61 Advance to 9th Level! The player can wait until after rolling Characters can gain the benefit from a new Ex-tracurricular only by joining it at the start of an aca- the d20 before rolling the Student Die, but must dodemic year, which corresponds to the beginning of a so before you say whether the check succeeds or fails. Until tion, with a failing grade on the front and the name then, Im going to keep faking it. The mage-students of Prismari wield magic strives to be thought-provoking and reflective, andin spectacles of creativity: masterpieces of showy, aspires to mastery. Owlin have arms and legs like other Humanoids, as well as wingsStrixhaven and other D&D settings. Each ad- venture takes place over the course of one academic on destroying Strixhaven University. About Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) Rollicking campus adventures for the world's greatest roleplaying game. She places an emphasis on prac-creating or altering physical reality out of mathe- tical magic that improves daily life through appliedmatical possibility. It has a backdrop of rosesprofessor of shadow). The primer has 3 at Strixhavens Silverquill College. As Dungeons & Dragons once more merges with Magic: The Gathering, it brings with it an exciting new prospect: a magical school . To be the Oracle, one musta rough and irregular outer arch. Similarly, if you are uncomfort- Players should note any Student Dice they gain able engaging with the roleplaying encounters these and the skills those dice can apply to on their tracking sheet. If you pour coffee from the bottle, rather than In addition, one creature of your choice in that drinking from it, the coffee vanishes the moment itarea can spend and roll one of its unspent Hit Dice leaves the bottle. Students from ins Hall, a bog mansion that looks like it grew out ofevery college trek through Sedgemoor in droves forhis food. Though shes an elite mage who characters take over the course of chapter 4.can easily hold her own in a fight, Breena prefers todefeat her foes with words alone. STRIXHAVEN PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETYJOB BENEFITS Jobs: Cleanup crew member, general assistant, re-While a student has a Job, they earn a wage and a freshments expert, stagehand, ticket taker, usher Coworker: Larine ArnezaRelationship Point, as explained below. 1101 EE Amsterdam. The primer has 3 charges, and it regains ld3 expended chargescharges, and it regains ld3 expended charges daily daily at dawn. But being accepted to College DescriptionStrixhaven University is a special honor, the dream Lorehold Explores the past and preserves its lessonsof many young students. numbers together, and I m a mess.LOREHOLD SPELLS 6 In the end, its all just entropy. View flipping ebook version of Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos published by That D&D place on 2021-12-08. rules in the Players Handbook.BUILDING A WITHERBLOOM CHARACTER FEAT DESCRIPTIONSDruids and warlocks make up most of Wither- These feats are presented in alphabetical order.blooms student body. A few wizards (mostly those STRIXHAVEN INITIATEwho study the School of Necromancy) and clerics(including those with the Divine Domains of Life or You have studied some magical theory and haveNature) also find their home in Witherbloom. In her view, the different every week in his Lorehold office, from amistakes of the past can inform the choices of the mighty sword of demon-slaying to a delicate elvenpresent, creating a world of peace and order. Strixhaven. A Curriculum of Chaos | PDF | Wizards Of The Coast - Scribd per, which is distributed across the campus.INTRAMURAL WATER-DANCING CLUB STUDENT-MAGES OF FAITHSkills: Athletics, Performance Skills: Insight, ReligionMember: Larine Arneza Member: Melwythorne, Shuvadri GlintmantleThese swimming enthusiasts combine their athletic These pious students of many faiths gather to shareskills with the finesse of artists as they choreograph prayers and theological debates and to celebrate onewater dances to the latest popular songs. It individual actions, personal bonds of families and friends, and the disruptive force of lone, passionateoverlaps with Prismari College in the field of arthistory, with some students splitting their studies people in history. The book can be pre-ordered at Amazon for $34.99. 2nd Knowledge Wizard 2nd Your spellcasting ability for this feats spells is In- KineticJaunt Divination Bard, Cleric,telligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (choose when you Vortex Warpselect this feat). Is mastery of art a matter ofhoning precise techniques to a point of perfection or immersive experiencesof perfectly expressing a raw emotional state? Dimensions : 0.59 x 8.5 x 10.98 inches. download 1 file . strategy and playacting often involving mascotsDRAGONSGUARD HISTORICAL SOCIETY when they enact fantastical narratives that they re-Skills: Arcana, History solve with special rules.Member: Bhedum Rampart Sooviij MAGE TOWER CHEER SQUADThese historians are fascinated by all time periods,and they regularly meet to discuss, debate, and deep Skills: Perception, Persuasion Member: Zanther Bowendive into members favorite topics. propriate starting level for the adventure, as shown in the Adventure Levels table. Specializing inmilitary history, Plargg is known for his perfect re- aggressive impulses. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos PDF Free Download - DNDWiki .123Running the Adventures 44 .Ch 5: The Magisters Masquerade124 43Strixhaven Tracking Sheet Running This Adventure 125Extracurriculars 44 Cordially Invited 126Jobs 45 Reception at Bows End 127 42Exams Fate at Furygale 130Relationships 48 Advanced Arcane HistoryFellow Students 50 Exam: Relics 134 51 Aurora Luna Wynterstarr .. Dressing for Success 135Bhedum Sooviij 54 Party Preparations 138Cadoras Damellawar 52 Advanced Arcane HistoryDrazhomir Yarnask 52 Exam: Devices 139Grayson Wildemere 53 Suspicions 140Greta Gorunn 53 Fancying Up Footwork 140Javenesh Stoutclaw 54 Preparing the Hall 141 54Larine Arneza Advance to 7th Level! You can cast the chosen lst-level spell without a SPELLSspell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you Level Spell School Class 1st Silvery Barbscan cast it in this way again. 155HE MISSION OF STRIXHAVEN UNIVERSITY IS TO As a Strixhaven student, you start with a well- rounded education in a rigorous first-year program. The character gains two Student Dice, explained below.succeed on an ability check against a DC noted in CHEATINGthe encounter. They constantly debate the merits of various esoteric mathematical principles, but if one of theirpiercing as his curved beak. CHAPTER | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENtreatment of animals, but that hasnt stopped her out getting your hands dirty which is the first thingfrom using his discoveries for her research. get up to. Before you finish youradvantage on the roll if the toy is on your person. But danger lurks even here. Social Share. of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.LOREHOLD PRIMER SILVERQUILL PRIMERWondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunementby a Spellcaster) by a Spellcaster)The Lorehold Primer is a magic textbook created The Silverquill Primer is a magic textbook createdat Strixhavens Lorehold College. A semester of spellslinging. things. New Book! Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos - YouTube Prismari. D&D Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a Dungeons & Dragons campaign adventurebook created for the Magic: The Gathering setting of Strixhaven. Wither and BloomSTRIXHAVEN SPELLS Warlock, WizardCollege Cantrips 1st-Level Spell Transmutation Artificer * Bard, Sorcerer, WizardLorehold Choose two from Choose one 1st- Conjuration Artificer * level cleric or wizard Sorcerer, Wizard light, sacred flame, and thaumaturgy. Lisettes classesnetworks of living things. strictness and abrupt scoldings.BREENA, THE DEMAGOGUE BRENNETH BLACKSTONE, SCRIPTOLOGY STAR Brenneth Blackstone (neutral good dhampir Silver-Breena (neutral good owlin Silverquill profes- quill professor of shadow) is a rising star in thesor of shadow) has a talent for getting her way. 1: Life on Campus 8 Campus Kerfuffle 60 Arcane Herbology 165 9 Exam: Vegetation Identification 166Magical Study Running This Adventure 60 172Campus Overview 44 Clue in the Bayou 173Lorehold College 13 First Day on Campus . column notes which side of the substance-theory conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.They love to expand and multiply; they can increase QUANDRIX SCHOLARS Principletheir knowledge or size by bending numbers. With your DMs permission, you can create just about any Strixhaven type of creature they are. Remind players that while their check mark when they expend the die.& MEMORIES ' STRIXHAVENRELATIONSHIPSName Points Relationship Inspiration Boon / Bane REPORT CARDS EXTRACURRICULARS 1 2 '#1 #1 ' 3 #2 Name d4 Skills Member Rerolls d YEAR 3 Skills #3 Skills Skills Rerolls d4 i YEAR JOB#2 #i . But danger lurks even here. But most students move to dormitories located on their chosen col- Dragons or the archaics can truly master both leges campus in their second year. The school is like a town, where a relativelycentral campus and each of the five colleges. Confirming the book will be at least 224 pages long, the contents table also gives players a good idea of what kind of campaigns Curriculum of Chaos will offer. A master of literature, she oftenlanguage as sunlight emanating from the speaker quotes obscure passages from famous texts. Each adventure describes an academic year filled with scholarly pursuits, campus shenanigans, exciting friendships, hidden dangers, and perhaps even romance. Each crea- the bottle.ture of your choice in that area must make a Consti- Each time you drink the coffee, roll a d20. 1 I love brewing up a new recipe, even if some mightSkill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival be repulsed by my choice of ingredients. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos releases on Nov. 16, 2021. Stat You magically empower your movement with dance- blocks for these creatures appear in chapter 7. like steps, giving yourself the following benefits for When you take the Attack action on your turn, you the duration: can forgo one attack to allow your mascot familiar to make one attack of its own with its reaction. Each equipped with its own campus and fac- Silverquill Teaches the magic of rhetoric, poetry, ora-ulty, Strixhavens five colleges summarized in theColleges of Strixhaven table-cover a vast array of tion, and writing. Search . "Have you met Colwanda yet? is a question that older Characters have ample opportunity to meet Dean Lorehold students love to ask second-year students,Tullus in the adventure presented in chapter 5. new to the college. If a new studenterate object placement make the difference between is upset or overwhelmed, she eagerly calls forthfully realized art and a total mess. Characters who use these rules48 CHAPTER 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION, The words you are searching are inside this book. 99 Quandrix Apprentice 210 Prismari Primer 38 211 Quandrix Primer 38 Scrivening and Symbology Quandrix Pledgemage 212 Silverquill Primer 3g Quandrix Professor of Substance 214 Strixhaven Pennant 3g Exam: Glyph of Warding. 106 Quandrix Professor of Theory 214 Witherbloom Primer 38 Relic Sloth 215 3g Advance to 5th Level! To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. We use necessary cookies to allow our site to function correctly and collect anonymous session data. You can also to the next, to promote free and open study of partake in a vibrant campus life, with plenty of clubsmagic in all its forms, and to enhance the lives of people and other activities. PDF download. (. PRINCIPLES AND POLARITIES Upon retiring, a professor receives the title of The colleges and curriculum at Strixhaven are or- mage emeritus. With the collegesliterature, and the power of words, both magical and intense standards looming over them, Silverquillotherwise. Every archaic aliveto communicate in obscure allusions and cryptic today was born at the dawn of time from the mindmetaphors. You may use the tableinspiration. Its extensive grounds includeserves as a hub for university life.See the appendix residence halls for first-year students, dining halls,or the poster map for a view of the entire university. is the application of magic to academic study. No successful ability checks means a char-time. Yourand fighters (including those who emulate the ar-chetype of the Eldritch Knight) also delight in the interests concentrate on the mathematical princi- ples and patterns found in the natural world. Some GrowthWitherbloom mages defend ecosystems from pollu- 1 Banelock, using concoctions of nox- Growthtion, while others revel in the power of corruption. Your Quandrix spells might manifest Prismari Trinkets. and it needs to be let out somewhere! Its mages tend to use elemental forces of cold, water, and wind.over-the-top magic. Your studies focus on language, Suggested Characteristics. Wiltroot Hall is de- A stinking, thoroughly unpleasant marshland liesscribed in chapter 4. adjacent to Sedgemoor: the Detention Bog. past, and arcano-biologists use necromancy to pull PROFESSORS at life and coax out death when teaching about the Professors who have distinguished themselves natural world. A third student might make a Dex- tor or other authority figure notices the cheating,terity (Sleight of Hand) check to create reminding and the student fails the exam.gestures or practice any physical components that If the Charisma (Deception) and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks are both successful, the characterare part of a course, such as the somatic gestures successfully cheats and aces the Exam.involved in spellcasting. You might wield your Prismari spellsSkill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, PerformanceTool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument with dynamic, gestural movement as much dance or artisans tools as somatic component. The character thus loses weight, and making this integral part of student life any benefits from Extracurriculars or Jobs, and a more significant part of the game. Both the scholarly focus 2 A stoppered glass bottle that, when opened , plays a brassy orchestral piece of wizards (especially those who study the Schools of Abjuration, Illusion, or Transmutation) and the 3 A quartet of hovering water motes in a vial metamagic manipulations of sorcerers are welcome in Quandrix, and many druids explore the patterns 4 A bandolier of watercolor paints of nature in Quandrix as well. students, perhaps living in the same residence hall or taking the same classes, or united by a common extra- From the start, your character is making decisions curricular interest. They practice only outdoors, and their a towering structure with a glassed-in observationconcerts fill the sky with beautiful explosions of ele- area at the top. He particularly de- famous pieces of magical art have been displayed along Opus Walk for centuries, while other transientlights in finding new ways to help students workcollaboratively to unlock the heights of their creative bursts of creativity last only a few moments.potential. Casting Time:1 actionbloom Range: Self Choose two from chill Choose one lst- Components: V, S, M (a book worth at least 25 gp) touch, druidcraft, and Duration: 1 hour level druid or wizard spare the dying. Whether student adventur- culture encourages finding magical solutions to theers get caught up in a duel with their rivals or face a most mundane problems, and if characters needdreaded mage hunter, the stat blocks in this chapter access to a spell they cant cast, they have a stronggive you the information you need to resolve the chance of finding someone who can cast it.situation. Blind himself, he invented a form of magicalembossing called heat lettering, which provides atactile way to read texts., CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENLOSHEEL, CLOCKWORK SCHOLAR to another, often directly passing the enormousLosheel (chaotic good loxodon Lorehold profes- stone faces of old statues. These feats are available to you whenever you normally choose a feat, and they follow the featspell effects. The other side of the poster.chapter The Starting Relationship Points table lists shows detailed maps of key campus locations, somethe number of points a character has at the start of which the characters visit in multiple adventures.with the chosen Friend, Beloved, or Rival. Silvery Barbs If youd like to determine yourSpells reveals some spells that were developed at characters height or weight randomly, consult the the university. 3: School Is in Session .. 40 Advance to 6th Level! IT S COSMOPOLITANORIENTATION Strixhaven draws students and faculty from acrossThe following subsections present three importantfacts to keep in mind as you explore these pages and the world and from other realms in the multiverse.prepare to play or run the books campaign. Mages who embrace thisperspective use their spells to weave illusions and.manipulate the fabric of magic itself CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVEN 19Dean Imbraham (neutral owlin Quandrix profes- tery of both of Quandrixs philosophical perspec-sor of theory) is stern and shrewd, with a mind as tives. (If any characters are studying together, ble results:however, resolve their ability checks at the same Failed. Each school em- STUDENTS braces the paradoxical unity of two polar principles: life and death, order and chaos, reason and emotion, Students at Strixhaven spend their first year in a course of general studies, which lays the foundation and so on. anothers high holidays. In addition, if you have the Spellcasting or Pact 6 Dont interrupt me; I m brooding.Magic feature, the spells on the Witherbloom Spellstable are added to the spell list of your spellcasting Witherbloom Trinkets. adventure doesnt describe a magic item, you can find the magic items description in the Dungeon If you run any of these adventures separately, you should ask the players to create characters of the ap- Masters Guide. They should check the d4 box whenever they The player should also note each Extracurriculars gain a Student Die, and they should erase the NPC member. STRIXHAVEN. Professors convey fantastic secrets to eager students, and life on campus is frenetic. character, you may roll once on the Witherbloom Trinkets table, instead of on the Trinkets table in theWITHERBLOOM SPELLS Players Handbook , for your starting trinket. -4 TO STRIXHAVENABOUT THIS BOOK Finally, student characters are part of a schoolThis book is your guide to life at Strixhaven in DUN- community.
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