oregon missing persons

Brief synopsis: Suzanne Justis traveled from her home in Eugene to Portland, Oregon on or around November 2, 1973. His family believes hes deceased and they held a memorial service for him in August 2011, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his disappearance. He spoke to his mother on a payphone on the day of his disappearance, and she stated their conversation was normal. He was said to have wandered away from the rave party at the campground at around 4.30 am and has not been seen since. Investigators have described Gracielas disappearance as suspicious. Residents of the home were allowed to come and go at will (this facility is no longer in operation), and she often took walks in the neighborhood. According to the witnesses, without provocation, the suspect attacked the victim with a knife and fled. Mysteriously, many of the people who would've known more about Jeremy's death have died - sometimes even in freak accidents - since then. Brief synopsis: Rebecca Reid, a store clerk at the Grocery Cart store, was last seen leaving the store with an unknown man (description above.) Fire and police investigators found the fire was deliberately set by a person or persons unknown. Alma mater. Whatever was going on here, Daming Xu has never been found or heard from again, and his ultimate fate remains unknown. In 2012, after emergency bowel resection surgery, she was prescribed Ativan. They were finally captured in 2003 and are serving time in prison. Someone whose whereabouts is unknown whatever the circumstances. She was sexually assaulted and strangled. Physical description at time of disappearance:5'3", 110 lbs, long light brown hair and blue eyes, Last location seen:Last seen in Portland, Oregon, near the Memorial Coliseum, Date and time last seen: November 5, 1973. The assailant may have had a nickname of "Red. Hours later, a person observed an unconscious person in a pickup parked at the tavern. Tim Svenson - Sheriff E-mail Sheriff's Office - Sheriff@co.yamhill.or.us 535 NE 5th Street, Rm 143 McMinnville, OR 97128-4531 Phone: (503) 434-7506 Newberg/Dundee Phone: (503) 554-7880 Margo Castro), Location of homicide: El Don Motel, 1140 West 6th Avenue. Her disappearance was profiled extensively in The Last Time . In the weeks prior to her disappearance, Parker had repeatedly wandered away from home and her psychotic symptoms appeared to be getting worse. A $10,500 reward is being offered for information in this case and Cynthia remains missing. 91 talking about this. ), Location of homicide: 1500 block of West 1st Avenue(Photo). Last Updated on September 14, 2021 by Danielle Denham. Now is the time to come forward, he said. The missingperson must bereported to alaw enforcement agency and the law enforcement agency will enterthat person into the LEDS/NCIC database as a missing person. If he was still alive at that point his odds did not look good since he had not been prepared for anything more than a leisurely day hike, wearing light clothing and carrying only a bottle of water and no backpack. Authorities investigated several possible sightings of Stephanie in the months following her disappearance, but none of the sightings were confirmed. Police Need Your Help Finding Possible Victims of Theft, Shawn Leone Missing Person Located in Pennsylvania. It was the same day Derrick went missing. It was not until November 15 that any other sign of Xu would be found, when the other half of Xus trail guide was found lying on the ground in a rugged, rocky, thickly wooded and steep area well off the designated trail. Graciela remains missing without a trace. Police are looking for information from anyone who saw Alvarez-Olivera in the early hours of July 17th at bar close and possibly in rural areas of Keizer, Brooks, Lake Labish, Silverton, Mt Angel, Scotts Mills, or Molala, Oregon during the morning of July 18th. Jeremy lived in Grants Pass, Oregon in 1986, but he had grown up in Myrtle Point and had many relatives living there. Parker may have attempted to travel back to Washington where she used to live. This list is maintained by the Oregon Missing Persons Project and is aggregated from multiple sources that include the Oregon State Police, Namus, Missing & Exploited Children, The Charley Project, and our own database. in eastern Lane County. A motive for killing Cynthia has not been released. Victim's physical description: White, 5'2" tall, 120 lbs, shoulder length brown hair, wearing wire rimmed glasses, turquoise blue pull-over sweater and blue jeans. Help us improve! East precinct: North precinct: 503-846-5570. Oregon Missing Persons is a page created to share the stories of the loved ones who have gone missing in the state of Oregon and our. No Longer Missing List. She had a belated birthday breakfast with her parents that morning and asked them to watch her children so she could go out that evening to a quinceanera with friends. It was also unlike her to just walk away from her business without any warning. ", Location of homicide: 433 West 8th Avenue, #3 (Photo), Date and time of homicide: Between May 24, 1:30 p.m. and May 25, 9:40 a.m., 1971. ORS Title 14, Procedure in criminal matters generally; Chapter 146, Investigations of Deaths, Injuries and Missing Persons; Section 146.181, Missing persons; police report; supplementary report. To this day, the man charged maintains his innocence and no one knows for sure what happened. Vicki Hollar's vehicle was described as a black 1965 Volkswagen Bug bearing Illinois license plates GR7738. He is White, 6'0" tall, 160, red hair, and green eyes. Although he was in his 60s, he was considered to be a reasonably experienced hiker who had been out along these trails numerous times and he was healthy and in good physical shape. The missing and murdered were close to their hearts; friends, family members, and high-profile cases that have captured the interest of national news. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. It was later determined that the phone pinged one final time off of a tower near Washington Bridge before it was shut off. Location of homicide: 247 Washington Street (n/s alley behind Rick's Down Under tavern). The other man in the minivan has been cleared of suspicion. Location of homicide: Peter Hutchings' body was found in the trunk of a rental vehicle at the Eugene Airport by an employee of the rental company (photo). Details released in Kimberly Lindsey's death. On 11/19/2011, David Michael Grubbs was walking home from work on a popular Ashland bike path when he was brutally murdered. It was ascertained that Peter Hutchings was involved in dealing cocaine and marijuana and may have been seeking payment that was due to him. (how to identify a Oregon.gov website) He was under no legal obligation to do any of those things, and his cooperation was not compelled in any manner. It is unclear if anything was seized during the searches of the home or property. What can you say about one of America's most prolific serial killers? 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Queen's Ghost, Small Lake Monster, Space Caterpillar and More Mysterious News Briefly, A Haunted Book and the Most Haunted Bookshop There Is. On August 14th, 1986, this 14-year old boy told his mother he was going to the Coos County Fair in Myrtle Point. The second victim was not seriously injured. Subscribe to get the latest news, offers and special announcements. Only share sensitive information on official, secure websites. Suspect's physical description:White male, late 20's to mid 30's in age, 5'9" tall, medium build, shoulder length brown hair, possibly a mustache with scruffy facial hair, wearing a dark baseball cap, shite short-sleeved shirt and blue jeans (see composite sketch. Cedar Wilkie Gillette is the District of Oregon's first appointed Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons . Especially because he terrorized the Pacific Northwest throughout the mid '70s. The post reads, [Gracielas husband] has consented to a search of his home and other property under his control, been interviewed on more than one occasion, provided DNA samples, etc. This list is maintained by Lane County Missing and is aggregated from multiple sources that include the Oregon State Police, Namus, Missing & Exploited Children, The Charley Project, and our own database. If it was so cold, then why would he remove these? On November 4 of 2007, University of Oregon mathematics professor Daming Xu set out on a day hike in Oregons Willamette National Forest in the vicinity of Olallie Mountain, in Oregon. He never did. Brief synopsis:The initial investigation revealed Peter Hutchings was involved in drug dealing and had flown to Eugene from Hawaii days prior to his murder. See more. Missing person and murder victim. Missing Children/Adults Clearinghouse Phone: 503-934-0188 Toll Free: 1-800-282-7155 ospmissingpersons@osp.oregon.gov To report a missing person call your local law enforcement agency. 146.177. The mission of the Missing Children/Adults Clearinghouse is to receive and distribute information on missing children and adults to local law enforcement agencies, school districts, state and federal agencies, and the public. They vanished on their way to catch the school bus in the morning. This list is maintained by the Oregon Missing Persons Project and is aggregated from multiple sources that include the Oregon State Police, Namus, Missing & Exploited Children, The Charley Project, and our own database. THE DALLES Ore. (KPTV) - The Dalles Police Department said a woman who was reported missing on Tuesday has been found. There is no way to tell at this moment, and the mystery remains. In Oregon specifically, there are 432 people missing. She is described as a loving mother who would not abandon her children. Two grown men can't simply disappear from the mountains five years apart. What happened to these people? Brief synopsis:Barbara Cunningham was discovered in her Eugene apartment by her mother who found her deceased. A pool of blood and prescription eyeglasses were observed near the vehicle. And really missing people is a . Her ears are pierced one time each in the lobe. Crime Stoppers of Oregon offers cash rewards for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in any unsolved felony crimes and tipsters can remain anonymous. He was working in the area as a farm laborer is considered a person of interest in this case. YEARS OLD. Maybe a horrific crime, a mysterious disappearance or perplexing oddity that has you shaking your head. At the time of her death, Barbara Cunningham was estranged from her husband who was living in Sweden. For instance, they said he would fail to show up to volunteer shifts, would stare into the distance by himself, and had difficulty following signs. She was subsequently diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. If you have any information about any of the cases listed, we strongly encourage you to contact the Jackson County Cold Case Team at (541) 774-6800. We know that he was here. The Lane County Sheriff's Office in Oregon is investigating. are there any updates on thomas patrick manion i am a friend and am very concerned. Oregon State Police: ask.osp@osp.oregon.gov; State Fire Marshal: oregon.sfm@osp.oregon.gov Report Something? Prineville police seek help finding missing woman, Betty Counts, 83, driving her white Infiniti EX3 with Oregon license plate 873 MNT, similar to one in photo. A possible vehicle involved was described as a late 70's or early 80's compact or mid-size pickup truck, white or light colored. Oregon Missing Persons is a page created to share the stories of the loved ones who have gone missing in the state of Oregon and our connecting states . Brief synopsis: Janet Shanahan was reported missing by her husband, Christopher Shanahan, after allegedly failing to return to their residence after a birthday party for a relative. There were items in the bag that we knew Mark had, and there were also things in there that stated they belonged to Mark, Douglas County Sheriffs Office spokesperson Sgt. Date and time of homicide: Walter Pirtle was attacked and killed around 4 a.m., on August 23, 1989. Thank you! Subscribe Today! Missing Children/Adults Clearinghouse. His index finger was broken at the time of his . FBI list of 43 unsolved missing cases of people under the age of 21. Submit Missing Person. This is a list of people that are missing from County, Oregon. The vehicle he was using was found broken down on HWY . None of these stories have been substantiated, but the Coos County Sheriff believes he died the day he was last seen. Suzanne told her mother she would return home the next day (November 6) to pick up her 5-year-old son at school. Refreshed: 2021-07-09 There was no sign of a forced entry. and since 1997 there have been over around 300 people officially listed as missing in the wilderness of the state, according to the Oregon Office of . She had the previous night dated a known acquaintance and they went to a drive-in movie. Location of homicide:15 Division Avenue (Photo), Date and time of homicide:March 24, 8 p.m., to March 26, 7 p.m., 1999. They would be the last ones who ever saw him. Jeremys mother thinks his body is somewhere in Coos County. Christopher Shanahan had not attended the party with his wife. Missing Person: Scott Matthew Sells. This is a list of missing persons from Oregon that have photos. Looking for Jacob Riopelle 23 yr old white male approx. Lane County Sheriffs Office Search and Rescue K9 and ground teams have been searching the area where his vehicle was found. 0:57. Read Article. Reporting Portland and Vancouver area breaking news and weather stories to make Oregon and Southwest Washington a better place . Saturday marks the sixth anniversary of the disappearance of Kyron Horman, who was last seen at Skyline School in Portland. Evans locked her purse inside the trunk of the brides car and spent a short time inside the lounge before she told her friends she had to make a quick trip to Warrenton, Oregon to pick something up, and would be back in an hour. Guidelines for posting to this page: Post a photo or flyer if you have one, in the description please include the following: *Name of MP (Missing Pe . Suspect #1 was described as a white male, early 20s, 150 lbs, and suspect #2 was described as a white male, early 20s, 140-150 lbs. Judy is 51-53 and weighed around 120 lbs. After two more days passed without any sign of her, Gracielas other daughter filed a missing persons report on November 11th, 2019. We know that at some point after Davids murder he left to go to the Portland area, Ashland Police Chief Tighe OMeara stated. Over the following two weeks, massive search efforts ensued. Cause of death: Blunt force trauma from multiple strikes to his head with a club and stabbed with a knife. Serena enjoys learning about language and culture and taking road trips with her beagle Ralph. Some of the volunteers that had been working with him stated that they had noticed some behavior that was concerning. Doesnt that seem an odd and grueling way to go about it, especially considering the weather conditions? Location of homicide: 310 East 17th Avenue, #7. Six weeks have passed since Parrish and Tina Bryson's son went missing from a campground in Oregon and they fear something terrible has happened . Investigators never determined how she ended up in the water, but plaster casts of tennis shoe prints were taken from the mud nearby. He pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to life in prison. "Mikefrancke" by Francke family - Rob Taylor. Brief synopsis:The Eugene Police Department was notified about an unconscious man in a champagne colored 1996 4-door Honda Accord parked in the parking lot at the Office Max business. An official website of the State of Oregon , Missing Children/Adults ClearinghousePhone: 503-934-0188Toll Free: 1-800-282-7155ospmissingpersons@osp.oregon.gov. The motive for setting the fire remains unknown. The A 68-page report spells out everything investigators did from the moment Kimberly Lindsey was reported missing -- all the way up until her ex-husband, Albert Lambert, was found dead in Miami. Date and time of homicide:Octaviano Zaragoza was assaulted during the late hours of Halloween night, October 31, 1992, or early morning hours of November 1, 1992. About the Oregon Missing Persons Project - Oregon Missing . Or, a Top Secret Human Experiment Gone Wild? He never showed up at their meeting place and has never been seen again. Family was concerned that Mark was experiencing some sort of medical event. We aremandated by law tomaintain a missing children clearinghouse. One of two missing kayakers has been found dead on the Long Tom River near Monroe. Former Bend Police Chief Emil Moen told the Bend Bulletin in 1985, I think that when we came down tonot the end because a murder investigation never endsthere were three persons that the investigators thought could be the guilty person, but we didnt have enough evidence to prosecute. Procedures for investigating missing persons. Of course, not only women are missing, as there are so many children and men missing too. She left at 9:30 p.m. without taking her purse and never returned. A female resident first denied knowing Alvarez but admitted later that the man was her husband. Courtesy Photo The body of Deborah Jean Williams, 50, was positively identified on Dec. 13 by an investigation conducted by the Atascosa County Sheriff's Office (ACSO), the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Rangers that began on Nov. 24. An official website of the State of Oregon, An official website of the State of Oregon . He is known to have short, reddish facial hair as well. Parent (s) Greg and Cammy Wilberger. Investigation revealed Ball suffered multiple blows to his head with a blunt-instrument. Brooke Carol Wilberger (February 20, 1985 - May 25, 2004) was an American student from the state of Oregon who was abducted and later murdered. Brief synopsis: Azucena Terrazas was the sole employee working at a money transfer business in Eugene. Date and time of homicide: November 30, 1970, between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Brief synopsis: Manny Grossbach, owner of two Eugene bar and grill establishments, was found deceased in his white 1969 Ford van. Relatives of Nelda Louise Hardwick of Lake Charles, La., believe she is the one buried as Jane Doe in St. Joseph Cemetery in coastal Mississippi's Hancock County, which borders Louisiana. Judy was a popular Bend High School student and homecoming princess. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Serena Maria Daniels is an award-winning freelance journalist in Detroit, by way of Chicago, by way of the West Coast. Brad ODell said. He called 9-1-1 and police patrol units responded to the scene where it was determined that Reid had been abducted. First there is the fact that the average June temperatures of the area are not particularly harsh, averaging around 70 degrees, and Dutton had been an experienced outdoorsman and veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard who had been well prepared for his trek. His camping gear was left behind and he hasn't accessed his bank account. It doesn't make sense. If it wasn't suicide, then how did this seasoned hiker and camper go missing only to turn up dead 4 years later practically right on top of where he went missing and just 100 feet from the trail he had come in on, despite searches in that area, all while minus his jacket and shirt and displaying no form of physical trauma? This list is maintained by Lane County Missing and is aggregated from multiple sources that include the Oregon State Police, Namus, Missing & Exploited Children, The Charley Project, and our own database. Oldest MissingPerson. Delaurentiis is now serving a life sentence at the Oregon State Penitentiary but won't talk to police about the Grubbs case. Gracielas son was surprised when his stepfatherGracielas husbandshowed up with food instead. #BringAbigaelHome ::: Anybody in Oregon, WE NEED YOUR HELP in finding Abigael Bellows, 22-years-old, last seen swimming in the middle fork of the Willamette . Information about the Eugene Police Department cold cases reported to Crime Stoppers of Oregon may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,500. Hardwick went missing in 1993. Questions or tips can be directed to OSPMissingPersons@osp.state.or.us or you can call our toll free number at 800-282-7155. MISSING PEOPLE WITHOUT PHOTOS. Contact the Ashland Police Department at 541-552-2333 if you have any information regarding this case. If you have ANY information regarding Fauna Frey or her whereabouts, call the tip-line (541)-359-5638 or email [emailprotected]. Missing Persons - Recent Changes. Missing for 29 years, 6 months and 22 days. Near the body were found his backpack, two cans of bear repellent spray, a bear bell used to ward off the animals, and his cell phone. Brief synopsis: Sharon Hiller was last seen alive after completing her dancing shift at the Alaska Bush Company nightclub. This list is maintained by the Oregon Missing Persons Project and is aggregated from multiple sources that include the Oregon State Police, Namus, Missing & Exploited Children, The Charley Project, and our own database. Robbery Detail. Police Need Your Help Finding Possible Victims of Theft, Shawn Leone Missing Person Located in Pennsylvania. His case remains unsolved. 7 talking about this. NamUs Program. In the past few two decades communication has made it easier to keep in touch with and track persons, allowing missing person reports to fall by over 40%. To find a missing person click on the first letter of his Last Name. Later she was sighted getting gas at a station outside Astoria, Oregon. Angelica, Cynthias mother, was told that the van likely belonged to a man named Jaime Alvarez-Olivera and she went to his home to question him. The tiger tattoo covers her appendectomy scar and its claws touch the hysterectomy scar. See more. Are they perhaps linked in some way, and if so how? Date and time of homicide: March 1, 1975, between 8:30 p.m. and 10:45 p.m. Brief synopsis: Margo Ascencio's body was found in a motel room. Victim: Maynard (Manny) Francis Grossbach, Location of homicide: Inside parked van on street in front of 844 Jefferson Street (photo). County refers to the county the missing person was living in at the time of their disappearance. Stan told the police he found her car the morning after her disappearance in the parking lot of a department store in McMinnville. He wasnt cooperative with the investigation into Jeremys disappearance, and in January 1988, he stabbed a woman to death. You can also contact Dr. Vance to ask about the status of a case, or . This is a list of RECENT (last 3 days) additions and removals from the Oregon missing persons list. Seller was accosted by one or more suspects and stabbed multiple times by his assailant(s). MISSING PERSONS. He and his sister separated at 2:00 p.m., agreeing to meet up again near the ferris wheel at 5:00. The Washington State Patrol Missing and Unidentified Persons Unit (MUPU) will provide a poster with photo for an active missing adult ONLY when requested by a family member/legal guardian or the law enforcement agency handling the investigation. Derricks parents camped in the area, and more than 10,000 hours were spent by hundreds of volunteers. There are multiple thoughts as to what happened to Jeremy, including being used as rifle target practice as he swam in the local lake. After law enforcement began a search for Derrick, they discovered a crude snow shelter made of fir branches beneath a few fallen logs. Video shows Fauna leaving the Super 8 between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. on June 29 with her bags, but according to her father, she never made it to the Weasku Inn where she had made a reservation. By subscribing, you're accepting to receive newsletters and promotions. This is a list of people that were but are NO LONGER considered missing in Oregon. The search is still on for 76-year-old Ralph Brown. Small footprints were found in the snow, leading around in a loop from where he was last seen, up to a clearing near the road where a childs snow angel was discovered imprinted in the snowy ground. Her vehicle has never been located. Contact the Ashland Police Department at 541-552-2333 if you have any information regarding this case. The Eugene Police Department currently has more than 60 cold cases classified as homicides and missing persons. Alvarez may have fled to Mexico but authorities will not confirm if they are searching for him there. Sign up for monthly emails full of local travel inspiration and fun trip ideas. He left his keys and wallet behind at his stepfathers home, as well as a watch hed bought recently. These are just a few of the many strange vanishings to have happened in the wilds of Oregon, and since 1997 there have been over around 300 people officially listed as missing in the wilderness of the state, according to the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, and although we have looked at a couple of the more high profile and odder of these cases there are many others. By 2019, both of Gracielas daughters were grown and living on their own, but Graciela still spoke to them daily. Location of homicide: Cross Street, west of Maple Street (Photo), Date and time of homicide:Between April 21, 11:30 p.m., to April 23, 6 a.m., 1969. She was headed to her own job at the Georgia-Pacific plant in Halsey, OR. In the days that followed Marks disappearance, volunteers, local firefighters, a search and rescue team and K9s yielded nothing. Furthermore, there had been no sudden storms in the area, harsh weather, or anything else that would have provided a sudden challenge, and he was nowhere near water, so how could he die of hypothermia? Police believe David had been deceased less than a half-hour before his body was found. Early in the investigation, a witness claimed to have seen an unidentified man struggling with a young boy in the area later during the day Engebretson disappeared. The exact location where he was killed is unknown. She had been last seen on the evening of Feb. 1, 1962, parking her 1955 Ford sedan along Riverside Boulevard around 10 p.m. An autopsy revealed that she had been struck in the head 13 times, and evidence at the scene showed that Reeder was dragged to an area near the rock retaining wall of the pond. When he went missing, Derrick was wearing a snowsuit and had a small hatchet with him; it appeared that he may have been attempting to start a fire as small pieces of chopped wood were also found nearby. If you have any information about Judy Parker, please call her daughter 541-501-0802. By late that evening, a blizzard hit, obliterating evidence and chances of finding Derrick. Location of homicide: South bank of the Willamette River in Skinner Butte Park near the Greenway Footbridge (near N. Polk Street and Bailey Lane). EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. -- Missing their top two running backs, their top two tight ends and their starting right guard, the Minnesota Vikings reached their highest point total since 1998 when they upset a Philadelphia Eagles team in the midst of a division title race, 48-30, at Mall of America Field on Sunday. Derricks mom Lori is convinced her son was abducted. PORTLAND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The car of a Portland woman missing since Monday on a planned drive to Redmond was found Friday off Highway 26, a family member confirmed, declining further comment. According to his parents, Derrick grew up in the mountains and was used to walking distances upward of 20 miles in steep terrain. Investigators also said Grubbs didnt appear to have any defensive wounds, and that his wallet and money were left in his pocket. She had been attacked viciously and suffered stab wounds all over her body. Your browser is out-of-date! SHARE. He was close to his sister and it would have been uncharacteristic of him to abandon her, and he did not take his wallet or extra clothes when he went missing. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan.

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