central california women's facility death row

The Central California Womens Facility focus is to rehabilitate these female offenders by their skill-building and educational programs, along with supporting strong family relationships. [2] It is across the road from Valley State Prison. The Death Row inmates' names (with years of sentencing) are: Rosie Alfaro (sentenced 1992) The facility opened in 1990 and houses more than 2,640 female inmates at every security level. Central California Women's FacilityVisiting SergeantPO Box 1501Chowchilla, CA 93610-1501. 4. One product can help you locate, connect with, and maintain a connection with an inmate at this facility or any other facility nationwide. An hour and a half away is Yosemite National Park world renowned for giant, ancient sequoia trees, Bridalveil Fall, and the granite cliffs of El Capitan and Half Dome. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Thank you for visiting us to better understand how inmates are treated while incarcerated at this institution. In order to visit an inmate, you must have photo identification. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. One plan will be a pay as you go plan while the second plan is a monthly plan. From July to November 1996, a private laboratory billed CCWF $161,000 "for thousands of medical tests, including Pap smears to detect cervical cancer, HIV tests, biopsies and urinalyses" even though the tests had never been used on the inmates. Waking up every morning to a cement wall is an unbearable future, said McDermott in the, California Institution for Women at Tehachapi. Central California Women's Facility. The California Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for a former Montebello woman who killed her husband in 2000 by putting anti-freeze in his Gatorade in order to collect his $250,000 life insurance policy. July 13, 2007", "Owner of Killer Dogs to Go Free; The woman convicted in the fatal S.F. Lindsay M. Hayes Amend the 13th! Local Inmate Family Councils (IFCs) are a gathering of family and friends of the incarcerated who meet regularly with Wardens to support visiting since keeping strong family connections with loved ones is a powerful rehabilitative tool. Male prisoners on condemned status are housed in one of three units at San Quentin State Prison. 2021 Dealth Penalty Focus. Inmates in ADSEG or Intake are only allowed non-contact visits, which take place in a separate visiting room, and the inmates and visitors are separated by a glass partition. A man who murdered his infant children and was sentenced to death has now been turned loose into general population at a California women's prison after beginning to identify as transgender just a few years ago. You may not bring any food or beverage from the outside into the prison. We'll then conduct a search on the appropriate state database. After Governor Pete Wilson decreed in December 1991 that CCWF shall hold all female Death Row inmates in California, Maureen McDermott became the first Death Row inmate at CCWF. All offenders in the Central California Womens Facility will be highly encouraged to participate in educational programs, so they can ALL receive their GED while serving out their time. Do not forget to make note of the CDCR number. Central California Women's Facility ( CCWF) is a female-only California Department of Corrections state prison located in Chowchilla, California. Copyright 2023 California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, Public Information Officers (PIOs) at Adult Institutions. All rights reserved. Incarcerated people on Death Row, often referred to as "condemned", are housed either at San Quentin State Prison in Marin County (men) or at Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla (women). Please be sure to share this website with others so that we can spread the word and help to maintain rights for current and former inmates. . Visiting Inmates:learnhow to visit inmatesin-person or by video at our institutions. Physical Address: Central California Women's Facility, 23370 Road 22, Chowchilla, CA 93610. of Corrections. It is a level 4 and 5 security prison and is home to California's death row. If there is a line, visits can and will be reduced to 2 hours on weekdays. [23][24] She was the first woman sentenced to death in a period of several decades, and at one period, she was the only person in the unit. [8], Starting in April 2007, CCWF received some inmates from California Rehabilitation Center after closure of the women's wing at that prison. The Connect With An Inmate product works three ways; helping you to locate an inmate, contact the inmate, and even maintain contact with the inmate. In Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council since 2017, mainstreamed into appropriate facilities following the same security-level requirements as those serving life without the possibility of parole, CDCR said. The completed pass is then submitted to staff, and, using a computer, a staff member will check the prisoners file to make sure you are an approved visitor, and that the prisoner is eligible to visit on that day. More specifically, it is located in Chowchilla, CA. Where someone is housed in state prison should depend on their behavior, risks, needs, security, and other individual factors. And they pointed out that this means many of them will be permitted to work and pay restitution to victims, a provision of Proposition 66, a death penalty bill passed by California voters in 2016. However, if you'd like to you can join our free support group on Facebook by The GTL service will allow inmates to have two plans. There will be a wait from the time you arrive at the prison to the time you are processed to visit. [2] It is across the road from Valley State Prison. All rights reserved. All inmate mail is opened, inspected, and read if necessary to prevent contraband from entering the facility. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Florida corrections officials killed Donald Dillbeck last Thursday. 559-665-5531. In 2016, all inmates were male and were between the age range of 18 and 84. Sacramento, Calif. On Dec. 14, 2018, families of prisoners and supporters held a rally in front of the California Department of Corrections and rehabilitations (CDCr) headquarters against the CDCr-induced violence that many of their loved ones are experiencing. clicking here. The deposit slip must be sent along with a certified check, money order, personal, or cashier's check made payable to the offender. Its design capacity was 2,004, so it is overcrowded. There is no limit on the number of people who may correspond with the prisoner or the number of mail items a prisoner may receive. Level I through Level IV are all housed together inside a 32-room housing unit. Locate the Connect With an Inmate service on DoNotPay. Those who are taken into it live like pensioners in their Retreat or Sailors Snug Harbor, where you may see a row of religious cripples sitting outside in sunny weather.Henry David Thoreau (18171862), Death, the most dreaded of all evils, is therefore of no concern to us; for while we exist death is not present, and when death is present we no longer exist.Epicurus (c. 341271 B.C. They were relocated to California Institution for Women at Tehachapi, which opened that same year. The statement noted that, Nobody will be resentenced as a result of these regulations.. Be sure to fill out the questionnaire completely and accurately. This is the largest female correctional facility in California and the only facility in the state to house female death row inmates. To start the process, you must ask the prisoner you wish to visit to mail you a signed visitor questionnaire. Any expired identification will be denied. Central California Women's Facility Sit back and relax while we do the work. On May 28, 2017, I was special transferred under a warden to warden agreement to D.V.I.s ASU. InstagramTwitterFacebook Manage Settings Central California Women's Facility offender lookup: Code, Race, Arrests, Charges, Offense Date, Bond, Bookings, Charges, Inmate Roster, Booking Date, Release Date, Who's in jail, Mugshots, Current Housing Section. They must sign the questionnaire before mailing it to you because their signature is their consent to add you to their visiting list. California primary method of execution is lethal injection California Death Row Inmate List - Women California Death Row Inmate List - Men California Death Row Inmate List - Women Rosie Alfaro Socorro Caro Celeste Carrington Cynthia Coffman Box 5692 Pannone Lopes Devereaux & West LLC As of April 30, 2020, CCWF was incarcerating people at 131.7% of its design capacity, with 2,640 occupants. The only way that our website will be able to complete its goal of holding correctional institutions accountable for their actions is to collect reviews from our website visitors. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are local, county, state and national parks. CCWF covers 640 acres (260ha). All calls must be paid for through a prepaid calling account or by calling collect. 19% of sergeants were women, and less than 1% of lieutenants are women.[22]. There are now about 20 such prisoners on Death Row there at Chowchilla. All visitors that want to visit, will be required to present a minimum of two identification cards with you. Central California Women's Facility is the largest female institution in the United States, and it is located in Chowchilla, California. CCWF sits on 640 acres and features a reception center that provides short-term housing to process, classify, and evaluate new inmates in the California prison system. Chowchilla lockups are at more than double their capacity, provoking health concerns", "State Fumbles Prison Lab Testing. Hayes can stop the security/welfare checks. We want Hayes to hear the voices of the women and men affected by these torturous checks, and we ask you to be the messengers. For complete details on how to call an inmate in California, please click here. There have been controversies surrounding healthcare and health standards at the CCWF over the years. For inmates - (write the inmate name and ID first) P.O. 10 Years ago, I spent time in this facility as an inmate. The Visitors Information number will also give you detailed information on visits, as well as updates on lockdowns, medical quarantines, or other circumstances that affect visiting. She was convicted along with her boyfriend, James Marlow. Rojirio De La Cerda. The facility opened in 1990 and houses more than 2,640 female inmates at every security level. PROBLEM IS OF CDCrs OWN MAKING The violent gang environment in prison was created in large part [], Report on Jorge Rico Hearing by Charlie Hinton A number of hardy souls ventured to Sacramento on May 18, 2018 to a federal court hearing on CDCrs motion to dismiss Jorge Ricos suit opposing the every half hour Guard One security/welfare checks that take place in isolation units throughout the state. This is the largest female correctional facility in California and the only facility in the state to house female death row inmates. Use these templates and prisoner quotes, and send to the listed addresses: Write to: 11/9 Vigil for Vickie Lee Hammonds No More Preventable Deaths at CIWPrison! The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is moving ahead with its plan to dismantle its death row in San Quentin State Prison and move the 671 individuals to various prisons throughout the state. The Death Row inmates' names (with years of sentencing) are: Rosie Alfaro (sentenced 1992) Dora Luz Buenrostro (1998) Socorro Caro (2002) Celeste Simone Carrington . Central California Women's Facility - Death Row Death Row After Governor Pete Wilson decreed in December 1991 that CCWF shall hold all female Death Row inmates in California, Maureen McDermott became the first Death Row inmate at CCWF. Family Liaison Service SpecialistCDCR provides through a contract with a community-based organization an on-site Case Manager as a family reunification liaison for inmates and family members, to assist with an inmates pre-release preparation; and conduct Parenting and Creative Conflict Resolution classes for inmates. Sleep Deprivation continues, Statewide Coordinated Actions To End Solitary Confinement, 24th of Each Month, Faces and Voices of the California Prison Hunger Strike, LETTER WRITING LAUNCH to end harmful security / welfarechecks, california department of corrections and rehabilitation, Central California Women's Facility death row, internationally-condemned torture technique, Pelican Bay State Prison (PBSP) Security Housing Unit (SHU). [9] The population at CCWF "swelled by 8 percent."[9]. 23370 Road 22, Chowchilla, CA 93610. You and the inmate will have to decide what plan works best for you. Central California Women's Facility Inmate Search and Prison Information. CCWF is the second largest female correctional facility in the United States,[3] and houses the only State of California death row for women. California, which last carried out an execution in 2006, is one of 28 states that maintain death rows, along with the U.S. government, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Refer the map below to find the driving directions. The institution also provides staff resources and training which ensures the highest standards of Correctional Professionalism., Institution Statistics (SB601), Operational Performance Measures (COMPSTAT)andInmate Population Reports. Forum: California - Female Death Row Inmates The women are housed at Central California Women's Facility (CCWF), Chowchilla. Unfortunately, you cant call prisoners directly, they must call you. 1. Sorry, there are no insights for this section of the facility yet. It provides community service which encourages public awareness and participation. Visiting at the Central California Women's Facility will be permitted during the appropriate times. Central California Women's Facility is a female-only California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation state prison located in Chowchilla, California. 23370 Road 22, Chowchilla, CA, 93610. Check out some of the other product series offered and find even more ways to save. If you are interested in a job at Central California Women's Facility please visit the CalCareers website to view available positions. Guards are jarring prisoners awake every 30 minutes, all day and night, in Central California Women's Facility death row and in Pelican Bay SHU with noisy so-called "security/ welfare checks," causing severe sleep deprivation. This article identifies the forms of communication allowed at CCWF and introduces you to a product that aims to make connecting with inmates as easy as sending an email. phssreachingout@gmail.com, The negative health consequences of inadequate sleep ha[ve] been extensively documented and nowhere in the literature is there a report on as severe a disruption in sleep as is occurring in the Pelican Bay SHU. In California all women sentenced to death live in cells at the Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla. Madera County has a rich agricultural tradition along with a strong industrial base. Death Row Central California Women's Facility True Prison Stories by Gary York 4.37K subscribers Subscribe 652 views 4 months ago Program Director for female Death Row Pen Pal. Mailroom staff will take the money order or check and they will send it to trust accounts, where it will be credited to the prisoners account. Visitation: Visitation at the facility is allowed with the goal of strengthening . The Center for Restorative Justice (CRJW) Family Express program, provides weekly transportation for family members from major California cities to visit prisoners at the facility. 3 of 7 recent deaths under investigation", Special Review Into In-Prison Substance Abuse Programs Managed by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, "Death's Door: State's Only Condemned Woman Awaits Her Fate", "Death Penalty for Female Offenders, January 1, 1973, Through June 30, 2007.] After Governor Pete Wilson decreed in December 1991 that CCWF shall hold all female death row inmates in California, Maureen McDermott became the first death row inmate at CCWF. There are 256 inmates of all levels housed together with only two Correctional Officers. Inmate deposits can be made online through the Access Secure Deposits website or the JPay website. PHSS Committee to End Sleep Deprivation Central California Womens Facility is the largest female institution in the state which is located in Chowchilla, California. The Death Row inmates' names (with years of sentencing) are: Read more about this topic: Central California Women's Facility, The church is a sort of hospital for mens souls, and as full of quackery as the hospital for their bodies. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Written By Incarcerated - Advancing Social Justice, A female inmate sitting on the Death Row yard, Death Row inmate freed after serving more than 25 years, Filed Under: Death Penalty, Most Read Tagged With: California Institution for Women, Central California Womens Facility, DEATH PENALTY, Death Row, incarcerated women, Made With Love At San Quentin State Prison, There is far less conflict be- tween the women on Death Row than with men, Linda Fox, a paralegal who recently retired from the, I think they are less iso- lated than the men, but they are isolated from the rest of the women population. We are being emotionally, mentally and physically battered by the security checks throughout the nights. 20 death row prisoners in Central California Womens Facility (CCWF). It has a capacity of 2,004, but currently houses more than 3,000 inmates.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'prisoninsight_com-box-3','ezslot_2',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-prisoninsight_com-box-3-0'); This facility houses all security levels, and it provides inmate academic education, work and vocational training, counseling and specialized programs for the purpose of successful reintegration into society. After Governor Pete Wilson decreed in December 1991 that CCWF shall hold all female Death Row inmates in California, Maureen McDermott became the first Death Row inmate at CCWF. ", Over 100 protesters outside the prison in January 1994 alleged that CCWF "failed to provide a medical specialist and educational programs to deal with HIV/AIDS-infected inmates," and that CCWF's healthcare providers "often ignore inmate ailments and provide little or no follow-up examinations.". The Central California Womens Facility is a multi-custody level state facility. A small (generally 6 by 8) clear, plastic purse or bag, Two keys on a ring with no other attachments, A comb or brush; non-metallic, no pointed end or detachable parts, A small unopened pack of tissues or a handkerchief; no bandannas, Ten Photographs, no larger than 8 by 10; photos may be shown to the prisoner, but must be taken out by the visitor at the end of the visit. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Inmates are allowed 15 minutes per call and all calls will be monitored and recorded. Before we [], Pelican Bay Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike to Protest Grave Conditions, California Prisoners Make Historic Call for Peace between Racial Groups in California Prisons & Jails, Our movement rests on a foundation of unity: our Agreement to End Hostilities. [VIDEO included], Emergency Action Alert! Here are some of the other product series from DoNotPay. You may send prisoners letters, cards (no stickers or glitter), photographs (limited to 10 per envelope and not larger than 8 x 10), drawings, childrens schoolwork, or newspaper and magazine articles.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'prisoninsight_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-prisoninsight_com-leader-1-0'); You can not send books, magazines, newspapers, or packages directly to an inmate. [25] Initially a set of nine cells in the 504 building, a two story building for difficult to manage and maximum security prisoners, served as the women's death row. His death from a brain Justice Department standards on federal death penalty called confusing, was the headline in a recent Washington Post article. http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Facilities_Locator/CCWF.html, Merced County John Latorraca Correctional Facility. 2. No visitors will be allowed to start their visit after 12:30 pm. The Central California Womens Facility is situated in Chowchilla. Providence, RI 02908, If possible, send us a copy of your letter, either by U.S. mail or email: This was done as a retaliation for alerting [], UPDATE: New details released on agreement to suspend Palestinian prisoners hunger strike Read here http://samidoun.net/2017/05/breaking-palestinian-prisoners-suspend-hunger-strike-after-40-days-of-struggle/ May 26, 2017 After 40 days of hunger strike, Palestinian prisoners have suspended their hunger strike and announced that they have achieved victory in their humanitarian demands, following 20 hours of negotiations between the strikers leadership and Israeli occupation prison [], Read full article in SF Bay View (includes video from a TV interview with hunger striker inside the jail) January 25, 2017 by Mary Ratcliff In late September, prisoners in the Santa Clara County jails who are part of what they then called the Prisoners Human Rights Movement sent a letter to Sheriff Laurie Smith [], Link to full newsletter: http://tinyurl.com/gwhq2hp PRISONERS UNITED OF SILICON VALLEY December 22, 2016 Newsletter 1 LETTER OF APPRECIATION Greetings and solidarity to each other and all who participated in our initial Hunger Strike to end the arbitrary use of solitary confinement and inhumane treatment in Santa Clara County Jails. Including but not limited to the following events: As of 2007, of the prison guards, 31% were women. As of Fiscal Year 2006/2007, CCWF had a total of 1,205 staff and an annual operating budget of US$138 million. The women on California's Death Row are housed in Central California Women's Facility (CCWF) in Chowchilla. Hann was transferred to Central California Women's Facility in February 2020 and is housed on death row, Thornton said. Be sure to include the offender's CDCR number as well. California Death Penalty Facts Join Us Contact Us Death Penalty Focus 500 Capitol Mall Suite 2350 Sacramento, CA 95814 Tel: 415-243-0143 information@deathpenalty.org Federal Tax ID# 95-4153420 In Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council since 2017 2021 Dealth Penalty Focus. Corrections officials described the plan as a move toward behavior-based housing. When you are approved, you are listed in the CDCR computer as being an approved visitor for that specific prisoner, and you do not need to bring any proof of approval with you to the prison on the day of your visit.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'prisoninsight_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-prisoninsight_com-banner-1-0'); If you are denied, the prison will send you a letter giving the reason for disapproval, and the prisoner will also receive notice, but will not be given the reason. Over the past decade, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has denied press access to all death rows in the state. For general population inmates they can have visitors everyday between the hours of 9 am to 8 pm. These could be any two of the following: All forms of identification MUST NOT be expired. The pass will require the prisoners name and CDCR number, your relationship to the prisoner (spouse, mother, friend, etc. Website. CCWF houses the only female death row in the state of California. Box 1508, Chowchilla, CA 93610. California Death Row for women is located at the Central California Women's Facility (CCWF) in Chowchilla. And CDCR has scheduled a public (in-person) hearing on March 8 at a location not yet determined. Visiting rooms have vending machines stocked with food and beverages that you can purchase for yourself and the inmate. [2] It is across the road from Valley State Prison. The women are housed at Central California Women's Facility (CCWF), Chowchilla. 24th of Each Month: Statewide Coordinated Actions To End Solitary Confinement, for Printable Informational Handout Materials, Reportback from HEARING in Jorge Ricos Case Against Sleep-DeprivingChecks, REPORTBACK from Feb 8th Rally, Press Conference, and Court Solidarity To End Sleep Deprivation (w/ Photos &Video), We have people that are only getting out of cell twice a month. PRISONERS UNITED & SUPPORTERS DRAW ATTENTION TO ABUSIVE ISOLATION AND MEDICAL IN ALAMEDA CO.JAILS, PRISONERS UNITED IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY JAILS WIN 5 CORE DEMANDS & SACRIFICE 3 DAYS OF CUSTODY MEALS FOR THEHUNGRY, MILLIONS FOR PRISONERS HUMAN RIGHTS: Reportbacks, Videos, Links, Photos from Aug 19,2017, A swift salute to all of the supporters Statement from Folsom Prison ASU Hunger Striker, AnthonyEstrada, Towards Liberation! A public comment period will begin on January 20 and run through March 8, 2023. The funds will be in the inmates account immediately for the inmate to use as they see fit. Approximately 160 people volunteered in that period. Its a prison within a prison, Fox said. Until 1933, they were housed in San Quentin in the Women's Ward. The prisoners have access to phones during daytime hours. If you are approved to visit, the prison will notify the inmate, and it is their job to notify you. Inmates are allowed to make phone calls but not receive them. It is a horrible place. Coffman admits to committing the murders but insists she suffered from battered woman syndrome. P.O. Now, that you know what you need to come visit, you will need to know that depending on where the offender is in the Central California Women's Facility, will decide when visitation is. Most inmates are in general population, and they are allowed contact visits. The facility can house over 3918 offenders at one given time. They did so despite the extensive evidence of his horrific sexual and Former Death Penalty Focus board member Donald Spoto died earlier this month. The mother of Hann's children, 41-year-old Krissy Lynn Werntz, was admitted to the facility in July 2014 where she is housed in the general population serving life with the possibility of parole for second-degree murder. If you want us to find your loved one, provide his or her personal details and the state they are located in. You should also note that visits are limited to 4 hours on weekdays to ensure that everyone will have a chance to visit with their family and friends. All the Sara Kruzans deserve a chance", "California woman who killed, cooked husband denied parole", "Phillip, Nancy Garrido start prison sentences for Dugard kidnap", "Ailing Manson follower transferred to Chowchilla facility", "Charles Manson follower Susan Atkins dies at 61", "Dorothea Puente, Boarding House Operator Who Killed Tenants, Dies at 82", California State Prison, Los Angeles County, California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison, Corcoran, Tallahatchie County Correctional Facility, Golden State Medium Community Correctional Facility, Eagle Mountain Community Correctional Facility, Federal Correctional Institution, Aliceville, Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury, Federal Correctional Institution, Tallahassee, Federal Reformatory for Women in Seagoville, Arizona State Prison Complex Perryville, Delores J. Baylor Women's Correctional Institution, Kentucky Correctional Institute for Women, Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women, Maryland Correctional Institution for Women, Massachusetts Correctional Institution Framingham, Women's Huron Valley Correctional Facility, Minnesota Correctional Facility Shakopee, Central Mississippi Correctional Facility, Women's Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center, Florence McClure Women's Correctional Center, Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women, Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women, North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women, Black Mountain Correctional Center for Women, North Piedmont Correctional Center for Women, Dakota Women's Correctional and Rehabilitation Center, State Correctional Institution Cambridge Springs, Gloria McDonald Awaiting Trial Maximum and Medium Security Facility, Dorothea Dix Minimum Security Facility / Bernadette Building, Camille Griffin Graham Correctional Institution, Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility, Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women, Escuela Industrial para Mujeres Vega Alta, Incarceration of women in the United States, Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility, Georgia Diagnostic and Classification State Prison, Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center, State Correctional Institution Rockview, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Central_California_Women%27s_Facility&oldid=1138142646, Buildings and structures in Madera County, California, Articles with dead external links from November 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 2,178 (108.6% capacity) (as of July 31, 2022, Reception Center (RC) provides short term housing to process, classify and evaluate incoming inmates, Condemned (Cond) housing holds inmates with death sentences, In June 1991, an inmate died; some inmates "refused to report to their prison jobs" to protest the prison's medical care "which they said was linked to the death.

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