "Remember When: Images that shed light on rich past of South Shields", "South Shields St. Hilda burials 1820-1840 | Durham Records Online", "Detached chimney at Cleadon Pumping Station, non Civil Parish - 1416041 | Historic England", "When war in the air came to the North East", "Ten interesting facts about South Shields", "Local Area Report South Shields Built-up area sub division (1119884118)", "David Miliband MP Maiden Speech to Parliament", "Less Cookson, more Ali: Tyneside town finds hidden Muslim history", "MP backs moves to mark Muhammad Ali's South Shields visit", "British-Yemeni Society: From South Shields to Sheffield: A photographic journey", "Inspector George Gently is back for four new single dramas for BBC One Gently In The Blood", "PICTURE SPECIAL: Exhibition marks collieries' closure", "Version 5, Change in Claimant Count / Unemployment rate in the borough", University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Tyne, (River) including Moorings and Marinas up to Newcastle". Can you imagine what our teachers had to put up with. There were some lovely children in that first class of mine. more. The barracks were glorified mud huts, made with a combination of rubble, straw, soil and camel dung. Refresh & enjoy your personal memories, or find some that family & friends will love as gifts. This school closed July 2008. lots of rides and you can get a ticket to ride most rides for a set price. You can walk around it. This is a 35mm slide. Now I could be wrong, but the nurse would shove that needle in with all her might and half the time you thought she was using a spear. Afterwards you can have fish and chips or go to Ocean Road for a curry or Minchellas for coffee and ice cream. This photograph shows Santas Grotto in the Fenwick department store in Newcastle upon Tyne. Our Collection of Memories - Remembering the Past Furthermore, Bede records Oswin giving a parcel of land to St Hilda for the foundation of a monastery here in c.647; the present-day church of St Hilda, by the Market Place, is said to stand on the monastic site. South Shields County Borough Education Committee: minutes 1955-59 Gosforth UDC: new street expenses 1937-80, file on extension of the Coast Road 1972 . The Yemeni race riots were remarkable . This broadly centre-right party was formed in the 1950s to address hostility towards the Conservative Party. childhood house-home my-life transport working-life. I was born in my grandparents' home. DT.TUR/2/27286). It shows shoppers in the decoration department of Woolworths in Newcastle upon Tyne. Nine pictures of South Shields in the 1950s and 1960s - former resident shares his memories One man's photographic reminder of the 1950s fairground scene went down a storm with Gazette. Met some great artists and had a fab time. [53] In 2015 it was stated that the fog bells on the two lighthouses were no longer operational. We discovered life and eventually became adults. According to the 2011 census, the town had a population of 75,337. They also have a women's team who play in the fifth tier of the Women's pyramid, the North East Regional Women's League Premier Division. Every ship that went up or down the river came past our house. As a treat, on Sunday afternoons, my parents took my brother and myself on a tram trip to Throckley. I went to St Cuthbert's in the West End of Newcastle, but my local friends all went to Longbenton High. This might sound daft but you understood each other perfectly. childhood my-life pastimes-entertainment schooldays shops-shopping transport. This is a 35mm slide. Coming home from school, I turned into our street to see a huge silver barage balloon wedged sideways in the street. Our childhood memories remain the best, the happy times, fantastic, It was used as an air-raid shelter during World War II. A Christmas display titled The directors and Staff at Callers in Newcastle upon Tyne. It has six miles of coastline and three miles of river frontage, dominated by the massive North and South Piers at the mouth of the Tyne. It shows the illuminated Christmas windows of the Westoe Road cooperative store in South Shields. It was full of sticklebacks and wed spend many happy hours there fishing. They would come, marching into Appleby Street in North Shields just like a squad of soldiers on parade. Young as we were, you knew that if a funeral parade was going to pass you, you kept still and silent until it had passed. I guess I was a bit of a special case because our family had pleasure boats on Tynemouth beach. It is a Christmas display in Callers department store, Newcastle upon Tyne. The fisher wives always shouted, Fish alive, fish alive, which I could never understand as all their fish for sale was quite dead! The official Facebook page of the Shields Gazette, bringing you South Tyneside's news & sport. We all felt we had done something good. Register to find out more and create your first album! [14] Westoe village was once a separate village about a mile from South Shields, but urban sprawl has now consumed it, along with the village of Harton to the south on the main route towards Cleadon and Sunderland. Relieved, we escape our captivity and vowed never to go to the railway sidings, ever again. On Tuesdays, the Cullercoats fish wife called, wearing her navy blue serge skirt and carrying her creel. I had a weeks holiday from school, then went straight into the yards. [50] The installation of this powerful light (which is visible during the day as well as by night), rendered the High and Low Lights of North Shields redundant, and they were therefore decommissioned at the same time. This will bring up all of the stories that you can listen to. Parents were only allowed to look through a window and were not allowed onto the ward to see their bairns. At 11 am the guns sound the start of the two minutes silence. Now finally let me introduce our Picture Palace, if my memory serves me right it was a building with a tin roof. Ocean Beach Pleasure Park. This is a 35mm slide. On my journey from London to North Shields, if I stopped every fifty miles, I would have difficulty conversing with the locals. BILLINGHAM SYNTHONIA v NORTH SHIELDS NORTHERN LEAGUE 9/9/1968 A photograph of one of the football teams at Linskill School. It is on the south bank of the mouth of the River Tyne. In 1930 we played in the Tyneside Senior League and had a reputation for encouraging young, talented players. Cleadon Hills are made conspicuous by the Victorian Cleadon Water Tower and pumping station (opened in 1860 to improve sanitation)[citation needed] and a now derelict windmill, both of which are listed and can be seen from many miles away and also out at sea. One of South Shield's seafront amusement parks was attacked in a Zeppelin airship raid during World War I. As a young woman my mother was asked if she would be prepared to take an appointment as a Nanny to the local Spanish Consul in North Shields. The baker bought ingredients for his gorgeous pasties from the local butcher and greengrocer. God help those who left prams outside - well we had to have our bogie wheels! Cotton dresses, sandals and arctic weather. It was taken in 1966. celebrations-events childhood shops-shopping. newcastle-upon-tyne south-tyneside whitley-bay. Here are I think it was the biggest travelling shop in the world at that time! If I wanted dresses I went to Bell Bros. or D Hill Carter, they were both nice shops. We didnt really play games. On washing days two families shared a wash house where there was a tub pos-stick and a boiler. By 1961 another two farmers had lost most of their land and a great new estate was thriving on it. [22], After World War II, the Yemeni population declined, partly due to migrations to other industrial areas such as Birmingham, Liverpool and Sheffield. Revised New Colour Series Harking back to Christmas past now, with these photographs of Christmas shop fronts and high street scenes of Newcastle upon Tyne and South Shields in the 1960s.

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