newsday editorial staff

15h Our first take on @GovKathyHochul 's state of the state. Born in London in 1966, Davies emigrated to the United States with his mom, dad, sister and their dog in 1983, and has somehow not manage to completely shake his Brit accent. Gene Seymour New York Part 2 As a teenager in the 1960s, I can still remember being able to buy four newspapers for less than a dollar and getting change back. ", Newsday employees are requesting a meeting with Tribune's management to discuss their concerns. Rafer Guzman Part 2 In the next few days, we plan to discuss the availability of new and established beats on the Long Island desk. Matt moved to a sand bar on Long Island with his wife and children in 2016, and still gets hopelessly lost driving to Newsdays offices. [citation needed]. [38], Newsday has won 19 Pulitzer Prizes and has been a finalist for 20 additional (if no individual is listed, award is for Newsday staff):[39], * From 1985 to 1990: Pulitzer Prize for General News Reporting; From 1991 to 1997: Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Reporting; From 1998 to present: Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting. [8][9] The two split over the 1968 presidential election, with Guggenheim signing an editorial supporting Richard Nixon, when Moyers supported Hubert Humphrey. "If the cutting continues, we can't be the best watchdog for our region," Long Island reporter Zachary Dowdy said. Lisa Doll-Bruno Business Please enable notifications or using normal browsing mode. By clicking Agree & Join, you agree to the LinkedIn. Also, JACOB GERSHMAN, former higher education/NYU-heavy reporter (many, many Sun interns were NYU kids, showing you where most of his story ideas came from), moved up to Albany. Gustavo Pabon Art This from a very reliable newsroom source: We hope the following helps you get familiarized with the board and helps explain the difference among our features. Bob Kessler, a veteran of the Long Island desk, moves over to Business from his federal court beat to cover legal and regulatory affairs, including white-collar crime, bankruptcies, civil litigation and securities monitors and enforcement agencies. Newsroom Directory. Three years covering the UN and the Indian American community for NYC-based weekly India Abroad proved an invaluable experience: He worked with retired editors from The New York Times, and eventually took the plunge into mainstream American journalism, starting with the Poughkeepsie Journal, where he joined as assistant news editor on the night desk. [36] The Audit Bureau of Circulation adjusted average weekday circulation to 481,816 from 579,599; average Saturday circulation to 392,649 from 416,830; and average Sunday circulation to 574,081 from 671,820, and instituted twice-yearly audits. in Broadcast Journalism from Howard University and an M.A. Letters to the Editor Compensate UTT staff also Newsday Thursday 2 February 2023 Justice Frank Seepersad . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. For her editorials about battered women in Kentucky, which focused statewide attention on the . This puts even more pressure on the remaining reporters assigned to various departments. Rick Brand Long Island He will plan and lead coverage of big events, including the Olympics. Amy has been a medical journalist since 1999. Diversity & Inclusion: [30], Bill Moyers briefly served as publisher. in English from the University of Pennsylvania. Jonalyn Schuon Features In other words, newsroom personnel editors, reporters and photographers are never part of the decision-making that goes into editorial positions. Leading media such as WebMD, American Heart Association, Merck Manual, US News and World Report, Medical publishers . Click here to meet the members of the editorial board. All rights reserved. Delthia Ricks Health & Science Submissions (about 540 words) can be emailed to Her work with HealthDay includes the conceptualizing and scripting of a 1,000-video series on all aspects of wellness from personal fitness to parenting healthy children. California Privacy Rights | [25], Newsday received $10 million in federal loans by July 2020 from Paycheck Protection Program during the COVID-19 pandemic to pay salaries for 500 jobs. After eight years on Newsdays investigations team, where she found the most difficult part of her job was juggling parenthood, mortgage meltdowns and the future of the New York Islanders, Randi joined the editorial board in 2015. We are committed to the creation and delivery of credible, relevant and timely health content, and are highly respected for our ability to do this. In 1983, Ciolli was awarded a fellowship from The Alicia Patterson Foundation to take national the Newsday reporting she had done on the attempt by the Island Trees school district to ban nine books from its library. There are still many like myself and others who have a continued thirst for news provided by either daily or weekly newspapers covering Washington, Albany, NYC, Nassau and Suffolk County. He studied illustration and fine art at The Savannah College of Art & Design (GA) and The School of Visual Arts in New York City. Lucky for her, Newsday decided to keep her around even after summer turned to fall. We ask Tribune management to meet with us to discuss our future. Staff of Newsday, Long Island, NY. The editorial board often meets with community and interest groups that ask the board to support their causes. The annual salary range for this position is $95,000 - $115,000. In cyberspace he wrote and helped curate the SpinCycle and 1600 features from the newsroom. The growing population of new immigrants support their own newspapers, radio and television stations. Jayme Wolfson Part 2 This Saturday feature invites readers to introduce a public policy matter beyond what is covered in Newsday. It lasted approximately a decade. Rich will take the lead on the new design/layout group, responsible for the overall look of the main section of the paper including News and Sports. He currently continues to freelance. He has a strong passion for educational journalism and has covered events around New York City for multiple publications. February 28, 2023 at 2:17 pm. Mark Toor National Copyright var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();document.write(currentYear); Newsday. December 11, 2006 - More than 100 Newsday employees called on Tribune Co., Newsday's parent company, to invest in the newspaper's "creative, original journalism," while halting the widespread staff cuts and space trims that have hurt the paper, its readers and its advertisers. For instance, candidate endorsements or a stance on a development project, are the sole opinion of the Newsday Editorial Board. The Bronx girl began her career at Newsday as a summer intern in 1972. But it is becoming more and more difficult to cover the region and the world under a corporate owner that looks to cut rather than build. When permitted, we do just that, reporting from Bosnia, Afghanistan, Cuba and Iraq, while. Newsday created and sponsored a "Long Island at the Crossroads" advisory board in 1978, to recommend regional goals, supervise local government, and liaison with state and Federal officials. "Inevitably, the readers will be the ones who suffer.". Help. He won the inaugural Herblock Prize a year after Herblocks death, received the RFK journalism prize, a National Headliner Award and a bunch of other equally unexpected shiny professional affirmations. He will continue to direct The Fold and will expand his responsibilities to working closely with the graphics department and the newsdesk to produce bold packages for the daily and Sunday reports as well as for advance projects. These broadcasts would be primarily local news, sports and weather, seldom more than 30 minutes. Reveal contacts of top Newsday Media Group managers and employees. She holds a B.A. We accept letters by email and surface mail; however, because timeliness is a critical factor in the selection of letters we publish, we strongly encourage submissions by email. Laurie Muchnick Part 2 Luis Perez Long Island He worked for seven years at Chase Manhattan Bank and for two years at the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. She is a staff writer for The . July 25, 2019 Walter Middlebrook, who has been working with towns reporters on the LI desk, joins Part 2 as an editor. Richard Wiltamuth Features Help with website Information and registration : 1-877-545-4834 Our Circulation Department can be reached at, Long Island news coverage, call 631-843-2700 To submit a press release or a story idea, email or 631-843-2700 To send us a correction, email or 631-843-2700 Politics and government coverage, email Long Island Life, email or call 631-843-2700 Reunions, email All other events, email Long Island business coverage, call 631-843-2800 LI People on the Move, email Long Island business events, email Editor Don Hudson can be reached at, Explore LI, call 631-843-2700 Local entertainment coverage, call 631-843-2700 Food and restaurant coverage, email or call 631-843-3264 Travel stories, email or call 631-843-4823 Fashion, kids/family and lifestyle coverage, email or call 631-843-2597 Home and real estate coverage, email Book reviews, email or call 631-843-2746, Submit events listings to or online at, For sports coverage, email or call 631-843-2810 or fax 631-454-6892, Letters to the editor, email Op-ed submissions, email, To send us news tips, photos or videos online, go to To follow on Facebook, go to To follow on twitter, go to staff can be reached at If you need technical assistance, email or call 1-877-LI-LIVE-IT (1-877-545-4834). Dave will be responsible for assigning on the Long Island desk for both Island and city coverage. This is stale when reaching print the next day. These are the personal views of opinion staff members and writers under contract to the department. Technology and budgets were not readily available to send reporters out for remote coverage of national or international stories. An abbreviation for opposite the editorials, these pieces do not reflect Newsdays institutional viewpoint. Readers could select from morning, midday and late afternoon editions, available at thousands of newsstands. (Ironically, Patterson was fired as a writer at her father's Daily News in her early 20s, after getting the basic facts of a divorce wrong in a published report.) 1403 E South St Long Beach, CA 90805 Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 Tribune has cut Newsday's news staff by about a third, curtailing our ability to cover even Long Island. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Although local news always has been this paper's core, we deplore Tribune's idea that readers are interested only in what happens in their ZIP codes. She was a staff writer and editor for Physician's Weekly, Medical Tribune and Reuters Health, and has written on health and medicine for MSNBC, The Scientist, Prevention and other publications. Rob was finance liaison for the newsroom before moving to Marketing as business administrator. Jack Sirica Long Island Martin Evans Long Island Brown is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Ann Silverberg Part 2 But the newspapers under Tribune's leadership have faced an especially troubling situation, as editors at several newspapers have left or been forced out when they refused to make requested cuts. . Katie Thomas Enterprise Sarah Crichton Foreign Kathy Drouin-Keith Night News A Step Above Foot Care. Privacy Policy | After Patterson's death in 1963, Guggenheim became publisher and editor. Doug will have day-to-day responsibility for the newsdesk/copydesk and working with the front page. Curtis Taylor, who has been part of the Investigative team and the city desk staff in New York, where he mostly recently covered health, joins the Health and Science staff as a reporter. Reinberg has received writing awards from both the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Marshall Katz Sports Joe Haberstroh, who has produced week after week of strong LI Life sections, takes on expanded duties as he continues to direct the education staff and adds oversight of other Long Island specialist reporters. Desktop notifications are on | Turn off. Its responsible for editorials, commentary, editorial cartoons, op-eds and letters to the editor. A division of ScoutNews LLC, HealthDay operates under the strictest editorial standards. Errol Cockfield Albany [15] This was soon followed by a matching bid from Zuckerman[16] and a $680 million bid from Cablevision. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. By Observer Staff 01/26/10 8:04pm. Editorials are the consensus position of the Newsday Editorial Board. She began her writing career with internships at the New York Times and the Sarasota Herald Tribune. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Carol Polsky Business He covers environmental issues, local government and local education, and a variety of national issues, writes about notable deaths ranging from John Glenn to Prince to Charles Manson, and produces occasional political-themed crossword puzzles for the boards newsletter, The Point. To fill out an even more than usually anemic staff, editors turned to up-and-comer RUSSELL BERMAN, a 22-year-old May NYU graduate who had interned at the Sun for two summers and also at Newsday, but who had returned to freelancing for the Sun only at the end of this September. Great Writing Makes it Memorable. [3] The newspaper's headquarters is in Melville, New York, in Suffolk County. (List of signatories attached.) [14], News Corporation, headed by CEO Rupert Murdoch, attempted to purchase Newsday for US$580 million in April 2008. In its six years of ownership, Tribune has damaged Newsday as an instrument of public information and accountability and, for that matter, as a business. Part 2 (And lately, she still is spending a lot of time covering the town.) It has ordered our foreign bureaus to close and slashed our staffs covering Washington, D.C., New York City, business, and health and science. Rhoda Amon Long Island Reid Epstein Long Island Help with website Information and registration : 1-877-545-4834, For advertising information or to place an ad, call (631) 843-SOLD (631-843-7653), email or go to To get market and advertising info, go to advertising media kit Paid death notice, call 631-843-3162 To place a classified ad online, visit The Advertising Department can be reached at, For reprints, rights & and permissions to republish Newsday stories or photographs, contact: PARS International Corp. 212-221-9595 ext. He will handle desk scheduling, serve as lead news editor and supervise the other members of the sports copy desk. She has worked closely with editors and reporters on elections, graduation issues and Impulse. They are also considering additional steps to continue their fight for the paper's future. The Newsday Editorial Board meets daily to discuss news events and ideas, and to reach a consensus position. Tim Drachlis takes on the role of Senior News Editor for the Sunday paper. Newsday had outsourced its printing and distribution operations to The New York Times plant in College Point last year as part of its downsizing. Kim quietly has been one of the mainstays on the Long Island desk since joining editorial in 1995. Morrow. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. congratulated him, walked around the newsroom and said his goodbyes. Because of the large volume of letters received, Newsday Letters Editor Anne Michaud cannot individually answer all of them. They're loyal to Newsday, in spite of its recent troubles, and the paper is still the dominant voice on its home turf. Ellen Yan, who has worked as an LI reporter, a Washington correspondent and in the city as education reporter, will join Business as a reporter. ", A Message From Newsday Employees to Tribune: "Stop the Cutbacks". [31] During the tenure of publisher Robert M. Johnson in the 1980s, Newsday made a major push into New York City. We strive to publish pieces that offer contrary or alternative views, written by authors with expertise on topics relevant to our readers. Marcin's data can either drive the story, or provide extra critical context to readers. Melville, NY, Join to apply for the Writer - Editorial role at Newsday Media Group. TO: The Staff Tania Padgett, formerly an editor in the Queens operation and a business reporter, joins Part 2 as a general assignment reporter. Jennifer Kelleher Long Island Antoinette McLoughlin Part 2 Contact Newsday | Get our free LIBN e-alerts & breaking news notifications! Candidates should also be comfortable providing video commentary and experienced in using social media. [14], A circulation scandal in 2004 revealed that the paper's daily and Sunday circulation had been inflated by 16.9% and 14.5%, respectively, in the auditing period September 30, 2002 to September 30, 2003. 324, fax: 212-221-9195, Purchase a page reproduction, go to Newsday pages Purchase a back issue of Newsday, call 631-843-3135, Newspaper programs: LI Arts Alliance Scholar Artists Awards, Life's Victories Newsday Charities (Help-A-Family) Kid's Campaign, non-profit grants requests) Newsday Marching Band Festival Email or call 631-843-2651. Ted Scala News Desk The company has forced us to replace much of our unique journalism with wire stories that can be found on the Internet. "It's undermining our ability to do good journalism, and good journalism is good business.". [17] In May 2008, News Corporation withdrew its bid,[18] and on May 12, 2008, Newsday reported that Cablevision would purchase the paper for $650 million. Please enable notifications or using normal browsing mode. With the Times Mirror-Tribune merger, the newspaper founded by Alicia Patterson was now owned by the company that was founded by her great-grandfather, Joseph Medill which owns the Chicago Tribune and, until 1991, also owned her father's Daily News. John will work closely with all desks throughout the day on developing strong packages and with the news/copydesk on layout packages. The editorial writers have areas of expertise and interest, or can be assigned an editorial. Mark is a recent graduate of Columbia University with experience in video editing, animation, web design and advertising. He's responsible for opinion content and leads the Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom . Steve Parks Part 2 His Japanese experience began when he spent his junior year in college at the International Division of Sophia University in Tokyo continuing through working the grill at the Kyoto izakaya, Kushihachi. Karen will take a lead in the rundowns and in working with the news editors and copydesk. Newsday's new home will be at 6-8 Corporate Center Drive Melville / Photo courtesy of The We're Group. She joined the Editorial Board in 2005, and two years later took over as its head. Julie Davis is a health and wellness content writer, working within all print and digital formats. She is especially focused on marketing operations, business development, strategy development and daily execution in her function at HealthDay. In what seems to be an attempt to demonstrate why they're reporters and not business experts, a group of over one hundred Newsday employees have sent a letter calling on "Tribune Co., Newsday's parent company, to invest in the newspaper's "creative, original journalism," while halting the widespread staff cuts and space trims that have hurt the paper, its readers and its advertiser." By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. He worked as interim real estate editor during the pandemic directing coverage during a crucial period for the Long Island real estate market. He once played semi-professional baseball in Switzerland, mostly because the Mets werent interested. After Maxwell's death in 1992, his publishing empire collapsed and Mortimer Zuckerman purchased the Daily News.) John Keating has been promoted to Senior Photo Editor. Finalists. She escaped again to attend Columbias Universitys Graduate School of Journalism and to work for Aol/Huffington Post Media Group in New York City, but missed the dramatic village and school board meetings and was back to work at Newsday in 2014.

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