stardew valley feast of the winter star best gift

Rubies are pretty much on par with Emeralds when it comes to pricing. Increases the bite-rate when fishing. Robin was my secret gift giver, and she gave me 50 rocks. Feast of the Winter Star, gifts for Alex? These are the best ways to get clay in Stardew Valley. Festivals in Stardew Valley are once-a-year events that offer unique items, dialogues, and activities to take part in. After this, the contest will end and youll be able to keep playing as if you didnt catch any fish. The good thing is, they can contain some resources or minerals which can be sold for a small price. Stardew Valley: The 10 Best Gifts You Can Get During The Feast of the You attend the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. Stardew Valley #61 - Feast of the Winter Star! As soon as you give the present, the character who prepared a gift for you will reveal themselves and youll receive your present. A blacksmith can break this open for you. RELATED:Stardew Valley: The 6 Best (& 6 Worst) Romances. I didnt realise this was an issue until the day came and Leo wasnt magically in the town centre :(. RELATED: Stardew Valley: 5 Ways It's More Relaxing Than Animal Crossing (& 5 Ways It's The Opposite). Whatever you decide to gift your chosen villager will be worth five times the normal amount of friendship points. Stardew Valley (Video Game) Relationships: Sebastian/Female Player (Stardew Valley) . When you give a gift during the Feast of the Winter Star, it brings you five times more friendship points than usual. On the 25th of the winter, Pierre hands over a secret beer gift to the Feast of the Winter Star. . The Dwarf, Krobus, Marlon, Sandy, and the Wizard are never secret gift givers. A special kind of wood with superior strength and beauty. Like, he hates that you got him trash, but it's the Feast of the Winter Star, so he's going to grind out a "ah thanks.". "You know, my sales figures have been phenomenal lately, thanks to the Feast of the Winter Star! Moreover, its ingredients, coral and oak resin, can be difficult to find. NEXT: Stardew Valley: 10 Profitable Items You Shouldn't Sell. However, they're an essential crafting resource the player can never have enough of when building their farm. Are you playing on the latest version? : me live: Store: https://www.realgamerpyle.threadless.comSupport me: Stardew Valley:Stardew Valley is a simulation role-playing video game developed by Eric \"ConcernedApe\" Barone. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. However, if the player hasn't upgraded to gold tools yet, it's best to keep Gold Bars in a chest. the day before the festival i find one, but due to a bug (which got patched) i was assigned elliot who got my amethyst, since i didn't bring anything else. Guaranteed to increase growth rate by at least 25%. At the festival, players can talk to their gift recipient, which will prompt them to choose a gift from their inventory. Feast of the Winter Star, gifts for Alex? :: Stardew Valley General A precious stone with a brilliant green color. You can. On Winter 25th, Stardew valley celebrates the Feast of the Winter Star. This gift-giving event takes the form of a Secret Santa-style exchange. The player finds out who is giving them a gift at the festival. The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. However, fish aren't crazy about the taste. If you win the contest along with somebody else, each one of you will receive rewards. Please logout and login again. An ancient doll covered in grime. Thus, we suggest that you cast at the shortest distance. Magma Geodes are great mainly because the minerals they tend to carry have a better price than those found in Frozen and regular geodes. Note that as of PC v1.11, Jas, Vincent, and Leo are the only children; everyone else is an adult. OK so this was legit, and I'm super stoked about this one - we got ourselves the BEST POSSIBLE GIFT for us right now, and I'm very excited about it! Every Winter Star Festival, you will receive a gift from a randomly chosen villager to be . Stardew Valley: 12 Details You Missed About The Feast Of The Winter Star Come the Flower Dance,playerswill hopefully have made enough of an impact for a "yes" to a dance. Like the Luau back in the hot days of summer and the Flower Dance, the Feast of the Winter Star gives you an opportunity to raise the friendship of a specific citizen in Pelican Town. Below you'll find a list of possible gifts, the amount you'll receive and who will give it to you: If you don't like the present you receive, you can always restart the game and try your luck at a better gift! Get the day's most talked about stories straight to your inbox. liquidcat Moderator Staff member Dec 27, 2020 #2 Are you playing on the latest version? A blacksmith can break this open for you. Pierre has a booth from which he sells the following items. Mix into tilled soil. There is also another important thing to know about the Fishing Contest, and its bugs. For more information, please see our Beginner Guides. Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. JavaScript is disabled. The Feast of the Winter Star in Stardew Valley. Players can look forward to this one all year long, but when it arrives, they'll need to know what to do. The Feast of the Winter Star occurs on the 25th of every winter, so it comes a few days before the end of the season and the Stardew Valley year. When the player finishes looking over their shipped goods, Santa himself will fly across the screen, pulled by his reindeer on a sleigh. The final celebration of the year is the Feast of the Winter Star. You must log in or register to reply here. How to give Secret Gift during Winter Star Festival - Stardew Valley Waifu Simulator 27 45.4K subscribers Subscribe 91 Share 19K views 5 years ago You need to find your target and right. The Feast of the Winter Star is a festival that takes place on the 25th of every Winter. Check out the festivities, with the NEW Stardew Expanded character interactions!Connect with me: the community! When giving a gift to your gift recipient, you may give the whole stack of these items instead of a single one. In order to participate, the player has to give a gift to a person that's selected for them by Mayor Lewis around the 18th of winter. You need them on your farm to make retaining soil, garden pots, brick floors, gifts for fishing in fish ponds, and to build a silo on your farm. Any adult villager can give this as a gift, with the exception of Clint, Willy, Marnie, Robin and Evelyn. Regular geodes are pretty easy to find in caves, especially in the earlier, earthy-themed and bug-themed levels. The main part of this is gift-giving. The Feast of the Winter Star is probably the most beautiful winter festival in Stardew Valley! If it kills him. The Farm Cave: Bats or Mushrooms Which Is Better? That would not be a good gift. JojaMart Vs Community Center - Which Should You Choose? sebastian stardew valley Clint is the only villager who can gift five of them during the festival. Gold bars might not seem that interesting for most players, since they're not particularly rare or difficult to find in the mines or at the quarry. Stimulates leaf production. If you talk to Willy, he will tell you a story about a bright star that used to attract people from far away because a legend says that it can bless with good luck. There's not much else to talk about in Winter, after all. Boy, holidays are good for business. This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 05:26. Never experienced any issues in the game (except for my cat being annoying in the doorway, still love her though). When the player leaves the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm. However, youll be able to talk to other characters, who will follow the same dialogue as before the contest has begun. Increases the chance of finding treasures when fishing. Forgot my Winter Star gift exchange person. :: Stardew Valley General Which Professions to Choose for Every Skill, How to Break Big Logs, Boulders, and Meteorites, Start Here: In-Depth Beginner Farming Guide, A Guide to Silos - How to Build One and Use it, Everything You Need to Know About Crab Pots, Everything You Need To Know About The Mines, How To Get Cinder Shards And What They're For, How to Enable the Dangerous Version of the Mines, Tips for Making it to Level 100 in Skull Cavern, A Complete Guide to Enchantments and Weapon Forging, How To Find Rainbow Shells And What They're Used For, Where To Find Dragon Teeth And What They're For, A List of Villagers You Should Befriend Early, All Universally-Loved Gifts and Where to Find Them, Friendship Guide: Caroline - The Tea Enthusiast, Friendship Guide: Demetrius - The Researcher, Friendship Guide: Evelyn - The Grandmother, Friendship Guide: George - The Grandfather, Friendship Guide: Pierre - The Shopkeeper, Friendship Guide: Sandy - The Mysterious Desert Shopkeeper, Marriage Guide: Abigail - The Nonconformist, Marriage Guide: Maru - The Genius Inventor, Marriage Guide: Penny - The Girl Next Door, Marriage Guide: Shane - The Male Tsundere, How to Make Big Money Aside from Growing Crops. They can also expect to receive something at this festival. A new album with performances by Metal Gear Solid and Etrian Odyssey musicians might be just what you're looking for. Keep an eye out for a special visitor on 24 Winter, though. He's one of the twelve characters available to marry . Luckily, Willy has a chance of giving it as a gift during the Winter Star festival. Feast of the Winter Star - Stardew Valley - YouTube Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1- There is no point in giving multiple items, since youll still receive 5x friendship points, regardless of how many gifts you give. Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. Its initial price is 250 gold, but with the gemologist profession is bumped up by 30% and reaches 325 gold. Feast of the Winter Star - Got the BEST GIFT! [Stardew Valley Expanded There are no special activities like Ice Fishing or using your strength to hit a bell. A random villager will be selected to give you a gift, and you are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. "Happy Winter Star Day," he says into my hair. The Feast of the Winter Star is the last major festival of the year in Stardew Valley, and it's one of the simplest. Cannibalsoupcan Feb 11, 2017 @ 12:30pm. The Dwarf, Krobus, Marlon, Sandy, and the Wizard are never secret gift givers. RELATED:Stardew Valley: 10 Things You Have To Do Your First Year. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. Another interesting feature of this winter festival is that it ends at 10 PM, but at this time, Pam is still at the bus stop. It has a much largerimpact on friendship than usual, five times the normal effect. Generally speaking, the gifts are more interesting, and more valuable, however there are still some relative "duds" and some "jackpots" - if there weren't, the good ones wouldn't feel as special. As such, it's also immensely rare and takes a lot of time to actually find. At the shop they can be sold for 250 gold and with the gemologist profession their price goes up to 325 gold. Clint may give you Gold Bar, Frozen Geode, Iridium Bar, Geode, or Magma Geode. Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Everyone wonders what they will receive, and who their secret gift-giver is. #2. Remember to save up money in advance to afford some of fun, decorative items. The sell prices of the gifts are generally about 1,500. I love that his dialogue is still the standard. Everything is blooming in the Spring time! Even if the player doesn't need a Gold Bar, it can be sold for a decent price of 250 gold, and with the Blacksmith profession the price goes up by 50%, so 375 gold. There's a large feast, a seasonal shop, and a gift-giving ceremony. When the player leaves the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm. This doll may have been used as a toy, a decoration, or a prop in some kind of ritual. Valve Corporation. Feast of The Winter Star! Clint you absolute legend! Awesome gift from 1.5.1 fixed this issue, so I would suggest updating to 1.5.1! During the festival, Clint is the only villager who has a chance to offer it as a gift. Basically, if it's an RPG that starts with Elde-, I probably write about it. Inside, the player can either find resources used for crafting or minerals, which can be donated to the museum or sold for a bit of extra gold. Feast of Winter Star Who did you get? :: Stardew Valley General Discussions Players can attend the festival by entering Pelican Town from 9 AM to 2 PM. The Main Attraction Is The Secret Gift-Giving Ceremony And You Find Out Your Recipient Ahead Of Time, Gifts Increase FriendshipFive Times More Than Usual, Pierre Sells Winter-Themed Goods & Decorations, Santa Can Be Seen In The 24 Winter Shipping Screen, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Expansion Pass, Beginner Guide: What to do in Your First Week, Day by Day, The Pros and Cons of Playing Stardew Valley in Co-Op. Mobile players may want to avoid or be cautious toward reading this article. Itamiknu Fishing is a great way to earn money in Stardew Valley, especially if you decide to use crab pots and ponds. She likes exploring new games and still has nightmares about the moon from Majora's Mask. I got Pierre as a secret gift for the Feast of the Winter Star Tea Set - Stardew Valley Wiki Mako Feb 11, 2017 @ 12:46pm. Can You Make Alcohol In Stardew Valley? Tea lover and video game-obsessed writing enthusiast, Anastasia writes about games that leave an impression on her and make her come back time and time again. The Feast of the Winter Star is one of two festivals that take place in Winter, the other being the Festival of Ice. Emeralds are another type of mineral which is best used as a gift or simply sold for good money. Tea Sets can be stacked in a player's inventory or chests . You attend the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. The Feast of the Winter Star likely takes place on the 25th of the Winter season because of this association with Christmas. One of the most important annual events in Stardew Valley's Pelican Town is the Feast of the Winter Star, taking place every year on Winter 25. The metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish. You find out who is giving you a gift at the festival. He loves complete breakfast, and salmon dinner. Lewis will send you a letter in the mail that tells you who your "secret friend" is. For example, the main feature of this festival is gift-giving. Fishing can be a really frustrating experience in the game, but with practice, a better fishing rod, as well as some nice add-ons like the Dressed Spinner, the whole ordeal becomes so much better and manageable. Solstice Winter Star at Stardew Valley Nexus - Nexus Mods Throughout the year youll also be able to take in a variety of festivals, including the Egg Festival, Stardew Valley Fair and the Night Market. Thanks to this, it's always worth giving your chosen villager something they might like, even if it's a neutral level gift. The Feast of the Winter Star is a festival that takes place on the 25th of every Winter. The event works like a secret Santa, where a random villager will be selected to give you a gift, and you selected to give one to a random villager. A common material with many uses in crafting and building. RELATED: Stardew Valley: 15 Powerful Rings You Need To Have. Bear Statue Bobo Statue Butterfly Hutch Chicken Statue . Subscribe to the Daily newsletter, Feast of the Winter Star date and time in Stardew Valley explained, Secret gift-giving in Stardew Valley explained, Feast of the Winter Star shopping booth in Stardew Valley, All adults expect for Clint, Evelyn, Marine, Robin or Willy. The gift you select for your villager will be worth 5x the normal amount of friendship points. This festival includes various activities. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and they are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. If your gift-giver is a kid, youll receive Ancient Doll, Clay, Rainbow Shell, Frozen Geode, Magma Geode, or Geode. The Tea Set is a piece of furniture obtained as a gift from a Secret Gift-Giver at the Feast of the Winter Star. Your login session has expired. It basically serves as the game's in-universe version of Christmas, with a large decorated tree in the town square, a huge feast, and an exchange of gifts. It's the cheapest geode to get, andfive of them are usually given by Clint or the children. You may also trigger this bug not immediately but after a few casts, so we suggest that you be very precise when casting. and our The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. Yes, one day before the event mayor remind you. Best Stardew Valley Mods Stardew Valley's Music Gets Lovely Lullaby Remix In Prescription Stardew Valley: All of the Annual Events, Ranked - The Gamer If you move right to the nearest fishing spot after talking to Mayor Lewis and cast a line too far from the hole, your character will get stuck. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and the player is assigned a random villager to give a gift to. Other festivals focus on winning a competition of some kind; however, the Feast of the Winter Star is a good chance to catch up with the townspeople and slow things down a bit. Also, I saw another thread saying this might be specific to Year 1 of the game -- I resumed an old savegame and this happened to me in Year 3, by the way. Warp directly to the beach. Stardew Valley #61 - Feast of the Winter Star! - YouTube You wont be able to use any buttons and your character will remain inactive for two minutes. The Feast of the Winter Star is clearly the Stardew Valley version of Christmas, which takes place on the 25th of December each year. These items are worth 2,000 gold in total, which is a nice sort of motivation. The gift you receive depends on which villager was chosen to give you a gift. This is a list of gifts the player can receive from their secret gift-giver. Basic Mechanics And Getting Started In The Valley, Important Tasks And Farming On The Island, Stardew Valley: Everything You Need To Know About The Feast Of The Winter Star, This article is part of a directory: Stardew Valley: A Complete Guide and Walkthrough, It Takes Place On 25 Winter Each Year,From 9amTo 2pm. Xbox - [BUG] Crash after Gift Feast Winter Star - Stardew Valley Forums For the Feast of the Winter Star, Pierre will sell classically winter-themed items such as the Tree of the Winter Star, a Festive Dining Table, a Decorative Pine Tree, and even a special window. However, fish aren't crazy about the taste. Alex is neutral towards common mushrooms. When shipping items inStardew Valley, the screen is typically the same. .mw-parser-output .decorativequotemark{font-family:"Georgia","Times New Roman","Times",serif;font-size:5em;line-height:0.02em;font-weight:bold;color:rgb(41,129,178);border-right:1px solid rgb(47,148,204);padding:25px 0.06em 0em 0.2em}.mw-parser-output .quotetext{font-family:"Georgia","Times New Roman","Times",serif;font-size:1.1em;font-style:italic;line-height:1.5em;padding-left:15px}.mw-parser-output .quotesource{text-align:left;font-size:0.9em;font-style:italic;margin-top:0;padding-left:120px},, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. You can give Sebastian up to two gifts per week (plus one on The reward is 1,000g and 1 Friendship heart. Each townsperson has their own unique set of possible gifts, so ifplayers can't stand the anticipation,they can simply look up whatthey are likely to receive. However, while playerscan look up wiki entries and online information to find your recipients' most wanted gift, in-game NPCs do not have such a luxury. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Create your ReedPop ID & unlock community features and much, much more! You look coldhere, come closer., Hey. It's important to choose a gift thatthe recipient will love for the Feast of the Winter Star gift exchange. Switch [BUG] Game Crashes after giving gift in the Feast of the Winter Star Guaranteed to increase growth rate by at least 25%. Preserves Jars vs Kegs - Which is Better? This page was last modified on 13 January 2021, at 20:08. Here's everything you need to know about celebrating it. On Winter 25th, Stardew valley celebrates the Feast of the Winter Star. It is a festival of food, friends, and family, of sharing and summer memories, of warm wishes and wellbeing in winter. If you decide to participate in the Ice Fishing Contest, you will compete with Willy, Pam, and Elliott. You've inherited your grandfather's old farm plot in Stardew Valley. When you leave the festival, you will be returned to The Farm at 10pm. Due to how versatile this gift is, it's a decent one to get.

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