EcoPlus does not affect your cars ICU or wiring. You are being gas lighted. How Does It Work? Funny that none of them do. Effuel Reviews 2021 - Effuel ECO OBD2 Customer Complaints or Fuel Saver Ecoplus fuel saver is a compact and light device that requires to be plugged into an OBD2 connector when in operation and does not occupy any space other than that. The EcoPLus adjusts itself to your car, after about 150 miles (200 km) of driving (road total), and it keeps remapping the engines control unit to reduce fuel consumption. If overnight, Toyota could say their cars now get 35% with a cheap chip, theyd sell out in days.If its too good to be true thenwell you know. The EcoPlus fuel saver enhances the ECU system of your vehicle. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I used to believe all the hype about human cause was paranoid reasoning.But Im 62 years old and a California native living in southern California since 1968 and Ive never felt heart like this so continually here. It also does frilly stuff like letting you upload images to watch while in the car. These can be inaccurate. Simply put, do not buy the EcoBox Eco OBD2 fuel saver or any similar looking type of device. I got one of these things given to me as a gift. In 1974 I moved to Texas because the the price of gas was too high where I lived at .39 cents a gallon. Ecoplus fuel saver is a plug-and-play device, once plugged in, you simply turn on the ignition and the fuel-saving process begins, depending on your driving habit and style. Very useful for anyone looking to reduce fuel consumption and save some cash as well, I highly recommend, Cars with lots of horsepower are my favorite but it is not really economical to drive one around, say to work. The EcoPlus monitors your driving habits and adjusts certain mechanical processes. Let me get this straight, in your analogy, Biden is the hot dog maker? It will be easier to remove the item from your car if needed. Can the EcoChip Really Help You Save on Fuel? Here's What We Know I get how everybody saying the device doesnt communicate with the vehicle and if thats true how does it change the displays? This inexpensive solution can be attached to any vehicle. Just a flashing LED and does nothing else. The time-honored, albeit hackneyed, advice to avoid jack-rabbit starts is mostly true. It will not improve your cars engine performance or quality.25 Oct 2021, Despite the convincing video with proof and website testimonials praising the Ecotune OBD2 fuel saver, I can confidently say that this Ecotune OBD2 fuel saver is just like all the others and is likely a scam.Oct 7, 2021,,,,,,,, However, have you actually used and tested this device? Biden qualified?! It is super easy to introduce it to a car, and its function has no effect on the overall car. Simply Health ACV Keto Gummies Reviews Is It Really Fake Or Trusted? FUEL BOSS MAGNETIC FUEL SAVER $23.99 ( Claim: "When gasoline remains in your tank over time, the fuel molecules start to cluster.The molecules on the inside of these . The downfall of this country will be from a very thick layer of Duuhhhh starting at your address. The more sheep the more Shepherds pal! Offers may be subject to change without notice. Also, the EcoPlus does not have any negative effects on your cars factory settings. lol. Step 5 Let go of your hand and wait for another 30-60 seconds. This first one, purchased on eBay for $5 reveals incomplete or unfinished, unsoldered circuits. BTW Sparky, your god #T*****r****p NEVER made us energy independentno matter hat he claimed. Again at the time the largest oil producer in the US with the 1,2 and 4th largest refineries in the US. And asi watch a few other nations make strides to do their part turning green America isnt.Now as far as me liking Biden Ill refrain from comment because its irrelevant i share on that. What an amazing device!!! When you want to tune your vehicle, you use your OBD-II port. In theory, the EcoChip device is supposed to work by attaching to the OBD2 connector of your car. DELETED, [] As Ive clarified in a previous blog about the same device with a different name, dozens of people have already bought these OBD2 devices, broke them apart, and confirmed there is no communication between the device and your engine. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Specific lines that are supposed to be connected to CAN BUS are not even connected (theres no soldering,) at all. Its a fly-by-night type of site. So at least a million vaccinated people will die in 2022. If youre new to fuel-saving devices, these types of plug-and-play electronics have been sold to gullible car owners for years. I installed one about 2 months ago and I havent put any fuel in my car since. Fact Check: 'Effuel' Company Behind The 'ECO OBD2' Purported Fuel Effuel ECO OBD2 is a small-sized performance enhancer chip that is added to the car at the ECU. So dont credit him for when it continued again, at about the same rate as with Obama. actually , you dont need any fuel to power a car engine at all. And dont hide behind 0.3% of the population. The ScanGauge is even hackable, so you can customize the readout and monitor virtually anything that's available on the vehicle's data bus. Capable to use on turbo petrol as well as diesel cars, the Nitro OBD2 works based on the remapping of the vehicle's computer ECU through highly specialized OBD2 protocols. The review continues, "Secondly, the unit DO NOT have any connection to OBD communication. Connect this hydrogen generator to your intake and run your car on water. Electronic devices It is claimed to increase vehicle fuel economy by up to 25% through power conditioning of the vehicles electrical systems, but Consumer Reports detected no difference in economy or power in tests on ten separate vehicles, finding that the device did nothing but light up. Russia and China is planning on joining forces as we speak to take over the United States. The results may vary depending on the case but fuel consumption is optimized to a minimum level. ***** ***** **** ** ** **** *** *** *** ***** ******** *** ****** ****** ** *********** ********* ******* *****, ******* *** ****** ** **** ********** ** *** *** ************** ** ****** ** ******* *** *** ** *******. Life is like a bunch of ODB2 chocolates, you never know if youre one of those suckers that PT Barnum warned you about. My strengths focus on anything uncommon in the car industry, the California car scene, and anything aftermarket performance. That could be quite dangerous, but I guess making his V8 into a 4-cylinder would save gas if you dont mind your vehicle having half the power, having lights flashing, and having the ride feel like a butt massager, as his son said.If it was that simple to tune the ECUs in vehicles to increase gas mileage by 15%-30% without losing performance, wouldnt the car manufacturers just do that? They are extremely gullible. As definitive proof, EEV Blog shows a blown up-close look at the actual chip, pointing out how its not possible for the device to talk back to the cars engine via CAN BUS. OBD is short for On-Board Diagnostics, and it's an industry standard for the interface to diagnostic equipment used by mechanics to repair and maintain the emissions control system. Had Trump still been in, you wouldnt be seeing these prices as we were energy dependent in our own country. EcoCel Reviews - Obvious Scam or Legit Device That Works? Correction: Contrary to the original version of this opinion piece, the library director is appointed by the library board, and not the county executive, though he does appoint the board. Every vehicle made in the last 30 years has an OBD-II port. Jones' bench test did reveal that the ECO OBD2 device did do one thing for a vehicle: Draw power. I'd also wire the gauge's internal lighting into the same circuit as the panel lights, so it dims along with the dash. The prices are up WORLDWIDE. How about returning to light commuter rail and trolleys vs driving huge SUVs and do the needful on future suburban sprawl actually create towns and link with light rail. What a load of BS. Slave labor in the guise of the American Dream is how capitalism works. You get a discount on the website when you buy one or multiple units of the EcoPlus units you purchase, the more you save on each one. Ecoplus will recognize your driving habits and your vehicle after 150 miles then adjust itself to suit your car perfectly for more fuel saving. TRUEDAT. Fuel Fix PRO Reviews - Does Fuel Fix PRO Really Work? They work, have FDA approval, and Comirnaty is the same thing as Pfizers Covid Vaccine. From your hypocritical far left leaning fake news media and progressive tree hugging pawns of the democrat party. First off, the trend towards energy independence for the USA began about a decade before Trump took office. I'm sure the same phenomenon is what's responsible for the actual fuel-economy increases reported by the thousands of people who are wasting money on bogus gadgets. On top of that, I was actually served a Youtube video ad from Ecotune as well. ECO OBD2 is a cost-effective and affordable way to reduce vehicle fuel consumption. All thumbs? My Lord those folks are stupid. But what stands out is that the EcoPlus does this without tampering with any of the settings of your car. Most people are worried about ever-rising monthly expenses. Over 3 million people die in this country every year and now 200 million plus of them have been vaccinated. For example, performance chips immediately lower a vehicle's horsepower if it senses this as the cause for engine overheating. It is difficult with many of the devices available and would be extremely expensive. The way to reduce crony capitalism is to make the government smaller. Now the oil companies are making 10s of billions of dollars a quarter in profits not net but,PROFIT on the backs of the gas buying public. I personally have not bought a fake OBD2 device but you do bring up a good point. So, I bought a scammy ODB fuel saver off EBay for 3 Euro, ripped out the PCB, and replaced it with a 5V regulator. It must be held for at least 5 seconds. Just hang around until about 2026 and watch the population of the USA drop to just 60 million souls left alive, the majority children under 9 years old. It actually set off several lights on my dash. Just wanted to say thank you for publishing this review and potentially saving people from wasting their money. We compared both the pros and cons in this EcoPlus Reviews, The EcoPlus is only available for purchase online on the products official website and cannot be gotten at a physical retail store, We gathered all the Frequently Asked Questions for the EcoPlus Review and you can find them below. The average fuel economy displays an increase of about 6 miles per gallon increase going from 22.3 to 25.8 MPG. Think Im going to become a Mennonite, and get out the old horse and buggy! - Alt Car news, 5 Ridiculous Fuel-Saving "Hacks" You Should Ignore - R & D JAPAN. We also compared it to other similar fuel savers in the market and listened to what many people were saying about it. Continue with Recommended Cookies. EcoPlus is a chip tuning box that can be connected to the OBD2 connector of your car to minimize fuel consumption.
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