I would wholeheartedly recommend both of these movies for anyone who wants a glimpse into what Italians think of themselves. Regional identity tends to play a stronger role than national identity, allowing Northern and Southern Italians to feel separate from each other. In Italian, with optional English subtitles or Italian substitles for the hearing impaired. The Amalfi coast is now easier to reach-heres Where, exactly, to go. The movie satirizes both left and right wing candidates. Before moving, he informs himself as to the living conditions in the South with members of the Academy of the gorgonzola to which he belongs. Southerners agreed that Northerners possess most of these qualities, but were more likely to say that Northerners are materialistic and swapped out progressive for conformist. Southerners then described themselves as tradition-loving, loyal to family, passionate, creative, and funny. She is the leader of a thinly disguised Northern League vigilante patrol with a sense of civic duty so strong she will not let her son accept a balloon from a street trader unless it is accompanied by a valid tax receipt. Diverso da Chi? The culture of the slow-paced Southern lifestyle, their cultural focus on socialization, and their high poverty rate may contribute to the Northern idea that Southerners are lazy. Southerners are stereotyped to be lazy, criminal, unintelligent, and superstitious these ideas come from the Souths familial and religious traditions, as well as their struggling economy. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from https://www.jpianyu.org/archive/2018/5/24/the-rebranded-populism-of-the-italian-lega-nord-party, Jacobs, T. (2014, March 10). Much like Benvenuti al Sud, this film ironically jokes about the differences and diversity from the South to the North of Italy, occasionally challenging and often confirming these stereotypes. Imprenditori, innovatori e rappresentanti del mondo della . (449) 918-33-34. ikon.publicidad@hotmail.com By clicking the button and adding OpenSub search Chrome Extension, I accept and agree to abide by the. Awarded a David di Donatello and a Silver Ribbon. Cologno Monzese (Milano) : Medusa Film, 2010. This idea can be harmful because the North may blame the poverty rate of the South on their work ethic, rather than the real lack of opportunity and generational wealth that exists there. I will explore how differences in tradition and economy lead to negative stereotyping later in this post. What is the English language plot outline for Welcome to the South (2010)? For the southerners the days usually started a bit later and they go home for lunch and then go back to work at about 4.30. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from http://www.grandvoyageitaly.com/culture/two-italys-stereotyping-north-versus-south, Giuseppedf. If a major political party is endorsing prejudice against the South, the average citizen may feel empowered to act on his stereotyped beliefs. Go to each of these regions, and you can see how much influence other cultures have on Italian culture. Encouraging Northern schools to study Southern culture through field trips and to hire Southern teachers could also expose students to the South in a positive way. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like nord, sud, terroni and more. It is important to investigate stereotypes about both the North and South to understand how these ideas can impact the opportunities of Southerners. Original title: Benvenuti al sud. Someone in the audience brought up their observation that Italians were constantly making fun of themselves and he responded that Italians have never taken themselves seriously. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-OmwGJQPq8, Grieco, L. (2019, March 14). The film features, Alberto, (the main protagonist) who is in charge of a post office in the small town of Brianza in . First, the companies expand the business in Italy not easy because of different culture. This is shown when Matia turned up late for work on the first day and when Mattia suggested going out for dinner, usually in the south it would be just an easy yes, but in the north everyone had to check their calendars. One Southerner in the film says, Si piange due volte quando vai al Sud. Il lombardo Alberto, trasferito per punizione in una filiale delle Poste in Campania, rivedr i suoi pregiudizi sul Sud Italia. ", Box office success of the film Benvenuti al Sud suggests Italians can overcome Northern League-style separatist prejudice, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, A scene from Benvenuti al Sud (Welcome to the South). A Northerner may originally hold prejudice against the South, but once he or she is exposed to the culture and its people the prejudice will begin to melt away. They respond well to comedy because they see the flaws and irony in their own political system and culture. With Claudio Bisio, Alessandro Siani, Angela Finocchiaro, Valentina Lodovini. Benvenuti al Sud did a very comical job in illustrating a lot of these stereotypes. Beyond cultural differences, socioeconomic differences between the North and South can also lead to stereotyping. 2023 in Love with the Med | Privacy Policy | Copyright. Our professionalism and friendliness will give you the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing holiday in an apartment that is only a few hundred meters from the main streets and sights of the historic center of Trapani. Napoli, 27 settembre 2021. He moves there alone, scared and full of the typical prejudice about the south. TMDb While the cultural practices of the North and South are not inherently better or worse than each other, stereotypes can be born from these differences. themoviedb. Remake: Dany Boon, Alexandre Charlot, Franck Magnier Music Umberto Scipione Cinematography Valentina Mariani Cast Claudio Bisio, Alessandro Siani, Giacomo Rizzo, Angela Finocchiaro, Valentina Lodovini, Nando Paone, Naike Rivelli Breakfast Mattia invites Alberto for breakfast and gives him his wallet that he found. Available for both RF and RM licensing. Southerners may also be more willing to work with the North if they are informed about the differences between their cultures beyond stereotypes. Benvenuti al sud While from the outside many view the culture of Italy as monolithic, the North and South of Italy are actually very different places in terms of geography, culture, economy, tradition, food, and more. This movie is so real in most of the parts and the stories of men who embrace the differences of the new region that they are sent is a learning . In the South, neighbors become like members of the family, and may also get a bit nosy about each other. The country was only unified about 150 years ago, which means that Italys national identity is not cohesive yet. But in an Italian context, and with a self-pitying northern hero dispatched to the Mezzogiorno, the plot acquires more political bite. Social issues dont play nearly the role in Italy as they do in the United States. Benvenuti al Sud (English: Welcome to the South) is an Italian comedy film directed by Luca Miniero, remake of the French film Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis of two years earlier. Though he and Silvia are happy to go home, they leave the south with heavy hearts. His putting his prejudices away, overwhelmed by a new wish for life. However, with Alberto's encouragement, Mattia and Maria get back together, as do Silvia and Alberto. Mattia starts working in the post office where Alberto is the deputy director, but he soon realizes how different the local mentality is: people are not like that back home. And some can also say that in Italy there is a rivalry between the North and the South. Alberto (Claudio Bisio), post office manager of a small town in Brianza, under pressure of his wife Sylvia (Angela Finocchiaro), is willing to do anything to get the transfer to Milan. This shows the dangerous power that negative stereotypes can hold. It is important to identify these stereotypes to begin eradicating them. The only actor in the cast with whom I'm familiar is Angela Finocchiaro, whom I very much admired in "Don't Tell" - in which she gave a funny and moving performance. The Northern vacations primary purpose is to recharge from busy lives and to explore, rather than connecting with branches of the family. He has problems with his wife Maria, because she wants him to take his postal job seriously, now that the two have a son to look after. However, he conveys the opposite impression to Silvia, who seems biased towards the south, and seeing an opportunity to strengthen their relationship, lies to her about conditions in the south, telling her that it is dangerous, unsanitary, and unpleasant. (2020, December 31). He is warned to hide his valuables, and not even wear his watch because someone will caught off his hand to steal it. Southern Italians tend to spend vacations visiting other members of their family, and tend to devote each of their Sundays to family time by getting together for long lunches. Steeped in Italian cinemas rich history of neo-realism and romanticism it seems that amore' is the parallel undercurrent to the film. But, the US people eat fast food during lunch, then go back office do business., I need to also start shopping every week instead of two weeks, so I can make sure there is enough food to last, and things dont go bad if not eaten fast enough. . Despite his initial trepidation, he eventually befriends postman Mattia Volpe, Maria Flagello, and constables "Grande" (meaning "Large") and "Piccolo" (Meaning "Small"), and ends up appreciating the beauty and the lifestyle of the town, realising that all of the negative perceptions of the south that he held were mere prejudices. Alberto is warned that there are many significant problems with the south. WTTS is an awkward experience for this audience member; it's full of good farcical ideas and nice, broad characters, but it never really comes to life, because the staging, the timing and the acting all miss the mark. Poi, dal 1998 al 2016 il "Barone" resta chiuso. I have two names, my English and Italian names. The Norths median income per capita is about 8,000 euros a month while the South is 5,000 euros a month. The tacos were delicious the meat looked so good kind of greasy then I took a bite yum!! The Lega then uses this platform to advocate for federalism of the states of Italy (further autonomy for each region) and even at times the secession of the North, which they refer to as Padania. Their reasoning is that the North will be better off without having to share the fruits of its economic success with the South, and without the say of the Rome-based government. Here she's not given much to do beyond acting out the demands of of her caricatured character and the unlikely turns of the plot. For example, the Southern focus on family leads to stereotypes mentioned above about Southern men being mamas boys. Conversely, Southerners may view Northerners as cold and distant because their fast-paced culture leaves less time for family. Benvenuti al sud [videorecording] Responsibility. He was five, so it was not hard, but we just did not seem to get along. By the time the postman was supposed to move back to the North, he had fallen in love with the South. Alberto welcomes him very coldly because he is in big trouble. My mother is Italian as well. Released December 20th, 2010, 'Welcome to the South' stars Claudio Bisio, Alessandro Siani, Angela Finocchiaro, Valentina Lodovini The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 42 min, and received a user . "Benvenuti al sud" un film che parla delle differenze tra il nord e il sud Italia. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from https://www.vogue.com/article/amalfi-coast-italy-travel-guide, Usseglio, A. N. (2016). Benvenuti al Sud did a very comical job in illustrating a lot of these stereotypes. The two end up having an affair without Remos knowledge, but when Adele becomes pregnant they decide to raise the child between the three of them. The movie tells the story of Alberto Colombo (Claudio Bisio), Italian postmaster in Brianza . These stereotypes are harmful because they can impact Southern peoples opportunities and provide a platform for discriminatory political parties like the Lega Nord. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_films_in_Italy, Taylor, E. (2019, July 30). This semester most of the events are discussing Italian politics since the election is this Sunday and Monday. The film was dedicated to Angelo Vassallo, an Italian mayor murdered for his anti-crime campaign. This also aided the rise of the mafia, which gave the South a reputation for criminality. Towards the end, when the camera tracks along the coast, it takes in the port of Acciaroli, the birthplace of a brave mayor, Angelo Vassallo, who refused to bow to the demands of property developers in league with organised crime. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward, (Matthew 6:2-4 New Revised Standard Version)., We ate dinner, went shopping, got ice cream and finally arrived back at our condo around ten. The people of the hilltop town of Castellabate are admittedly incomprehensible. Cristbal Coln #401, El Encino C.P.20240 Aguascalientes, Ags. The South often suffers the worst of these stereotypes and prejudice. The fact that no one remembered there key thinking that surely someone else would bring theirs. When we arrived at the hotel we got our room assignments and we all had to walk up the stairs with our suit cases because they dont have elevators in most hotels. The second movie I saw was through NYUs organization La Pietra Dialogues, which organizes a series of lectures, conferences and entertainment throughout the year that relate to specific Italian issues and events. While the North has a reputation for wealth and a busy lifestyle, the South is often saddled with more harmful stereotypes of laziness and even criminality. Like in every country, in Italy too there are stereotypes from one region to another.
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