Although systemic recovery is still affected by each workout more time is allowed for local recovery. He was at rep 15 and Arthur walked into the gym with a couple of people. That fourth repetition will be a bear, but you should be able to finish it which will build your confidence for your next workout. That curveball sent Martina scrambling for a phone. Then his brother died two DAYS later at age 47. The website's content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. Joness personal form when he trained himself was impeccable. Number of Bodybuilders Using High Intensity Training. Here is Mike Mentzer's chest routine: 1. Im grateful that Ive spent as much time as I have with both Jones and Hutchins. But I heard about his visit from Jones, Viator, and Larry Gilmore. Bill Pearl was a major influence on Rays bodybuilding. High Intensity Training Mike and Ray Mentzer Style So long as full effort can be engendered, 100% of strength and endurance capabilities can be exhausted with isometric exercise. The New Bodybuilding for Old-School results is sold out, but we can point you toward . Is the science of microtrauma and its alleged role in hypertrophy well understood? During the 10 years that Ken worked at Nautilus, he and I were involved in four major strength-training and fat-loss projects, as well as dozens of Nautilus-related seminars and workshops. Viator had never experienced a workout like Jones put him through and Jones had never exercised anyone with Viators genetic potential. In the end for me, I consider him a genius in his principles (as well as Yates, Jones, Viator, Ray Mentzer). . . This is where his training progressed. Instead, he announced that combating successfully what was on the interior was the final test of a Nautilus obstacle course, and let her enter ahead of him. This is something I will be covering in the book, with references. Mike Mentzer's Real Workout Routine & Diet Plan Mike Mentzer Workout: Complete Guide - The Barbell On a beach, Ray and Mike Mentzer engage in some joint flexing. An erudite man, Mentzer recorded his training thoughts in journals not normally given to science, publicly crediting his improvement in 1976 to an increase in training intensity. Leg Curl Breakdown (one drop in weight) Actual experience on this routine will reveal a growth-indicating pump in the upper arms and forearms every workout. Ken was sitting next to me and we began sorting through our strength-training slides, since we had both given talks using a 35mm-slide projector earlier in the day. It wasnt unusual for Jones to discuss various deals with well-known athletes, or their agents. Of course, the lower back is also stimulated because it is involved in the move. But Ken often strength trained with the team and was significantly stronger than the top players. Wrist curl1 1/4 reps He quickly competed in and won the Junior Mr. America and IFBB Mr. America competitions. Heavy Duty: Mike Mentzer's Most Productive Routine, by John Little Super-Slow - Take a full 10 seconds to perform the positive part of the reps and four seconds for the negative. For this discussion, though, I'm considering conventional equipment which restricts most large-muscle moves to multijoint exercises. When Casey trained himself, according to Jones, he gradually lost muscle and got fatter. Ellington Darden: Hes Andy McCutcheon and hes been using HIT principles since 1988, when he trained at Dorian Yatess gym in Birmingham, England. We bid him good night and invited him to visit us the next day at the Nautilus headquarters, if time allowed. - 8 day rest - Day 3. The materials are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. Drew Baye: Can you tell me more about this NTF workout. I should make a minor correction: the exercises that give me really vicious soreness are the isokinetic exercises, like the drawer-handle biceps-curls I mentioned on another thread. It was portable so they used it from station to station on a Marcy Multi-unit (similar to a Universal Machine). High Intensity Training Versus High Volume Training. In late 1967, Alexander invited Hutchins and me to his wedding and at the reception afterward, Ken began talking to me about strength training and bodybuilding. Sorry for the humungous post Drew; hope it is useful. Tag: Ray Mentzer. He retired at age 29 and switched to training other bodybuilders. It felt like we were in the middle of an old-fashioned tent revival. Ray Mentzer Workout How To Increase Muscle Density Day One Thats right, Ray Mentzer did single leg extensions in a normal positive-negative manner with 290 pounds, which is equivalent to handling 580 pounds with both legs. In actuality, Rays workouts were limited to 45 minutes. Pull downs - 1 x 8 reps Bergers Disease had been contracted by him. - 6 day rest - Day 2. HIT, of course, is the system of high-intensity training developed by Arthur Jones and codified and popularized by Darden, who was director of research for Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries, the company Jones founded, for more than 20 years. Mike and Ray are genetic oddities, and I never imagined theyd turn out the way they did. Ellington Darden: Mike moved to Lake Helen, Florida, in 1983 and worked for Nautilus approximately 6 months. So, Jones refocused on his personal training, cracked the whip as only he could, and Casey responded. They favored lower reps so it was different than the way someone like Platz and Casey generated intensity. He won both the AAU Mr. America and the IFBB Mr. America and year later in 1978. The latest statistics from the Sports Goods Manufacturers Association reveals that approximately 20,000,000 males in the United States are actively involved in bodybuilding and strength training. Ray had massive 20-inch arms and 30-inch thighs. This would enable him to repair the muscular tissue that had been damaged by using really heavy weights and working through set failure. Stiff-legged Deadlift Ray made at least one appearance at the Ephrata Rec Center, signing autographs for fans. Likewise, some of us even recall the few pictures published of a 19-year-old Mentzer in York the year Casey Viator won the AAU Mr. America. Is that correct? Assuming you understand the meaning of deep commitment and very hard work, that routine will guide you to significant gains. Platz sets seemed to last forever and be more painful whereas Mike and Rays sets were shorter with lower reps. Ray really liked stutter reps where as Mike liked rest pause reps. Much of it depended on where they were training, who they were training with and what equipment was available to them. Wed effectively double team Cooper and help him understand exercise, generally and specifically, and then share with him the advantages of strength training on Nautilus equipment. Spillane was younger, 21, lighter, 132 pounds, and had less genetic potential than did Hudlow. Posted on Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 by John Wood. Drew Baye: So, instead of Jones training Viator for 10 months prior to the 1971 Mr. American, it was more like 6 months. Employ forced reps when possible. During the competition, Mike and Arnold had a bitter argument that was never settled, and worse, continued to fester. It's easy to drift away from high intensity principles. Machine Pullover or Dumbbell and Cable Pullovers Together. When I was around Mike, we got along fine. Instead, the book was assigned to Carol Angstadt, of Rodales womens publishing group, who had never before been involved with a bodybuilding book. Ellington Darden: People ask him that all the time, and Ill shoot straight with you. Of course Grimek and Reeves stood out, but so did Steve Stanko, Mr. America 1944, who was more massive than Grimek. Why? Finally, Jones informed Ray that once he was back in Lake Helen, to give the lady a tour starting with the barn. Four years passed . Ray, like other great bodybuilders, developed a love for the sport of lifting early in life. Franco Columbu was also an amateur boxer, and like his good friend Arnold Schwarzenegger, a movie star. High-intensity training (HIT) is a form of strength training popularized in the 1970s by Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus.The training focuses on performing quality weight training repetitions to the point of momentary muscular failure.The training takes into account the number of repetitions, the amount of weight, and the amount of time the muscle is exposed to tension in order to . MIKE MENTZER - The Untold Story - Muscular Development And laugh all the way to the big-shirt store! 2. Without getting into the finer points of the SuperSlow philosophy, I want to say simply: Ken Hutchins carefully studied repetition form, which was and is a subset of HIT, and turned it into a full-fledged business. Once he had reached that stage, Ray would ask his workout partner to assist him in performing another 2 to 3 forced reps while maintaining slow, precise form and controlling the weight. We both tried at least a half-dozen times each, to wedge a comment into Coopers dissertation. (By the way, I agreed with Mikes assessment.) "The secret, if there is one, is high intensity. After working with McCutcheon for week, I knew hed be ideal to use for The New High-Intensity Training. It is thus very interesting to see Mentzer putting his own heavy duty training program in action. Bodybuilding Titles Won At the planned 10-minute mark, I walked over. After years of competition, Mike decided to quit his competitive career and concentrate on new projects in 1982. McCutcheon trains by himself in his basement. Dip He played defensive tackle and was about 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 230 pounds. In the summer of 1979, if you had viewed an upstart, 27-year-old philosopher and former pre-med student with the alliterative name Mike Mentzer as he prepared to make his Olympia debut by trading sets with his youngest brother Ray (who won that year's Mr. America), it would've looked like some sort of madness. Plus, I had a fairly good setup in my parents garage, and when I visited my parents during the holidays and summer, Hutchins would often join me for workouts. (Delicious, Fresh, and Simple to make), Who is Michael Deluise? Forced negs had the same effect. Ray had become a full-time competitor by the age of 23. HIT training w/deads can be brutal, squats are equally brutal. Leg curl - 1 x 16 reps Ellington Darden: I certainly did. Here's the EXACT CYCLE that MIKE MENTZER used to win the 1980 Universe They can also be produced synthetically or Robert Kennedy Memorial @ Casa Del Mar, Santa Monica By Jerry Fredrick, 10 Signs Your Testosterone May Be Too Low, 4 Ways Sugar Does Harm To Your Body and What To Do, Top 10 Best Partner Workout Exercises for Valentines Day, Workout and Diet Like Kang the Conqueror: Jonathan Majors, Fuel Your Muscles: Top 16 Best High-Protein Foods, New Year Resolution Tips | Guide for Beginners. The other key component of HIT is the low workout volume. I had a tremendous pump throughout my upper body. Breakdowns - This practice involves stripping off about 10% of the resistance you're using and grinding out a few more reps. You can opt to drop the poundage once or twice a week, depending on how much intensity you're ready for. Binges on spoonfuls of butter straight from the carton. Ray neglected to tell Martina that there were dangerous crocodiles inside. MIKE MENTZER: "MY HEAVY DUTY WORKOUT ROUTINE" - YouTube Height: 5'9" With each contest, his proportions swelled, and fans stated at every "heavy duty" photograph they could find in the magazines. Pullover (Cooper was speaking at a hospitals grand opening the next morning.) Proper strength training, we felt, was more than an adequate way to work the muscles and heart. Born: Benny Podda told me they would have five and six guys and squat for hours (how many hours was never defined), multiple sets, long rest periods, etc. As you stated, however, theres a place for timed static contractions in exercising people who have certain limitations. Then, he discusses how he merged his experiences into his latest publication, The New High Intensity Training Introduction Today, I live approximately 25 miles from Ken. Shrug Rest 2 to 3 minutes Created by, Ray Mentzer Diet Plan, Workout Routine, Exercise, Body Measurements, - Rate us if you are a Food Lover ( High-intensity training - Wikipedia 1-2 Sets of 6-8 Reps. Yates Barbell Row or One Arm Cable Row. Wrist Curl, Day Two I trained him multiple times. A Look at High Intensity Bodybuilding: Mike & Ray Mentzer (Download Thus, Viator moved from Louisiana to Florida during the latter part of June 1970. Ellington Darden: Lou Schuler, who was recently appointed editor of Rodales newest magazine called, Mens Health MUSCLE, asked me the same question a while back. What was Mike Mentzer workout routine? - Book Revise He passed away in 2001 at 49-years-old due to a heart attack. The exact physiological processes aren't completely clear, but what happens on a muscle-training level is clear. bussard_collector 1 yr. ago. Ellington Darden: I like SuperSlow. What was Ray Mentzer's arm training routine? Thats an average of 2.85 pounds of muscle a day for 14 days. We had been steam-rolled, and worse captivated somehow by what we heard. Seriously, I know that most people will have great difficulty even locating a knowledgeable trainer, much less ever getting a personal training session from Arthur Jones. Ray won the title of IFBB Mr. USA in 1978. Or a training partner with a watch can talk your through each phase. All of us should strive to win back those previous HIT believers. After Ray retired from completion he continued to workout with his high intensity training approach he called "Intensity For Immensity" and reached a peak body weight of 270 pounds in fairly lean condition. If they had two or three guys they would do negatives and incorporate stutter reps. Rest pause can be incorporated without too much outside assistance or energy expended for training partners if you have the right machines and even with free weights on some exercises like barbell curls, laterals, etc. Ray thought that by using these techniques to extend his time under tension, he would improve his muscle growth. Start your reps immediately with each breakdown; don't spend an extra moment as a breather. Important, you must have a clock or a watch with a second hand that you can place in plain sight. When an intermediate or advanced bodybuilder finds himself on a plateau, he is wise to consider cutting back on workout volume, while reasserting his commitment to a high intensity of effort. Viator lived nearby so Lerille invited him over to talk with Jones and go though a workout. Ray learned that Mike had severe cardiac problems while he was waiting for the kidney transplant, and Mike passed away on June 10th, 2001 as a result. I think that a little articulateness goes a long way here; the standard is way above that of the average muscle-mag and the result is a more penetrating Q&A that the reader can draw useful conclusions from Darden expresses himself well. Divide the movement into thirds. Staying off stages for most of the rest of the decade, Viator worked for Jones at Nautilus until 1978. Arthur Jones noted more than 30 years ago that negative-work potential was perhaps the most important aspect of the muscle-building process. Once I saw her creative design and layout, I realized that she had leapfrogged significantly my other bodybuilding books. When Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu visited the Nautilus headquarters in mid-November 1970, Viator weighed 215 pounds and impressed both of the professional champions. We read the sarcastic and bitter attacks of strength coaches and naturally gifted weightmen who try to tell us that everyone knows that one-set-to-failure is an exercise philosophy that never really worked. If you can accomplish 4 repetitions with this weight in 120 seconds, youll be ready to add the two pre-exhaustion exercises before you do the leg press. Answer: To paraphrase Arthur Jones, Rather than the best, Ill tell you the one that I like the least, which will be the routine that I need the most.. One reason the squat is considered such a great overall exercise is the sheer volume of muscle the movement exercises. Hardcore Contender - Mike Mentzer | Muscle & Fitness To this day, Im a firm believer in strength training the neck, for both athletes and nonathletes. In peak condition, Caseys right arm was 19-5/16 inches, Olivas was 20-1/8 inches, and Coes was 18-7/16 inches. Actually, the personal-training part was much less than that. There is a lot of research on microtrauma and hypertrophy. Drew Baye: Besides Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, and Mike Mentzer, who are some of the other big-name bodybuilders that you worked with? As a general rule I dont recommend stopping an exercise short of momentary muscular failure and instead recommend allowing extra days for recovery or doing a workout just focused on smaller muscle groups which wont affect recovery as much. Ray kept up his arduous training in 1983 while utilizing different programs. Mike Mentzer Workout Routine and Diet Plan - Fitness Clone I recommend his books and training principles, but I do not advocate is maintance routine. !,especially now that hes dead and kept on raving about Casey Viator. Join the discussion or ask questions about this post in the HIT List forum. And when you actually train with high-intensity, you don't need a lot of volume," Arthur Jones said. Ray would approach failure after the ninth rep because the weight would be too heavy. Learn all you can about what motivates you. Who knows? Sitting about 30 yards away was a man who was also examining slides and arranging them in a carousel. Ray Mentzer Workout How To Increase Muscle Density Ray Mentzer Bodybuilder Ray Mentzer (brother of Mike Mentzer) was Mr. USA 1978 and Mr. America 1979. He started his fitness journey at the age of 12 and became a phenomenal bodybuilder. Also, Im in the process of updating my Web site, which was called Classic X. Mike Mentzer died in 2001 at 49. He has a Bowflex Ultimate machine and he uses it two or three times a week. Rest 2 to 3 minutes Mike was 11 years old, while Ray was 9 years old. According to Ray, he got more attention at the airport than Martina did, the dirty car turned her off, and the ride back to Lake Helen was hot, both in temperature and in conversation. According to him, 1-2-3 diets (fat-carb-protien)aminos, vitamins, and a strict training routine is much much better than juice. Remembered for their contributions to bodybuilding and their influence on how people train forever. Arthur Jones frequently said that when he trained Viator, Casey got bigger and leaner, by the day. Drew Baye: How many bodybuilders do you figure are interested in HIT? 1978 IFBB Mr. USA Today, he weighs a lean 220 pounds and has muscular forearms, thick wrists, and a vise-like grip. There we were: Ken Hutchins and Ellington Darden kneeling at the feet of Dr. Kenneth Cooper, while he lectured to us on aerobic exercise. Back. To be specific: Hit: 100kg- 140kg squat 4 reps - long time Starting strength: 100kg - 170kg squat 5 reps - 4 months. His greatest asset was his physical strength. Since then, hed regretted not speaking up. Drew Baye: That 18-1/2 pounds of muscle built by David Hudlow in two weeks seems almost too good to be true. And of course, lets not forget about that middle 68 percent, the wishy-washy majority, who have trouble believing seriously in any training philosophy for very long. Legs. Drew Baye: Shoot straight with us. This was largely because of his new training regimen, Heavy Duty Training, which was developed by Mike Mentzer, his older brother by 21 months. Rest 2 minutes . In this interview the author of the best-selling Nautilus book series retraces his early training days with Arthur Jones and Casey Viator and talks about some of the golden-age bodybuilders who inspired him. As a result, I gave him some articles by Arthur Jones to ponder. Make them alternate days, and try to rest on your off days. Mentzer wrote several books about weight training. Hutchins was going to ease over and take a seat beside Cooper. Filmed in the gym late at night, they blast their way through their display workout routines with heavy weights which are a little less than they would normally use. That year he also took part in AAU Mr. America and placed at 10th. Who is he? When Ray had the Muscle Mill in Redondo Beach, there was a guy named Ross who worked for Universal Studio as a stage manan experienced machinist. Use about half the weight (50 percent) that youd normally use. Mentzer won the Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia titles with perfect 300 scores in 1978 and 1979, respectively. For those recommendations to come close to producing maximum results, the trainee would have to extremely big, strong, and advanced. Breakfast. But it wasnt until Jones started experimenting and writing about negative work in 1972, that any bodybuilder took it seriously. Reduce your resistance 30% and your reps about half of normal. Mike Mentzer Workout Routine . He seemed to be in a perpetual training drift, looking for someone or something to take his oars and row him to shore. Ellington Darden: Jones said he had every intention of training his legs, but when he arrived he had a bit of a chest cold. But perhaps more importantly, research shows that with that sliding 8 percent, if there was a unified HIT push, it could rather quickly increase back 16 percent, or 3,200,000 trainees. At the age of 18 he started competing in physique competitions, and two years later in . Dumbell Flye As you can see, my book is distinct from the others. This can be carried to a logical extreme. The Private Side of Mike Mentzer - NECKBERG Mike Mentzer Diet Plan, Workout Routine, Exercise, Body Measurements Mike & Ray Mentzer - Gym Workout (Download) - GMV Bodybuilding Then release it for another positive. 2 Sets of 6-8 Reps. Bent-Over Barbell Row (Mentzer Style) or Wide Grip Cable Row. This is a reposting from 2004, during which time I was still working with Hutchins at the SuperSlow Zone. Mike Mentzer: Mr. Heavy Duty - The Bodybuilding Archive
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