calguns ccw good cause

Rob Bonta has advised California law enforcement agencies that the "good cause". Attn : Riverside County Sheriffs Department. Some of us can get issued here. Myoccupationasaspecialinspectorrequiresmetocarryandtransportvariousexpensivetoolsto, conductmywork. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It is worth noting that the colors may be off by one color however given that someone just got their CCW in a light red county (Los Angeles) it may be worth trying if you have a "yellow" GC. where i'm at, the sheriff wants everyone to carry. you and me both. (copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job at remote locations, value of equipment, etc) N.B. This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership. In OC I claimed that I go to remote, outdoor, locations for hikes often, wild animals, homeless and the like. Maybe protection from animals, little to no reception, slow LE response time for that? These areas include several trailheads in local National Forests and Bureau of Land Management lands. Note well there's a range within each category. All the below Good Causes will likely pass in a Dark Green county. Purely based on my interpretation of the size of the circles in relation to the circles that had hard numbers attached to them (LA, Ventura, SF, Fresno, Orange etc). Good work. Threats to personal safety may be verbal or demonstrated through actual harm committed in the place of work, neighborhood or regular routes of travel for business. This may or may not be accepted, depending on the issuing agency. 2N0 @f & Ive seen people comment on the Sonoma calguns thread using that as good cause and but they havent followed up yet. (e.g. If other people have any experiences I would love to hear them. In kern would something such as citing crime in the area, and bringing articles etc work?I work in I.T and transport computers including my own personals computers regularly but my work has a no gun policy so I believe that is a no-go. Note: Applications, Denials/Revocations & Cases of Good Cause Pending . ), (6) Recreational activities that put you at a heightened risk due to the property's value or equipment's inherent danger (e.g., Craig's List seller/buyer, avid shooter who transports several semi auto pistols, rifles and/or shotguns and hundreds of rounds to various ranges or C&R collector). Have you graduated from any training classes?How long have you been involved in the shooting sports?Have you had any training is the ethics or legal aspects of using lethal force?Include as much as you can, but do not exceed a couple of sentences about your experience. If you want to check it out and give some criticism i would be happy to hear it. The nature of the business or occupation of the applicant is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population. Some counties require much more, some counties require much less. Meanwhile, gun-rights advocates are challenging a California law that requires gun owners to show "good cause" before they are issued a permit to carry a concealed gun in public. The nature of my business or occupation is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population. For more information, please see our The firearm also cannot be registered as a "single shot." 4-hour firearms training course. Cookie Notice Where will you be attacked? Nice to know OC has passed 9500. That's roughly 1 out of 500 people, infants, druggies, felons, and hookers included. Sonoma County CCW Information Sonoma County CCW Information, Records, and Analysis Sheriff: Steve Freitas Department: Sonoma County Sheriff's Department Address: 2796 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA, 95403 Phone: (707) 565-2781 Fax: (707) 565-6018 CCW Web link: Not from there but surprised Monterey is dark green. This thread is in the wrong forum. And what good cause can look like for people. (Use trail maps, calendars, log books, receipts from campgrounds and photos as proof. What do they want? Dark green,have medical conditions BUT went into rehab af 18 and take antidepressants so I figure I'm boned. These examples can be successful when used properly in the application. just cause) requirements for that county. This letter is my formal request to be approved for a concealed carry permit by the sheriffs office. darkand/orintheearlymorninghourswhenothersarestillasleep. Both agree that California's similar law . You need to articulate why you are personally at riskcould be as simple as felon release programs, rising crime in your area, antifa/BLM riots, and LE not being adequately funded. Mine didnt even interview me. Right now I shoot about once a month and completed my CCW training with Riverside Indoor Shooting Range where I have already qualified with my firearm. Thieves also frequently troll these staging areas looking for targets. Effective immediately, the sheriff no longer needs any kind of proof of good cause or a good cause statement. I provided articles of vehicle thefts that were similar to what I had and said I could be a target of armed robbery due to the rarity/value of my vehicles. (Going through the process might be good practice.) Camp, hike, run, walk the dogs, or go jogging in the park? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 99 0 obj <> endobj My fear is that my pattern of walking my dogs at the same time and on the same route every night will make me a target for those looking to severely harm me for my belongings and cash.Example: I am in the business of selling widgets and have access to a warehouse full of expensive widgets. Good Character- Applicants must have good character with respect to their ability to responsibly and safely carry and use a concealed weapon Good Cause- Proof that good cause exists for the issuance. I am in sacramento county . Goto the link below for information There's time stamps to jump around. N.B. This is simply a format to expand upon our classroom instruction and Due to this, I felt that I was at personal risk. Forums . All the below will likely pass in a Yellow county. Go to There is a soecific ccw section. TheareasIworkinarehighcrimeareasandor. The below GC categories are listed from, roughly, weakest to strongest. I am particularly at personal risk when arriving to the areas and prepping, as well as when I return from training and am cleaning and loading the equipment. I don't really have any good cause statements that I could come up with other than the fact I work in information security and have to deal with laptops and other devices with sensitive data that I have to carry around. Nice work. Step 5 Make a Request for Your PermitI am afraid that I will be killed or injured as a result of these activities. Application for CCW, the applicant must show "good cause" exists for the issuance of a CCW permit. You should rent me a room so I can move there & apply damn. San Francisco recently doubled the number of CCW holders. Thats what my county does. I was alone because I work late at night. The listed lease rate is $30.00/SF/YR. While at work I have the security of an in-place infrastructure for safety, while I am commuting I do not. Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued one of its most significant gun law rulings in more than a decade, tossing out New York state's tight restrictions on who can carry a concealed gun in public. Iusethismaterialbothin, myprivatehomestudioandtobuildaninexpensivesurplusformyhighschoolstudentstouse, throughouttheyears. For these reasons, I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit. Occasionally,mytradecallsformetoworksomenightswhenitsvery. Effective immediately, the sheriff no longer needs any kind of proof of good cause or a good cause statement. Most of us can get issued here. Current availability totals 8,977 square feet. The below Good Cause will likely pass in a Dark Red county. Shows that people can work hard to prove it. I've heard that Sacramento County is handing them out like candy. This is the CA "Good Cause" requirement by County map. I'm thinking Shasta, and maybe a couple other "Jefferson" counties top the list for percentage. For the first time ever, LA County has gone down to the Yellow Tier for Good Cause when issuing out CCW permits. However when I take the number of CCW permits for 2014/2015 (only counting 2015 where info is available, using 2014 when no 2015 data is available) I come up with ~76,233 statewide. In the good cause section of the Permitium application, write N/A. All the below will likely pass in a Light Red county. High Crime work location or commute, remote area with slow Law Enforcement or Medical Response, or limited cell phone coverage)4. Include as much detail as you feel necessary, keeping in mind that specific events or threats may need to be supported with documentation including police reports. Would that work in SB you think? Have you had military training?2. The "expensive stuff in my car" line is very acceptable with OCSD. InadditiontomypersonallifeexperienceIhavealsocompletedanNRAbasicpistolclassandthe. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. That the rule here. I was wondering about this one too. Asanexample,onajobsiteinLosAngeles,Iwasalonein, theearlymorninghourswhenIpulleduptoagateinmyworkvehicle. comes down to good cause. (4) Live and/or work in a dangerous area as seen by crime stats (provide crimemapping maps, news stories, gov't stats), (5) Recreational activities in remote locales with little or no cellphone coverage and/or long LE response times (e.g., amateur wilderness photography, target shooting, hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, motorcycling, backcountry skiing, etc.). reasonsIamrequestingthatIbegrantedaconcealedweaponspermit. So that particular graphic is where I pulled the numbers that have a "~" next to them from. My town of Ventura has about 100,000 people, so percentage wise, there should be about 2,000 CCW permit holders, which is about right. Application was approved only a few days after the interview. And being an armed guard for your employer is not likely to fly either. Often the interviewing LEO asks you for scenarios of threats/attacks that might happen in your daily life and ask how you'd respond. (Proof includes police reports (if BG unknown), permanent restraining order (if BG known), evidence of current threats (e.g., audio recordings, video/pictures, written threats, etc).) Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, value of equipment. And what good cause can look like for people. use and activities. discussion, the topic "preparing for your CCW interview". or any public agency, attorney orlaw enforcement agency department website, or by visiting for a good forum on good The Sheriff, upon proof that the person applying is of good moral character, that the person applying satisfies residency or business location requirements, and has completed a course of training may issue to that person a carry concealed weapons license. Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. Check to see what crimes have occurred near your home or business.2. and our (11) Employees (e.g., business managers, property managers) who are at heightened risk due to valuables associated with their employment (e.g., Au/Ag, jewelry, pharmaceuticals, firearms, ammo or gunpowder ("inherently dangerous property"), cash sales or rental deposits). endstream endobj startxref See. Already one person with a "light red" Good Cause has been approved for a CCW. I live in shasta and I had a harder time getting eggs from the grocery store than getting my ccw. 15 Next, Corrupt Issue. amc 24 showtimes. I felt in fear for my safety and believe that I was in real danger of being attacked. Forthese. The letter will be sent out under the name of the Sheriff, "By" the reviewing sergeant pursuant to Section J 0100 of the Sheriff's Office Policy and Procedure Manual. Especially ones that will help me decide on my good cause. The bicycles and equipment are transported three to four times a week by myself to remote areas of the county where law enforcement presence is minimal and response times can be very long. Each individual has her/her own Good Cause, and this Step 2 The Who, What, Where, How, and When Details1. Riverside County Good Cause Worksheet___________________________________________________________________Step 1 - The Ask:Example: I am asking to be issued a CCW so I can legally carry a firearm because I am at greater risk that the general public because I ____________.___________________________________________________________________Step 2 - Details:Make the case for why you are a target.Who will attack you? Also, below is a draft of my good cause statement, and would like some feedback if possible. remoteareaswithlimitedcellphoneservice. Only 3 LTCs per 10,000 people? Why will they attack you? Good Cause Statements Defensive Tactics and Firearms, LLC Do you have self-defense & firearms insurance? (e.g. I made a video summarizing good cause and what that means in California counties based on the general color of them from the calguns map. My wife and I both share a passion for antiquing, we could have anywhere from a couple hundred to thousands of dollars in cash or valuables with us. Ire-enteredmyvehicleanddroveinthruthegateontothejobsiteandexitedtosecurethe, gate,whentheypushedbackonthegatewithresistanceandstartedcursingmeout. Getting The Paperwork You can get the paperwork for concealed carry applications from any local law enforcement agency. I wonder who has gotten one recently there to make the map like this? My Good Cause okay? I've been told the speed of your CCW here can be quicker if you take the class with a certain instructor, "take it with X and he's got you your CCW in 2 weeks," from a few folks now. MynameisFrankMartinezandIvebeenaresidentofRiversideCountyforover10years. noting the cause for the denial. Rickybillegas. For these reasons, I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit. Nos. I know its late notice but I hope we can get some attendees. Good Cause WorksheetWhat is the Sheriff looking for in a good cause statement?A good cause statement is a set of circumstances that distinguishes you from other members of the general public and causes you to be placed in harms way. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. To qualify for a CCW license, you must: Be a resident of the county where you are applying; Be 21 or older; Provide a "good cause" for why you should be issued a license; Provide proof of ownership or registration of the firearm you want to be licensed to carry; and Take an approved CCW training course. DuetothefactthatIamacraftsman/TeacherandIworkwithalltypesofmaterialIfindmyself, havingtodriveandentersomeoffthepathplacestopurchase,usuallyincash,materialsanditemssuch, asrarewoods,agedmetalobjectsandfurniturenotavailableinlocalstores. Then I had to provide evidence I went to car/bike shows. Traveling with equipment holding sensitive data is a valid reason. I can assure you there is at least 2 lol. This is HUGE for LA County residents. Cookie Notice 10-56971, 09-02371-IEG I N T HE United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit EDWARD PERUTA, et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, et al., Defendants-Appellees. The firearm cannot be registered to any other family member. That makes sense, I carry my company laptop everywhere I go even on vacation and essentially on call 24/7 in case something comes up. You will be scrutinized, so be clear in your reasoning and evidence to back up. A just government will not be overthrown by force or violence because the people have no incentive to overthrow a just government. When will you be attacked? Sheriff: Ian Parkinson. (3) You have a medical condition (e.g., heart disease, elderly) that makes running, hiding or fighting unrealistic. These GC policies are usually based upon CA State AG John Van de Kamp's early 1980s Opinion letter and require a number of additional conditions be present. Last was two mags at 1 yard. See ~2/3rds down at: Last is Virtual No Issue: this is where they issue for category #15 below and only for that. (Do you work or travel early in the morning or late at night, alone? Seq., and subject to Department policy and procedures, any Los Angeles County resident may be issued a CCW from the Sheriff, if qualified. App sent in beginning of Month 1 Call for interview in end of Month 2 Interview in beginning of Month 3 Approved for Live Scan in Mid Month 3 (This is the step when youve been approved pending Live Scan and Training). And we have a conservative sherriff. Gen. Personal protection or self-defense is sufficient to establish good cause You may have to provide proof that it is a common occurrence and not like once every few months. Due to the nature of being a competitive cyclist and engineer, I frequently transport equipment in my vehicle that is of high value as well as ride the bicycles in remote areas that makes me a target for theft. TLDR: If you can get 50+ shots all inside the silhouette of a B-27 target at 15 yards you should be ok. Kinda cracks me up that LA is surrounded by dark green and one light green county. They now have 4. Breitbart News reported that SCOTUS's June 23, 2022, ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen struck down New York's proper cause requirement for concealed . I put down that I play in a band at various locations in Bakersfield (Kern), I carry thousands of dollars worth of equipment and load and unload at night. subjectmetopossiblybecomingavictimofacarjackingoranambushtorobmeoftoolsandequipment. Lmao. Whether that gun cost you $349 or $1,100 it's worth every penny if it saves your life, or the life of someone you love. -Tim Schmit, CCW Magazine July 2015, NRA Lifetime Member : CalGuns Lifetime Member : GOA Lifetime Member. Stone cold Trump Supporter. Ihonestlyfeltandbelieved. %PDF-1.6 % Daily? California Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 provide that a sheriff of a county or the chief or other head of a municipal police department of any city or city and county may issue a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person (CCW license). CCW Policy. The issuance of licenses enabling a private citizen to carry a concealed weapon (CCW) is of great concern to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. I used that I would some times make large cash deposits. ProTip: Avoid saying "because cops are useless road pirates". Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, etc N.B. Education for the masses who dont know! ambush you while you are in a bad part of town with your valuables, follow you to or from work late at night, physically attack you while in a secluded area alone, carjacking, rape, robbery, kidnapping, physical limitation or disability that prevents you from running away or fighting back, etc.)5. residency and 24 out of 25 did not follow their own policy on GC. Copyright 2014-2022 Defensive Tactics and Firearms, LLC. Where are you that leaves you vulnerable? For example, someone who's work equipment is worth $10,000 (might pass Light Red) is assumed to be more at risk than someone who's equipment is worth only $1,000 (might pass Yellow). How long have you been involved in the shooting sports?5. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hes a little guy, and kinda frail. The OP should use 2014 Dec numbers from here when he doesn't have more recent numbers: It's B.S. This is Virtual No Issue because virtually none of us can get issued here. CCW "Good Cause" on Riverside County Board of Superisor's Agenda CCW "Good Cause" on Riverside County Board of Superisor's Agenda Hi Everyone I wonder waht kind of support we could muster at the last minute. CCW Authorized Firearms Instructor . ), Step 3 Tell Your True Story. The space listed for lease is described as general office. and our Police report #18-976543______________________________________________________________________________Step 4 Experience Level:Your level of proficiency does not necessarily count as your good cause, but it is important to add a sentence or two to your good cause statement talking about your experience and training with firearms.Do you have any certifications? Just an example only, to get you thinking in the proper Now what some may not know is how their personal "good cause" would fit in. Renewal was way way less shots at the same distances. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Definitive "Where can I carry in CA?" There was a study recently by John Lott, PhD and, IIRC, on average, >6% of Americans >18 yo have CCWs. El Dorado, He may be a higher target due to such property. Ihadtoexitthevehicletoopenthe, entrancegatetothejobsitewhenIwasconfrontedbytwomenaskingifIcangivethemarideorgivethem, money. Thats good to hear! This is the CA "Good Cause" requirement by County map. Seems like you were able to strongly prove evidence of you being at high risk for attack without having solid threats made at you. (10), LASD: add WML and RedDot to gun on license? Theres a whole forum dedicated to applying in the different counties with one thread per county. Damn. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There are 3 levels in Dark Red (from most restrictive to least): actual No Issue. The information provided inthe training packet is By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. cause and issuance policies. This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership. by Chris Jennewein June 25, 2022 Handguns collected by New York City Police. I have over 25 years of experience in martial arts and boxing, all working with several retired Los Angeles County Sheriffs deputies. I've heard from a few people that self defense is good enough in Kern, but I was wondering if a few people might be will to chine in. 504 E Alvarado St. #207 Fallbrook, CA 92028 760.451.6694. (e.g. The article above says the "average" issuance per county is 3 for every 1000 people. Cookie Notice For Massachusetts, the best I could find is this list from Northeast Shooters. If your county is not listed above, we do not have information on the good cause (or just cause) requirements for that county. On Appeal from the United States District Court I have a friend in a light red county who works in a county jail on the civilian staff side. directions. These examples are just that. Press J to jump to the feed. Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. Also any training/trainer recommendations? The 4-hour Renewal course is offered on one Friday of each month, as well as two Saturday's each month, from 8:00am to Noon or 12:30pm. Note: These examples are not My coworker recently has his CCW approved and he used that he goes camping sometimes. Few of us can get issued here. These people could easily attack me due to the hours I am commuting early in the morning or late at night. If you have previously been denied and you believe you have a strong case, I highly recommend applying again under the new issuing guidelines. (See class schedule page for specific dates) The cost is only $249.00 for the 8-hour Initial CCW Permit Class. Evaluation of GC isn't black and white, but often shades of gray, a judgment call. (7), P365 Serial Number for CCW application (7), Why open carry is not a wise option (4), Gun Magnets with Concealed Carry Permit (17), I Know, I know, 9MM is just as good, but (43), carry in restaurants and common carriers (22), CCW Instructor recommendation for my daughter (5), DOJ Background timeline firearm clearance (0). Nevada County, Sierra, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sutter, Yuba County. 120 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8CCF1FA02749334FA2549FCE86109A97><9D2B9D5F6D12C54FB893DEB79BBCA059>]/Index[99 32]/Info 98 0 R/Length 103/Prev 158694/Root 100 0 R/Size 131/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Using your words, tell your true story to explain exactly what you Using your own words, write a paragraph or two that is a story about something that you have experienced that leads you to believe what you require a CCW. The examples of Good Cause required are provided as examples only. Especially if you have recently gotten yours. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. While this may work with SLO Co SO, it will not with Alameda Co SO; not sure re. Ivebeenin, constructionforover15yearsandhavetraveledthroughoutSouthernCaliforniatovariousCountiesrangingfrom, LosAngelesandSanBernardinotodifferentjobsites. Thank god I live in a green county where the 2A is seen as a constitutional right, Which thankfully Monterey is pretty gun freind ly. The article above says the "average" issuance per county is 3. The applicant should articulate the threat as it applies personally to the applicant, his or her family, or employees. Not easy numbers to track down. Feeling that their questions were suspicious and that their back story lacked details, I made quick work of reloading my vehicle and gave them the impression that I had completed riding and was on my way out. Permitting agencies may no longer require a demonstration of "good cause" in order to obtain a concealed carry permit. Concealed Carry Discussion General discussion regarding CCW/LTC in California . I also have experience hunting both deer and elk. example is to provide you with just a few examples. Glad to be dark green, and in the desert where we can shoot nearby. 60 Posts . Because of the reasons outlined above I feel that I am at risk of being injured or killed. I was taught from a young age firearms safety from my Dad and have shot IDPA and USPSA with him. This is Virtual Shall Issue because virtually all of us can get issued here. Public Resources. He has done quite a bit of research into the counties to keep the community updated and I would trust his judgement when it comes to determining what kind of "good cause" you have and how that fits into the counties (i.e. 86 90 90 comments that could harm the company if leaked. hb```B `` fT}/drCGHHA030j20219W^2}ag?iV[B420b2o`` My favorite is taking guns to the range regularly. Firearms Links : And Resources: OLL FAQ: GunNewsDaily: AR/AK Memo: GunCite: It is not out of the ordinary for me to transport upwards of $10,000 dollars worth of bicycles in my vehicle. TheseareasandbecauseitsstilldarkoutsidewhenIstartwork. This map was made by people on Calguns who have been following each county's good cause criteria for a long time.

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